View Full Version : Truth or Dare: Busted! (Syrius Cline)

Camdyn Fields
Jun 5th, 2003, 01:01:43 AM
Camdyn Fields. College student. Jedi Padawan. Normal middle-class girl who happens to be Force sensitive. And loves to get into trouble.

It's late, but the lights are always on in Coruscant, her hometown. She couldn't imagine not living in the big city, with it's shops, clubs, and reems and reems of people from all over the galaxy.

Camdyn is currently keeping watch as one of her friends is climbing out of a closed shops window. Her force gift is Danger Sense, and some of her more...unruly friends take full advantage of it. Clutching her dark blue jacket tighter around her, she leans closer to the open window.

"Guys, hurry up, it's frelling cold out here!"

She digs into a pocket, taking out some gum and popping it into her mouth. Waiting = le suck. |I A pair of sneakers appear out of the window, and a young man, with wild pink hair and piercings, slips out, holding some expensive looking equipment.

"Alright, let's get out of here," she said, turning to leave. 'This place gives me the jibblies."

Syrius Cline
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:24:28 AM
She must of felt a little of that old danger tingle just then, as Syrius stepped out from behind a business size dumpster. He was armed with what seemed to be... yes, it was in fact a jug sized bottle of kitty chow.

"Yeah, me too, love. Let's all get out of here. I know a quant little New Republic detention center. You can hole up for ten to twenty, on breaking and entering and theft of merchandise. Sound like a party, like a rave, like a jolly good time?" he said very casually, noticeably puffing on a cigarette, his jug of kitty chow still in hand.

Camdyn Fields
Jun 5th, 2003, 06:49:15 PM
The boy bailed, taking off like a shot in the opposite direction, leaving Camdyn alone in the alley with some guy. Carrying a cat food container.

He moved towards her, still puffing away on his cigarette. She raised her hands in a mock kung-fu pose. Maybe that would scare him off :uhoh
"You! You stay back! I..I know how to use the Force! I'll do...things to you!"
She batted the air in front of her, eyes closed and face turned away, wiggling her fingers hoping something, anything, would happen.

Syrius Cline
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:43:36 AM
Syrius sighed, shaking his head. "That's pathetic. St--stop doing that! I'm not going to hit you, little one. The kitty chow was for the bad boy. I get the hunch I can talk some sense into you without violence. Though I'm often wrong..."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:50:11 AM
"Excuse me? It is not pathetic!" Her failing stopped, her hands going to her waist. Her eyes blazed with as much anger as she could muster. "I can use the Force, you know! One day, I'll be so good at it...I'll..make your stupid blonde hair fall out!"

Okay, so it wasn't the best threat to use against a guy. Maybe he didn't even like his hair...but she was flustered. Who did he think he was, insulting her like that! She let out a little growl and kicked him as hard as she could in the shin.

"I said stay away from me, you pervert! Help!" She started yelling as loud as she could. "Help! There's a weird blonde pervert after meeeeeeeeee!"

Syrius Cline
Jun 6th, 2003, 01:29:51 AM
"Why you little, little, little little!" Syrius yelled, hopping on one foot, grabbing his shin. "That actually hurt!"

His pain seemed to go away as he heard her yelling. He looked around quickly, coming back to her, stepping in close.

"Shut up will ya? Geez, I don't need some backwater do righters to believe your blabber! Now come along!"

Camdyn Fields
Jun 6th, 2003, 01:37:38 AM
"No!!!" Another kick, this time to his other shin. Camdyn leaned in, slapping at him in a futile attempt to get him to back off. Couldn't this guy take a hint? "Leave me alone!"

Her hands hit his chest repeatedly, but he moved and she ended up smacking his face rather loudly. Her hand quickly covered the perfect little 'o' her mouth had made. Now she was going to get it. She turned to make a run for it...

Syrius Cline
Jun 6th, 2003, 01:49:21 AM
... and found Syrius' hand clamped around the back of her shirt, tugging it. She slammed into him. He brought his arm around her waist, keeping her from running.

"Ascessory to robbery, love. No way out."

He reached for his handcuffs, which he almost always carried, and slapped one of the cuffs on Camdyn's right wrist. He locked the other on his own left wrist.

"There! Now come on, shin kicker!"

Camdyn Fields
Jun 6th, 2003, 01:54:46 AM
Oh that's it....she went limp in his arms. Time to try another strategy. Passive resistance, or something like it. Her body slumped against him, unmoving and a frown on her face.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Blondey. If you wanna take me to jail, you're going to have to carry me, so NYAH!" :mneh

Syrius Cline
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:01:52 AM
"What a splendid idea."

Syrius grabbed her by her other wrist, the uncuffed one, and pulled it over his shoulder as he bent down and hoisted her up. The result was her hanging over his left shoulder, damsel in distress style.

"Call me blondey," he mumbled as he attempted to carry her off.

Camdyn Fields
Jun 13th, 2003, 01:51:58 AM
"Hey!!!" :verymad

She thrashed on his shoulder, muttering curse words under her breath when another idea came to her.

"I'm a Jedi you know! You can't throw me in jail!!!"

It wasn't really a lie. She was a Jedi...padawan. Well, she had been accepted into the Jedi Order at least. Maybe that would get him to let her go, maybe he would take her to the temple and she could charm Sage into giving her another chance. She had to try.

