View Full Version : The Roads of Redemption: Dead Ends (Rp, one)

Chaos Alexander
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:11:04 PM
::The Jedi Padawan Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider stood with his hands bound together. A restraining bolt was in his robotic arm. It kept him from even moving it. He wore a prison issued uniform. His head hung high, and eyes straight foward. All around him were represinatives from thousands of worlds. They made up the NR Council. The judge looked down on him. He looked like he wanted to grin.::

Judge- "Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. Would you like to address the Council before they vote?"

::Alexander sighed. He had finally been caught. They universe thought he was dead. Then he was seen in public by the wrong people. He got careless and was caught. How fitting.....::


::Jake's kick came in fast. Alex let the Force run through him and moved his head to the side. The kick gaved his ear. Jake's kicks were fast. Really really fast. The younge Garou dodged and moved as kick after kick came. The other Jedi never missed a beat. His balance and style perfect. Alexander was even begining to wonder if Jake was even useing the Force. The kicks never seemed to stop. Jake wasn't skilled enough yet to increase his speed for that long.

Then it came. A long blurr that caught Alex in the face, He never even saw the Kick! That meant the other kicks were not even his 'fast' ones powered by the Force. Alexander's Mind's eye saw an opening not though. He grabed Jake's leg as he (Alex) blocked teh pain in his face. Jake was not used to kicking that fast and was off balanced. Jake had a worried look as he was pulled off he feet and spun around tossed aside. Jake hit the ground hard and even bounced once, the rolled backward on his feet and rushed Alex without missing a beat.

The the doors to the training room flew open. In rushed ten been in police uniforms. The jumped on Alex and snapped on restraints.::

Man- "Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. On behalf of the NR..you are finally under arrest."

::Jake tried to protest, but was pushed aside. Jedi Master were out-side protesting and talking to the officers. Alex could hear bits as he was pushed by.::

"You have no right!"

"No one gave permission to burst into our Temple."

"Who we shelter is our right. The NR laws allow us to hold certain people without others knowing."

::The rest blurred as anger filled his mind and thoughts of ripping off the heads of these people ran though the Garou's mind. How he held himself in check was anyones guess.::


"I have nothing to say. Almost veryone has there mind made up about me and what I have done. Nothing I can say will change that."

:: Wispers started up at the Jedi's remark. Most were negative. The words 'arrogant' and 'fool' were used alot. Others would make even the roughest of men blush in shame.::

Judge- "Would any of the Council or Guests of the Court wish to say something before the votes begin?"

Jakob Burton
Jun 8th, 2003, 08:04:20 PM
"Yeah, I got somethin' ta say!"

Jake's voice cut over the din of the unisoned speech of the court. Perhaps this was Force-helped, but Jake simply just wanted to be heard, and had no control of the Force at the moment.

"What are you thinking?!!?!?! Are you thinking!?!?!?!? You idiots!!!! Do you honestly think that the GJO is so DUMB that they would simply let in a criminal if he had no intention to change!?!?!?! How would you like it if you were unforgiven of a transgression?! Would you like to be forever branded as a crook, a criminal, a thug!!!?!?!? AND YOU CALL YOURSELVES A DEMOCRACY!!!! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE VERY WORD!!!!"

Jake gritted his teeth in outright, righteous fury and opposition to the court.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2003, 09:21:57 PM
"Padawan! Hush yourself and speak nothing more."

A voice rang out through the large hall as a young woman stepped forth. Clad in flowing red robes with her waist length blonde hair flowing in gorgeous Garou Warrior Braids, she looked quite out of place. Her piercing cyan blue eyes scanned the hundreds and thousands gathered before coming to rest upon two figures -- both, her students. Just as the Garou Knight opened her mouth to speak, four men from all sides jumped her and shoved her body to the ground. "Who gave you permission to enter here, a private court?" One shouted in angry tones. Another spit on her as yet another slapped restraints on her wrists, locking her arms together behind her back. Xazor lowered her head and attempted to rise to her feet but she was shoved down to her knees once again as an officer struck her cheek. A hushed silence fell over everyone gathered as the woman slowly looked over at the officer. She could have reacted violently -- the Force as her aid she could have wrecked havoc on the entire gathering, yet -- she simply turned her head and offered him the other cheek and silently sat there for a moment.

