View Full Version : Settling Down (open to all who wish to join)

Adriana Nakita
Jun 7th, 2003, 10:54:09 AM
Adriana looks out the window of her ship as it lands on the city. A bit shakey, she grabs on to the arm of the chair. "Geez..." she mutters to herself.

Never having been a big on space traveling, she sighs with relief, happy her flight is over. Adriana gathers up her bag and walks off the ship. She looks around the busy city, looking for an inn. She sets her bags next to her and adjusts her dress. Her long, dark hair blows in the wind, and her gown does the same. Her her peircing dark eyes search the area around her. She spots a small inn, picks up her bags and makes her way for the inn.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 7th, 2003, 12:32:08 PM
He hated this part of Coruscant. It was much smaller and quieter than his usual stomping grounds. The air smelled like old fish--due to the output of the Noobian Cousine fish warehouse about a half sector east. He hated the smell but he hated the taste even more. Since he wasn't eating any, he figured he was better off.

Business was business, however, and he had to meet with a fairly important 'client.' The meeting had been rather short, considering Aaron had brought two of his finest guys to persuade the associate to agree to the terms of his contract.

"Don't you ever, and I mean EVER--" his fist landed hard against the soft cheek of the other man, "--disrespect Mr. Nailalix again! you get that? You get me?" He threw a swift kick into the man's gut for good measure.

"Yes. . .Mr. Vilnaldi, I swear. . .it'll never happen again."

"It better not, Joe. I don't wanna hear about anyone taking a slice out of Mr. Nairalix's pofits from this company again." He dismissed the other with a wave of his hand and turned back to his boys. They picked the man up to his feet as his a crimson trickle made it's way down his face. Vilnaldi turned back to him. He smiled--reaching across and straightening the man's jacket and tie. "Don't say we don't take care of our clients, Joe." He stuffed a good sized credit chip down the man's front suit pocket. "Just remember that when you mess up once, you pay the price." His voice was fatherly. "But you don't mess up twice, got it?"

"Yes sir, I got it."

"Good, escort him back to his speeder gentlemen." The two muscles helped the man back to his transportation and wished him well. Vilnaldi straightened his own tie and took his jacket from a third cohort. He put it back on, cuffing the sleeves neatly.

"Hey, what do you gentlemen say to a little grub?" He smiled as he recombed his hair. They nodded agreement, one of them pointing out that he was pretty hungry. "I know this place down here, it's a hotel resteraunt, I think. Out of a tiny little inn. Excellent, excellent bantha." With that, they made their way down the block, one muscle in tow with the speeder.

They entered the small inn--three men including Vilnaldi. Instantly, someone caught the young businessman's eyes. It was--as it always was--another pair of eyes. Dark, observant. He watched as they searched for a place to stay and then made their way into the inn he was preparing to enter.

What luck.

"Hey boys--get us a table and order whatever you want. I'll be there in a minute." They nodded and headed on in. Though he was never big on dating, Vilnaldi couldn't ignore a beautiful pair of eyes. He made his way to the door and stood, as though he was the host. When the woman had made her way to the door, he stopped her.

"Hello and welcome to the--" he glanced up at the sign "--HyperSpace Inn. Can I take your bags, Ms. . .?" He smiled curteously and waited, though it might have been a giveaway that is 500 credit blue suit and tie was not the usual attire of any regular host.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 7th, 2003, 02:31:55 PM
Adriana eyed the man with curiously, but with a smile.

"Ms. Nakita, Adriana Nakita."

A twinkle in her eyes flashed as her smile grew.

"Thanks you very much, Mr.?"

Adriana handed the young man her bags and waited the answer with a smile.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 7th, 2003, 11:20:08 PM
"Vilnaldi, but you are more than welcome to call me Aaron," he replied, smiling in return. The woman was stunning--perhaps the only reason why he found himself being so curteous and flirty. Generaly, he was a a pretentious, egomaniacal jerk.

It was her eyes.

"Right this way, Miss Nakita. Allow me to show you in." Holding her bags, he stepped into the doorway to open the doors, letting her go first. Right behind her, he scanned the small lobby for the desk, having no idea where it was. Finding it, and with expert subterfuge, he might add, he lead her to the small receptionist who was balding.

"Good evening, sir, a room for two?" The receptionist greeted him cheerfully, but put Aaron on the spot. He looked back at Adriana and gave her a sly smile before adressing the clerk.

"No no, my good man. I believe the lady would like to check into a room alone--which, I might add, is a shame." Smiling, he wondered what her reaction would be--first to the news that he didn't really work here and second to his slightly taboo comment.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:25:07 PM
Adriana raises an eyebrow, looking at Aaron. This explained everything, no inn worker would be that nice, offering to take her bags without making her pay. On all of her travels, she has never come across a decent inn worker.

Adriana nods, in agreement with Aaron and mumbles a bit.

"Yes, a room for one."

Allowing the comment to slide with only a mere glance, Adriana removes her personal bag off her shoulder and pull out her pouch, throwing some credits on the desk. She waits for the clerk to fill out the paper work and awaits her room information. After she gets all the info she needs, she looks to Aaron.

"I can take it from here if you wish..."

Adriana lets her words fade as she leaves the choice totally up to Aaron whether he wishes to continue on with his assistants or wishes to leave her...

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:15:54 AM
"Well, now that you know my services are entirely free, you can't turn them down, can you?" He gave her a thoughtful look, as though if she did he was going to cry. Without giving her a chance to respond, he picked up her bags and smiled.

"Where to, Madam Nakita?" It wasn't enough that he found himself attracted to her and decided to play host, no. He wanted to know this woman. She was gorgeous, and every minute that passed while he knew nothing about her was torture. Perhaps she would invite him in--fate willing.

He'd just have to wait and see.

Jun 9th, 2003, 03:07:09 AM
-Covenant just locked the door to his shabby room, he was glad this would only be for a couple of days.
Bound for his next assignment he passed the two humans in the corridor, he turned his head as he passed, his emerald eyes were caught by her's.
"WOW" he thought to himself.
He was beginning to think that this stay might not have been quite so bad after all.-

*Polite nod and a smile to the two, but really to her.*

-His words raptured in his smooth, elegant, alien accent and his penetrating eyes help to assist a very good first impresion.
His smile inadvertantley baring his lengthy canines, quite threatening from the 7" man dressed in a long black coat but the warmness in his smile, in his eyes, melt the hostility into a nice gesture.
Passing strait by he turned to face them as he walked backward a few steps so that he may hold longer contact with his eyes, pleased to find her looking over her shoulder at him he beamed another smile.
She was intrigued to say the least, the warm greeting was certainly kind but there was an air of the sinister about him, she almost saw the darkness behind his eyes.
He turned balk to walk on. His mind was on the job at hand but the thought of that beautiful creature in the building floated around in his head for the rest of that night.-

Adriana Nakita
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:33:00 AM
Adriana flashes another sparkling smile at Aaron. She just laughed lightly.

"Of course I can't turn them down, Sir."

Adriana pointed down a long, dark hallaway and started walking. As they walked a strange creature passed, she nodded and smiled at him as he passed, letting her eyes follow him she turned her head slightly around, when he caught her watching him she nodded again and smiled, quickly turning her head back around. She looked to Aaron, kind of confused.

"Do you know him? He seemed rather.... friendly.... for a stranger."

While waiting for an answer, Adriana looked at the doors, trying to find the one belonging to her for the next couple nights.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 9th, 2003, 07:26:39 AM
Aaron didn't reply to the man--he recognized something strange about him that he didn't like, something he'd noticed about others before.

"No, I can't say that I do, but I would I agree. He's a stranger to you also?" She seemed to answer yes as they found the doors to her room. "Frankly, I don't mind admitting that I hope it stays that way." He smiled. "Something about him was. . .unsettling." He referred to the way he felt around the man. He felt jumpy, as though he needed to safeguard himself from something. Like the time he'd met Dirj.

"Well, looks like this is the room. I've never seen inside one the HyperPpace Inn's rooms before. I hope it's comfortable." He was being exceptionaly pleasant, and it was somewhat hard. He was usually a little sharper--a little more brash and a bit sarcastic. But this woman was interesting him like he hadn't been in some time. She didn't say much. . .but her eyes only forced him to want more.

"I wouldn't think to invite myself in," of course he would "But would you mind if I took a look inside with you?" A good excuse, he thought. He just hoped she'd go for it.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 9th, 2003, 01:30:58 PM
Adriana does a slight shiver, like a cold wind passed when the stranger did. She slightly shakes, and laughs.

"Yes, he's a stanger, and why do you hope it stays that way."

Adriana's eyes twinkle as she asks, showing her playful tone. She pushes the door open and takes a step in, looking around. A bit disgusted, she scoffs.

"Well, isn't this pleasant..."

Adriana says with complete sarcasm. She arches an eyebrow, looking around. Adriana had been in some trashy rooms before, but this was one of the worst. The curtian was a light shade of brown, that covered the light blue and green of the plant that was supposed to be seen, the small desk and chair were covered with a layer of dust, and the chair didn't look steady. The bed, suprisingly looked decent.

"Hopefully I won't have to be here that long..."

Adriana takes a couple more steps in and waves Aaron to follow her.

