View Full Version : Looking to be recruited

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 7th, 2003, 08:44:50 AM
-The main doors slide open into the massive hall, Tyrus walks in, looks around. He's wearing a blue armoured body-suit, he didn't have time to change on his way over from a free-lance job on tatooine. Holstered on his right leg is a silenced pistol, lower down is a combat knife, a long backpack slung over one shoulder had the butt-end of a high powered rifle poking out of it and an assault carbine right next to it.
Tyrus was an expeirienced veteran of combat and espionage, trained by a private army he had lived his whole carrer as a freelance mercenery. Battlefield combat, urban CQB, assasination and investigaton were all his game, and he played them well.
Walking into a waiting room, as instructed ih his message, he placed his rucksack down on the floor beside an empty chair, it hits the floor with a dull thud releasing a light cloud of sand from the dusty bag.
Tyrus has had enough of fighting the causeless battles and now seeks to achive something new, somthing he feels will give him the sense of purpose he looks for, he wants to join the empire. A passing collegue of his had a high ranking imperial intelligence officer friend who convinced Tyrus that joining the empire was the way to go, he even set up this recruitment meeting, he needed to mention a few things first just to illaborate on the fact that Tyrus was no rookie. He was instructed to come to this place, this room, at this time and to wait for an officer who would greet him and give him the next set of instructions. Instructions, instructions, instructions; Tyrus was a good soldier, he followed instructons all his life but more recentley, the past 8 years or so, he had started specialising in espionage, he enjoyed the chance to use his head.
As he sat he brushed off the loose the tatooine sand from his suit and hair, having to remove the bandana to do so before replacing it.
The bandana may not have been the neatest piece of headgear on the market but it was certainly a better alternative then letting is unruley locks hang loose. As he sat he thought about the new job, it's possibilities. Tyrus was hoping that he might get an intelligence or investigative position because he felt he had seen more then his fair share of the battlefield, enough was enough for this hardened veteran. His ideal job, he supposed, would be landing the job as an Imperial solo urban commando.
He passes the time by glancing around the room, sizing people up purely for fun. Tyrus is a Cizerack so he had the benefits of superior speed, strength and endurance but his conditioning has forced him to think like a human. There was also the idea that his grandmother was a Jedi but having been born strait into the army he had never met his parents, who were both also freelance like he, who both died in combat.
Despite his genetic backround he was, in mind, still very human through and through.

All he could do now is sit and wait patiently until he was met by the officer he was promised with. -

Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:39:36 AM
:: In all balck uniform, Vynn stepped out of the turbo lift. He sharply turned on a heel, taking in the entire recruitment entry room with one glance. He kept walking before stopping in front of a man, dressed a bit differently than the other recruits. Where as those from the academy wore their uniforms, others wore business suits or something of the formal like. This man was dressed in combat gear, still holding some of the look of just recently being used. This was the man Vynn had been instructed he would be meeting.::

Mr Tajo I presume?

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:35:18 AM
-Tyrus rose to a stand, not to show off his athletic build, note to show off his armour; He rose in respect to the presence of an officer, he was not yet his officer but he was an officer none the less.-

"Yes Sir, I am Tyrus Tajo."

-He stood casually but firm, his whole life in the steel legions had taught him that heirachial command was everything, he still belived all these years later simpily because of the neat arangement they had: he followed orders = he stayed alive.-

"Reporting to waiting room "152" at 15:45 as instructed, Sir."

-Tyrus was not aiming to flatter the officer, his consistant use of "sir" had been taught to him from birth, his first word was "sir", he conformed to the officer simply out of habit.-

Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:50:26 AM
:: Vynn nodded. Good,he had been correct and the description had been accurate.::

Your next orders are to follow me. Your registrtion has been confirmed prior to your coming and I am to brief you.

:: He didn't wait to see if Tajo followed or not, he turned back the way he had come and headed towards the turbolift. The door opened, steping inside and holding the door until Tajo made it in. The door closed and the slight movement of the turbolift could be felt before Vynn spoke.::

I am Colonel Frost, Intelligence Liason to the General Staff of the Imperial Sovereignty. You're experience and background have been checked, double checked, and cross refrenced I assure you. So has your genetical background. All of it is noted and kept in a neat little folder in some dark corner in the Imperial Intelligence Complex.

I will first inform you that your genetical origin will hinder your oppurtunities within the system. Your experience will keep others from underestimating you on the field but not off it. And anyone other than a member of the Special Ops would consider your current choice of clothing as an insult and poor excuse of someone wanting to join the Sovereignty.