"I shall meditate for your lost soul, oh hypocrite." The words were spoken softly and with genuine concern. It was completely opposite of her very nature, yet, Xazor Elessar spoke with compassion and allowed herself to be humbled for the very first time.

"In all of my years I have seen too much war, hatred, violence. It needs not to be this way, and so, I have come to speak on behalf of the man you now judge. This man is -- my Brother, and he has a good heart." The Knight closed her eyes for a moment, expecting a blow from the men gathered around her. A series of whispers echoed throughout the room for a moment before everyone quited again at the Judge's consent. "Let her make her statement." He said begrudgingly before motioning for Xazor to approach. She did not, though, yet stayed upon her knees with her eyes facing the ground.

"I am Xazor Elessar, Warrior Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order -- the very Order which I serve and that of which Alexander Dawnstrider resides. He is not only my Brother, the son of our Father, Verse Dawnstrider, but he is also my student and for that -- I claim all responsibility of his actions. I know not the reasons of his arrest at this late date, but I do ask -- please, whatever the consequences he faces -- give them to be two fold so that I may carry his burden with him as well as face it myself." It was not a self-righteous act, but something completely real and genuine from the woman's heart. There was a soft glow within her eyes -- it was from her soul and she hoped that all gathered would see and understand her approach. She prayed it to Gaia, to the Force -- and kept the wish within herself.

Jakob Burton
Jun 9th, 2003, 08:15:40 PM
Jake, volatile as always, was on his feet and in the face of the officer who struck Xazor. Snarling for a short second, tensing as if to strike, making the guard shake in terror or rage of retaliation. Jake simply got close and spoke quitely to him.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to hit women? Keep your filthy hands to yourself....scum."

Jake gave Xazor a hand to help her back up. If things went incorrectly, so help him god he would do something to stop it, irreguardless to the consequences of society or Jedi. After all, Alex was family....as well as Xazor and Verse. They were all he had to call kin, as far as he knew, and he'd do anything for them...it was just the right thing to do.....Calming himself, Jake waited for his cousin to take his hand.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:40:34 PM
::Jedi Masters rarely came before the NR Council. This was one of those rare moments. One came in like a wirling Tempest. The hair, if the had any, on the people's back stood on end. This was a man of no little power. It was like he held it back for so many years, and it had just been released.

Xazor had taught him much on Eden, just as he had taught her. She showed him he was a Jedi, and a Garou. The First and original Garou Knight. He no longer had to choose a side, and once he remebered that.....the power returned.

These people now were just feeling a peice of that power. Raw power guided by unmatched mental disipline. It was not the Force they felt though. It was the rage a Father felt when his children were being hurt. It was not evil. No, that is what sent shivers down the people's spines. It was good. Because this rage was from love.

He walked toward the group fast. Many of the gaurds stepped back almost shaking. A few did not back away. The made the mistake of stepping between Verse and his little angel.::

"I would move. I will not fall if you push. I will push back. be warned now."

::His voice was calm and controlled. Maybe that was what made the guards move. They knew this man was serious. He was a Jedi Master. They did not understand this 'Hokey religon' as many people called it, but they respected it. Once they moved Verse walked to his daughter and helped her up. He did not even notice Jake at first, and offered a appology with a nod as he saw that he pushed Jake's hand away from Xazor. The boy...no younge man, knew Verse had meant no harm and was just in a hurry to check on his chidren.::

"My son is working to correct his Mistakes. Wrong is Wrong. Lieing is no better than murder, which is no better than stealing. Once all these are done there is no way to change it. sure, you can give the money back, or say you are sorry, but the damage is done."

::A slick smile came across Verse's face. He had found his backbone while he was gone and would not back down.::

"Do you think that the damage you caused your wife will ever be fully fixed? Do you think she will every truely forgive you for sleeping with her best friend? No, she will not. The Damege is done and set in stone. All you can do is move on and try and make a better future."