"You can go ahead and set the bags on the desh, hopefully it won't topple over..."

Adriana sighs one more time.

"Oh my..."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:01:41 PM
Aaron smiled as she looked at him playfully.

"Just wishful thinking," he replied, gently placing her bags on the desk in the room. It was true--the room was rather trashy, and he found himself wondering if Adriana really wanted to stay here. Gears began to turn in his head.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you in town?" He wondered if she was on business, whether it be part of her trade to travel or not. Maybe she was visiting family or even friedns. Perhaps she was a wanderer or a traveler in general. He was curious.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 9th, 2003, 07:40:20 PM
Adriana just laughs slightly and shakes her head. She goes over to her bags, grabs some cloths and goes into the bathroom the change.

"Ick..." Adriana mumbles as she enters the bathroom.

She quickly changes into something more comfortable, black leather pants and a black leather halter top. The gown she was wearing just didn't fit Adriana, she liked her leather more. Adriana emerges from the bathroom, and looks at Aaron.

"I'm in town on some business..."

Adriana goes over to her personal back, rumges around a bit, making sure her blaster is still there. She looks to Aaron with a smile, she doesn't yet wish to reveal her business quite yet.

"Would you care to join me for a drink? My treat, for your assistants..."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 9th, 2003, 11:10:20 PM
Though the answer did little to satisfy his curiousity and was too vague, Aaron figured he'd have more time to ask about her if he could get her number. As she entered the bathroom, he resisted the urge to look into her bag, just enough to see what secrets she held inside. But, he didn't. He didn't want to ruin something potentially good.

"I would love to," he replied. "But, seeing as this is my town, you must allow me to take you to a few of my favorite spots." He smiled, hoping she'd accept his invitation. He'd call his speeder as soon as she did and they would be off to visit a few of Mr. Nairalix's places. He had another idea as well.

"If you would accept, I would also offer you another token of my esteem." She was listening, he could tell, by the way she paused to listen to him. "This palce--" he motioned around the room "--is not worthy of a guest such as yourself. Please, if you would, I would like to move you to a better room downtown. I manage a few businesses there, and it would be my honor and my pleasure for you to taste what this sector of Coruscant really has to offer." He could see that maybe she was skeptical.

"I ask for nothing in return besides your company for a drink. This service does not cost me and you are in no way any kind of burden." He hoped she would accept, for he had several options downtown that could suit her much better.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:36:53 AM
Adriana pays attention to Aaron, watching her eyes as he talks. Through experience, Adriana has learned to watch the eyes, they can speak their own language.

"I would love to join youfor a drink, and move. This place disgusts me, but it's, um, nevermind. I'd love to. Let me gather back up my things..."

Adriana walks over to her bag, putting her gown carefully away. As she gathers her bags back up she can't help but wondering what a succeesful business man like Aaron would be doing on this part of town. Letting her curiousty get the best of her, Adriana can't help but ask.

"Why is someone of your stature in this part of town?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:03:20 AM
"I was on business as well," like her own response, his leaves much to the imagination. "If you will excuse me for one second, I'll call my car." He then turned, removing a small comm link from his suit jacket. It chirped as he called his driver and requested the speeder to meet them in front of the HyperSpace Inn.

He reached down beside him to help Adriana with her bags. It wouldn't be long before he would have a much better place for her to stay. As they made their way down to the vehicle, they chatted idly about regular things. Getting to the lobby, Aaron paused for a moment and went up to the desk.

"Excuse me, the lady here would like a refund. Her room was unsatisfactory, and she is moving." He spoke politely but firmly to the clerk.

"Heh, well, sorry pal. We don't give refunds around here. Tough Luck." The clerk went back to doing whatever he was doing. It was easy to see that Aaron was not happy, but he was controlling himself well.

"Sir, I'm not going to ask you again. The services rendered here are not acceptable, and the lady is not staying. I believe a refund in in order." Aaron was more curt, but still, he maintained his cool.

"Hey--didn't you get it the first time? She ain't gettin no refund! Now get outta here before I call security!" The clerk raised his voice as Aaron spoke.

"Then good eve, sir," Aaron said with sharp bite in his voice. The clerk had no idea what he had just done, but he would soon enough. As they reached the outside of the Inn, Aaron turned back to Adriana. "He was unpleasant. I'll make arrangements." A deep, jet black speeder awaited, its smooth contours and cool colors reflecting the lights of surrounding signs. The driver stood in wait--nicely dressed and curteous.

"Good evening, ma'am, can I take your bags?" The driver and Aaron both loaded up the speeder. If there was one thing Aaron prided himself in, it was treating his men well. He helped the older man load the trunk of the speeder. His employees were not slaves, they were often times co-workers, and he treated them as such.

Having shown Adriana into the speeder, Aaron made his way into the other door. It was quite roomy--not a luxury cruiser, but a more compact version--and had drinks and music prepared for a comfortable trip. He smiled and offered her something to drink.

"Well, I must say, I am quite curious and anxious to learn more about you, Adriana. You are a very interesting person." He smiled as he got settled in, the speeder taking off. "What kind of work do you do?"

Adriana Nakita
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:54:11 AM
Adriana watches Aaron as he goes to the clerk, a bit confused on why he is getting so defensive, it was only a few misely credits. The clerk would have to learn some manners, maybe a side trip later was in order. Adriana smirked, sometimes her job had some perks to it. After Aaron returned she agreed with him.

"That was very unpleasant, he should be taught some manners."

Adriana shakes her head, people really need to be nicer... she thought to herself. As they walk out to the speeder, Adriana notices how nice it is. Never before has Adriana been in anything like this as a guest, if she was in anything like this before, it was for business. She gives Aaron a very senere smile.

"Thanks you for everything Aaron, I don't know how I could repay you. I guess, after this execellent treatment, I can't ignore your question any long, but you must promise, before I tell you, that you won't get uneasy around me after I tell you."

Adriana looks to Aaron, hoping her won't get to freaked out.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:45:37 PM
"I agree," he replied to her as the mention of the clerk's manners. He would have that arranged, he just didn't feel the need to tell her at the present time. It wasn't right yet--she didn't really know what he did, and it wasn't proper to lay something like that down on the young woman yet.

His curiousity was aroused like a sleeping dragon disturbed from a century-old slumber. His eyes almost flashed with a wildly inquisitive look. He'd always been a very investigative person, and his want to absorb knowledged peaked when she'd asked him not to get 'uneasy' around him.

"Don't worry about that at all," he replied softly. "I feel as though we have become aquainted, and I assure you--assure you--that your profession will not suprise me." He smiled a sheepish grin--he hadn't told her what he did, and if she had any dealings with illegal activity, he would be right there with her.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 10th, 2003, 01:52:16 PM
Adriana sighs, and nods. Most men she meets are scared off to find out what she does, they don't like it when I woman can find out basically anything.

"I'm an informist. I work for anyone who will give me a job. I travel, looking for work, once I find it, I travel again to go find out what's needed. It's not that I'm ashamed of my work, it more that people are ashamed for me. I use any mean possible to find out what I need to know."

Adriana looks to Aaron, pulling her blaster out of her purse slightly, showing her means. She doesn't want to scare Aaron away.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 11th, 2003, 01:51:51 PM
"Ah, indeed," he said. He did not appear alarmed or suprised in anyway because, well, quite frankly--he wasn't. He'd worked with several people like her before, and he did not find her choice of work in any way discomforting or unsettling. "I would be lying if I didn't admitt that I have worked with several people in the same business as you before, Adriana." He hinted sligtly at his own profession.

"Coruscant is a very large place, Miss Nakita. I'm sure you'll be able to find plenty of work here." He wondered if he had need of her services. He'd check the office tonight before retiring. "So, do you like to dance? Or maybe something more quiet? Or, we could stop by your hotel first. It's called The Regal Palace and it's one of my employers finest establishments. I think you will be pleased." He smiled energetically.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:38:27 PM
Adriana watches Aaron, a bit in shock that he wasn't in shock. Most people she told were very surprised. She began to wander why he wasn't so surprised, with the hint in his voice, she felt they had more in common than was being said. Adriana smiled and nodded.

"Dancing is alright, but not really me, I prefer something more quiet. And stopping by the hotel would be fine, that way I can change again... for whatever we decide to do."

Adriana looked out at the building as they passed into a much more extravagant part of Corusant. An expression of awe came to her face, never had she been in a section of town so nice unless it was for business, she never thought she would be a guest with someone who lived in this section of town.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 12th, 2003, 03:04:14 PM
"Quiet suits me as well, Miss Nakita. I am at your service." He reached his hand down to hers and touched it softly, reassuringly. He then withdrew it as quick as it had come. He turned his head out the window, his eyes focusing in and out on vairous lights and shapes in the nightline that whizzed by the speeder. The skyway was fairly clear tonight--it being a Tuesday--and the ride had been pleseant. He hoped Adriana was enjoying herself.

To their immediate left was the commercial business district. It was dotted with all kinds of businesses--mostly services and consumer goods. Anything from inter-galactic travel agencies to trading posts to the latest fashions, to nightlife and resteraunts, this sector was known for its extravagent downtown stretch of shops.

