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Dios Kane
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:12:45 AM
~You tell me yours, I'll tell you mine,
~We'll share a few drinks and talk the pleasures of wine! :lol

:: I sat in a bar in some nameless suburban area of Coruscant. As much suburban as Coruscant could get that is. I sat in my usual red jacket, black shirt, white pants. Silver hair to my shoulders and a glass of some powerful concoction of mind stuck to my lips. Maia was shopping next door for some new clothes and I was there in a bar watching a pod race on the wide vid screen.::

Jun 6th, 2003, 04:24:18 AM
-Covenant sits at a corner table by himself. The lone wolf has choosen to go a little less dark today, he wares a dark red suit with the jacket extending right down to the floor which, for a 7" stature, is a long way down.
His sleeves are folded up and bound back by the leather straps and silver buckle cuffs, his exposed, well toned, muscled arms ended in sturdy yet fine quality leather gloves.
Spending time in this neck of the galaxy meant that Covenant had to do away with his signature broadsword to his back, replacing them instead with two shortswords crossed on his back hidden beneth the clothing. He is still armed with his trusted twin pistols, each holstered to each thigh, the holsters part of a light harness which intern straps on to the subtley armour padded troussers and vest. The weapons were not an expression of his paranoia but instead out of habits from his older days.
His armerments are of little concern as they were unseen beneath the long jacket, and he pulled a little force trick on the guards at the entrance so that they didn't think to search him on the way in, a trick taught to him from an old friend. Besides, Covenant was here to relax and check this place out and had absolutley no intention of starting anything. he was deep in reflective thought over a good hot beverage when he looked up and his subtley glowing, jewel-green eyes catch the figure infront of the screen.-

*Only just noticing the man, and considering his apperance, in a chuckle, as he mumbles to himself.*
"Heh heh.......snap."

-The comic phenomena welcomed by his thoughts to break away from his more dismal issues.-

Reese Vortex
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:05:29 AM
Reese opened the door to the bar, her white eyes scanning the place before stepping fully into the bar. Her purple cloak waving in the wind behind her, she shrugs her bare shoulders and takes a step in.

Walking cautiously to the bar, she quietly orders a drink, quickly paying for it as it is placed infront of her. Taking the drink in her hand, she adjusts the bodice of her dress with her other hand before moving to a table away from the main part of the bar.

She noticed quite a few patrons with weapons and she smiled softly, her only weapons were a dual ended lightsaber and a dagger she kept strapped to her thigh. Brushing her long black hair over her shoulder, she let out a sigh and sat down, staring into her drink for a moment before taking a sip of it. Reese's eyes quickly hit every patron she could see, quietly musing to herself that this indeed was an interesting place.

Salem Ave
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:15:37 AM
It was night and thus the neon signs of the plentiful bars of Coruscant filled the horizon and skyline with brash array of flickering hues. Salem squinted. How he hated it all. If it wasn’t for a need to scout out for the needs of himself and his brethren, he would never have come to Coruscant. It was a filthy hive of dirty blooded proles, plebiscites; all leeches draining the resources of the galaxy.

Stooping under the doorway of the bar – most doorways were not made for 6’7” tall boys – the Sith Knight practically lurched across the room. Predators’ solid black eyes swept the room once then twice, taking in what was around him. The collective vein of the people here was hardly worth the effort to drink from it, and so the vampire would certainly not be feeding tonight.

He slid into a booth, hunched slightly, and stared directly down at the table in front of him; his messy dark hair falling over his pale face. He may not have been directly watching everything around him, but the Force was allowing him to keep a good enough vigil.