::The Judges eyes got wide at once. He had heard the more powerful Jedi could read minds, but this one had done it way to fast, and found information that he was not thinking. Then it hit him.... he had said what happened between him and his wife.

The Judge blushed deeply and regained what composer he could get back as fast as he could.::

Judge- 'What goes on in my house is my buissness. You may think there is no difference in wrongs, but the law does. I warn you now Master Jedi, you are treading on thin ice. This Court has desided not to take actions on The Greater jedi Order for housing this criminal, but if try and stop this Court from finishing our duty, then we may change our minds."

::Verse could tell that this man was not Force-Sensitive, but he was sharp. He had not gotten to this level by being dumb. No, this Judge knew how people thought. He knew what Verse was planing before he even first spoak. You had to give the old man credit were credit was due. He had Verse 'by the balls' to put it crudly.

He squeezed his daughters had as a silent tear came down his eye. He he pushed the issue anymore, The whole GJO would fall. Hundreds of lives would be ruined. Many of the members had no families to go to, no home to return to. GJO was all that they had. A Second tear fell from the man's eye. He looked at his son who looked back at him and nodded.

For a brief moment the two finally understood each other. To stop this would only make it worse for Alex and many others, and the youngest Garou knew that. That is why he came here. Alex nodded at his father and mouthed a Silent 'I Love you' to his family. Alex turned back to the Judge as he prepared to give his last words and take his punishment. At that moment Verse was the proudest man alive. All his could do was squeeze his daughters hand as hundreds of silent tears rolled down his face.::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2003, 07:15:11 AM
Xazor smiled as her Father lifted her to her feet. His strength flowed evenly through him and entered her body, giving her the courage to stand with him. With a quick side glance, the Jedi Knight saw tears falling quietly down Verse's cheeks. How many times he had lectured her as a Padawan about keeping her emotions in check, she knew not -- but in that moment, he felt what she had always felt. It was something real, something she could not hide. It was emotion, the very core of her soul -- it made up not only Sith, but Jedi as well. Her eyes danced across faces until they came to rest upon Alexander's where she saw that very emotion in his eyes. It was also evident in Jakob's as he stood beside his family. In this defining moment, the Garou knew her place -- she knew what she was and she knew that these people were her family. Something had to be done. Pulling away from her Father's hand, the Knight rushed forward past guards and others gathered on the floor. She ran until she collapsed by her Brother's side. A solitary tear streamed down her face as an officer rushed toward her, grabbing her by the back of the neck and forcing her down.

"It would be wise of you, Jedi, to leave the situation to the court. This is your last warning -- stand down or you too shall face jugement." The Judge spoke as anger appeared within his very eyes. Xazor swallowed hard as thoughts of her strengths and weaknesses crept into her mind. "Damn you Alana! For you I cannot even save myself by means of Telekenisis!" She cursed the Vampire and shut her eyes tightly for a moment. "Remember who you are, Xazor -- forgot not all that you possess." The words slowly crept into her mind as she recalled something Marcus had once told her. Suddenly, a smile broke across her face and her eyes opened upon the Judge. "Who are you to judge when not only did you sleep with another woman -- but also with your own Daughter?" The Jedi Knight questioned with an innocent tone. Whispers and soon talking erupted throughout the thousands gathered. Laughing could be heard as well as crying. Shouts of curses exploded from one section of the room and all the while the Judge sank lower and lower into his seat as Xazor rose to her feet. The officer released his grip on her neck and soon back away as the Knight looked over her shoulder at her Father. With a grin on her face, Xazor turned back to face the Honorary.

"Look about at these people gathered. Each one holds a sin -- or a secret -- or a lifestyle that they wish for no one else to discover. You, my fair Judge -- are to be a Father soon. You got your own Daughter pregnant! How disgusting and filthy! To make matters the worst they could be, though, I know in your mind right now you are planning to take her to get an abortion." All fell silent in that moment as Xazor stood at the foot of the Judge's stand. Her cyan blue eyes pierced deeply into his soul, reading every thought in his mind.

