View Full Version : Back from the Grave (Open)

Nequa Galos
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:28:44 PM
The scene is of children playing in a sunlight, grassy field. The sounds of laughter and merriment float on a gentle breeze. Not far to the left of where the children are playing is a waterfall cascading into a serene lake. Off in the distance the forested foothills of a mountain range can be seen.

"Dear, why aren't you out playing with the children?"

"Because I was wondering who told the kids they could grow up."

Coming into view as the scene shifts to a lower vantage point, is a tall, striking brunette with hazel eyes. With the appearance of a goddess and the physique of a professional dancer, she moves as if she were an extension of nature. Gliding out of view, she continues the conversation.

"Why such dark thoughts on a day like this?"

"Well, for one thing, Tatiana is about to start school and Katrina is leaving for Basic Training in a month. And Armand is going to be graduating this year. It really gives me pause when I think about it and begs the question 'Where does the time go?'."

"What can we do about this sweety?"

"Nothing I suppose. Well maybe pray that we raised them right and wait to see what happens."

"Well then, get up off your god-fearing behind and go spend time with your children before you lose the chance."

Coming into view is the woman pulling a man out of a chair. As they head toward the children, the man leans over and kisses the woman as a shadow falls over the field and the scene turns to static.

A slightly metallic, feminine voice asks "Do you wish to replay the last entry?"

Coming out of his reverie, Nequa says "No, power off" as he flags down a waitress.

The waitress walks up and asks "Would you like a refill, sir?"

"No thanks, I wanted to know if the owner of the establishment had arrived yet."

"He just walked in. Would you like me to get him for you?"

"If you would please, that would be wonderful."

The waitress promptly walks in back and continues with her duties a few minutes later.

Shortly there after, a muscular, well built man walks up to Nequa's table. The man has a salt and pepper beard and is just starting to gray at the temples. "You had best have a good reason for calling on me."

"Still the same. Blunt and to the point. As I recall that was the reason behind a number of visits you had with the XO" Nequa says as he removes his cowl.

"By the gods, it can't be... You're supposed to have been dead."

"Thanks to your warning I'm still living. What possed you to warn me that they were going to attempt to erase me?"

"I couldn't stand by and let a good man die because the Senate felt that he was a security risk. And I'm sorry I didn't act sooner. I was horrified to see what they had done to your family."

"Yet you stayed on and retired a decorated hero? While I'm thankful for your attempt at saving me and my family, I still have to make you an enemy. You are however in a unique position. If you tell me where I can get a hold of a Black Hand agent, I will conveniently forget that you worked for the government I hate so much."

"I can't do that. That's akin to me helping to bring down the government that I have loved and cherished all my life. I would rather die knowing that I kept you from achieving your goal than live with the fact that I helped topple a government I helped bring into existence."

"So be it. Pray be that the gods find pity in your lost soul." With the sound of blaster fire, Nequa stands and walks over to block the door. "Now that I have everybody's attention, who here can tell me where I can find the Black Hand? And don't be shy. For each minute that I don't get an answer, one of you will die at random."

Cmdr. Castles
Jun 6th, 2003, 05:40:15 PM
" Now shy would a young man like you want to get involved with an agency like that?" Talrus said as he stood up.

His black wings neatly folded to the back of him, he half-walked half-flaoted across to where Nequa was standing. 'He's fairly tall for a Human...' Talrus thought although he stood a good head above him.

He grabbed Nequa's blaster and flung it across the establishment. "I can take you" He wispered in Nequa's ear. "Follow me..."

With that he walked towards the door, and walked out into the busy streets.

Nequa Galos
Jun 9th, 2003, 09:24:03 PM
Using a whip, Nequa retrives his blaster mid-flight.

Grabbing the guys left wing pinion and applying pressure Nequa says "If you weren't so willing to lead me to them I'd have killed you. Now, no more shenanagens and lead away."

As Nequa releases the mans wing, the sound of metal slidding across leather can be heard. Shortly there after a faint thrumming sound can be heard.

Cmdr. Castles
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:44:02 PM
"Be careful young one...." Talrus said as he flung himself over the edge of the pathway. This was common for him, but shocked all except Nequa.

"Oops, im sorry.... I usually work alone, so I can fly around." Talrus yelled as his demonlike wings unfolded. Nequa still had his whip out, so Talrus grabbed the end and flew out into the air.

After a few minuets they got to a building that looked normal enough and landed on the roof. Talrus walked up to the steel stairway door only to find out it was locked.

"Fools. I'm the only one that can fly on this planet. Yet they still lock the door!" With one swift movement he ripped off the door and half of the steel covering to the stairway.

"Come". he said, folding his wings and walking down the staircase.