Jun 6th, 2003, 12:45:14 PM
-Covenant surveyed the room, he could smell at least one vampire in the vicinity and he felt a presence of vast power in the room. Taking aquick look to asure no one was looking in his direction he let his vision shift; His eyes melting into pools of jet black save firey red pupils which scanned the room.
His genetically engineered vision picking up a whole multitude of bio-signatures and a few force-potentials but when he looked in her direction he could see the power running through her as clear as the silken hair and flowing purple cloak.
Turning his sight to the vampire he couldn't help but size him up. Clearly he was the next largest person in the room and even though Covenant had been designed to fight super humans like that he still knew to play it safe, he knew only to well the hidden skills of the Sith and this one was quite stong with the force to say the least.
While turning his eyes back to their more normal shade, he notices that not one but both of the new comers have lightsabres to their belts.
He knew his blade would protect him in most circumstances, Drach'nyenn had saved him more then enough times, but like all shadowbane swords they sacrifised speed and agility for power; Even though his highly augmented form could wield it with breathtaking agility and finesse he knew that a lightsaber in a good force-users hands were faster still.

Managing to rid himself of analysing the room like the super-soldier he was built to be, he turned his thoughts to survey things with a more personal touch. Not able to quite catch all the faces in the room, Covenant rises to wander the room. He pulls himself to his full massive height and, learned from experience, paces the edge of the room so that his height was not quite so intimidating to the those who found it so. He walks slowly, carefully trying to conceal the limp on his right leg, the blaster wound had still not quite healed up just yet from that incident a few weeks ago.
He wants to learn more of these force-wielders but hasn't quite decided that it's safe enough yet.
His years in the royal guard, more then well enough, taught him to absolutley guarantee he was moving into a secure location, and even though he knew the establishment to be one devoid of violence he still refused to let his guard all the way down.

That said, gene-engineered or not, he was still an independant young man and still kept his options open to look out for a good time.-

Reese Vortex
Jun 6th, 2003, 03:14:45 PM
Sitting back in the chair she occupied, Reese slowly turned her head, feeling as if she was being watched. She shrugged, who ever it was, had turned their attention elsewhere. Her hand went down to her hip where her lightsaber hung from a clip and she patted it reassuringly. The only thing left from her training as a Jedi before she left. The Jedi life was not for her. She had taken that lightsaber and torn it apart to make it 'her'. She laughed softly to herself and finished her drink.

Another presence in the bar caught her attention and she lifted her head up higher. She paused then smiled.

'Yep, a vamp.' She thought to herself. She seeked him out, nodding briefly to him. She had always been curious about the ways of the vampire. They were interesting folk.

Reese stretched in her chair, grinning like a kid as she grabbed the small glass in the palm of her hand and focused on it, lifting it off her palm with her Force ability. She sat there, slowly turning it with her mind, unaware of anyone else in the bar now. Simple things like this she liked to do to keep her mind off of her troubles or, even better, to keep her from seeking out a fight for no reason at all.

Jun 6th, 2003, 03:49:44 PM
-Covenant leans on the bar to reduce the potential hostility of his height and is turned to face away from it but it's pretty clear that he is talking to her, he interupts the focused yet distracted woman. He speaks with an unknown, elegent, smooth, alien accent with perfectly clear language.-

"I mean not to breach proper ettiquette but I couldn't help but notice your little "trick" there."

-His attitude affirmed by a casual smile. His emerald eyes offer nothing but warmth in their subtle glow but the slightly lengthy canine bearing of the partition of his lips as he speaks laces the whole visage with a slight touch of the sinister.-

"Although I'm up for a bar fight as much as the next trouble maker, I count at least a dozen personel in here and even between the two of us and the vampire over there...."
*looks at him with a teasingly friendly nod.*
"....I agree we could probably trash the place in no time but our law-enforceing friend in here......"
*Giving a mocking smile and wave to the table of uniforms across the room.*
"....and the place would be crawling with Jedi in no time."