To their right was the hub of travel in the sector. Several hotels drove their rooms high into the atmosphere as well as many roaming newstands, coffee shops, and smaller dining areas. From business to pleasure trips, the hotel sector filled up with many different kinds of guests with many different reasons for travel.

His employer, James Nairalix, had his hand in quite a piece of the real estate in this area, giving Aaron his shot at promminence.

"Mr. Vilnaldi, we've arrived at The Palace. Shall I enter the private drive?" The driver's voice chirped over the intercomm.

"That would be great, Ned," he replied politely. With that, the speeder made it's way into a seperate entrance point than the usual traffic. It was a very small garage--only enough to fit 5 or 6 speeders maximum. It was designed as a special entrance for VIPs at The Palace, and Aaron had his connections. As the speeder came to a halt, Aaron quickly exited the vehicle. Ned had already come to the lady's side, opening the door for her politely. With a great and unnecessary haste, two bellboys ran to the speeder to unload it.

"Take it easy boys, don't break your backs over it!" Vilnaldi teased them. He would tip them generously--because whatever money he put into his employees was an investment towards making more in the future, plain and simple. All the help was very nicely dressed, and they gathered her bags quickly. "Where to, gentlemen?" Vilnaldi asked them politely.

"We got her in the penthouse of the 95th floor, Mr. Vilnaldi," one of the boys spoke in a squeaky voice. "Pretty view for a pretty lady," he commented, smiling at Adriana.

"Good men--lead the way." The bellboys did as they made their way to a large elevator, made entirely of glass. It descended through a few floors fo durasteel and concrete at first but quickly opened up into a breathtaking view of Coruscant at night. The Palace was divided into two wings, in an L-Shape. The elevator showed out across the other wing as well as the far east skyline.

"Welcome to The Palace, Miss Nakita," he said, as though he was greeting her at the door. The crimson decor could be seen as it was brightly light in the night. The rooms were trimmed with a gold paint, and each corner had ornate statues and art. Some were gargoyles, some warriors, others thinkers and scholars. This was in Coruscant's Top 50 Hotels, and it showed.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 13th, 2003, 04:58:26 AM
Adriana looks over all the luxury speeders as they makes their way into the small parking lot. A small blush makes brushes Adriana's face as the "pretty lady comment is made. She looks at Aaron and smile.

"Really, I don't need all this, a penthouse!?"

As they walk onto the elevator, Adriana looks out and a tiny gasp escapes out of her mouth, the view was incredible, nothing like she'd ever seen before. As they made their way off the elevator, the hotel wasn't any less outstanding. "Wow..." Adriana whispered. She looked to Aaron, with a huge smile, as if she were a child in a candy store.

"I really don't need all this Aaron, but thank you."

Adriana flashes another gorgeous smile. A twinkle comes to her eyes as she slips her right hand around Aaron's left arm. She looks at him, as if asking him if this is suitable for him.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 13th, 2003, 08:47:35 PM
Aaron spent a moment lost in her eyes as she took his arm. It was a good moment lost, and he hoped to lose it again and again. He smiled back at her, showing his definite approval.

"Adriana, it's the least I can do for the pleasure of your company." His hand came across his torso to gently squeeze her own on his arm. "Perhaps this is all a carefully laid trap? You know, put you up in a hotel I am affiliated with so that you will be near to me throughout your visit." He smiled sheepsihly, chuckling, just as the bell gave a quiet ding as they reached the 95th floor. Staff went ahead, as Aaron let Adriana ahead of him. Down the wing the two were lead until the rounded the corner to a set of large, white double-doors. Trimmed in a golden vine border with deep crimson buds, the doors stood like the gate of a royal palace. The bellboy put his key into the lock, turning it quietly as the other took hold of the opposite door. Together, they opened they swung the large, sweeping doors open.

Inside, even Aaron was impressed. The suite was the size of a large loft in the downtown area, and for the moment was almost pitch dark save the light illuminating the curtains. Immediately, one of the staffers reached to the door controls and opened the giant blinds. They rolled away softly, revelaing a huge front window that overlooked the main room. In seconds, the room was bathed in the soft, enchanting glow of moonlight as it revealed the rest of the suite.

It had four distinct rooms--a bedroom, kitchen and dining room, a bathroom, and a study/lounge. The lounge was the main room, the one they had entered. Each other branched off from the lounge which had several large pieces of comfortable furniture. Aaron hoped Adriana was pleased.

"I hope this will keep you comfortable, Miss Nakita. Shall I wait for you outside while you change? A chance to give you some privacy?" He questioned thoughtfully as the staffers immediately stowed her luggage away in the huge walk-in closet in the hall to the bedroom. "Thanks men, that'll be all." He handed them both a sum of credits that made them smile and then turned back to Adriana.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:35:24 PM
Adriana looks around, completely amazed by what she saw. Everything was so beautiful, the colors, the sculpting, and art work. She lets out a low breath, placing her hand over her mouth. She eyes wandered over every aspect of the room, she memorized every detail. She pulled herself away from her daze once Aaron started speaking to her.

"I'll be more than comfortable..."

Adriana held out her arm, motioning it around the room.

"This is one of the biggest rooms I've ever been in."

With a smile, she leans over to Aaron, placing a light, gently kiss on his cheek. The same twinkle sparkles her eyes as she kisses him.

"There is really no way to thank you for this..."

She goes over to the closet and opens her bags, looking around for something to wear.

"Have we decided what we are going to do now, I need to know what to wear?"

Adriana called from the cloest, she pulls out a sky blue dress, with hand sewn rhinestones covering the top front part of the dress. She holds it out for Aaron to see.

"What do you think of this, maybe we could go to dinner here at the hotel?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:08:43 PM
Aaron smiled as she kissed him ever so softly. It was crazy how a woman could make a man feel, and in that moment, he was elated. Her lips were softer than the satin sheets on her bed, and he didn't want them to ever stop touching his cheek. He turned away, blushing, but very pleased.

"Adriana, I assure you, no thanks is necessary." He wanted to say you have taken my breath away, this is the least I can do to thank you but sometimes he had difficulty communicating his feelings. It was a trait that most men had, it seemed, and Aaron was no exception. He watched her carefully as she turned to her things. He couldn't take his eyes of her--something was simply stunning about her. He didn't know what, but it bothered him. It bothered him because, for the moment, he felt like he didn't have control. He always had control--always. Somehow, he was feeling it slip a bit as he spent more time with this woman.

"I think that looks beautiful," he replied, commenting on her dress. The color was very nice, and he guessed it really didn't matter what she wore. She would look just as gorgeous as she did right now anyway. He smiled. "I would love to stay here. The Palace has an excellent resteraunt on the 125th floor at the top. Or, if you don't like heights, we can eat lower or on the ground floor." He gave her the choice as he stood in the room.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:19:46 PM
Adriana slowly formed a smile on her lip, this man was absolutely awesome, he treated her as no man has ever treated her before.

"Height are fine with me, how is the view from the 125th floor?"

Adriana askes as she slipped into the restroom to change, again. The bathroom was any less stunning as the room. The gold facet, the gold vines and crimson roses surronding the mirrow. Adriana felt as if she was in a story she used to be told as a child. She removes her current attire, then slips on a long, sky blue dress. She takes a look at herself in the mirror, spinning around as if a princess. The smile never left her face as she did this. She emerges from the restroom and looks at Aaron.

"Sorry about that, I didn't think it would take me to long to change."

She walks over to Aaron and turns around, showing her bare back.

"Would you mind zipping me up? I couldn't reach it myself."

For some strange reason Adriana felt very comfortable around Aaron, nothing she has ever felt with any man before.


Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 14th, 2003, 03:23:23 PM
". . .it's breathtaking," he replied, responding more to how beautiful she looked in her dress than the actual view itself. His eyes wide, his mouth slightly open, he shook his head once to take his mind out of the trance. What was his problem? Usually, he was a player. He had a good time winning girls over, getting what he wanted, and then forgetting them. He'd broken several hearts, and he never felt guilty about it. But Adriana. . .this woman. . .she made him feel terrible for every bad thing he'd ever done to a woman while simultaneously causing him to feel giddy inside.

"Umm, uh, sure, no problem." he replied, stuttering. He'd never been so weak in a woman's presence. Maybe this meant something. As she backed toward him, he stared at her bare skin. It was soft and smooth with a silky glow, like her eyes. He reached out, taking the zipper between his index finger and thumb of his right hand. Slowly, he zipped up the dress, bringing his left hand onto the fabric to steady it as he did. Reaching the top, his hand slipped off the fabric, running along her upper back and onto her shoulder gently. He kept it there for a second longer--just noticable--than an accidental touch, his fingertips savoring the satin texture of her skin.

"You look. . .stunning," he said, his body a bit closer to hers. She seemed relaxed around him, and that was the least he could say about himself. He was enchanted by her in every way. His eyes probed hers as he breathed. "Are you hungry? Should we go?"

Adriana Nakita
Jun 14th, 2003, 07:43:49 PM
Adriana turns herself around to face Aaron, she nods slightly.

"Thanks, Aaron."

She looks down at herself, with a blush.

"It's the only nice dress I have. I worked hard for it, this was a payment for one of my jobs."