"MURDERER!" She yelled the word and looked to her Brother quick before turning her attention back to the Judge who had slipped further down in his seat. The officers and others gathered back away from the Jedi Knight who, obviously, had strengthed all of her mental abilities over the last few years. Lacking Telekenisis had proven to be something of great worth afterall. "How are you much better than he? Perhaps you should be the one standing before a court, your honor!" She spoke his title in a mocking sense but the whole time held her head about her and remained calm and mentally collected. No anger lived within her any longer -- no rage or things that brought her to act too quickly. Everything was well thought out and it was proving to be one of her best offenses.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 11th, 2003, 09:29:50 AM
::Alexander smiled at his sister. This was his fate, and she had to much to lose by joining him. He spoak into Verse's, Xazor's, and Jake's minds.::

Remeber, I will return to you all one day. I am Garou. I will live many times what they will. 100 years is just a passing. I will stil have another 400 to go. Xazor....I do this now not for you, but your new-born child. Forgive me Master...

::He grabed Xazor with the Force. Normally she could block such an attack, but she was caught off guard completely. He shoved her back to their Father far away from him. As she looked up she saw him smile.:::

Find Danya.....and tell her I love her, and that I still have her gift.....

::He thought of his necklace around his neck. The two lovers could even speak to each other with it. He would not be alone. Xazor started to rise, but Alexander could not allow that. His eyes darted to the guards as they surrounded him. His fingars worked as they disarmed the cuffs at his hands....and the restraining bolt in his arm.

He swept the first guard'f feet from under him. As he hung in the air Alex slamed him in the back with a fist. More came and he faught on. None were hurt bad, he made sure of that. All at once he was hit over and over with stun blasts. He pushed these away with his mind, but fell to the floor. He wispered one last good-bye as he fell. Smiling the whole way down. Guards swarmed him as a protective barrier shot up between him and his family. The crowd roared as Alex was pulled away. The still shaking Judge slowly smiled as teh votes came in with the almost unitied form of punishment,::

"Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. You have been found guilty on 3 million counts of murder on Garish, 35 counts of murder on Tattoine, illigal weapons running, illigal bio-engineering, and contempt for this Court."

::The Judge let that hang in the air, and smiled at Xazor and Verse. Odds were he would lose his job after what they did. This was his last shot at revenge. He would take pride in what they were about to feel.::

"Alexander will be taken to Kessel where he will await his punishment, and that punishment is.....Death."

::The Crowd cheered and the Judge smiled. The guards pushed the last three Jedi out of the Court. One last message came to the minds of the Garou. A Silent on in their minds.::

Let the crowd only taste the blood of one person today. Good-bye......

Jakob Burton
Jun 15th, 2003, 09:14:33 PM
As the events unfolded before him, Jake could do nothing....As a Jedi, he couldn't just kill the guards, even though the thought was VERY tempting....He could disable the guards without killing them, but it would only make matters worse....Jake gritted his teeth as he rose to his feet. He brought his fist down, nearly shattering the table in front of him. He storms out, having to leave the scene of tumultuous chaos to think.

As he gets out into the streets, he begins to run, the scenes of trash, refuse, and the general landscape of the alley blurring as he ran fast. He ran and ran and ran, the echoes of his footfalls resounding all around him. The sprints continue for what seems like an eternity, until finally, the human side of Jake simply gives out. He slumps, bracing himself against the wall with his arms. He could do nothing....he felt so useless......everything was futile.....

Jake finally fully lost his steely composure, and began to sob, his shoulders uncontrollably shuddering making the brace on the wall slip a little, his sobs piercing the silence of the core of the city, hot tears streaming down his normally hard and tough-looking face......Jake felt horrible.....real men never cried.....

