View Full Version : Hugbies!(open)

Romaria Celinda
Jun 7th, 2003, 12:16:14 AM
A young woman with blond hair sat at the bar, wasting time as she always did. But something was different about this one, mainly the fact that she was talking to inanatimite objects, currently the salt shaker.

"What did you say about my mother!?!?"

The salt shaker goes flying.

"I showed you!"

Her head cants a bit to the side, looking at the pepper now.

"What are you smiling about? Take this!"

Romaria backhands the pepper too then goes back to normal as if nothing has happened. Ah yes a typical day in the life of the woman who spouts things like Cheeze! and other such nonsense at random.

Jun 7th, 2003, 01:46:51 AM
-His train of thought interupted by a saltshaker shattering on the wall beside him, he glances in it's opposite direction to asertain it's point of origin.-

*mummbles to himself.*
"What the?....."

-Covenant was a strong willed man, not easily confused, but both his years of trainning and genetic-enhancements did nothing to help him avoid bafflement.
He considers walking over to find out, as he would put it, "...the frell is going on?...".
He intead, like a good little super-soldier, decides to sit back and see. His slightly glowing emerald eyes peering out the platinum hair as he waits silently, and intrigued, for the apparently crazy girls next move.-

Lillian Snow
Jun 7th, 2003, 10:39:03 PM
"Ow!" Lillian winces as the salt shaker bounces off her head and hits the bar, rolling in a small circle before stopping innocently. "Th-that hurt!"

The girl is here without Logic. Well, not really. The red droid is occupied in the door, talking with the guards about who knows what. So technically she is alone for the moment.

"Who threw it?"

Romaria Celinda
Jun 7th, 2003, 10:41:16 PM
Romaria looks up like a deer caught in the headlights and points to DarKnight.

"He did it!"

Jun 8th, 2003, 10:19:00 AM
-The lone knight rises and walks over to the crazy girl, his face turned to the surprised Jedi. With an air of humor he answers.-

".....I'll admit to it, but only if you come in and pull up a seat to join crazy girl and I over here...."

-He speaks with a little smile. He's enjoying playing this little game, it's so rare that this dark soldier gets to have some good innocent fun.
He turns to the Romaria as he sits himself beside her.-

"As for you young lady......"

-Jokingly waiving an outstretched finger at her.-

"....you need to promise that your not gonna take that stuff out on us.......whatever it was, it's between you and the saltshaker."

-His grin now extends to a broad smile inadvertantly showing his fangs, the normally unerving sight now completely defused with the fun mood.
He extend a hand in introduction.-

"I am Covenant, and who might you be?.......besides a mental patient that is......"

-Now past the point of return, Covenant can't help but make a fun episode of the whole thing.-

Romaria Celinda
Jun 8th, 2003, 08:50:25 PM
Romaria ignores the hand, looking at the odd man before her. Her head cants to the side a bit, her mind is playing tricks on her again, for a moment, she sees a pink pony in his place before it switches back to normal.

"Romaria Celinda the third..."

She adds the third but she really isn't.

Jun 9th, 2003, 01:55:16 AM
-Covenant plays the game.-

"heh heh....does that mean we mortals have to contend with ANOTHER two of you running around out there?.....Heh heh."

-His warming emerald eyes, their glow not showing up much in such light, beam in partner ship with his smile. as he retorts his hand gesture.-

"So,..................Need I even ask what the frell your doing?"

Romaria Celinda
Jun 9th, 2003, 07:27:29 PM
Romaria sees the man as a talking purple alligator for the moment so she spouts off at random.

"I invented pants!"

Jun 10th, 2003, 02:03:23 AM
-With one arched eyebrow he replied.-
"Oh, I see..............your one of THOSE,................maybe I should just leave you be....."

-He spoke as he raised both open hands and took small, slow steps backwards.-

Romaria Celinda
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:05:29 AM
Romaria shakes her head lightly, stupid episodes, she noticed DarKnight backing away.

"One of what?"

Jun 10th, 2003, 03:03:42 AM
-He said in best humor, although the relatively more logical answer this time convinced him to stop backing away.-

"how should I say, you are one of those...........with a "cluttered" mind."

-Doing his best not to offend the young lady.-

Romaria Celinda
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:45:13 PM
"People tend to say I'm not quite right in the head but that works too."

Jun 11th, 2003, 01:19:36 AM
-He laughs before replying with a broad grin.-
".....At least you are blessed with the ability to take peoples words with a pinch of salt."

-Now convinced the beautiful young lady is actually capable of coherant sentences he sits himself beside her again.-

"So miss......Romaria Celinda.., It seem's that with your feverish behaviour temporarily subsided for now, we have landed somewhat short of things to talk about.
So.....Umm.....well.......What..do..you do?"

Romaria Celinda
Jun 11th, 2003, 01:30:45 AM
"Nothing at the moment, looking for an old friend that's said to be here."

She sighed, her friend had been away for awhile, how would she find her?

Jun 11th, 2003, 02:07:27 AM
"Well, tell me who your friend is, I might be able to help you find him or her. That's kinda what I do."

Romaria Celinda
Jun 11th, 2003, 08:02:01 PM
"Nah, I'll find her on my own, more fun that way."

Lillian Snow
Jun 12th, 2003, 10:31:36 PM
Lillian has taken the opportunity to move away from this Covenant character, moving into the protective shadow of Logic, who hovers by the end of the bar, watching with its calculating stare.