View Full Version : Destinies: Birthday Boy (James, Pierce, and Ryla)

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:18:04 PM
Jax lay in bed, sound asleep. It was the night before his third birthday. His dad had spent some time the day before being mysterious, but the boy had thought it was a game of some kind, making it nearly impossible to make any sort of preparations for the next day.

The smallest Tondry man turned over and stuck his thumb in his mouth as the sun began to rise. He was dreaming about trucks and speeders, perhaps even driving his own speeder!

James was coming over to share in the festivities. She'd been spending a lot of time with the kid, and he would have called her his sister if he'd known the word. Pierce was training...or on a mission...or being called up by some General or another... Needless to say, he couldn't spend as much time with Jax as a boy without his mother needed.

It wasn't his fault, it was just the way the dice fell. James helped out immensely, filling a spot Jax needed, and taking some of the weight off Pierce's shoulders. Pierce was off for range practice this morning, and Ms. Prent would be here to wake up Jax and get him ready for his big day.

Pierce opened the door to Jax's room, painted a muted blue tone, and leaned over his boy. The soldier melted away as he brushed the hair out of his son's eyes, and then he kissed him on the forehead. "See ya, birthday boy."

Jax's mouth opened slightly as he fell into a deeper sleep, his thumb loose in his mouth. Tondry left as quietly as he'd come, letting James in as he exited the apartment.

James Prent
Jun 7th, 2003, 07:42:42 PM
The small padawan tiptoed into the apartment under Pierce's arm as he held the door for her, and then he left for the range, leaving her with Jax again. The little boy was three today... and she'd be spending much of the day there with him.

The front door swished shut with a tired sigh, and the droid Pierce had gotten to help out with Jax whirred to life. "Mistress James. How good to see you."

"Hey Dee-Four. Why don't you power down, I think I've got things under control for now." James patted the modified nanny droid on the shoulder.

"Ah, an excellent idea." The droid stood in its corner and the photorecptors that were it's eyes winked out.

James peeked into Jax's room and saw that he was still asleep. Might as well watch some morning holoshows until he gets up. She checked her chrono and verified it was only seven am. Ugh! Much too early. But she'd agreed, after all.

Ten minutes into Today Coruscant, James was slouched into the couch, sleeping soundly.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jun 8th, 2003, 04:49:52 PM
Jax opened his eyes and studied the wall for a few moments.

His thumb came out of his mouth as he pushed himself up on his short arms, and the little boy looked around the bedroom. His stuffed bantha studied him solemnly from the end of his bed, and Jax crawled to it, grabbing it by the ear and hopping out of his small bed.

The doors swished open, and the child snuck out, creeping past the powered down nanny droid. In the living area he saw someone he recognized.

"Jame!" Jax bounded over to the girl, and launched himself at the couch, crawling up beside her. "Jame! Hi!"

James Prent
Jun 12th, 2003, 01:55:09 AM
James woke with a start, and found Jax jumping excitedly on the couch next to her. "Woah lil' partner, calm down there. Remember, we only jump on the couch when Daddy is home." She winked, and Jax made an effort to wink too, scrunching up his entire face.

The padawan got to her feet and then swept the boy off the couch, 'flying' him around the room a bit. "How about some breakfast, Jax? You want some breakfast?"

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jun 14th, 2003, 07:11:21 PM
Jax squealed as James tossed him up in the air and caught him deftly, clinging to her neck as she hugged him close. "Brekfast! I's hungwy!"

James laughed, and walked into the kitchen, setting him on the counter as she rummaged inside the refridgeration unit. Jax kicked his legs, banging his feet against the cupboards underneath him.

James Prent
Jun 18th, 2003, 02:34:48 AM
"Hush Jax, you'll wake up Dee-Four!" James pantomimed the droid fussing over the kid, and he giggled, but stopped kicking his feet. "Cereal?"

"Yes! Pwease!" Jax wiggled his bottom on the counter and started to slip. James threw out her arm and stopped him from tumbling off the counter, pushing the three year old back onto the formica. "Oopsie." He chuckled, forcing a laugh that sounded as fake as it was adorable.

James 'ha-ha'ed along with him, and quickly poured his cereal and added just enough milk to it to satisfy him, and yet make sure that it wouldn't spill as he insisted on carrying it himself to the table. The padawan swept him off the counter with one arm, holding the bowl with the other. Jax grinned as she handed him the bowl, and proudly carried it to the table.