-He turns to face the disrupted woman who now turns to face him. He offers another warm yet darkened smile before adding in a jesting tone.-
"I know you're probably just having a little fun, but you never know what trouble you can get into in Coruscant, or relise quite how difficult it can be to fight all the way out. So if it's all the same to you, might I ask that you occupy yourself with something a little less......
-He says for lack of a better word.-

Jun 6th, 2003, 03:51:34 PM
The lower levels of Coruscant are viewed as a buzzing hive full of scum and villainy. Those with an ounce of grey matter in their thick skulls are wise enough to never venture down among the sewage and waste. Among the filth live the beggars and the thieves. Wretched, heartless scum thriving off of the naivete` of the unsuspecting sods that mingle with the upper social classes of Coruscant.

Abandoned at the age of nine, Smidget (as she is known on the streets) has lived among the filth and scum for the past six years, relying on her own self-learned skills in order to barely survive. Standing tall at a whopping 5'3" and weighing ninety-eight pounds, the young girl makes her way to the upper levels. For those without cash flow thieving and picking pockets is their way of life.

The night is warm, the air a bit humid, a sign of an approaching storm. The rain can be smelled in the breeze, coming in from far off to the west. Clothed in a tattered shirt and loose-fitting pants (barely held up by her thin hips), the malnourished street rat strolls casually through the alleyways until coming to one of the main thoroughfares.

Heavy traffic rushes past and as she waits patiently for the signals to interrupt the busy flow of the citizens, Smidget decides what businesses she'll hit first tonight. A few of the local area bars will be first, as she usually heads to those first. Paydays are their busiest nights; the working class chillin' over a drink in a dingy, smoke-filled saloon, pissin' away their hard earned credits and drowning their sorrows.

Good 'n drunk they get and thats just how she likes them. Makes it easier to lighten their wallets. Traffic pauses and Smidget hurries across the street, coming up to the first local hang out to begin her night's tasks.

Once inside, she scans the immediate area, surveying those nearby for potential victims. Hm. Atleast three should be good and drunk in the next hour. That'll be a fair start, she figures. With a bit of a street tough strut to her gait, she mosey's the bar and takes to simply leaning her back against the counter, tucked in the corner where the countertop meets the wall.

For now . . . she waits.

Reese Vortex
Jun 7th, 2003, 02:28:44 AM
"I know you're probably just having a little fun, but you never know what trouble you can get into in Coruscant, or relise quite how difficult it can be to fight all the way out. So if it's all the same to you, might I ask that you occupy yourself with something a little less visual."

Reese's eyebrows raised in amusement at the deep voice in her head and she turned to look at the direction it came from. Lowering the glass back onto her hand, she smirked and set it back on the table.

'And who might you be?' Reese asked with a smile, leaning back in her chair with her arms resting on the back of it. He was right, of course, trouble was not what she was after tonight and by the Gods, she did not want to have to deal with any Jedi.

Jun 7th, 2003, 02:44:23 AM
-With a lopsided, wry smile he answered.-

"...Just another troublemaker in a region of honest, law-abiding citizens."

-He extends a black leather gloved hand, his large, well toned, muscular forearm exposed with the dark red sleeve bound back by their three leather straps and silver buckled cuffs; A token gesture of a more formal intoduction, he holds her hand firmly but gentley, palm down, and slightly bows his head in a formal greating before actually answering.-

"I am Covenant, beautiful one, A lost and fallen Knight of the old ways."

-His bow and hand gesture ending with a gentle touch of his lips on the smooth skin on the back of her hand, before laying it down again.
The slight contact giving the introduction of trust without crossing the line, a gesture of ancient ettiquette, a Knight addressing a Lady.-

Salem Ave
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:21:18 AM
Acute hearing derived not only from the Force but from his races naturally enhanced attributes allowed Salem to listen to conversations, and in particular that between Covenant and the woman he spoke with. Salem closed his eyes and pursed his lips slightly, suddenly rising up – almost straight for standing to being stood rigidly – and heading for the bar.

He leant against the counter, looking back and forth as he caught gazes on him. Visually he appeared to be quite a nervous boy. Perhaps 19 or 20 years old, he wore a long woolen cloak, with tall buckled boots and a cowl around his neck. A close fitting bag was hidden beneath his covering clothes, and a slim black hilt was clipped to a then strip of a belt around his waist.