Teresias Jones
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:14:16 AM
As Jake cries, he hears a voice, smooth, and calm, consoling him in his time of doubt and troubles. At first it seems that the voice isn't real but imagined, but slowly the sound becomes tangible, spoken from the mouth of a living, breathing person. This person stepped from a shadow near Jake, revealing himself in the light. His suit was pressed, a casual, black outfit complimented with a golden chain revealing a pocket watch, shiny black leather shoes, a pair of large sunglasses, and a thick, wooden cane that seemed to appear from his light-palmed and dark-backed hand. His skin shone ebony in the small amount of light, further smoothing and illuminating his features. He was fairly short and dark-skinned human with an incredibly large and emaculate smile so white and sparkling it could easily model for toothcare ads and become the elderly gentlemen's trademark; if this didn't define him, it was by his wisened scope and lack of vision that might define him. With that massive, warm grin still planted on his face, Teresias Jones speaks.

"Awwww, c'mon now! What's this nonsense about real men not cryin'?! It's the REAL men that cry, the REAL men that show they emotions without regard for the thoughts and scruples of others. Now why you cryin', young'in? If you'd open yo eyes, you'd see that you and yo cousin are gonna be jus' fine. Y'all gonna go from reekin' of bantha crap to exudin' the odor that would shame the sweetest roses! With yo' help, you and yo' cousin will wise up a little bit, and maybe even come outta this alive. If you listen to me, I'll never run ya ashore, young'in. Everything'll be right as rain."

Jakob Burton
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:17:37 PM
Jake looked up at the older man, wiping his eyes to clear the blurriness of his vision. As the words registered in Jake's mind, his attitude brightened, but in anger, not in elation. He became angry, and snapped at the old man.

"What do you know?! You claim to know all this stuff and yet you truly know nothing! You're just a blind, old man!"

Teresias Jones
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:27:38 PM
As he heard Jake mock him, Teresias smiled, knowing that Jake would react with such hatred. The rebuttal came.

"Boy, them young'ins aren't as respectful as they used to be...Back when I was yo age, if I was to say somethin' like that, I'd be pickin' up my teeth from a puddle of blood on the ground! But you are right, son: I am blind. But you see, young'in, I'm blind not 'cause I see nothin', but blind 'cause I see everything. But you ain't entirely right: I know a lot mo'e than you realize. Go ahead, ask me somethin'."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 16th, 2003, 04:53:38 PM
Xazor clenched her teeth as the Judge issued the ruiling. For a moment, she stood and glared at him -- but then, a smile broke across her face as Alexander's words entered her mind. "You shall live, Brother, and if not through yourself -- than through me. I love you." It was not a last good-bye by any means, but it was a comforting thought to send on the way with him.

"You cannot win, Judge. Never again shall anger be felt from my soul. I am a Jedi and I am at peace!" The Knight called out before everyone, pulling away from those pushing her out the doors. She broke free and ran up to the Judge's seat once again and continued smiling. "You shall never be victorious over me. I am a Jedi! I am a Jedi!" She repeated the powerful words. No tears fell from the woman's eyes but instead, the river of the Force washed over her body, mind, spirit, and soul. She was at peace and, without thinking, had kept her emotions in check.

Suddenly three men rushed forth and tackled her to the ground, binding her wrists as before. They forced her to her feet as one officer slapped the cheek she had turned to him earlier. "By the Light may you be cleansed of your sin." She whispered softly as her heart genuinly broke for his lost soul. He spit on her before ordering the other two to remove her from the premisis. Outside, Verse awaited his Daughter who was thrown to her knees at his feet by the three men. "Keep your Daughter's tongue in check next time." They said while laughing. Little did they know but Verse had heard everything and had seen everything that had gone on. Xazor remained upon the ground with her head lowered and her eyes shut tightly for a moment. "They will never be able to kill him -- he's too strong." Her thoughts continued racing before finally they too came to a calm. "May the Force be with you -- as I am with you." The words touched Alexander's mind as they continued leading him away.

