View Full Version : Godmoding

Taylor Millard
Jun 6th, 2003, 08:20:30 PM

:: Vynn's eyes never left the man. The jedi might've sensed him now, but how well could he keep track of Vynn, who had a medichlorien count low enough to consider him dead? And Vynn's grandfather, a darksider, had brought Vynn up on how to defend himself from mind any kind of prying or mind tricks. In fact Vynn had gotten so good at defending himself from force tricks that when his grandfather decided to "test" his lightsaber on Vynn, he had only been able to scar his face before Frost wasted the old man.

First off, outside of his grammar being completely terrible...how can someone have a low midichlorian count to be considered dead? To my knowledge that's completely off base and impossible. The only way someone could have that sort of thing is if they had an yslamiri on them.

I can accept him having some mind blocks but not to the extent he says it is.

The rifle was of no blaster type, but Vynn kept its purpose locked in his mind from the jedi prying. Not to mention, with him facing Vynn, the Imperial officer knew the force user was opening his backside to at least three sniper's crosshairs behind him. By this time, the soldiers from the other sides had come around to this one also. In visible range of the Jedi and waiting with weapons ready at each of the corners.

He could run, but the snipers were of Inquisitorate triaining and were probably on some kind of temporary drug that would let them hit the force user even if he enhanced himself. They weren't going to be walking for a little while though.::

Hmm...I'm sorry I don't see how possible that is without the drug:

A)Having a major debilitating effect on the person.

B) I don't see how someone could use the drug (say it's liquid silver) and still be able to keep up with a Force User using speed. Without ODing or getting addicted to it.

Suggestions? Comments?

We've had plenty of complaints about Fiend...let's do something this time.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 6th, 2003, 08:38:14 PM
I think the dude really needs to sit down and think things through because I swear he is just making this up as he goes along... he needs to be much clearer on the drugs and a that midcholrian count is BS IMO

Taylor Millard
Jun 6th, 2003, 09:30:34 PM
Liquid Silver- is a hyperstimulant. Increases heartbeat, reflexes, and it depends on the person whose taking the drug...however it could only be for a minute...minute and a half. Hypersenses, tremors, highly addictive, turns eyes white, extreme paranoia are the main side effects.

That came straight from s'Il btw.

There's no way they could be taking LS (imo) for it to work. Stimulants would not be able t'work against a Force User...it could make someone a little faster but not keep up with.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:24:20 PM
depends on how you use the drug and the situation the story was set in ... but, you would need to play the side effects big time. and he hasn't ... right? if so, you're right that needs to be fixed.

Taylor Millard
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:44:54 PM
Well Liquid Silver was created by s'Il to add a certain element to her character. I'm just using it as an example 'cause I didn't know what else to use.

It wouldn't let the user keep up with a Force user for more than a minute.

Stims would probably be best, but again you'd have to play up the side effects.

Taylor Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:30:16 AM
okay can someone give me some guidance on this. My tolerance level at 4:30AM isn't very high right now.

Vynn Frost wrote on Today 04:13 AM:
no offense, it was an accident, its not like I'm trying to throw signals up here where things blow up like this, a pm over the matter would've been much more convienient please.

Were I more awake...I'd reply, but I'm gonna wait until after I get some rest.

Jun 8th, 2003, 09:54:49 AM
Well, he might be right. A PM could well sort this out.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:11:44 PM
if it only involves one poster, PM. I posted mine in the thread proper because it involved everyone in the thread, and a n00b or two.

Taylor Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:26:30 PM
Fine then I never posted in it...I deleted my post and here's what I said in it.:

:: Vynn's eyes never left the man. The jedi might've sensed him now, but how well could he keep track of Vynn, who had a medichlorien count low enough to consider him dead? And Vynn's grandfather, a darksider, had brought Vynn up on how to defend himself from mind any kind of prying or mind tricks. In fact Vynn had gotten so good at defending himself from force tricks that when his grandfather decided to "test" his lightsaber on Vynn, he had only been able to scar his face before Frost wasted the old man.

The scar hadn't been able to heal, ever. And the low MC count could explain Vynn's unnatural paleness for a man who was constantly working in all sorts of environments. But Vynn that wasn't his concern now.

Okay HUH??

*scratches forehead*

I can accept Vynn having some mental blocks. After all, mental blocks (on Non-Force users) have always been a matter of willpower. If the Force User trying to use the Force to read someone's mind isn't strong enough, they they probably couldn't read a Non-Force User's try.

But the Midichlorian count? Where in the SW Universe is it stated someone can have a count low enough to be considered dead? I thought midichlorians were used to measure Force potential not whether someone were alive or dead.

Unless you can prove (and I mean IN the SW Galaxy- not just here at Fans) where it's been mentioned then you'll have to change the comment about the midiclorian count.

The rifle was of no blaster type, but Vynn kept its purpose locked in his mind from the jedi prying. Not to mention, with him facing Vynn, the Imperial officer knew the force user was opening his backside to at least three sniper's crosshairs behind him. By this time, the soldiers from the other sides had come around to this one also. In visible range of the Jedi and waiting with weapons ready at each of the corners.

He could run, but the snipers were of Inquisitorate triaining and were probably on some kind of temporary drug that would let them hit the force user even if he enhanced himself. They weren't going to be walking for a little while though.::

Okay the sniper's being there...not a problem but which planet is this on?

Also the "temporary drug"...uh uh. No way. Any drug like that would be HIGHLY addicting and the side effects would be astronomical. Even stims, which do help with reflexes, wouldn't be able to help the snipers keep up with a Force User using Force Speed.

Please change that as well. You've been warned about this sort of thing before. Please do not do this again.

Thank you.

Taylor Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:40:53 PM
If someone else wants to deal with Fiend they can, I wash my hands of him.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:46:57 PM
er we could flip a coin...or draw straws

Jun 8th, 2003, 10:39:44 PM
I will. Thank you :)