View Full Version : Black Ghost

Jun 6th, 2003, 02:29:16 PM
-It was a rainy night in Coruscant, the darkness lit up elegantly by the jungle of buildings. As Covenant lies on the roof top he listens to the droplets patter on the water-proof mat that covers him, feeling the gentle pushes of the windy droves of falling water. He peers from behind the scope of a silenced high-powered projectile weapon, he's watching a small door connecting an open-top walkway into a building. He dislikes the harsh noise of the occasional noisey speeder screaming by so he concentates instead on the beatiful music of the rainfall.
His mind wanders as he thinks about his life, reflecting on his bygone times. He wonders if he would have even come close to predicting that he'd be doing this in his future. Thinking about the past, he can't help but recall his beloved sister, now passed on for some 3 years now. She had always been his strength all his life, even in their days as Royal guards he silentley leaned on her for support.

Through the focused telecopic sight, a lone, suited man can be seen leaving the door below, walking out onto the walk-way. A quick glance to check that there are still no bystanders, he takes aim on the man.
The suit grapples with one hand to hold on to his briefcase, the other hand clamping down tight on his hat.
The unseen obsever releases his breath and eases a shot to his target, missing just to one side , the weapon making no flash and nothing but a whisper of sound, which in this weather was hard to hear even for the marksman himself.
The suit stops when he hears the silent {ping} of the round ricocheting of the plasteel, looking around to see what could have made the noise.-

*Covenant mumbles to himself.*
"Heh.......still don't believe that actually works."

-Now stationary, the suit continues to fight the elements for his hat when he suddenly slumps calmly to the floor, motionless, a neat hole to the side of the head, the exit wound gentley seeping out it's crimson contents out onto the polished, rain-swept floor , the hat flutters away.
His mission complete, Covenant stands up, placing the weapon under one arm and picking up the weather proof mat and the binoculars he walks into a door nearby. Leading into a dark stairwell he kneels down to open the case he left there; Unloading and disassembling his weapon he replaces it in the case and adds on top of it a wet, rolled up mat.

He exits the building at ground level, glancing a quick look at the crowd of bystanders and police now crowded around the body, standing around and completeley oblivious that the silent ghost now walks right past them, strait past them and into his vehical, but not before picking up the hat that has just been pinned by the wind to his windscreen. He flies off from the scene of the crime at a speed to match the traffic, enjoying the heavy music blaring away inside his more then comfortable two-seater sports-speeder cabin.

Having parked around the corner, Covenant swings open the door to the loud night club. He comfortabley walks through the crowd, naturally parting for the 7" tall man, and sits at a table strategically chosen to be close to the bar area.

As he sits and waits patientley, he tries to enjoy the drink he's just ordered but he hates it, he's still yet to find a single drink he likes in this galaxy.
His enhanced senses pick up the strong smell of vampires, the club is crawling with them. He doesn't blame them, he's enjoying the live heavy-metal as well.
Just as his thoughts turn from surveying and begin to wander again, a figure pulls up a chair to his table and sits down. Recognising the self-invited party go'er, he parts his lips to release the casual yet solid words in his smooth, elegant, alien accent but still the words come across as a cold, dry remark.-

"It's done."

-He casually places the soaking wet hat on the table, the slightly red stained hole on one side and a significantley larger, messier hole on the other.-

Cmdr. Castles
Jun 6th, 2003, 05:19:18 PM
Mularc stood behind his boss, who was seated across the table from Covenant. Mularc's job was not to protect, but to simply see those who might be a threat and have them eliminated.

The suited guy was one who knew too much. He had hacked into the bosses server and got some "info". That information was highly classified. No-one could know what they were about to do.

Strange. This bar seemed to be full of Vampires or Un dead things. Mularc could see thier spirits moving around but could find no life force. It was very interesting.

The boss threw a couple of chips at Mularc. Mularc caught them with ease. He was a towering 6' 3" so there was nothing that was taller thenm him. Mularc strode over to the bar and ordered a Corillian Ale. The bartender got him the drink and then bolted away. Figures.

Mularc got back to the table in a few short strides. He placed the Ale in front of the Boss and stepped back. This could be a long night.....

Jun 7th, 2003, 01:38:01 AM
-Covenant glanced up briefly to check "the help" his (temporary) employer chose to bring with him. He could see Mularc was the kind who could probably handle himself very well in a bar scrap, but Covenant was still silentley sure that if any thing went pear shaped he could still drop Mularc like a sack when faced by his first super-soldier.-

"It was a simple job,..............And like a good little job, it did what it was told...."

-Covenant took another sip of his drink, his eyes not leaving the man even once; Although his mind was a little off centre, he had caught a slight glimmer of suspicious movement in the corner of his eye, and the foul flavour of his beverage didn't help either.

".....The Colonell left his office at 23:07, two, very wet, minutes behind scedule. Unfortunatley for him, my execution was in perfect timeing. He went down like a dream; Not even he saw what hit him, let alone any bystanders. Any fluke witnesses won't have seen clear enough through the weather to make a usable testimony and the round will dissintegrate in a matter of hours after usage....."

*He removes a chain from his pocket, one ended fastened to his shirt, the other to his timepiece; Glancing at it for a brief time check, he replaces the antique device in his pocket while sharing his words.*

".....They should be entirely destroyed by now."

-He adds a slight smile to the end of his sentence, taking a momment to enjoy the beauty of a job gone horribley right, a rarity in these risk-ladened days.-

Cmdr. Castles
Jun 20th, 2003, 06:46:40 PM
Mularc looked around as Covenant finished his words.
"I'll go and check that out...." he wispered in the bosses ear.

A large Vampire, nearly twice as tall as Mularc, rose from the shadows. "Another pathetic one." Mularc muttered.

Mularc's Eyes went from their normal icey blue to blood red as he saw the world no longer as real, only an illusion to hide his meals.

Walking towards the Vampire he drew a hudge sword. It was easily too large for him, but he was still able to hold it in one hand.

The Vampire flew at him, but Mularc killed him with one blow. His sword looked as if it had thousands of thorns around it's surface, and was more deadly then it looked.

As the Vampire's Lifeless halves fell to the gorund, Mularc absorbed his spirit, causing his body to the Vampire's body to disintergrate in front of him.

"Anyone Else want to cause trouble?" He yelled as he saw the last image of the Vampire's memory - A white angel.