"I did all I could, Father -- we did all we could. Now, he is at the mercy of the Force." She spoke softly but reassuringly. Still the Knight sat upon the ground, unmoved in her heart by the Judge's ruiling. She now had faith like a rock -- she had changed greatly and with that change she had matured. Now -- she would trust the Force as she should and -- she would carry herself as a Jedi Master would. "I am going to speak to the Council about this." The woman said before slowly rising to her feet and moving in to lean against her Father. "I love you -- please, do nothing that would hurt you in your efforts to save Alexander. He is my Brother -- he'll make it." She smiled and kissed Verse on the cheek before taking off in a sprint. "Go look for Jakob -- he needs you right now -- another man." She called out as she continued on her way toward the Jedi Temple.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 16th, 2003, 05:36:12 PM
::Verse nodded at his daughter.::

"Jake and Alexander were close. They had alot in common. I will find him. I will be back at the Temple soon."

::Verse sniffed the air. After a moment he caught Jake's scent. He took off at a fast jog. The boy had made it far. Soon his ears heard Jake's voice. He was talking to someone. The voice....seemed familiar. As he neared he came up wind to them. Then he saw the black man. He raised an eyebrow? Could it really be him?

Verse sniffed the air. It was him!! The Seer. He had gone missing... well.. years ago. He hadn't seen him in what...50 years? This man could better guide him that he could. A smile came across his face and he turned and walked away. Soon he would be at the Temple.::

Jakob Burton
Jun 16th, 2003, 08:00:54 PM
Jake sighed in anger, turning quickly to walk away from the old man. He spoke in fustration

"This is ridiculous!"

Teresias Jones
Jun 16th, 2003, 08:14:53 PM
As Jake turned and walked away, Teresias chided him.

"It's a shame.....I had so much faith in you.....you were always a fighter. You had ta be, bein' the son of a whore....You got alotta guff from that, people callin' ya names and stuff.....The fightin' helped ya to remain in control, and you'd put up quite a fight with every struggle you faced......and now, as a Jedi, a Jedi, you jus' walkin' away.....I'da thought a Garou woulda put up a betta fight than that.....As a young'in and as the adult you are now, you've neva needed a hand to help ya...."

While Jake is still walking away, Teresias flicks his wrist, and Jake, even with such great speed and grace, falls to the ground. Jake turns to see the staff slowly recind, returning to its original form. It tripped him from more than ten feet away! As Jake sits there, Teresias makes his way to Jake, reaching out his hand in the right position, which was strange because he was blind....

"If you take this weathered, ol' hand you will find great strength in it, and it will make you stronga.....strong enough to take this bad situation and turn it into somethin' good....or you could get up yo'self, and sometimes that's the hardest thing to do, and trust me, the results ain't gonna be as good....."

Jakob Burton
Jun 18th, 2003, 12:58:10 PM
Jake looked up at the old man, then at his extended hand. After a few thoughts, he began to figure it out. Sure, he didn't know this guy, but wouldn't it be better to get a little bit of help from him? Jake took the hand, and pulled himself up.

"Tell me somethin', man......how do you know all of this? Like me bein' Garou and my past?"

Teresias Jones
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:44:39 PM
"Well, ya see, young'in, I just do. My blindness has been accomodated by givin' me the ability to 'see' things that others can't. And as far as knowin' that you are a Garou, I know it for several reasons: one, I can smell it on ya; and two, I know yo family. Let's jus' say that I helped out yo uncle back in the day.....and for yo past, I've kept an eye on ya. You have major potential to be a great one, and I always look afta the pups.....that's what the wise ol' wolf does, he look afta the pups."

Teresias' huge grin flashed at Jake.

"The name's Teresias Jones. You can call me what you want."

Jakob Burton
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:07:28 PM
"I'm Jake. Jakob Burton. And have you ever considered being a Jedi? You seem to have the talent...."

Jake studied the elderly man, pondering him. Was he just some big mystery?

Teresias Jones
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:19:13 PM
"Well, young'in, I have considered it, but it ain't me. I have my hands full as it is with all the young'in Garou runnin' 'bout and Chaos gettin' hisself in trouble again. Also, I help ta run a little somethin' called the GIN: the Garou Informative Network. It's used to gain information and manipulate it to our advantage....but, the membaship seems to be dwindlin' a little bit. Maybe with you an' Chaos, things could get a little betta off for the GIN."

Teresias began to walk towards the street, beckoning for Jake with a motion of his hand and the trademarked smile.