He was growing up a little more every day. James walked behind him, keeping an eye on the bowl, ready to steady it with her meager telekinesis skills if need be. A picture of Jax with Pierce caught her eye as the boy set the bowl on the table and then climbed up into his chair. James made sure he was situated, and then walked back to the picture.

Pierce looked proud, kneeling on the ground and holding Jax against him as the little boy pointed up at the S-foils of the X-Wing fighter they were posing in front of. The few pictures in the apartment were of the two of them...never with a mother. James wondered how she'd feel if Jax were her son, and she was missing his birthday.

"Oops! Jame! I spilled!" Jax waved his spoon in the air to get her attention, splattering wet cereal on the floor.

"Jax! Oh no..." James hurried over with a sponge to soak up the milk on the table top. "We have to get this cleaned up before your dad gets home." And then your 'party' is in a few hours after that.

"Dad!" Jax beamed, and looked at the door, as if expecting Pierce to walk in at that moment.

"No, no, he won't be back until - " James looked up as the front door opened, and brushed her hair out of her eyes as Pierce walked in. "-later." She smiled and continued to clean up as Jax scooted out of his chair and ran to his dad, still wielding his rogue spoon.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:23:54 PM
"Little one!" Pierce cried joyfully. He bent down and scooped his son up with both hands, spinning around in a circle. Jax giggled the entire way, and then laughed when his dad pulled him in for a great bear hug.

"Happy birthday, son," Pierce said. He rocked back and forth like every parent holding a child seems to do without thinking about, then set Jax down on his feet again. His attention turned to James, whom he gave a casual wink to. "So how are you?"

"I- I thought you were coming back later?" James stammered.

"Surprise," Pierce chuckled, moving to pour himself a glass of water. "You didn't think I'd miss my own son's birthday, did you? I even finagled him a present."

Pierce tossed back his drink and wiped away the drops on the back of his hand. "Come on in," he called at the still-open door.

Ryla Relvinian
Jul 13th, 2003, 04:32:09 PM
I took a deep breath and walked into the family's chambers, greeting James with a little nod and a smile before looking back at Pierce.

"Thank you for inviting me, Pierce."

To tell the truth, I felt a bit akward at this sort of a family celebration, but Pierce's plea to the council earlier had made me feel somewhat more at ease.

"Well, Happy Birthday, Jax! How does it feel to be one year older today?"

I smiled at him in a friendly way, thinking back to when I was younger and remembering the scattered fond memories. I hoped that Jax would take to me early on, which would make training him all the easier later on.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jul 14th, 2003, 12:32:59 PM
Jax skidded to a halt and his mouth made a little 'o' at the sight of the blue lady walking in behind his daddy. Hands went behind his back (including the spoon, which made a mess on the ground) and he ducked his head, suddenly bashful.

James poked him in the shoulder. "What do you say, Jax?"

He peeked up and then covered his face, dropping the spoon, which James barely caught in time. Fingers in his eyes, he blurted, "Hi!"

Pierce Tondry
Aug 5th, 2003, 05:30:53 PM
Pierce knelt down by Jax and gently pulled his hands away from his face. Jax lurched into his father, still trying to obscure Ryla's vision of him. His first attempt elicited a laugh, but his second attempt got surprise as the young boy nearly knocked his father over.

"Son," Pierce said in the tone of a gentle warning. "How do we behave in front of guests?"

Jax's hands retreated behind his back and he returned to examining the floor. "Jax," Pierce said quietly. "This is Jedi Master Ryla. Can you say 'Hello Ryla, my name is Jax'?"

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Aug 5th, 2003, 06:53:17 PM
He pouted a little. "No." Then he pinched his lips together, as though to keep any stray words from slipping out. Pierce pushed him forward a bit, and the little boy gave in, his face rearranging itself into a shy smile. "I'm Jax....hi R'la."

Then, over come with shyness, he turned back to bury himself into his father's side.

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 6th, 2003, 12:57:48 AM
I smiled at his shyness, fully aware of his response to me... and no doubt my unusual skin coloring. I wasn't offended at all, in fact I didn't assume anything differently than his current actions.

Working with childen had never been my specialty, and I didn't particularly like them even when I was one. This one, however, had such a strong presence in the Force to me that I felt he must certainly have a great potential.

I knelt down at the same level as Pierce, theorizing that if some fully grown adults were intimidated by my height a child surely may be as well. Continuing to smile, I started to peek around Pierce at Jax, trying to catch his eye.

