View Full Version : Grilling

James Prent
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:56:00 PM
James Prent, padawan, stood just outside her room door, arms full, and trying desperately to push the buttons to enter her keycode so she could get in. Her room, a small 'studio' type apartment, was just off of Salemn Lysce's suite. On the other side of Salemn's rooms was the shy padawan Lillian Snow, Salemn's other padawan learner.

Lillian's room had an adjacent door to Salemn's. James' did not, because generally Jedi knights only had one padawan learner at a time, and so the lodging set up reflected this. "Frellfrellfrellfrell..." James muttered under her breath as she managed to extend a pinky finger and jab at the keypad.

"Krasssssssssst!" She bit of the hushed curse with an urgent hiss, and looked around to see if anyone had heard her swearing. There wasn't anyone in sight, which was good...as well as bad. No one to help her with the door.

In her arms were three brown paper grocery bags, which she'd filled up and bought at a store a block over from the Jedi complex. There was a cafeteria on the premesis, and of course Yog's just a few blocks away, but she'd wanted to eat in.

It was a nice night, and so she was going to fire up the tiny grill she had, and have a little dinner on the small balcony outside the window. She had tested it earlier, and although it wasn't technically the kind you were supposed to actually stand on, she could fit a chair out there and it took her weight well.

Of course, she was only five foot tall, and a mere ninety-eight pounds.

Two bags were in her arms, and a third, smaller one perched on top. As James reached for the keypad, trying to tap the second number with a straining pinky, the third bag slipped out from under her chin and smacked to the floor. A box of stimcigs fell out, and suddenly a chain reaction began.

James' eyes followed the falling bag as her finger was still reaching for the keypad. Her reflex was to grab for the cigarettes, but her hands were full...and the momentary flinch in its direction, coupled with a slight overbalance...and the two bags in her arms shifted. The padawan got her feet underneath her to steady her body, but the bags were slipping out of control and out of her hands.

Marga Alton
Jun 6th, 2003, 11:16:49 AM
Marga had just turned a corner in the hallway when she noticed James grocery bags were slipping out of her grip. She instinctively reaches out with the Force to grab hold of the two slipping bags so that they don't fall. She does get a hold on them, but her hold isn't the best since she's only learned how to do this by spying on her older siblings when they were practising back home.

She runs towards James, knowing that her hold won't last long and without even asking, she relieves James of the two grocery bags that are in her arms. Her normally tight yellow dress is just hanging on her body, rather loosely as if its to big for her right now.

Here, let me help you with your bags.

Marga says through telepathy to James, hoping she can understand telepathy.

James Prent
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:27:58 PM
"Oh! Thanks..." James punched in her code and the door swished open. She kicked the cigs inside the apartment, and grabs one of the bags from her helper. "Gods I didn't think I was going to make it, y'know?" She laughed heartily, and stepped inside, the redheaded girl following her with the second bag of groceries.

"Er...just put it over there." James pointed out the small counter in the corner of the room that passed as a kitchen. She set her bag on the floor, and then picked up the stimcigs, tossing those onto the bed. "Wow, thanks! Talk about good timing." The padawan grinned and stuck out her hand. "I'm James."