Adriana looks back to Aaron.

"Yah, I'm ready to go."

Adriana grabs her bag off the table and takes out the blaster, she goes over to the closet and places it in her big bag of clothes. She comes out, and wraps her arm around Aaron's arm.

"I don't think I'll be needing that tonight."

Adriana felt so comfortable with Aaron, she's willing to leave her protection behind.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 14th, 2003, 08:13:54 PM
"I'm glad," he replied. It meant that she was begining to trust him. He knew precisely what went through the mind of such a person. He'd been there before--still encountered it everyday. Trust wasn't a virtue when one was constantly working among theives and criminals. He was honored that she did trust him. He took her arm and lead her out of the suite and back to the elevator.

They chatted on the ride down and looked out over the Coruscant skyline. Whenever she wasn't paying attention, Aaron would grab quick looks at her. She was beautiful--the dress enhanced each one of her attributes, though they didn't need much enhancing. She was beautiful.

Arriving at the bottom floor, Aarong lead her to the mouth of two giant, crimson doors. A host stood at the door and smiled as they approached.

"Mr. Vilnaldi, an honor, sir," he spoke as the two approached. He was much older--probably late 50s or so--but he had a very regal look about him. "And a fine young lady to accompany you--what a pair. You'll accent the atmosphere of The Crimson Flower quite wonderfully."

"Thank you, Garett. If we could have a table for two--somewhere quiet, preferably." Aaron returned pleasantries politely.

"Of course, sir. I have just the table." Immeditately, they were handed off to an escort who took them to a far corner of The Flower and sent a server to take their drink order quickly. Aaron didn't need to look at the menu--he knew what drinks he would like, and hoped that his taste would suit Adriana's.

"Do you like wine?" He asked her as he sent for a bottle of The Flower's finest. "Please--order anything you'd like. It's all on the house. And for such company, it would be an honor to pay anywa."

Adriana Nakita
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:05:22 AM
Adriana looked around at the elagant dinning area. It was beautiful, matching perfectly with the rest of the hotel. Everything was breathtaking, as usual. She nodded to the host, with a smile as they were taken to their table. A small quiet cornor, lite by candle, and a small firing burning in a near by fireplace. The soft music set the mood as they made their way around a few couples dancing. As they sat, Adriana looked around for a moment, taking in the atmosphere. She looked to Aaron and nods.

"Wine is perfect..."

She says as she starts to look at the menu. She looks at the prices, her eyes grow a bit wider as her mouth falls open slightly.

"Anything I want?"

She looks to Aaron, still slightly in shock.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:57:34 PM
"Anything," he replied with a smile. "Money is of no concern, Miss Nakita." She was beautiful, and the soft light of the candles on their table illuminated her face. The shadows danced across her skin wildly as she examined the menu. With her eyes checking to see what she would order, Aaron stared at her. He couldn't believe how she was making him feel. He just didn't understand it. For the first time in a very long while, he felt carefree. He had nothing to worry about but what he wanted to eat, and that was a decision which had little consequence.

"I personally would reccomend the krayt steak--it's very good here. Or, if you don't like red meat, another good choice is the Noobian chicken. It has a great sauce."

Adriana Nakita
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:43:06 PM
Adriana looked to the Noobian chicken, as Aaron suggested. She never really had a taste for red meat, but chicken was one of her favorite meals. She looked up at Aaron, catching him starring at her. She smiled and winked at him.

"The Noobian chicken looks outstanding."

She then looks back to the menu, searching for a small salad or something else to go with her chicken, once she finds what she is looking for she looks back to Aaron.

"What are you going to be ordering?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:25:01 PM
He turned, blushing as she had caught him looking. He felt like a boy caught with a hand in the cookie jar. Although, he was not punished--not by the way she winked at him.

"I think I'll have the steak. It sounds particularly delicious tonight." They ordered with the server as Aaron asked for the best the house had to offer. The server dissapeared as waters arrived to their table. Soon enough, the wine--freshly chilled--would also arrive. He was thirsty for something with a little bit of a zing to it.

"So how long have you been doing. . .well, what you do? How'd you get into it?" He decided it wasn't necessary to mention that aloud in the resteraunt considering what ears could potentially be listening. He took a drink of his water and focused on her for a response.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:40:21 PM
Adriana looked up to Aaron, as he asked her about her line of work. She has happy he didn't mention what exactly she did.

"Well, seriously, I have been doing it for about 6 years now. But I actually had my first job when I was 14. I did a few jobs in two years and then, when I realized I was good at it, I started doing it seroiusly. At first it was hard to find work, but as I met more and more people, jobs became easier and eaiser."

Adriana leans over closer to Aaron, dropping her voice to a whisper.

"Honestly, I like what I do..."

She says with a twinkle in her eye. She leans over slightly more, getting even closer to Aaron.

"Well Mr. Vilnaldi, you never told me exactly what you do..."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 17th, 2003, 10:51:22 AM
A lady never told her age, but Aaron was able to guess it from her timeline.

"It's good to like what you do. It makes you a happier person. The most unhappy people I know of are stuck in jobs they hate. I think a job that suits you is more satisfying than most anything else." Most anything, he thought. He knew of one or two things that were more important to him. One of those being love, which he had yet to discover or believe in. Things were changing, though, even tonight.

"Well, I'm not sure how to answer that question given our current location, but I'll try." He smiled, taking a sip of his wine as it had arrived. It was very crisp and clean, and the tiny warm feeling of the alchohol in his stomach made him smile. "My employer has two main jobs. His first job is to run the businesses he has--real estate mostly as well as managing a few resteraunts and hotels. His second job involves scouting competition, measuring new business oppurtunities, and connecting with current and possible clientel. I do most of his second job for him." He wondered if this was enough. It was the truth, of course, but simply a well-worded truth. Scouting competition meant making visits to threaten other businesses to follow rules set by his boss or else; measuring new oppurtunites meant taking down competition through sabotage and other means and manipulating the system to fit the wants of Mr. Nairalix; and connecting with current and possible clientel meant kicking the tar(or worse) out of those that screw up or to welcome newbies to the block. "Maybe I could offer more insight to you later in private."

"Adriana. . .I really appreciate you coming with me tonight," he spoke, having trouble expressing his emotions at times. "I know that we hardly knew each other and yet you were willing to entertain my requests for you company. I appreciate that greatly, to be in the company of a woman like you. I consider myself lucky." He smiled again, his only defense to sharing something emotional like that.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 17th, 2003, 01:20:01 PM
Adriana looked to Aaron with a nod, she, being part of the "underworld" herself, knew the lingo. She smiled at him, showing.

"I would love to hear more about it... in private."

She whispered, still leaning over, her lips being next to her cheek. She then backs off slightly, not being quite as close, but still fairly close. Her eyes looking into Aaron's eyes as he speaks.

"Aaron, if anything, it's me who needs to thank you. You took me out of the trashy inn and brought me... here."

Adriana says with a small wave of her hand.

"Hopefully this time will let us get to know each other better."

Adriana says with a certain mysterious tone in her voice.

"I'm looking foward to getting to know you better."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 19th, 2003, 10:02:09 AM
"I hope so too," he said, reaching over and placing his hand on top of hers. She could probably feel its warmth and maybe even his pulse pounding. When her lips were so close to his cheek, he felt his heart flutter as his breathing and pulse quickened. It was a good feeling, he thought, and he was begining to crave it around her.

He ran his fingers across the length of her delicate--yet not afraid to do some work--hand and savored every inch of her skin as he looked into her eyes. He wanted to say something, and it showed as he made eye contact with her and began to speak. "I think. . .I think that--"

"Mr. Vilnaldi and Ms. Nakita, I present to you your dinner," the familiar voice of the waiter came from behind him. Taken by the moment, Aaron was slightly startled and jumped a bit. He smiled and chuckled nervously as he turned to the server. Placed before them were too fine silver platters with large lids covering them. Before Adriana was the Noobian chicken, and before Aaron was the steak.

"It looks delicious," Aaron replied, dismissing the waiter. The two then began to eat, the meats perfectly cooked and succulently marinated. "It is delicious," he commented between bites, hoping that Adriana would be enjoying her meal. "I trust everything tastes to you liking?" He took another bite.

"Tell me about your family, if, of course, you are comfortable with the question," he asked politely.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 19th, 2003, 11:37:37 AM
Adriana smiles, a small shiver going down her back as Aaron touches her hand. She bits her bottom lip, as he looks into her eyes and begins to speak. After the waiter came and deliver the food, she nods to him slightly. She after tasting the chicken and nods her head.

"Aaron, this is fabulous."

She takes another bite and laughs slightly, she picks up her napkin and rubs the sauce that trickles down her face.

"That sauce is perfect."

She raises her glass and looks to Aaron.

"To a perfect night, may it continue to stay perfect."

After the toast, she begins to answer Aaron's question.

"I don't mind, not in the least. The only family I have is my younger sister. But I don't know where she is. I was hoping on my travels I would come across her, but I haven't yet. What about you? Would you care to tell me about your family?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 19th, 2003, 05:29:47 PM
Aaron laughed as the sauce trickled down her face. She could handle a bit of goofiness, and he could definitely appreciate that. He was quite goofy himself, and he enjoyed humor.