“What can I get you, mate?”


A few odd looks, “Er… we don’t ‘ave any human blood.”

“I don’t want human blood,” Salem hissed quietly in reply, “Any will do.”

The bartenders reluctancy was attracting attention and Salem felt incredibly self-aware all of a sudden.

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 7th, 2003, 07:19:39 AM
"Eh, you got plenty'a blood my boy. Try this, its better for ya..."

What were the chances of another Vampyre walking into some random bar on Coruscant and sitting next to Darren? A million to one, they had to be.

"Tender, two rounds, right here........"

The bartender took his glare from Salem slowly to get the drinks. He eyed the boy again as he turned back around, setting two shots of vodka down in front of Darren, one of which was immediately slid in front of Salem.

"Drink up friend"

Jun 7th, 2003, 07:44:25 AM
-Now noticing both vampires, Covenant is momentarly destracted by the odds of this happening. Deciding that he's had enough of sitting around, he chooses instead to leave this place in search of some fun.-

*Openly to the bar although he's really talking to the vampires and any other trouble makers in the room.*
"Say, I've had enough of this place. As exiting as its is to stare at pod-racing all day long I think I'll ditch this place in favour of some fun."

-On his way to the door he invites.-
"...Any other trouble makers in here are welcome to join me."

Reese Vortex
Jun 7th, 2003, 09:35:23 AM
Reese couldn't help the smirk that played on her lips and she slowly stood, her eyes quickly glancing over the two vampires at the bar now.

'My, my, my.' She thought to herself.

Reese adjusted the gold gauntlets on her arms and moved to join Covenant at the door. She waits for him to turn and look at her. When he does, she throws him a million watt smile.

"I'm Reese." She said, her voice naturally husky. "This 'trouble maker' would love to join you."

Ashley Illeus
Jun 7th, 2003, 09:44:34 AM
The probelm with bars, any kind, no matter where they are, even in the lowest scum buckets of the universe?

They really don't like having dogs trying to get a drink.

The was the current probelm for one Ashley Illeus, she has one slight flaw, she forgets sometimes that she's in her more, animalistic form. As the silver-ish white dog, with an oddly enough, bright red mane, sat outside the bar in which DarKnight, Salem, Reese, Darren, Smiget and Dios enjoy their drinks, she simply says one thing.


Jun 7th, 2003, 10:11:17 AM
-Covenant strolls out of the bar to find a dog outside, his enhanced vision picking up the unusual biorythms for a dog. He crouches down and places a hand on the dogs head, playfully stroking his hand through gentley through her mane he remarks.-
"Well, what have we here?............You look like a dog.....................you certainly sound like a dog...........but something smells a little off about you.............."

-He turns his head and glances up at Reese to ask for a second opinion.-
"...........What d'you think?............Does she seem a bit..........OFF to you?...............see a little "not quite dog " in her eyes?"

Ashley Illeus
Jun 7th, 2003, 10:13:54 AM
She turned her head towards DK, blue eyes looking at him with almost human intelligence.


Getting onto all fours, she proceeds to walks away from DK and Reese, turning her head back she says it once more.


Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 7th, 2003, 10:20:32 AM
:: Sorsha strides past, and into the bar, her gaze traveling across the room as her eyes dilate, like a cat's eyes on the hunt. She moves with arrogant grace to a corner and takes a seat ::

Jun 7th, 2003, 10:23:31 AM
"She's mine."

A voice pipes up from behind DK and Reese. The street rat had heard the woof's coming from outside just moments ago.

"I don't think she likes to be touched by strangers."

Smidget strolls leisurely past the two, a wary look in her chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey, where ya' headin' offta?"

The young thief calls after the dog, following in the creatures wake. She'd noticed the guys with the white buckets on their heads in the bar; puts a damper on picking the pockets of the more well off. Time to hit another area of the bustling city to lift some credits from some poor unsuspecting citizen.