Syrius Cline
Jun 15th, 2003, 01:47:48 AM
Syrius stopped for a second and attempted to look at her face but ended up staring into her rear. He continued on.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say love."

He shook his head. Her, a Jedi?... Though people could say the same about him. Atleast he never broke any laws though.

"Even if you're not lying, it doesn't matter. Jedi have to answer to the law as well. We're not immune."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 15th, 2003, 01:56:14 AM
"What do you mean..."We're"?" She stopped thrashing, turning her head. All she could see was the back of his. "I didn't know they let big stinky jerks into the Jedi!"

With that, she started kicking as hard as she could. It wasn't her fault he wasn't listening to reason. Her uncuffed arm reached down, trying to see if he had any weapons on him, anything she might be able to use. "I didn't break any laws! Let me go!!'

Syrius Cline
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:09:02 AM
Syrius let out a sharp. "HAH!" He shook his head. "Aiding and abetting to a breaking and entering. Plus you'll need to be interrogated, to find out about that punk you were with. He won't go free either."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:17:56 AM
"I was doing no such thing! I was just standing in the alley, minding my own business, when you showed up and hand-cuffed me! I bet you're some kind of pervert or slaver or something!"

She finally managed to wiggle free from his shoulder, her right wrist still cuffed to his left. Her face was...well, mad. She was trying to look tough and imposing, but, it just wasn't working.
"You uncuff me right now! Or I'll get every Jedi I know after you!"

Syrius Cline
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:29:00 AM
"Oh yeah? Well from what I know, Jedi don't go attacking people who turn in people who are commiting crime. So your threats pretty weak, little girl. In fact, I'm doing you a favor. When I take you to the local law enforcement, they can sort this out. If I was to take you back to the temple, you'd have your Master to face. I don't know about your's, but mine would tear my ears off if I did something as stupid as this! You should have been stopping that robber, not standing around waiting for them to hurry up because the place gave you the jibblies. YEAH, I WAS THERE, I HEARD IT!!"

Camdyn Fields
Jun 15th, 2003, 08:11:01 PM

She was just about to lean into him, asking what he meant by "his master", when....someone fell.

A man fell from a nearby roof, bouncing off a dumpster before crumpling into a heap on the cement. Camdyn shrieked, moving closer to Syrius, her arms going around his neck.

"ew ew ew ew ew ew ...."

Syrius Cline
Jun 19th, 2003, 12:17:00 AM
Syrius raised an eyebrow, looking at Camdyn.

"Kindly remove yourself from me, criminal."

His gaze went back to the fallen man.

"You okay, mate?" He said, inching closer despite the fact he was tethered to Camdyn. "Hey! Hello!" He didn't want to risk putting himself close to a man out of his wits. It could be a junkie, on a high, ready to slash anyone who approached him.

Camdyn Fields
Jun 19th, 2003, 01:33:06 PM
"EEEEEEW! Don't touch him!!!"

She yanked back on the handcuffs, pulling Syrius away from the man. She grabbed his arm tightly (In spite of him being totally rude to her! :mad! What a jerk!) to keep him from going any closer.

"He's dead! Do you really think someone falling from like a building head first would still be alive?!?!" She started shaking. " Ew...ew...ew...Don't go near him!"

Syrius Cline
Jun 20th, 2003, 12:29:09 AM
Syrius nodded. "Though I've seen stranger things and know enough to know I haven't seen anything yet..."

He tipped his head, though didn't have the intent to speak to the man. He wanted a closer look.

"I suppose..." damn, what did he do here. If he was lost, he was lost. Would calling an ambulance really do anything? Did he still have the duty to report a death, or to investigate it. ".. Did you see where he fell from?"

Camdyn Fields
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:22:25 PM
"That...that roof!" She pointed to one of the taller buildings that surrounded them, "Someone must have pushed him!"

She wrapped her arms around herself as much as she could, shivering slightly. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. "I've never seen a dead person before...."

Syrius Cline
Jun 20th, 2003, 11:19:24 PM
It wasn't totally unknown for suicide jumpers to do their business on Coruscant. Still, he had an aching feeling the girl might be onto something. One of his hunches.

"Yeah, okay."

He cover her view of the body with his own, grabbing her by the arms to make sure she stayed in front of him.

"I need to investigate this and you're coming along. No choice in the matter so no need to fuss about it," though he knew she would beg to differ. "Come on."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 21st, 2003, 12:09:19 AM
Her feet felt like lead as he moved in front of her, blocking the dead man from view.
"I need to investigate this and you're coming along. No choice in the matter so no need to fuss about it,"

She opened her mouth to protest, not wanting to go anywhere but home to nice warm safe bed, but nothing came out. Not even a squeak. She sighed and reluctantly followed him, being dragged behind by the handcuffs.

Syrius Cline
Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:29:33 AM
Well, it was to the top, to see what the dead man saw that warrented his untimely end.

Syrius pushed open the doors to the building Camdyn had identified.

"You sure it was this one?"

Camdyn Fields
Jun 23rd, 2003, 10:11:25 PM
"Yes I'm sure," she mumbled, brushing past him and into the building. She wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible.