View Full Version : It's been a some time.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 7th, 2003, 09:17:55 AM
-Tyrus gets off the transport ship and wanders the streets of the huge city. It's been some time since he last came to Coruscant, and even now he's only killing a few days before catching the next transport out. He walks slowly taking in the sights, not too much has changed in five years although he did notice a few. Of course the biggest change was simpley the fact that 5 years ago he wasn't on his way to apply to work with the imperial sovereignty, speaking of which, now thinking about it he now made a mental note to keep his mouth shut about that whilst over here, you never know who might be working of republic intelligence.
The blue armoured body-suit is still dusty from his last job in tatooine, the large ruchsack slung over his shoulder was equally sand-ridden; Too rifle butts protruding from the top of the bag, one belonged to a high-powered rifle, the other to an assault carbine, a silenced handgun holsterd on his right leg. He didn't spot as many hostile looks as he would have expected walking around with so many arms visible but clearly people looked at his clothing, the military stride, and the officers dimeenor and simply assumeb he was a soldier in transit. Just as well really, he wasn't looking to start any commotion while here.
His walk brings him to rest at a neat little bar in Jedi teritory. He has no problem giving over his bag to the security personell at the door, placing to his pistol on the desk and once ensured his beloved equipment had been secureley stowed he walked in and sat down at an empty table. He was starving so he went ahead and ordered some food. The waitress was surprised to recieve an order so full of rare meat, from an animal perhaps, but not from a human but on closer inspection she saw his Cizerack teath, his tail presumably hidden in his suit. Having Cizerack taste for food, he quite enjoyed his almost raw meal with a nice cup of java juice.-

Jun 8th, 2003, 02:04:52 AM
"A lot of weapons for a cilvilian in Coruscant," Kueller whispered into his ear. He had been following the man ever since he had seen him exit the spaceport. "So what is it? Hit and run? Mercenary?"

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 10:05:33 AM
-Tyrus turns to face the Jedi, and with a broad smile replies in his usual gravely voice.-

"...Heh...I was beginning to wonder if you were going to say something or just follow me round all day.
And Yeah......"

-He extends a hand of introduction.-

"....Mercenary, Tyrus Tajo, ex-Major of the steel legions....... And who might you be?...Other then a nosey padawan of course."

-His jest helps to relax the mood a little.-

Jun 8th, 2003, 10:12:49 AM
Kueller laughed, "I'm Kueller. You must have some force in you're blood if you detected me." He produced a hand and hoped Tyrus would shake it and not blow it off.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:55:43 AM
-Tyrus welcomes the gesture and shakes his hand.-

"...Heh heh...and theres no need to worry about asking the wrong questions either, I'm not here for a mission so theres no chance of me shooting you for "knowing too much".

And yeah...I've always hand a sixth sense for these things, in case you didn't notice I'm Cizerack, comes in pretty handy in my line of work, which I'm sure you can appreciate being a Jedi...Heh heh and don't worry, I could almost smell the Jedi on you but really I made the asumption based more on your clothes....Heh heh.....only a Jedi, or at least a Padawan, would wear something like that, and thats because you have to. And don't even get me started with the hair cut....."

-Tyrus often resorted to dry humor, it acted as a good lubricant for an otherwise awquard situation like this one could have been.-

"...So anyway, what is it that brings me to your attention, idle curiosity or are you actually some kind of concerned law keeper?"

Jun 8th, 2003, 12:48:12 PM
Kueller laughed, "Not so much a law keeper as bored. You see I don't have a master yet and there's not much else to do so I hang around in this B+G. Making sure nothing escalates to a spar. I'm self-appointed." Kueller continued after a brief pause, "It also helps me learn the customs of this planet. I've only been here one night. I came in from Abergadoo-Rae just yesterday. I've been to the Jedi recruitment centre and everything." He took a sip of his Abergadoo-Raenian ale.
"And what about you? You look like you get around."

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:54:09 PM
-Tyrus smiles at his last comment.-
"Get around...........that would be the understatement of the year, my friend. I have been EVERYWHERE and I don't just mean it transit either. Unfortunatly, as I'm sure you can understand, I go to some places only getting to work while I'm there and so I often only get to see the worst of people.
But it's places like this I welcome."

Jun 8th, 2003, 12:58:03 PM
"You're not here for Jedi tutelage then?" Kueller laughed. The question was sarcastic. "So why are you here? Or is that on a 'need to know' basis?"

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:17:34 PM
-He continues his light-hearted mood, something he rarely gets to do.-
"Nah, I'm just in transit. Just came from a job out on tatooine removing some Hutt's competition. I could have gone the "short" way but that would have been 12 days trait on a civilian freighter, ouch. Instead I took the scenic route, stopping off here for a couple of days before moving on.
Like I think I mentioned before, I'm an ex-mercenary now, I've applied to work for the Imperial Sovereignty."

-Tyrus's watches Kueller's expression expecting to get a nagative reaction, after all he was esentially going of to join Kueller's enemy.-

Jun 8th, 2003, 01:23:22 PM
Kueller said something not even he expected to say, "The Empire eh? As a Stormtrooper?" If the answer to that was yes he would laugh.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:39:37 PM
-Tyrus asumed that to be a joke.-
"Frell no!, can't stand those stupid looking bucket-head uniforms!
No, If all goes well I'll be getting a freelance inteligance job. An "Imperial solo urban commando", quite a mouthful eh? A kind of Imperial investigator for those more "dangerous" assignments. Heh, who knows, maybe I'll be back out here in a few months working a case on you!"

-Tyrus made the joke, Kueller laughed and so did he but they both know it was no joke but they both chose to leave it for fear of ruining the momment.-

"So what about you? I mean are you really going the whole Jedi way? gonna stay in the field or aim to become a councilman? whats the deal?"

Jun 8th, 2003, 01:46:13 PM
"I wish to, when I become a Knight, go out to the far reaches of space and sort out disputes. With a lightsabre or just my brain I don't know but I'm more worried about the Chiss then the Remnant," he coughed, "the Empire. If i acciddentally strayed into their territory I wouldn't be coming out. Therefore i'll probably stay in the mid-rim." Kueller changed the topic. Talking about his future made him feel slightly uncomfortable, "Where did you learn to fight?"

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:02:23 PM
"Well its not a matter of where so much as whom. I was born strait into the steel legions, my parents both members, so I was literally raised as a soldier from birth by the men. How many soldiers can say that they did all there relevant trainning on location? dessert warefare on tatooine, jungle warfare on , arctic warfare on Hoth, jungle warfare on Yavin 4 and even my initial urban trainning right here in Coruscant.
As a born merc, many would say that I've lived an almost jaded life but truth is I've seen more then even most Jedi."

Jun 9th, 2003, 11:39:31 AM
"And why have you decided to throw that part of your life away for the Empire?" Kueller thought he was handling this matter cooly. As a Jedi should he reminded himself.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 9th, 2003, 01:06:17 PM
-Tyrus flashed a lop-sided grin.-

"Well, if I said why we'd get into a very long debate and really, you being a Jedi and me being a veteran, would mean that it would change niether of our minds, a waste of time.
And so with that, I belive it is time for me to depart."

-Rising to his feet and picking up his bag, he extened a hand in farewell.-

Jun 9th, 2003, 01:26:02 PM
Kueller shook it. "Let's hope the winds of fortune blow us in each others direction again," he smiled. "And not in the wrong way, either."

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 9th, 2003, 01:45:52 PM
-Tyrus finished with a smile.-
"Heh heh, let's hope not."

-As Tyrus had left the cafe his thoughts returned to the truth, trying hard to forget it but the truth is the truth.
Tyrus was bound to return to Coruscant, and was bound to run into Kueller, and next time he would have been ordered not to be quite so friendly.-