"Come walk with me, m'boy, and perhaps I can enlighten and help you on yo way to gettin' back Chaos."

Chaos Alexander
Jun 24th, 2003, 09:38:24 AM
::His eyes burned and were blurred with blood in his cell. The guards standing over him smiled and kicked him again. Who was he? Where am I? How in the Nine-Hells did I get here???? Thoughts ran through the young Garou's mind at top speed. Then it went dark again.


The next day did not go much better. He woke up to find most of his wounds were healed. There was a dull ache was in his robotic shoulder though. Like gears were grinding. Alex had no dought that they worked his arm over to keep it from being used right. He heard foot steps at once and looked at his door. In walked the same judge that sent him here.::

Judge- "Greetings Chaos. You seemed to heal well. Way to well in fact. Most Garou don't heal that fast. And you arms to seemed to have.....gotten bigger. Temporary adaptaion maybe? The only people that can do that are those.....Sayin-Jinns. Our reports say you Father is a Jedi Master, and a Known Garou. Your mother was a.....Sith. She was also a pure Sayin-Jinn. Your a cross-breed maybe? A new race? That leeds me to wonder about Garou. I have heard it is a trait that any race can have, but only human stock have the Gene. Your a new type of warrior Choas. One we may can duplicate......."

::Pain rushed through Alex's body as the shocked they placed on his neck when he got there sent wave after wave of pain through his body. It all went black again. He awoke again to find himself strapped to a table. Doctors looking at him. They started to cut and gash, then the pain started.::


::The youge Garou's screams were echoed through the hall. They stopped when his passed out, but came back when he was awake again. The rest of the prisions cringed at the thoughts of what was happening to the Garou. The screams of pain went on and on into the night and kept going till morning.::

Jakob Burton
Jun 24th, 2003, 03:37:49 PM
As Jake was left alone for a short second, he shook his head.

"Sure, why not? It's not like I have any clue on what to do...."

Jake trotted to catch up with the old man, who was making remarkable speed for a blind man.

"So, Mr. Jones, what do you think we should do?"

Chaos Alexander
Jun 25th, 2003, 01:35:33 PM
::The lights slowly cut on in the singled out cell. The gaurds came in to find a broken man. They had found out alot about teh Garou in such a short time. Even had time to.......experement.

The found something very different though. A man sat on the floor cross-legged in meditation. His head was shaven and most of his tattoes were sliced off. He sat with only shorts on. He no longer had a robotic arm, but a fully organic one.

What surpriced the guards the most was he was fully healed with a scar on his body, and the tattoes that covered his hands and arms up to his elbows had returned. Even on the arm.::

"Don't look so surpriced. Did you plan on me diein through the night? You truely are ignorant pigs."

::The guards tossed him a shirt and Alex put it on. The placed on his cuffs without him fighting. He tried that earlier and the pain from the thing in his neck burned like the Nine-Hells. The directed him to a room and mad him sit in a chair. There was a glass wall infront of him with people on the other side. The time had come. They strapped him down and took a step back.::

Voice- "Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. You have been found guilty of murder and are about to be put to death by lethel injuction. Any last words."

::Alexander smiled one of his smiles.::

"Death is only another step in life. One day you all will see my face again. Hopefully it will not be soon......"

Voice- "Apone request by a Mr. Jakob Burton, Mr. Dawnstrider's Jedi equipment will be held untill he picks it up later today."

::The man turned to Alex.::

Voice- "May the creators have mercy on your soul....."

Teresias Jones
Jun 28th, 2003, 08:02:37 PM
"Well, first of all, Jake, we should visit the holdin' facility of yo cousin......He's bein' sentenced to death by lethal injection....But not to worry, though.....unless they inject him with silva....then the worryin' should start....but the common injectant won't kill us Garou......it'll give ya a hell of a headache, though.....We should get there befo'e the injection starts, that way, as YOU requested, we'll be able ta get Mr. Dawnstrida's Jedi equipment."

Teresias raised his hand, calling for a taxi, which he did not see, but merely knew it was there. As the craft pulled up, Teresias gave the driver the address and an extra incentive to get there extra-quick.