"I'm not going to bite, you know"

James Prent
Aug 14th, 2003, 01:32:35 AM
James looked at the little meeting, and smiled, gathering up her cloak to leave.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Aug 14th, 2003, 01:34:12 AM
Jax made a face at the comment about biting, and then grinned, showing off some very cute dimples. "Wanna see my room!?"

Pierce Tondry
Aug 14th, 2003, 04:03:30 AM
"That's a good idea," Pierce said, ushering Jax towards his room with a hand. "Go show Ryla your room. I bet she'll love the color."

Jax bolted off in that direction, waving a hand for Ryla to "Come see!" With a knowing smile, Ryla followed the boy leaving Pierce briefly alone with James. He looked at her and saw what she was doing, raising his eyebrows inquisitively. "Leaving so soon?" he asked.

James Prent
Aug 14th, 2003, 12:15:20 PM
"Ah... well... Maybe?" She stood with her cloak folded haphazardly over an arm. "I thought maybe you wanted... That is I mean..."

"Ah, frell it. I thought you'd want a family time with Jax, y'know, for his birthday." James shuffled her feet. "And I didn't get anything for him... my money goes mainly to food these days. So...I feel bad sticking around."

She was standing by the door when there was a knock at it, and she looked at it, and then stepped aside so Pierce could answer it.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:50:34 PM
"You don't have to go," Pierce said as he moved to the door. "Anyone who looks after my son is family- hello?"

A Jedi Padawan stood in the hall, holding a box that had several small holes punched in the top. "Mr. Tondry?" he asked uncertainly.

Pierce nodded. "That's me."

"Er-" said the Padawan, and looked down at the box. "This came. For your son."

Something inside the box scuffled as Pierce took it. He peeked through one of the holes and caught a glimpse of something furry. "Where did it come from?" he asked uneasily.

"There was no address, but the freighter captain came from Daleen. Says he was asked by an acquaintance there to bring this in as a special favor for someone."

Daleen lay on the New Republic side of the Balmorran Empire's border. As far as he knew, no one out that way knew he had a son.

Unless it was Lilaena.

The thought turned itself over in Pierce's head. It wasn't impossible. If she were laying low somewhere nearby and had a contact willing to make a delivery across the line, it would be easy.

The box jostled again and Pierce began working at the knot of string that held it closed. If it was something that might harm Jax, he would-

- not be doing anything.

A pair of large, soulful eyes gazed up at the light and squinted. The undernourished doglike animal inside shrank back from the light and yipped pitifully. If it had ever had the ability to be a danger of some kind, clearly that ability was now lost.

Pierce looked at James. "Do you know what this is? I've never seen one."

Ryla Relvinian
Aug 27th, 2003, 10:13:49 PM
They wanted time alone, that was obvious. I turned and followed Jax off to his room, which was down a short hallway and to the left. It was painted a bright and garish shade of lime green, with rumpled orange sheets piled on a kid-sized bed in the corner. Posters with various people on them, none of whom I recognized, were spaced about the walls. On the window was an assortment of brightly-colored stickers.

Although I had very little experience with raising children, let alone training them, I quickly realized that he was very much like his father, albeit a much more enthusiastic version. The Force was strong with him, and his mind was clear and honest, a good mind to begin with.

Jax was chattering away about something on his shelf, and I smiled down at him, listening in to what he had to say, and realizing that, like so many children, it was much easier to get them to start talking than it was to get them to stop.

James Prent
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:48:20 AM
James knelt down beside Pierce and peeked into the box with him. "Oh! It's so cute!" She stuck her hands in the box before he could stop her, and carefully lifted out the animal. "This is a whisperkit, found on Corellia originally I think, but bred as pets all over the galaxy now."

The coal black 'kit craned it's little neck forward, licking James' face excitedly. She laughed delightedly, holding the little furry creature close to her body. It wriggled about a bit, and then settled down, looking at Pierce with large, intelligent eyes. "Seems to be a young one..." James started laughing again, and then turned her body slightly to show Pierce that the 'kit's long tail was wagging back and forth despite it's mellow appearance. It was hitting her in the side, and she found herself giggling, and so stopped, trying to be serious.

"Any idea who it's from?".

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Aug 29th, 2003, 02:54:10 AM
Jax ran up to Ryla, holding out a stuffed tauntaun he'd been given as a baby. He pressed it into her hands, and chattered excitedly somewhere half between Basic and childish gibberish. Then he was off again, running to his bookcase and pulling down a book, leaving the nice blue lady holding the tauntaun.

