View Full Version : Combat Training : (masterless apprentices here, all welcome)

Odin Murk
Jun 5th, 2003, 01:59:08 PM
:: I sat in the middle of my routine sun basking rock, my limbs outstretched as I absorbed the heat of the Corellian sun. I had taken on a project with another Sith to help teach Sithlings the basics. They needed to learn the basics of combat, life was a struggle and if you weren't prepared against the storm, you would be killed.::

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:14:29 PM
Though Lady Vader had been working with him, Maxim wasnt one to pass up on an opportunity to train more. He was determined to bea great and powerful Sith master and was well aware that it would take more than just hard work. It would take time and experience and dedication.

He'd seen the notice posted for combat lessons and had made sure to clear his schedule to attend. And now he sauntered across the grounds, fully armed and prepared to learn.

"Hey Odin...." He called out in greeting. His voice carried its usual tone - something bordering between boredom, though that was hardly what he was. It was simply the way he acted.

Jun 5th, 2003, 02:39:43 PM
-Covenant walks over the court yard, his 7" 2' form still appearing as a speck from the distance across the yard. The slight breeze playfully flutters around the long length of his dark red jacket, his sleeved cuffed by leather staps and silver clasps to his upper arms and his faced slightly obscured by the folded up, black collar. Wearing a low, thin black shirt (prepared for combat), the solid musculature (of his torso at least) was plain to see and with only short black leather gloves his well toned forearms were well within view. Out of old habits, rather then caution, Covenant still carries his sword at his back and pistols at his thighs.
Taking the moment to enjoy the sun on his face he spots the large cold-blood basking in the sun, slows his pace and mutters to himself.-
"Oh, THATS Sir Odin....."

-Recalling their first rather messy encounter, he shakes his head from side to side. Even without having to resort to the force he knew that this was going to be a long training session, probably consisting mostly of the behemoth Sith picking on Covenant for all the more painful demonstrations.-

Odin Murk
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:28:34 PM
:: I saluted Maxim with a grin and a fist to my chest.::

Welcome young Sssssssssithling. I am glad you have come for training today.

:: I looked past Maxim and spotted the arrogant fool from the other day who had tried entering the Palace without being accepted at the Recruitment center first. To ignore him or abuse him? We would see.::

We sssssssssshall wait for a few more, then begin the exxxxxxxxxxercissssssssses.

Makoto Neo
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:36:11 AM
"If you do not mind," A voice spoke from behind Odin, deep and husky, "Care if I examine your combat teachings, Knight Odin? I am most curious of the techniques that the members of the Order have behind their weapon." Neo stepped from the shadows, resting his hand on the hilt of a katana-wakasashi combo strapped to his side under a black silken sash under a weather-worn greatcoat. His lupine features examined the two students weakly, focusing back on Odin with strength.

Jun 6th, 2003, 10:21:20 AM
The cloaked form of Warlock approached at a slow and steady pace, once again grasping his ‘walking stick’ – the Epoch Staff. He bore no other weapons, at least visible, though it was quite possible that beneath all the robes he donned there were hidden trinkets. He stopped short of the lizard man and the others and cast a brief glance around. This would be interesting.

Odin Murk
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:55:51 AM
:: I saluted Makoto with a fist to my chest in greeting.::

Not at all, Knight Makoto.

:: This knight was a prime example of an advanced mammal. But he was a knight in the Order, meaning he had evolved even more through the force. I could not even think of him as a mammal now, he was just Sith. And this was an open class, all were welcome.

My neck straightened as I looked over the two in front of me easily and I saw the old man I had met in the hallways.::

Do you come to learn old one or jusssssssst watch for amusement?

Jun 10th, 2003, 11:42:01 AM
“To learn, of course,” the old man replied, pursing his lips into a thin smile.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:12:06 PM
Maxim gave a quick glance to the Warlock, a slight grin appearing briefly before he looked away, his expression returning to that of passively watching the goings on in a dismissive sort of manner.

He kicked at a rock on the ground, impatient for the lesson to begin.

Jun 16th, 2003, 05:25:16 AM
The old man chuckled quietly for a moment, as he waited with a deal more patience than young Maxim.