"Aye," he responded to the toast as his glass rang against hers. This was a perfect night, and he was enjoying every moment of it spent with Adriana. She was funny, smart, and beautiful. What more could he want? Nothing. For this night especially, nothing. He chewed more of his steak as he listened to her. Patting his lips with his napkin, he cleared his mouth with a sip of wine.

"There's not much to tell, really. My father died when I was 13 and my mother soon after. I grew up way too fast by myself," he spoke. The entire truth--which he was good at condensing--was that his father had been shot by a small-town thief and his mother jumped from their 12th level apartment a couple weeks after, not being able to bear the loss. He'd lived on the street for about 3 years before being taken in and raised by a group of larger hustlers. The rest, he'd always said, was history. "But I guess that's the way fate works. I hope for you that one day we--" he caught himself, wincing at the slip. "--you, I hope that you can find your sister." Turning back to his steak, he swirled his fork in his vegetables, feeling rather stupid.

"So. . .where did you come in from? I mean, before you got here on Coruscant, where was your last job?"

Adriana Nakita
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:26:46 PM
Adriana placed her hand on Aaron's hand as he talked of his family, she knew how is felt to grow up parentless and have to grow up to early. She remembers back to her first job at age fourteen.

"I know the feeling, having to live on your own, fending for yourself."

She sighs slightly and squeezes Aarons hand lightly, but resting it as they continue to talk.

"If you like you can help me find her." She winks at him. The more time she would be able to spend with Aaron, the better. In her opinion.

"Well, my last job was several months ago, and I'm still living off the payment." She laughs. "The HyperSpace Inn. As you can tell. But my last job was on Naboo, but I have been to and from Corusant a couple times since then."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 19th, 2003, 07:58:17 PM
Adriana's touch was soothing, and he could tell she wasn't lying to him. He appreciated it, holding her hand back until they released their touch.

The band continued to play as Aaron chuckled a bit. It was a very typical arrangement for a resteraunt like this--a few horns, a couple of strings, and an excellent drummer. His name was Berg, and Aaron had talked to him on occasion. Oh, and of course, who could forget the vocal stylings of Regina Sterit, the local big band vocalist. She hung out with the boys here quite alot, and he found her voice soothing and poweful at the same time.

"I want to help you find her, I do. We can do it together." He gave her a smile and his support. Taking another drink of his wine, he felt very comfortable and relaxed. The band wound down for a much softer song as Regina belted out a slow, moody line:

Ain't nobody know how it is,
But you, baby.

Ain't nobody know how I been,
But you, baby.

Ain't nobody I'd be with,
But you, my baby.

"Do you wanna dance?" He had a wild look in his eyes, like a child. He wanted to hold her, to touch her, to dance with her. She had mentioned that she wasn't much for dancing, but he had assumed that meant that she wasn't too fond of the clubs. This, he thought, was a much different atmosphere. The dance floor had a few scattered couples, and the place was quiet and soothing. "I'd love it--but only if you want to."

Adriana Nakita
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:35:41 PM
Adriana listened to the sounds of the music, she nods to Aaron.

"Dancing would be nice, but I must warn you. I'm not much of a dancer, expecially slow dancing."

A nice slow dance with Aaron would be nice, but she prefered fast dancing. Where she could let loose, have fun, be herself, she looked foward to doing that with Aaron sometime, also.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 19th, 2003, 11:22:50 PM
"Maybe I can make you feel more comfortable," He said. He offered his arm to her and lead her to the dance floor. Once they made it to the floor, Aaron took her hand and led her to a spot in the middle. He made his way quickly to the band and whispered a few words into the bassists ears. In one measure, the band closed the song. Immediately, the music picked up into a quicker, swingier song. Aaron made his way back to Adriana.

"Perhaps this is better?" He bowed to her and then took her hand, moving his body a bit faster to the beat. He hoped that maybe she would feel more comfortable with him if he didn't push something on her she didn't want. Instead, he swayed his body with the beat, wondering if she knew how to swing dance. He guessed yes, or figured at least she could hang with him. Aaron was a great dancer, and he hoped to impress her.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:06:00 AM
Adriana's eyes lite up, this was the kind of music her perfered over anything. She smiled and shook her head as Aaron did this for her. She began to sway with Aaron, she place her left hand on his right shoulder and her left hand finds it's way to Aaron's right hand. She continues to sway, trying to keep up with Aaron best she can. She steps a bit closer to him, so their bodies meet. She leans her face very close to his cheek, whispering.

"Thank you, Aaron."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:58:19 PM
He held her hand softly and rested his other on her hip. He swayed back and forth quickly with the beat--Adriana wasn't a bad dancer at all. Aaron was excellent, having taken several lessons and practiced often here and at other establishments. He moved his feet lightly and kept her in motion as she drew nearer to him.

"Thank you, Aaron." Her cheek nearly tickled his own as she spoke. Just as she did, the perfect beat hit, and Aaron spun her out and back into his body, dipping his shoulders with her. He dipped her down, holding her in his arms as he swung her low. He carried himself with her, bringing his lips down to her ear. She could feel them gently against her ear as he spoke softly.

"Adriana, you being here--right now--is worth the whole world to me." He pulled his head away, looking deep into her eyes. He smiled--he hadn't felt this alive for such a long time, he barely remembered how it had felt. It was. . .it was amazing. He spun her back into a standing position and took the regular position, keeping his blue eyes locked on her own.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:37:46 AM
Adriana smiled and laughed as she was spun, enjoying every minute of it. As Aaron came down to talk to her, she smiled ever bigger. She was glad Aaron was feeling the same way she was. To show her feeling, once they came back up from the dip, keeping eye contact with Aaron she planted a gentle kiss, on his lips.

"Me too." She whispered to Aaron after the kiss.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:11:18 AM
Starting with his lips and moving down, Aaron's entire body was warmed as she kissed him. It was a soft, gentle kiss, but it jarred his senses in a fantastic way. He could taste the sweetness of her kiss on him, it was as precious as he could have ever wanted it to be. Her touch felt so perfect, and he found himself wishing that those lips would remain on his forever. He nuzzled his cheek onto her own, his breathing hot on her neckas they danced. Their bodies moved together like clockwork, and it was a good feeling to be there. He didn't want to leave it.

"I don't want this to end," he said softly into her ear just as the music was coming to a close. He laughed a bit at the irony of timing, and held her close as the band played the last beats of the song. His eyes met hers again as he spoke.

"Thank you, for the dance." He was sincere and appreciative, happy that she was still here with him. Though he had been around several women before, this was nothing like it. Nothing. She was so different, so special, that he was out of his element in every way. He took her hand in his own and lead her off of the dance floor. Taking a quick look at his chrono, he noticed that the hour was growing late.

"Shall we return to our table, or would the lady prefer to return to her room?" He spoke, smiling, squeezing her hand.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:19:23 AM
Adriana laughed with Aaron.

"This doesn't have to end the night."

As they walked off the floor, Adriana linked her fingers through Aarons.

"We can return to the table for a while and then we can find something else to do if you'd like. I'm a night owl so the late hour doesn't bother me, but if you have to go to get some sleep for work, I understand."

Adriana didn't know where they would go from here, or what they would do, but she just hoped it would be with him.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 21st, 2003, 11:27:20 AM
"No, no, not at all," he replied. He didn't want her to think he didn't want to spend anymore time with her or that he had to get up, he was just being cordial in giving her her options. "I would love to spend more time with you." He lead her back to the table, pulling her chair out for her and helping her be seated. Then, he took the seat right next to her--not across the table as before, and scooted close beside her. Another bottle of wine arrived as the server freshened both of their drinks, and Aaron took a sip from the glass. The drink was very good--crisp, clean, and silky soft. His hand reached across her leg underneath the table and took her hand.

"Hmmmmm," he thought aloud. "I'm sure there's much more that we can do, I just have to think of something. I've lived around here for some time now, so I should think I would be a better host." He smiled as he thought. His eyes brightened as he had an idea.

"Okay, tell me which suits you more: Dance Club, Jazz Club, or a walk through Courtyard Park?" He wondered which one would catch her attention and studied her eyes as she thought.

Jun 21st, 2003, 12:48:38 PM
He was in here. He had planted a homing beacon on him earlier, but it was a gamble. The humanoid fleshbag was a typical human. The need to become more powerful was driving this human to interact with the female of their species. Suprisingly, she has a bounty on her head too.

<- Sir, where is Mr. Vilnaldi?->

He asked the receptionist. By the horrified look of seeing the 7 foot robot, she was unable to help me. He slowly turns, scanning the lobby for more help. One of the bagboys flashing mucho credits, a woman crying because of theft, a limo driver. None of these fleshbags would be able to help. Grabbing the nearest employee, lifting him up off the floor and looking directly into the fleshbags pupils, his robotic voice box coming alive:

<- Where is Aaron Vilnaldi!->

He screams at the frightened clerk. He scanned the room for a disturbance. Both the bellhop with mucho credits and limo driver bounded for the elevators. A quick hop and a skip put him into perfect length to reach out and grab the two gentleman by the scruffs of their jackets.

<- You will take me directly to Mr. Vilnaldi or I will crush your soft heads into a fleshy undescribable pulp. Do you understand me or do I have to show you?->

Both men were let down as the non-stop nodding of their heads continued.
"Floor 125" they stammered. He then reaches out and snaps their necks, taking the credits from the bellhop. Hey a robots gotta get by doesn't he. He steps into the elevator informing it to take him to the 125th floor.o_O

Adriana Nakita
Jun 22nd, 2003, 01:15:24 AM
Adriana also sipped her wine. Unlike Aaron, she did not enjoy it as much. Wine, even though it was nice didn't have a pleasing affect on Adriana's body. Adriana eyed Aaron's hand, happy it found it's way back to hers. As Aaron questioned her, a smile sweeped across her face. A walk through the park was very inviting, but the dance club sounded more thrilling.

"The walk sounds lovely, but the dance club sounds more exciting."

She bit her bottom lip and looked at Aaron.

"Maybe we could do both tonight?"

Adriana was thinking maybe a short, but nice walk, before hitting the club. One dance was nice, but she wanted more.

((Hey IQ, that image is way huge dude. Maybe a lil size reduction is in order? I mean, not trying to be rude or anything I had to scroll most of the page to read what I wanted to read. Very kewl images though, and I took the quizzes! LoL~ I seem to be the exact oppisite of you. O_o ))

Jun 22nd, 2003, 05:55:20 PM
Since the elevator was going to take awhile, IQ starts to check his weapons making sure their available within a moments notice. They might be needed if Vilnaldi doesn't come quietly.

ooc/ Sry. didn't realize that it was that big/ooc

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 23rd, 2003, 12:36:44 AM
"I believe we can work something out," he replied. He was beginning to feel extremely comfortable in her presence. The formalities in his voice were slipping away as he felt able to speak more frankly and without fear. She didn't care how fancy he was, and it showed in the way she looked at him. He smiled, examining his eyes with his own.

"Adriana. . .I know we haven't known each other very long," he was stuttering again. "But, well, I wanted to say. . .it's been. . .it's been absolutely amaz--"

"SIR!" He heard the footsteps less than a second before he heard the voice. The top security advisor of The Palace rushed to his side, his mouth pressed against Aaron's ear. Aaron's face contorted as his brow furrowed with the hushed whispers of the other man. He stood up abruptly.

"Ok, I want control to cut power to the elevator immediately. Where's the nearest security station?" Aaron turned into a different man--he was stern, concise, and in charge.

"110 Floor, sir," the other replied.

"Get two teams up here immediately--have them armed. Seal off the lobby before the elevators. Six men at least." Aaron thought as he turned to look at Adriana. He was confident but still worried--she could see it in his eyes.

"Yes sir. We have a secure exit for you and the lady back to your speeder."

"Good, do you have a team ready?"

"A team is scrambling at 18 right now. They'll be waiting at the speeder. We have two men here to escort you." The advisor waved his hand as two men took positions by Adriana and Aaron. They wore body armor over their dress shirts and carried blaster rifles.

"You're with us, Graham," Aaron replied to the advisor. "Where are Tony and Rodge?"

"They're on their way with T'al and Rand, sir," he said. Aaron was impressed--he had the board covered. "They'll escort you via speeder."

"Excellent." Around them, people began to notice that something was wrong. A few of the women had fainted as well as some of the men became upset and nervous. "Get these people under the tables and set a team up here, also." The man did as he was told.

"Mr. Vilnaldi," one of the guards spoke. Aaron turned as he threw a blaster rifle to Aaron. Aarong caught it and nodded a thanks. He turned to Adriana.

"I--I--I'm sorry. I don't know what's happening." His eyes were desperate for an explanation. He thought of only one thing to do. He reached into his coat and into the side holdster he always carried, removing a blaster pistol. He handed it to her. "I know you can use this, I hope you don't need it. Looks like we're taking a drive instead." He smiled nervously, trying to break the tension.

"Mr. Vilnaldi, Ms. Nakita?" The advisor spoke, motioning to the kitchen door. "The intruder is locked down in the elevator, but we don't know how long it will hold him. He looks prepared." He spoke as they walked, through the kitchen and passing a few workes. In the very back of the kitchen was a small openening--a niche. In it was an elevator, where another guard waited.

An unpowered elevator, two teams setting up in the lobby, and with an escort of 4 men, Aaron and Adriana made their way onto the loading elevator.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:03:43 AM
Adriana looks to Aaron, nodding as he speaks. A smile growing on her face. She was getting ready to reply to Aaron when they were interupted with a loud SIR! Adriana jumped slightly at the voice. She watches Aaron as he took control, even though they felt comfortable with Aaron, this worried her. She had no idea what was going on and that bothered her the most. As Aaron recieved the blaster rifle, she knew things were getting worse. She then took the blaster from Aaron, and nodded. She tried to laugh a bit at Aaron's attempt to ease things, but it came out more of a choke.

"I drive is nice too..." She joined in trying to break the tension.

She kept close to Aaron, as close as she possible could, keeping her blaster ready for anything. Once she found out it was an introder she got worried. She felt maybe her job caused this intruder. She sighed and looked to Aaron, her face even more worried now.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:34:35 PM
The sudden stop of the elevator nearly made IQ throw up his internal processer.
So they know Im here do they.

*He reaches up and punches out the steel plate that opens up onto the top of the elevator. Pulls himself up through the opening ( which is really quite easy for a 7 foot robot!) bending the sides thanks to his massive torso.*

<- Oh well i needed a paint job anyway->

* Looking up and seeing forty maybe fifty floors to go, and the quiteness of a major hotel adding to it. Wait don't major hotles have more than one elevator? Yes they do! Crap. Nearest floor is ..........83. Five feet up, 7-foot robot, 3 foot arms.*

<- Damn too far. Maybe if I .....->

*walks under the opening and jumps (which is really quite hard for a 7 foot robot) and misses by 5 inches.*

<- Son of a %(*$^->

* and slams his fist into the wall making a small crater, enough for a 7 foot robot to stick his foot in and boost him up.*

<- Ha, stupid fleshbags->

*Sticks his foot in and lifts up his massive frame, grabbing onto the ledge. One hand on the ledge, another pulled back.*

<- Lets hope their as stupid as I believe->

*Slams his huge fist into the elevator door, watching as it buckled. Another well placed hit and it went flying into the adjacent wall, sending bits of plaster flying. Pulling himself up,
he congratulates himself on part of the fleshbags stupidity. Looking up he sees a sign for the restrooms, another elevator, and the stairs. Realizing that they would expect him on another elevator, he heads towards the stairs.*o_O :crack

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 24th, 2003, 11:17:26 AM
As the intruder climbed upwards, the cargo elevator carried them swiftly downward. Aaron put the strap of the blaster rifle over his shoulder, letting the weapon hang at his side for now. Standing close to Adriana, he reached across and put his hand in the small of her back. Lightly touching her, he scratched her back soothingly, turning his face to meet hers.

"I know this probably isn't too new to you," he said in a low whisper, trying to maintain privacy among the three guards that surrounded them. "But I'm here." His eyes met hers as he searched them deeply. "I'm here, and I won't let anything happen to you." He smiled.

The elevator whirred towards the garage as his hand slipped down from Adriana's back and into her own. He held it softly, his thumb caressing her skin to comfort her.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 24th, 2003, 11:48:58 AM
Adriana smiles to Aaron as he touches her, a sense of relief falls over her body. She shakes her head in answering Aaron's question.

"This isn't new at all, I just wish it didn't have to happen tonight."

A frown fell upon her face.

"I know I'm safe with you, Aaron, I know I'll be okay, it's just that, this shouldn't have happened tonight..."

She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he held her hand, she couldn't help but smile, even in the situation they were in.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 6th, 2003, 09:18:47 PM
After several minutes of riding in the elevator, it stopped and they were swiftly escorted to a secure location. Even though Adriana didn't know where that location would be, she knew she would be okay. She just hoped things would calm down. She turned to Aaron as they were seated in the speeder. Even though it was not as luxurious as the last speeder she rode it, it was still big, and safe. A smile crossed her face as she held Aaron's hand tighter. As it seemed they were out of danger Adriana placed her blaster down next to her and made herself cozy next to Aaron, leaning in towards him. The twinkle appeared in her eyes again, as if the dangerous situation they were just involved in never exsisted. She reached her arm over and placed her free hand on Aaron's knee as they drove.

After a a while of driving the speeder finally stopped, she picked back up her blaster and turned to Aaron. She didn't recognize this section of Corusant.

"Where are we, Aaron?"

Her eyes never showed any worry or concern. She knew that Aaron had everything under control.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 11th, 2003, 03:00:10 AM
He smiled as she comforted him and the speeder drove on. The two guards across from them made themselves occupied, giving Aaron and Adriana as much privacy as could be afforded in the cab of the speeder.

"I dunno," he said, his voice calm but occupied. She could tell that despite his control, he had alot going on behind his now cold eyes. They weren't cold to her--but they were locked in a professional stiffness she could understand in her line of work. He exerted control--self-control and situational control. This was why James employed him. This was his job. "And I don't wanna know. We have to stop here for a second, then we have one more place to be." The door to the speeder opened as the driver pulled Aaron's door open, beckoning him out.

