View Full Version : Fire and Lightning (Sonzai, Neepik)

Jun 7th, 2003, 07:32:49 PM
"I've taught each of you Force Sense, Boost, and Telekinesis. Now, I'll be teaching you my specialty: altering the Force and creating fire and lightning."

He rolls off the tree branch with a sigh.

"This'll be your last lesson before I have to leave, so any skills beyond this must be found on your own. Alright?"

Jun 19th, 2003, 08:49:17 PM
Neepik grinned. Inu's ability to create lightning was what made Neepik so interested in learning about the Force in the first place.

"I;m ready."

Sonzai Kurai
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:55:24 PM
Sonzai raised one eyebrow ever so slightly, wondering what was up but knew better than to ask.

"I'm ready as well."

Jun 19th, 2003, 09:11:35 PM
Inu rolls his neck and shoulders to loosen them up.

"Firstly, find the Force. Creating fire is much easier than lightning, so you'll be learning that first. Shut your eyes and see your anger and hatred as a flame. It shouldn't be too hard...seeing how it boils and rages within each of you."

Jun 20th, 2003, 08:06:43 PM
Neepik's eyes glow a brilliant, laser red. A deep growl was born deep inside the monster's chest, growing and expanding, bubbling up into his throat and the back of his mouth. At last the growl found his lips and boiled over into the air. It was a deafening roar that made birds burst from the trees for miles around.

Images of people's stares and expressions of fear and hatred flickered in front of his eyes until Neepik couldn't tell if they were just images or if they were real people.

The giant took another deep breath and stretched out his hands. A flame flickered in his palm before snuffing out.


Sonzai Kurai
Jun 21st, 2003, 08:33:26 PM
Sonzai watched for a moment, wondering how easy it really was. She shut her eyes and concentrates on the force energy within. She's more relaxed, she doesn't feel the yelling to be necessary, her hands rested simply on the log she sat on. Smoke began to rise from the log and she opened her eyes and removed her hands, looking at the marks where her hands were.

Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:05:16 PM
Neepik has actually produced fire, but judging by the way he snuffed the flame, it can't have been enough to burn someone alive, as it is meant to. Sonzai has achieved the necessary effect, as her log is burning nicely, but she has produced no flame, only heat. Just as useful in close quarters, but not the purpose of the exercise.

"Not bad for a first shot. I've gathered some dead limbs...light them on fire."

He gestures a few piles of rotted plantlife forward and places them in equal piles before the pair.

Sonzai Kurai
Jun 26th, 2003, 08:46:24 PM
She sighed, she would just have to concentrate harder it seemed. She stooped over in front of her pile of wood and closed her eyes. For awhile nothing happened and Sonzai started to get annoyed. The big alien did it so why couldn't she produce a flame. Suddenly without noticing it, she set the wood ablaze in her sudden anger. Feeling heat, she opened her eyes, wondering how she had done that.

Jun 29th, 2003, 07:56:42 PM
Neepik focused his eyes on the twigs. Heat from Sonzai had made them set on fire. More twigs were lying nearby. Fear and anger swelled up in his chest. The anxiety that was building up inside at the thought that Sonzai might best him was a little much to bear. Neepik bared his teeth and put his hand out and in his mind several images of Sonzai burning and screaming allieviated this pressure somewhat.

By now neepik had forgotten that the twigs were only twigs. In their place he found Sonzai. Not the real Sonzai, but the one in his head. He grinned and placed his hand over the twigs that were Sonzai. A few embers dribbled from his fingertips and set the sticks on fire. Neepik cackled with glee at the image in his head. He was enjoying himself immensly.

"Burn! Blaze!"

Jun 30th, 2003, 01:32:08 PM
"That's it...fill your target with your anger and it will smolder, just as the emotion does when you keep it bottled in your hearts. However, flame is also similar to rage in that once it is free, it cannot be easily recontained. Quell these flames. Recall your anger to you and leave not a trace of heat behind."

Jul 4th, 2003, 10:33:34 AM
Neepik hissed through clenched teeth. He didn't want to stop. then it occured to him: let up for a moment, then return to the torture. The giant smiled and pent up his anger, keeping himself entertained by his imagination.

Sonzai Kurai
Jul 9th, 2003, 04:18:07 PM
Sonzai raised an eyebrow to Neepik but did as she was told, though quelling her thoughts wasn't easy. Her flames flickered a bit as she concentrated until finally sputtering out.

Jul 9th, 2003, 09:13:07 PM
"Excellent. These plants are easily engulfed with flames, but targets such as Jedi will not spontaneously burst into flame. They're more resilient, believe it or not. If you wanted to hurt someone with it, ignite their clothing or hair. Do you feel up to one last exercise?"

Jul 9th, 2003, 09:17:33 PM
Neepik's head jerked up at the sound of Inu asking him to do a chore. Neepik felt a wee bit irritated. He was having fun. He didn't want to go do a chore for Inu. He wanted to torture Sonzai some more.

"All right," he said, almost whining. "What is it?"

Sonzai Kurai
Jul 9th, 2003, 09:19:52 PM
"Sounds good to me."

Sonzai said quietly while looking to Neepik again, something wasn't right there.

Jul 10th, 2003, 09:47:10 PM
"This technique is one I am still learning myself. It is very taxing for me to perform it, and it considerably weaker than I should like. Though over time I should be able to master it. Force Lightning is a technique of masters. Don't expect to fire it off with the ease of these flames; in fact, don't expect any results at all when you first try it. I'm lucky to get my bolts to fly two meters at times. It is the same as the fire, but much, MUCH more controlled.

Rather than simply lashing out, focus on a single target...one thing that you fear most, or the thing that raises your temper. Imagine it in only your fists."

Jul 11th, 2003, 02:32:14 PM
Neepik stretched out his hand and focused as hard as he could. The images of people pointing, and yelling, the looks of horror on their faces as they turned and ran. Those people and their frightened voices yelling at the top of their lungs to run from the monster. Then Sonzai flashed in his head. She smirked in a cocky manner, a look of condescension in her eyes, her entire face saying what her voice wasn't; that she was better than him, that he was just some mindless animal.

"Not true!" Neepik growled, and looked at his fist. Inu said to imagine in in only his fist. Neepik stared at his hand and felt it begin to tremble. After a few long moments of trying to get in anger in control, the humanoid gave up and roared, small gouts of fire issuing from his fingertips.


Sonzai Kurai
Jul 13th, 2003, 07:04:50 PM
Sonzai raised an eyebrow, she couldn't help but hear the thoughts about herself when Neepik was angry like he was. At any rate, it didn't matter, she tried instead to do as master had told her. She wasn't able to make anything yet but with practice hopefully in time.

Jul 13th, 2003, 09:13:11 PM
"It's fine if you can't do it. You probably won't make even a spark until you're almost ready to be Knighted...perhaps this will encourage you..."

He raises a hand and fires off a small, underpowered bolt. A nearby sapling explodes, and Inu lowers his shaking arm, sweating with the effort of the move.

"As you can see...I am a Knight myself...and even I cannot fully control the technique."