View Full Version : Cornered (open)

Jun 5th, 2003, 10:53:20 AM
The figure landed on the ground with a force hard enough to split the pavement. He stood slowly from a crouch, and adjusted his totally awesome sunglasses.

"Mister DarKnight. So nice to see you here."

With no facial emotion to support his opening pleasantries, the unknown figure adjusted his tie with a practiced motion.

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:11:08 AM
-He raises an eyebrow when he listens to the agents words.-

"Your an agent right?...Anyway, my name is Covenant, "DarKnight" is my proffesion. So what do you want with me?"

-Covenant stalls as he has noticed that the agent has just dropped down in front of a crate labeled "EXPLOSIVES" and begins to formulate a plan but continues the barrage of questions as he thinks.-

"...So I've been meaning to ask, what the frell is an agent anyway?."

-Noticing the broken plasteel gurder above, and putting two and two together, Covenant believes he has a plan but his curiosity forces him to pause and hear what this "man" has to say.-

[OOC: By the way, if this has anything to do with my previous warnings about g-moding then don't worry. I've edited my character so that he can still fend off the odd trooper before running away but often gets KICKED by Sith, Jedi and the like. If not then ignore what I just said.]

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:22:59 AM
"Agent Charley, at your service. You are a quick observer. Allow me to educate you further."

The man gestured all around him.

"All of this is a universe, governed by a series of rules, and guidelines if you will. There is an...amount of acceptible variance from what can only be called "normal operations". This variance is allowed, because as we all know such statistical differentiation falls under what is inescapably human nature. Humans generally recognize such limits, as they order themselves into a society of sentients and when operating correctly, can distinguish between right and wrong...the rules, and being outside of said rules."

The man began to walk around, surveying the damage around him. 60 dead, as well as a cargo bay that had been cut off from reinforcements. All so quick, exact, and perfect.

"By my omniscient nature, you could call me a jaded person, yet even still...that is impressive handiwork. One could say too impressive."

The suited man returned to where he previously stood. He glanced down to the crate near him, and looked back to DarKnight, with an eyebrow cocked, and a thin smile.

"So tell me, Mr. DarKnight, how exactly is it that you have become so skilled?"

<font color = 00FF00><font size=-2>Agent Charley: IDDQD

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:32:32 AM
-The still confident yet a little jostled Covenant replies.-

"If your serious about the whole perfection thing it's really not, let me explain. I was faced with superior numbers so like any typical character I pull a trick and run away. The downed acces simply forces reserves to come another way, such as ANOTHER corridor or perhaps to meet up with me at the docks. And to answer your question about the skills, again don't worry. Like any good escaped super-soldier I have a natural affinity for kicking trooper a$$ but when it comes to things like fighting Jedi or even stuff like piloting or the subtleties of spying then I often crash and burn."

-Covenant hopes the reply will satisfy the scary man.-

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:37:46 AM
"But to do such so quickly, with such precision...it implies otherwise. You killed sixty troopers in the blink of an eye, which is of course why I am here."

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:45:35 AM
-With a tone of admittance-

"Okay, Okay so maybe the numbers were a little high, fine. Truth be told I actually really didn't think about the numbers first off but I guess you're right, I guess I should have taken out more time to realise that 3 or 4 troopers would have been enough. My mistake was that I "acted" (OCC: a.k.a. "typed") to fast and should have actually thought about the numbers as supposed to picking them out of thin air."

-Covenant is hoping the Agent will be understanding of his poor numercy.-

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:49:23 AM
"Such a change would most definitely be for the better. Edit your posts accordingly."

Agent Charley smirked.

"Don't fail me again, Mister DarKnight."

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:51:39 AM
-A very honest sounding Covenant replies.-

"I assure you I will not make this mistake again."

[OOC: All edited. Could someone now please delete all the uneccesary posts so that maybe I can still rectify this story?]