"Adriana--stay here, ok? It'll be just a second." He looked at her with caring eyes now, different than the way he looked at his men. The window of the speeder was rolled down as three men lead Aaron to a small, dim alley. One held a large bag. As two of the men took to the corners to lookout, one stayed by Aaron as he began to undress.

Stripping off his suit, the large bag was opened, revealing more clothing within. Layer by layer, Aaron peeled the fine-tailored garment apart--shirt, pants, socks, boxers--until his naked figure stood in the lamplight. He wondered if Adriana was watching, smiling to himself. He quickly got redressed--business casual. Khaki colored slacks, a dark black polo, Ithorian shoes and a slick leather jacket were his new threads of choice. The suit filled the garment back which was quickly tossed into the nearest dumpster. Making his way back to the car, Aaron hopped back in as the driver took the wheel.

"It's possible I was bugged. We can't take chances," he said to Adriana, as the speeder resumed it's flight. He meant to say I won't take chances with you--not with you. But, as usual, it didn't always work out that way. "Do you have everything you need? Everything? I know a place we can go to lay low for awhile--a couple of days, if need be." He waited for her response.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 11th, 2003, 05:38:04 AM
Adriana nodded as he step out of the car, she watched him for several moments, when he started to get undressed Adriana smiled a bit and shook her head, as the final layer was removed Adriana was a bit surprised and turned her head away with a blush. To Adriana the human body was a beautiful thing, but she wanted to give Aaron his privacy, well as much privacy as he could get being naked on a street corner. As Aaron got back into the car, a light shade of pink still covered her face and she nodded her head.

"I understand, we can't have you being bugged now can we?"

Adriana looked down over herself, she had the bare minium, clothes--not very comfortable ones--her bag, and Aaron.

"I guess I have everything I need, for now anyway."

As Aaron told her they might be out of sight for a while her eye brow arched and a smirkish smile crossed her face.

"A couple days of lying low may be very...nice..."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 11th, 2003, 03:15:02 PM
He smiled, his eyes losing their punctilious glint they held before. He reached over, squeezing hand, as the speeder made its way through the cold Coruscant night. After a few minutes, his body also loosened as he lay his head back on the seat.

"You know something?" He said, chuckling a bit. "Even I don't know where this place is. The driver has the coordinates--that's it. Talk about secret," he said, turning to face her. He smiled again as the speeder slowed down a bit.

"Mr. Vilnaldi, we're here," the driver spoke as the speeder came to a stop. Aaron nodded and opened the door, still holding the blaster rifle in his right hand. His left shot out to help Adriana out of the speeder. The sight before them wasn't too pleasant. Two rusted, beaten industrial towers hovered over this broken down level of Coruscant. It seemed as though everything here had died wih them--a few hovels and shantys remained. Numerous streetlights were out, and even the homeless that dotted the alleyways didn't take a second to look. It was dark, damp, rotted--the kind of place that you never looked at when you sped by. It never looked at you either.

A perfect spot to hideout.

Coming to a small, trailer-sized shanty between two wharehouses, the men lead the two. On the outside, the place fit in well--a rusty brown dirt box. As the door was opened, however, the interior was much more pleasing. The place was clean--very clean. It was all one room minus a small refresher. A large bed, kitchenette, small table with two chairs, holoscreen and couch lined the dark blue interior. It wasn't going to be too bad, he thought.

"This is one of Mr. Nairalix's personal. . .getaways," he finally said. It was clear that it's purpose was to be a hideout. "You can stay here as long as you like. We reccomend two days at the least. Every day, we'll bring you grocceries and news. Do you need anything else?"

"No, no. Thank you, F'ig. I won't forget how much you've done here." The driver (F'ig) nodded and bowed out of the place, shutting the door behind him. They could hear the speeder take off as they stood, silent for a moment. Finally, he turned to face her.

"You don't have to stay here. You don't have to, I just. . ." he stopped, looking down to the ground. "I'm worried about you, and I wanna do what I can to make sure you don't get. . .you aren't in trouble."

Adriana Nakita
Jul 12th, 2003, 01:30:11 PM
Adriana was silent while all this happened. She held her bag and blaster close. She kept closer to Aaron. She nodded to the driver as he left. She then looked to Aaron. It wasn't too bad of a place, very quiant. (sp?)

"I don't mind staying here, actually, I would prefer to. I would want to leave you here all by youself. Plus, I sort of agree, with our line of... work ... who knows which on of us caused this mishap."

Adriana went to sit down, placing her bag and blaster down on a side table. She kicked off her shoes and pulled her feet up under her. They were covered by her flowing gown.

"This really isn't too bad, considering...."

She nodded towards to the door.

"where this is..."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 13th, 2003, 01:54:12 PM
"Yeah, my boss knows how to plan his. . .vacation spots," Aaron responded, his eyes constantly in motion around the room. Standing in the middle of the room, they came to rest on Adriana, who was now sitting comfortably on the couch. He came to a realization as he noticed she was still dressed in her evening apparel--a beautiful gown. Lost in her looks for a moment, he brought his brain back to reality as he remembered what he was going to say.

"I'll get someone to pick up some clothes for you. What bag from your room would you like to have delivered?" He came and sat next to her. "We'll have it delivered tonight." He smiled, loosening the collar on his shirt to relieve some heat and stress.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 13th, 2003, 08:54:20 PM
Adriana looked to Aaron with a slight laugh.

"Do you think that since I only have two, both can be delivered? I mean, if that's to much. I understand."

She pulled down her hair, and shook her head lossening the ringlets. She smiled to Aaron and patted her hand next to her on the couch, becking him over.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 14th, 2003, 11:15:19 AM
"No, no--absolutely. That's not a problem." He said, his mind still a bit disoriented. He sifted a hand through his hair, glancing to see her motion him to sit. Making his way over to the couch, he took a seat beside her, his posture still tense. It wasn't tense because of her or being next to her--it was tense because of how he felt. His mind, running in 400 directions, was trying to calm down and thus far he was finding it difficult.

"Fi'g," he said into a small comm which he produced from his pocket.

"Yessir," was the short reply.

"I need you to bring me the lady's bags from her room. Both of them--as quick as you can get them here."


"And bring a few things of my own as well. Something to sleep in and some changes of clothes."

"Yessir." The comm chirped off as Aaron put the device back in his pocket. he turned to look at her, his eyes full of concern and action. He had too much on his mind.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 14th, 2003, 08:08:23 PM
Adriana smiled as Aaron sat. She stayed quiet as he made his call. After he was done she looked at him, her face concerned for him. Adriana was very calm, it was not in her nature to get stressed out unless it was very servere.

"Thanks, Aaron. I appreciate it."

She smiled and scooted a little closer to him.

"You look tense, would you like a shoulder rub?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 15th, 2003, 12:36:01 AM
"Absolutely." Aaron's face softened into a smile as she spoke. He looked at her for a moment, a pleased and comfortable look on his face. Then, scooting his body around, he moved into position for her to rub his shoulders. "This is very nice of you--I thank you." He rolled his neck, working out some of the muscles.

"It's just. . ." He started to speak, loosening his upper body to assist her in relieving the tension. "Things just don't add up right now, you know? Things back there. They just. . .they just don't add up."

Adriana Nakita
Jul 15th, 2003, 05:11:15 AM
Adriana listened to Aaron as she rubbed her shoulders and neck. She tried lossening up the tension she felt. She agreed with a nod.

"Yes, I know what you mean. Who was it? And why?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 15th, 2003, 02:58:52 PM
"I have no idea," he said, as he began to relax, her hands masaging the stress and tension right our of his upper body. He leaned his body a little back into hers, resting himself. "I can't tell you who he was or why he came, all I know is that he was ready to do something. He was ready to start a big fight, and I'm just glad we could get outta there." He sighed.

"The worst part is," he turned around to face her. "The worst part is, you could've been hurt. He might've been there for me, or he might've been there for you--I don't know." He reached a hand up to her cheek, his fingers caressing her soft skin. His eyes softening. "And I don't care, as long as you aren't hurt."


"Our things are here," he said. It was there coded knock, and Aaron knew it well. He stood up quikcly, making his way to the door. F'ig entered with no one else, the man carrying three total bags on him. Aaron helped him unload the bags into the room, and then sent him back on his way. "Well, now you've got something more comfortable to wear. I figured sleeping in that gown wouldn't be the best for a good night's rest." He smiled.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 16th, 2003, 05:10:28 AM
Adriana continued to rub as Aaron talked. She was a bit surprised when her turned around. A smiled crossed her face as he touched her. She placed her hand over his and looked into his eyes.

"I'm fine, I will always be fine. You don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself. But, thanks..."

Adriana sat quietly while F'ig entered and left. After he left she stood up and went over to her bags. She opened them and pulled out a big, over-sized beige shirt, and a loose pair of black pants. She looked up to Aaron.

"Thanks, this thing was starting to get uncomfortable."

She kissed Aaron of the cheek before she made her way to the refresher. On her way, she stopped and walked several steps backwards towards Aaron.