He walked back to her, and took the tauntaun from her, trying to wiggle his bottom onto her lap and hand her the book at the same time. "Read me?" He twisted around to look at her, trying to convince her with the adorable expression on his face. It usually worked with James. She would just laugh and give in, although after five times in a row with the speeder book she'd stopped falling for the cute routine.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 29th, 2003, 04:13:05 PM
Pierce slowly reached out his hands for the whisperkit. James handed the animal over and oddly enough, it sat still. "I'm not sure," he said in a subdued voice.

It was the literal truth, a truth that left Pierce with an unsettled feeling in his stomach. If this had come from Lilaena, then it cast doubt on Pierce's view of her. The crimes Lilaena had committed made it possible for him to see her as the evil she was, had made cutting off ties with her much easier. But whatever Lilaena's feelings for Pierce himself, she clearly still loved her son.

If it was from her. It might not be.

"Obviously, it's from someone who loves Jax. Very much."

The 'kit gave a little yelp and began wagging it's tail again, almost but not quite falling from Pierce's strong hands. He shifted his grip on the animal and in the process shifted his expression from unreadable concern to a smile directed at James. "I think I'll let you give this to Jax. You ought to be able to give him something for his birthday, I think."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 4th, 2003, 04:17:57 PM
Boys... I had forgotten that they were always this hyper. Jax, wriggling up into my lap with an expectant look, pushed a book under my nose for me to read.

"Of course, here..." I picked him up gently and adjusted him so my arms could go around him to hold up the book. "There we go. The Lonely Little Womp-Rat. Once upon a time, there was a lonely little womp-rat named Wilbur. Wilbur was..."

As I read to him, I became aware that he was, for the moment, calm and attentive. Periodically, I stopped and asked him to point something out in the picture, which he would do with a cute little grin on his face. This must be his favorite story, and inwardly, I was relieved that he had taken to me in such short of a time.

James Prent
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:02:00 PM
James blushed, but took the 'kit from his strong hands. "Okay. You sure there's no note in the box? It couldn't have come from far, at least, not cheaply." The 'kit licked her face, and the padawan pulled it away from her face, and wandering back to Jax's room, where the other Jedi, Ryla, was being conned into reading about the little womp-rat.

She knocked lightly at the doorjamb, and poked her head around the corner. "It's not to early for a present, is it?"

Jax squealed at the word 'present' and struggled away from Ryla, trying to get closer to James. She stepped inside and knelt down, letting him approach the little whisperkit. "This little guy is for you, Jax. Happy birthday you big boy, you."

He'd stopped short at the sight of the 'kit, but was now holding his hand out to pet it. The 'kit wriggled in James' arms, trying to lick Jax's pudgy little fingers as she directed his hand to just behind it's ears. The little boy's eyes went wide at the touch of the soft fur, and he soon lost interest in only petting, and held out his hands to hold the 'kit. "Hold me!"

James chuckled as Ryla set the book aside to watch them interact, and agreed. "All right, he is yours, after all. But you have to sit down."

Jax's rump found the ground in record time, and the padawan carefully settled the 'kit in his arms. "Don't hold him too tightly, he needs to breathe too." She grinned as Jax sat there, 'kit desperately trying to lick his face while the three year old beamed from ear to ear. "Whatcha gonna name him?"

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Sep 7th, 2003, 04:32:01 PM
Jax was wide-eyed with adorable wonder, looking over at James as the little 'kit licked his face. Then his face creased with thought. "Name him?"

James nodded at him, "Yeah, you know. Like my name is James, yours is Jax and her name is Master Ryla."

The three year old considered that for a moment, and the 'kit wriggled out of his arms and started exploring the room. He got to his knees and crawled after it, looking to see what was so interesting. The 'kit found the dropped tauntaun, and Jax quickly pulled it out of it's mouth and tried to hold it out of the reach of the little 'kit. "No! Tha's mine!"

The 'kit dropped back on it's haunches, and cocked it's head to the side, regarding the little boy and the stuffed toy that he was holding on top of his head. Then it scampered over to the bookcase. Jax handed James the tauntaun and followed after the little black thing that was treating his room like it was it's own. The 'kit jumped up to the second shelf and sniffed at the bookends. Jax frowned again and shook his head at the 'kit. It whined and licked his face, which caused the little boy to dissolve into giggles.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 8th, 2003, 12:50:30 AM
Setting down the book on the bed, I turned to James and smiled.