Jun 7th, 2003, 10:39:14 AM
-With the dog running off Covenant rises, turing his head he notices Sorscha walk in, he smells the air in her wake before turning to Reese. In a mocking action his hand is held to his mouth in an attempt to direct the sarcastic whisper in Rees'es directon.-
"Just as well we got out when we did,..............12 officers, 2 vampires and a sith witch sound to me like a bad joke...............or at least REAL serious trouble waiting to happen."

-Extending a polite hand to Reese he poses the question light-heartedly.-
"So,.......Where to first?"

Reese Vortex
Jun 7th, 2003, 10:50:31 AM
Reese lets out a low, seductive chuckle at his 'joke', watching the 'dog' trot off down the alley. She turns to look around, taking in the night. She takes the offered hand and grins up at the handsome Covenant.

"I am new here myself, Covenant." She replied. "So I do not know the layout of this city. But where ever we go, let's make it memorable!"

Jun 7th, 2003, 11:01:25 AM
"Okay then,......"

-As they walk he looks around at the night sky, seemingly searching the stars for inspiration, before then turning back to face his graceful copanion and suggesting.-

"....Well, if we were looking to work off a little steam we could go find ourselves a dark alley to walk down and pray for some gang of happless fool's to try and mug us or maybe we can go and find some illegal fight and enter as regular humans before proceeding to wipe the floor with our opponents.......................alternativley we could just go for a stroll under the stars and wait for something to present itself."

-From Covenants tone it's clear that, like any warrior, he'd look forward to getting into a fight but it's equaly clear that he's perfectly happy to enjoy a night stroll with good company.-

Dios Kane
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:13:02 AM
:: I have sorta been drwoning in my drink while all goes on in the local bar. I took another swig before turning around, remembering that before I'd taken a swallow five minutes ago, someone had tried to say something to me. I hadn't really noticed but I did now. Now that there were several people inside, a few I knew and more I didn't. I blinked, watching two people leave, shaking my head before taking another drink and setting my glass down to be refilled.

My view was a bit tilted, I'd blame the drinks, but I could notice and recognize a Shrine member talking to someone else I didn't know over blood, and some other chick I'd met before, but she looked like she was up for a one night stand over in the corner and I'd rather let her alone. In fact, I really wanted no trouble at all, I was a little tired, and hoped Maia might hurry with her shopping before anything bad did decide to plop itself in my lap. I sighed, my shoulders slumping a bit.::

The Vore
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:11:48 AM
:: The air shimmers with a weird black radiance, and several man-sized creatures phase into the room. They keen in unison, and then the killing starts. Glowing spheres of energy fly through the bar, exploding as they burn random targets beyond recogniton ::

Dios Kane
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:44:52 PM
:: I hit the ground in utter confusion. Looking up with dust stung eyes, I had no idea what was going on until I looked up, seeing a bunch of freaks all hurling energy and blowing stuff up. I was slightly drunk and some were moving faster and some slower so I was confused also on the span of time it took me to sit up, leaning against the bar on the ground.

I sat imbetween two stools on the ground, staring in amazement as these things blew people up. Literally just exploded them with whatever they were using. It was a massacre. My hand came up to my eyes and rubbed them quickly, coming back down and noting that they were still there. They would have to be real, that was blood soaking through the shoulder of my black shirt.

I snarled, getting up in a crouched position as I drew my magnetic revolver. These things had ruined my spare time, my drink, and were killing innocent people. Priorities were not in that order, I cared just as much about the people as I did about my drink. I picked three of the monsters closest to me and fired, my arm recoiling with the fired shots as they tore through the air, too fast to be seen. They were messy, had a tendency to pull things with them, but I liked them.

My eyes refocused at the thought of what had been at the back of my head and on my thoughts all before the big explosion. Maia. Where was she? I needed to get to her immediately. I thought I remembered thinking that I didn't want to fight or get any trouble today.::