As the taxi zipped through traffic, pulling maneuvers that made Jake, a pretty good driver, cringe and applaud the driver as he pulled off move after move. The driver simply laughed as they got from the alleyway to the prison, a twenty mile flight, in around three minutes. Teresias paid generously, smiling hugely as he stepped out and tapped his way along the walkway towards the entrance of the prison.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:21:53 PM
::Chaos held the grips on his chair.::

Voice- "Then let it begin......and end."

::Green liquid went down the tubes and into the Jedi's arms. He gritted his teeth as the world swirled around him. He took a deep breath and all went black. The monter showing his pulse flatlined at once.::

Voice- "Check his brain waves. I want ot be certain. He is Garou, he may have lived..."

::A moniter came up and showed his brain activity. The crowd was not surpriced tough when they saw that there was none.::

Voice- "I declare that Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider is now legally dead. Take his body to the Morge for futher study. This concludes todays exicution. I bid you all a good day."

::The men unstrapped the body and placed him on a strecher. The tossed a cloth off the now dead body and pushed him away. Justice had finally been served.::

Jakob Burton
Jul 1st, 2003, 07:57:09 PM
"Dude, why're you smiling? My cousin's bein' killed....If we don't get there in time...."

Jake suddenly felt Chaos....or better still, the lack of Chaos. His Force signature, gone.....He was gone. Gone.

"It's too late, isn't it?"

Chaos Alexander
Jul 9th, 2003, 02:18:11 PM
::It was dark. Darness was all around him. He opened his eyes and still saw only Darkness. He was dead after all. Right? He knew he had been killed. The men said he was dead. The fools.

Alexander tapped the force and pushed the drawer he was in open. He was in a Morge it seemed. Then it hit him. The sickness.
He fell to his knees and started to throw up. All the vile poison leaving his body at once. He kept the Force close to him so he still would not be detected. Force Users were here. He felt them in the Court Room. He reconized the smell of one of the guards. So far all had gone as planned.

He knew that as long as they thought they kileld him he coudl work, and see what they were up to. He hated Sith. He hated the Cult. The same cult that tried to kill him when he was a Sith. The Cult of the Red Dragon.

They were easily tricked. He used the Force to drop his pulse and brain waves. Then he woke up he. He just entered a trance. He hated to vomit though, but he had to get the poison out. After a few moments he stood upa nd looked at him. It was then he saw he was naked.

He went straight to the guards room. His stuff was in there. He felt the call of the necklace Danya gave him. He just opened the door. The two guards were shoked as the door open and Alex was there. At once they pulled out Light Sabers. This made Alex only smile. It proved what he thought. Everyone here was a Sith Cultist. These two were just the skill of a basic padawan. The lowest people of rank get the crap jobs.

The nearest one lunged and Alex easily side-stepped. He grabbed the man's wrist and snapped it with his left hand. Then he stanched it with his new organic right hand. In one spin teh guards head fell off his shoulders. Without missing a beat he threw the saber into teh others chest.

Alex quickly got dressed and gathered his stuff. Sence his right arm had a built in claw, only his left one was there. he cursed his luck and sat down at the comp. After a few minutes he was in the mainframe of the syestem. A few key stroke and all teh locked doors were unlocked. A few remained the same, but not many. he had created a path. One people could follow.

At once the alarms went off. Alexander had unlocked most of teh cell doors. The prisons were waiting for it to happen. The knew were to go. Alexander had been talking to them in there dreams with the Force. The Nine Hells were loose now as Hundreds of inmates made there way to the Armory, and the guards could not stop them because they were locked in there rooms.

It couldn't end there though. He had to cover his tracks. he spliced wires in the electric stystem to make the equipment spark. Then catch on fire. Alexander grabbed the many cemicals in teh room and threw them to the floor. Embombing fluids, bleachs, cosmetics, the normal stuff in Morges. The fire soon spread to those. In moments the room was in flames. His tracks were covered. Soon they would not be able to tell the bodies apart and have to asume he was one of them. He left the room and started to run to one area that was not locked. The Judjes room.::