"What a cute little creature! I've never seen anything like it. What is it anyway?

Jax seemed to have met his match in the enthusiasm department, and I silently pitied Pierce at the thought of him putting up with yet another excitable creature.

James Prent
Sep 9th, 2003, 01:25:28 AM
"It's called a whisperkit. Native to Corellia, I believe." James grinned at the sight of the boy and the 'kit tumbling around on the ground.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 10th, 2003, 12:36:21 PM
Pierce stood in the doorway, watching his son play enthusiastically with his new pet. Though the notion of letting Lilaena have any part of Jax's life left Pierce uneasy, he would not have denied Jax anything that brought his only son joy. And the whisperkit seemed to be quite happy to have an owner with as much energy as itself.

Ryla said something to James, then the two of them smiled somewhere between each other and the wrestling boy and dog. It felt picturesque. Homey. Peaceful.

And that was why it saddened Pierce. All Jedi walked a fine line, Pierce's line finer than most. One Intel mission gone wrong or one Jedi negotiation ending badly and any of the people who had come to care for his son would be erased from the picture and bring the boy a heavy grief of such a kind that Pierce would not wish it on anyone but his enemies.

But to say his thoughts aloud would be to destroy the peace sooner. It was best that his personal uncertainties be kept to himself. For Jax's sake.

'Total defense strikes again.'

Drawing himself up, Pierce put on his best smile and walked forward into the picture. "Anyone up for some cake and ice cream?" he winked.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Sep 10th, 2003, 08:24:58 PM
"Cake!" Jax struggled to his feet, and fell, the 'kit licking his face in search of more left over breakfast.

James Prent
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:33:47 AM
James laughed, and reached for the boy, picking him up off the ground as she got to her feet as well -

Lightsabers flashed, her blue saber crashing up into the descending purpleish saber. Run Jax, run! The little boy was wrapped around a table support, refusing to let go. She pushed with the Force, trying to get him away, but he screamed and held on tighter. The dark robed figure descended on her, battling her away from the table, and then leaping on top of it, standing above the child like a hideous angel.

He is mine. The lightsaber cut through the air, warning the Knight from getting closer.

Never! James slogged through the shadows that were gathering around her legs, trying to get at the dark figure. The darkness seemed to drag at her, and pull her away. The vision blurred, and then there was a startlingly loud hum in her ears as the burn of a lightsaber wound tore through her shoulder and down into her stomach.

Her own weapon dropped from her hands as the Knight crumpled to the ground.

Still holding Jax, and in the process of standing, James' knees gave out and she collapsed, out cold.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:49:57 PM
Pierce coughed, utterly taken aback. "I guess cake just isn't her thing. he quipped in his head.

Jax had tumbled to the ground when James collapsed. Though he had on his face the start of a sniffle, it disappeared when he caught sight of his babysitter lying unconscious on the ground. "Jame!" he shouted

His little legs started him in James' direction, but Pierce was already kneeling beside the fallen woman and he held Jax back. Pierce checked her forehead for some signs of fever, but found none. Wish I knew whether that's good or bad.

"Master Relvinian," he said to Ryla. "Could you please get a cloth from the drawer next to the stove and wet it with some cold water? I think she's fainted."

'Or,' he thought, recalling a similar incident from another time. 'She's had a vision.'

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 5th, 2003, 03:23:22 PM
"What..." I began, surprised at the sudden change in the emotional climate of the room, followed by James collapsing onto the floor.

Pierce turned and asked me to head to the kitchen, which I quickly
headed out to get, returning to see that Jax was clearly startled and trying to rush towards the collapsed padawan.

I folded the damp, cool cloth and placed it on James' forehead, straightening out her head and neck after making sure, through the Force, that there was no damage from the fall.

"She's ok, just passed out." I gently felt the side of her head where she had hit the ground. "She'll just have a bruise..."

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Oct 9th, 2003, 10:44:22 PM
Jax leaned over his dad's arm, staring at James. He was startled and concerned (at least as much as a three year old can be concerned about someone else), and a little scared. Why was she lying so still?

The 'kit butted him playfully from behind, and Jax turned around, angry. He shouted, "No!" and kicked at the little black thing, which yelped (even though he'd missed) and scrambled away. Jax frowned mightily, putting his little hands on his hips.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 19th, 2003, 05:18:33 PM
"Son," Pierce stated sternly. "We have more important things to worry about."

He turned back to James and shook one of her shoulders. "James," Pierce said. "Are you alright? Wake up."