"I forgot, I can't get to the zipper, can you unzip it for me?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 21st, 2003, 03:00:24 PM
"Of course," he replied, making his way over to where she stood. She pulled her hair up, her smell perforating the air like a sweet cloud of perfume. He took a quiet, but deep breath. He loved the way she smelled and, after only one night, found it amazingly intoxicating. His hand slid gently to her back, gripping the zipper between two fingers. Pulling it down slowly, he watched as he skin was revealed. Past her back, down past her bra line, until he came to the end.

He silently cursed the end.

"There you go," he said, his hands slowly rubbing her shoulders as he spoke. He smiled, knowing she liked to tease him. It worked, he thought, as he looked for a place to sit down.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 22nd, 2003, 05:45:32 AM
Adriana turned around, holding her dress up with her hand, placing just above her chest, keeping the dress secured. With her clothes in the other hand.

"Thank you, Aaron."

She quickly made her way into the small refresher and pulled her dress off. She removed her bra and quickly sliped on the other outfit she brought in with her. The beigh shirt was comfortable and so was the black pants. This was one of her training outfits, but it would do for now. She picked up her remaining articles of clothing and exited the refresher. She placed the dress neatly and folded up in her suit case and tossed the bra on top of it. She closed it and went back over to sit by Aaron. She smiled.

"You're turn..."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 23rd, 2003, 06:18:05 PM
Aaron rose as she returned from changing. Even in her casual attire, she was beautiful. He would have been lying not to admit that he did steal a few quick glances at her now resting undergarments. But, he thought, who wouldn't?? Grabbing a hold of his bag, he carried it with him into the refresher. Changing out of his business casual, he got into a pair of comfortable sweat pants and a white, undergarment tanktop. The tanktop didn't cover much, and he wondered for a second if he should wear such a tight garment before her just yet.

Remember the zipper thing? Something inside of him questioned. He smiled, deciding to go with it. Exiting the refresher, he headed to the small refrigerator, searching for a drink. His body felt tired from all the movement tonight--perhaps mostly from the stress--and he needed something with some real fluid in it. Luckily, there was plenty of bottled water.

"Adriana, can I grab you some water or something?" There were plenty other drinks in the refrigerator and the bar, but he figured she would prefer something more refreshing than potent. He drew out two bottles, waiting for her reply.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 23rd, 2003, 08:50:27 PM
Adriana waited while Aaron changed. After he got finished she continued to sit, watching him move into the kitchen.

"Water's great, thanks."

She waited for his return to the couch.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 23rd, 2003, 10:16:27 PM
Grabbing both bottles, he made his way back to the couch with a smile. Popping the top to each, he handed Adriana one of them, taking a long drink from the other. He plopped his light frame down beside her, finishing half of the bottle before relaxing himself some. The massage she had given had loosened him up quite a bit, and he was feeling good. He turned his body to face hers.

"I feel really bad about tonight." He thought about the attack and the running and the flying and the hiding. "I promise you, this wasn't planned. And you're free--totally free--to leave at any time." He hoped she'd choose not to, at least for tonight. "I'm not holding you captive--yet." He gave her a mischevious smile. He put the water down on an end table of the couch, turning his body to give her his undivided attention.

"Maybe we should start over?" He leaned forward, producing his hand in a handshake manner. "Hello, I'm Aaron. This is my place?" He questioned the comment himself, looking around the small, drab room and laughing.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 24th, 2003, 06:16:16 AM
Adriana took the bottle from Aaron and sipped at it. She watched as he downed most of his. She smiled and took another sip and sat it down on the table. She pulled her legs up underneith her body and turned slightly to face Aaron. She smiled and placed her hand on his knee.

"Aaron, tonight was no one's fault. No need to apologize. For all we know, he could have been after either one of us."

She squeezed his knee slightly as she continued to speak.

"Further more, I don't want to go anywhere else, I like it here with you. If I wanted to leave, trust me. I would."

As Aaron began to get silly, she smiled and winked at him. She reached up with her free hand and placed her hand in Aaron's.

"This is a very. . . interesting place you have here, Aaron."

Adriana tried to be serious, but she couldn't resist and she laughed as well.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jul 27th, 2003, 10:33:55 PM
"Good, I'm glad," he laughed as she played along. He enjoyed this time with her and, despite the circumstance, would be sad to see it go. Even if it meant he could return to the safety of his home. He faced her, quiet for a moment, his eyes piercing hers.

"Why Coruscant?" He was genuinely curious, really. "I mean, there are plenty of career oppurtunties elsewhere--Ord Mantell, Bespin, Corellia. I was just wondering." He chuckled. "There's so much scum and filth already here, I never expected to meet a criminal as. . .stunning as you." His eyes were captured by hers as he spoke.

Adriana Nakita
Jul 28th, 2003, 05:07:31 AM
Adriana smiled and shrugged.

"Why not Corusant? It's on of the richer cities, I mean. I know it has it's less forunate, but I mean politicans are willing to pay big money to get dirt on each other."

Adriana's eyes twinkled as she spoke.

"Futher more, I love the night life here, as well as the people."

She reached over and touched Aaron's face.

"Personally, I'm glad I choose Corusant..."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Aug 12th, 2003, 07:15:50 PM
"I am too," he replied, cupping her hand with his own. He smiled brightly, his face nearly glowing as he did so. He relaxed himself and found her presence soothing. Taking a deep breath, he took in her smell with the air that was around him.

"The night life is amazing. It can get a little wild at times--" he thought of the night he met a vampire "--but it can definitely be a good time. Lately, though, it had been somewhat dissapointing. Not anymore." He felt like he could share such a fact with her and she would accept it for what it was. She was a wonderful woman, and he could sit with her like this all night.

He thought of the political corruption and agreed that she definitely had a point.

"What else have you done in your life? I mean, I figure your job is pretty demanding, but what other kinds of things have you found yourself interested in. Hobbies?" He wanted to learn more about her.

Adriana Nakita
Aug 13th, 2003, 12:08:03 PM
Adriana smiled. She was really comfortable there with Aaron. It was a pleasant feeling. She listened as Aaron spoke.

"I'm sure it can get very... wild. Which isn't always a bad thing."

She winked at him and laughed.

"Well, I don't really have many hobbies, I guess. My job has kept me really busy. There is something I'm kind of a sucker for though... gambling...."

She said with a blush.

"The excitement you have while watching a race or playing in a game and then the rush you get when you actually win, or the fun it is to steal your money back."

She winked at him again.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Aug 31st, 2003, 08:46:51 PM
"I know the feeling. It comes from many different forms of stimuli, but I do agree that gambling can be a major stimuli." He got a strange look in his eyes. It was a look that came over him in a hurry. He generally had little control over it. Often, it stemmed from a smell, or from the way a girl tossed her hair, or the smile from someone who grabbed his interest. This time, it was in the smile. Her smile. Her wink. He couldn't help it.

He moved quickly, his hand coming to meet her cheek, turning her face gently to meet his own. He looked deep into her eyes, a look that kept her eyes drawn to his for a few seconds. Finally, as the tension grew, he leaned his lips in slowly to hers, kissing her once, then pulling back. He met her eyes again with his own, hesitating in respect for her. If she wanted another kiss, he would know.

For that single second, their eyes remained locked in a seductive union.

Adriana Nakita
Aug 31st, 2003, 08:59:02 PM
Adriana was taken aback by the kiss, but she liked it. She looked deep into Aaron's eyes, as if she was looking straight into his soul. Their gazes lingered on each other for a moment longer before Adriana leaned back into Aaron returning a very passionate kiss. After what seemed like a lifetime she pulled away and looked into Aaron's eyes.

"This seems so right...."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Sep 1st, 2003, 11:37:45 PM
He hushed her by kissing her again, longer, deeper than before. His breathing was heavy when he pulled away, his eyes were again intense.

"I know this is right. I. . .I've been waiting for this." He held her hand tightly. Something told him this was very, very right. "You're so different, Adriana. You're different than girls that I've met before. You're different than all the regular women who trapse these streets with their minds empty and their hearts reaching, grasping, striving for goals so material and so normal that it makes me sick. You're. . .you're so special." He looked down, realizing he was pouring more emotion out to her in this moment than he had with most of his relationships ever. He felt foolish in that moment.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said. . ." he trailed off.

Adriana Nakita
Sep 2nd, 2003, 01:16:23 PM
Adriana looked to Aaron a smile of pure joy crossed her lips. She shook her head and held his hands tightly.

"No, no, no, Aaron. I'm glad you said it. I'm happy to hear we share the same emotions."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:54:20 PM
He nudged his head into her neck and shoulder, snuggling closer to her, taking her hand. It was a wonderful feeling--to be this close to her. It wasn't just physical, it wasn't just passion, it wasn't just the excitement of touch. It was all of these things, of course, but it was so much more. It was Adriana. It was her. The woman who sat next to him. She made him feel giddy inside. It was. . .no, no. He dared not to use the 'l' word.

"I could sleep here, you know," he said, teasing her. His head relaxed on her shoulder as he breathed deeply and faked a big yawn.

Adriana Nakita
Sep 17th, 2003, 09:00:47 PM
Adriana looked down at him.


She teased him with a big grin. She looked down at him shaking her head.

"If you inisist, I guess I could stay the night. Considering that the hotel probably still isn't safe."