View Full Version : Relaxing (open)
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:06:53 PM
Moxi sat on the edge of the roof of her apartment, staring off into space and not really at anything. She had been working all day and was off now. Her work clothes were gone and she wore a tanktop and shorts as she rebraided her hair, it had unraveled during work.
Vynn Frost
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:58:13 PM
:: Vynn Frost sat ontop of the building, the rest of the Special Ops unit asleep inside or on gaurd duty, doing patrols within. Being the highest ranking officer, he didn't get the priviledge of sleeping. But Vynn didn't have to be on normal duty either.
He sat ontop of the building on exterior reconaissance. In otherwords, he got to daydream in the middle of the night under the stars. Vynn looked down for a moment, noticing a woman on the roof of the building across the street. His eyes widening, Vynn quickly looked back up, trying to ignore the sight of a woman at this late of an hour.::
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:26:40 PM
Moxi caught the slight movement, looking over for a moment before reaching for something to tie the end of her hair with. Once done, she looked a bit more, wondering why someone else was out here this late.
Vynn Frost
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:38:18 PM
:: She had noticed Frost, leaving the situation be would only cause further confusion and that was an unnecessary thing. Vynn stood, in civilian clothing, which usually involved denim pants and a white tank top with small leather gloves. He smiled, under the moonlight, Vynn was sure that was scary. He waved over to the woman, his eyesight was trained to see things in the dark and seeing her in what most military men would consider bare clothing before she was naked was a bit startling.
Maybe Vynn shouldn't had those last bottles of jawa juice an hour ago to keep him awake.::
Hey! hey! Nice night huh?
Jun 6th, 2003, 09:26:13 PM
Moxi waved back, one eyebrow raising a bit, what was with this man who was out so late?
"Yeah, I guess..."
Jun 7th, 2003, 02:31:50 AM
-Covenant sat crouched atop a short spire on yet another building in the jungle of many a non-descript architectural pieces. The slight breeze plays with his ankle length, dark red jacket, his glowing emerald eyes peering out with nightvision beneath the platinum locks of hair.
No doubt he was working on yet another job, no doubt the job landing just outside the thin blue line. As he waited for his mark, a silenced, high-powered rifle on a strap over his shoulder, his mind began to wander, reflecting his fall from royal knight to high-payed "handiman".
He hears the echoes of voices from a couple of balconies, out of the hundreds of balconies below, sharing words like crossing ships in the night.-
*Mumbles to himself with an air of intrigue.*
"....Well,......What do we have here?........Ah, Anything beats listening to the traffic."
-He eavesdrops silentley on their casual banter, all the while slightly warey of the imperial presence, imperial special ops never help in jobs like this. Listening to a relatively normal conversation, one that didn't include contract murder, espionage or explosions, he enjoyed the light mood of it; A rare thing in this day and age.-
Jun 7th, 2003, 11:18:21 PM
The man doesn't escape Moxi's attention, she looks up at him curiously and wonders why he has a gun handy there.
"Oi! Whatcha up to up there?"
Jun 8th, 2003, 03:14:07 AM
-He say's with a broad smile as he yell's down.-
" the view........."
-With cat like agility he leaps into the air, landing on a roof corner 20 feet below, he's getting into a better positon to speak whilst not loosing the good vantage point to his target location. He turns to face Moxi as he speaks.-
"....You know................just enjoying the night air...............that's all......"
-He can't help but show a small mischieviously sinister smile when he returns his eyes to her after stealing a quick glance at his target location.-
Jun 8th, 2003, 08:45:40 PM
Moxi raises an eyebrow, are all the people around here nuts?
"Ah, I see."
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:02:08 AM
"Hey! Why you giving me that look!?"
-His hybrid remark half a joke and half a question.-
Vynn Frost
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:21:35 PM
:: Vynn watched the man make the jump, the 20 foot jump no normal person could make. And he listened to the conversation, the whole time sitting there with his elbows resting on the rail. The guy sounded like he was lying to Vynn, but that was Vynn's opinion. He was either up to something more than a midnight stroll that involved 20 foot jumps or he was some freaky stalker of this chick across the street. Vynn didn't care to find out those guesses.
Either one, wasn't his problem, an irrelevance to the mission. Obviously the woman had forgotten Vynn by this time and he stood, smiling as he turned around to return to his chair and stare at the moon more.::
Jun 9th, 2003, 07:29:20 PM
"No reason."
Moxi looked over his shoulder for the other man, she sensed DK was up to no good but she could defend herself from him should the need arise.
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