:: Vynn gave a small smile in amusement, his scar twisting slightly with the muscles. He was an active member of Special Ops at the moment. He ran the Intelligence squadron mostly, reporting to Director Latt, afterwards and he knew all too well how things worked when you just got done with something and you were still in combat gear, no time to change uniform.::

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 03:54:24 AM
-Jynn turned for the elevator, Tyrus picked up his bag and followed the officer to the lift. He kept close behind but did leave sufficiant space to respect both men's private space and a little extra to avoid any awkwardness.
From Jynn's gait Tyrus recognised the pattern of steps; Definatley an active member of special ops.
Jynn briefed him with what exactly happens now.-

"..You're experience and background have been checked, double checked, and cross refrenced I assure you. So has your genetical background. All of it is noted and kept in a neat little folder in some dark corner in the Imperial Intelligence Complex..."

-Tryus replied.-

"Of course Sir, I would expect nothing less."

-He could tell from the officers tone that the warning of dress code was well deserved but that also that this officer understood what real service is like.-

"Of course Sir, Genetic impurity is another step towards dischord however my life's trainning and my own beliefs endevour to keep them in order and try to make up for my mistakes by bringing order to the galaxy, Sir."

-Tyrus the soldier respected the authority of command unquestionably but it was officers like this, men in the field, that earned the respect of Tyrus the man,-

"I strongly belive that with a rigid mind even a wild dog can become a most effective tool of the empire. I just hope the empire see's me of more then just a dog,Sir"

-His last comment was said in a solid tone, a cautionary measure not to breach soldier-officer ettiquette; But the air of jest about it couldn't help but put at least a little smile on Jynn's face, Tyrus'es to. The two shared a smile that, of course as imperial operators, was acknowledged opennly by neither of them.-

Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 10:06:16 PM
What you hope for and what you believe should only concern following orders. The problem existing that the Empire would never want to deal with a wild dog in the first place and rather just have it put down. Fortunately, in other's opinions, you have already been trained and the label of wild dog no longer exists, you are merely classified as dog.

:: Vynn was saying it merely as it was. He understood what the man had said. Vynn had worked with other non humans before. He didn't particularily like it but some he trusted with his life over some humans he knew. Frost was just trying to give the man a fair warning.::

To give you the basis of my opinion, which won't matter when you are on the field anyways, you will be treated as cannon fodder. Given missions solo that will have success rates lower than ten percent. Don't expect back up to ever show and don't trust anyone, even the man who has your back, because they might shoot you and say someone else did.

:: Vynn nodded, being born not fully human was a bad hand dealt in life if your choice was the Empire. Of course such a thing of mixed races wouldn't happen if some people understood their place in society and just kept to their own. But that wasn't Vynn's problem and he had no intention of dealing with it. He was just glad he was full human.

The door opened and Frost stepped out of the turbo lift. He turned right and started walking down the corridor. Not bothering to look back, he contined talking.::

You will not be granted solo missions off the back. You will be accompanying the Intel squad on a few and then your suicide missions will begin.

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:21:30 AM
-Tyrus turned and followed Vynn down the corridor, a little smile to himself as he thought ".........10%.....Heh heh.........Its was 8% on Tatooine and 2.3% on Yavin 4.......good, I could do with a little slack.-

"Yes of course, Sir, exactley what I'd expect of a well thought precedure of a good command, Sir."

Vynn Frost
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:40:01 PM
And from here on, a sir, yes sir or sir, no sir will do. I preferably don't like to talk so during the time you're in my command, you shouldn't either unless I'm drunk.

:: Vynn barely smiled again before stopping at a large black door. He turned to face Tajo.::

And don't get in my way either. if you slow me down, I'll shoot you faster than anyone else will.

:: Motivation was the key word here. Tajo had no idea if Frost was serious or not, but he would be better to take it as so just in case.

The black door opened to reveal a long corridor with doors. Vynn entered and walked down past three doors, stopping at the fourth on the left. It opened with his palm print and he stepped inside, showing Tajo his new bed.

Like most barracks, here was a bed with a chest, small space between, and then another bed with a chest. On the later bed, sat a tall man, black hair blue eyes, cleaning a rifle. The bed that was for Tajo was slightly disarrayed, blood on the sheets and the pillow and a dried splotch of it on the wall. The man with black hair stood up immediately at Vynn's entrance and saluted, with the return from Vynn his hand went back down, staying at a point of attention.::

Colonel Vynn, Sir. The Mole you reported was indeed Seargent West. His execution was this morning.

:: Vynn nodded before speaking.::

Good job Seargent Cross. I would like you to meet your new partner for the next few missions, a mutt named Tyrus Tajo. He is field trained but is a green as far as imperial code. I would hope you can help him along. Enjoy.

:: At the word "mutt", Cross' eyes seemed to refocus as he stared ahead and his jaw clenched. Vynn knew Cross' hate for nonhumans and made sure that they had been paired for this. Frost nodded again, turning on his heel and left, the black door closing easily behind him, leaving the two alone.

Cross stood there a moment longer, looking over Tajo before sitting back down on his bed and cleaning his rifle. His blue eyes looking up to Tajo every few moments.::