View Full Version : The Trade Game (Arya and Open)

Jun 4th, 2003, 11:49:55 PM
Beeeep Beeeeep

Troy stirred irritably, muttered something under the heavy sheets before his large fist shot out from under the white quilt and smashed down on the alarm clock, the beep slowed to a broken whine and then stopped. Troy had one of the worst nights he had ever had as a hunter. Not only did his deal go down the pan but he had barely made it out the club alive without having a viroblade stuck up somewhere where he would rather not have it.

Somewhere where it would have taken a medical team 5 or 6 hours to remove. Not good.

It was no good, he had to get up. Bloody alarm.

Troy got up only a few moments after the alarm was smashed and pulled off his underwear and t-shirt, placed them in the washing basket and then walked naked to the shower. A nice cold shower would wake him up and place him in a better mood, and it did. Walking out from the shower he put on a black jumper, black baggy jeans and a hoodie just for his home casual look.

Suddenly a pang of alarm hit the back of Troys mind...he had forgotten something, something important. Taking his data pad from his dirty pants on the dressing table he scanned through the days events planned, he would write them in a pocket pad for his own memory but this time it was lucky it was there.

' A meeting at the shipping port for delivery...delivery?' he recited from the data pad. ' Aw CRAP!...the spice!' Grabbing his trench coat he slung it on himself, flew out into the Coruscant morning which was pouring with rain and jumped into his speeder...he was late by 15 minutes.


Arya Ravenwing
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:12:34 AM
It was no easy trick getting through customs into Coruscant, but Arya had utilized the hidden compartments under the deck in the cargo hold of the Chevette77. She had landed on the precise docking platform specified by the nameless client, following all procedures to the letter.

Two kilos of glitterstim wasn't exactly anything to sneeze at, no pun intended. Arya looked at Red, who was still strapped into the co-pilot's seat. "Hey kid, run a diagnostic on the hyperdrive. I don't want any problems lifting off this rock, okay?" Red nodded, and her small fingers went to work.

She was a fast learner, and loved to run diagnostics. Anyway, it would keep the five year old out of trouble while Arya finished this deal. She clomped down the passageway, and nearly ran into the tall humanoid droid that had its back to her. "Threepio!"

"Ah, Mistress Arya! I was wondering, do you really think its wise to bring the child along like this? I mean to say -"

"Can it, Goldenrod. Why don't you go to the cockpit and keep her company while I get back to breadwinning, okay?" Arya brushed past the droid, and shimmied down the ladder into the cargo hold.

Threepio turned around a few times in the hallway, arms in the air. "But Mistress Arya! What if she tries to rewire me again?"

Arya left everything in place in the hold, but opened the wide doors, servos whining as the machinery went to work. Hmm...no one here to meet me.

That wasn't part of the plan. She checked her chrono. I'll give you five minutes before I bug off with your spice. The Coruscant City Watch had probably nabbed her contact, and she wasn't about to be the next victim.

Jun 5th, 2003, 12:50:49 AM
' So w w w what? do i hav' t'do with this then Troy?' Said Langly very sleepily next to Troy in the speeder, his laptop clung to his chest. Troy was exceeding the speed limit by about a qaurter again and Langly was scared stiff. ' Im your computer guy not a side kick!' Langly was the largest man Troy had ever seen who filled himself with pizza and coke but his knowledge of cracking codes and computers was un beaten in Coruscant. The man must of weighed 250lbs and had more chins than troy had hair on his stubbly face. The side of the speeder which Langly was sitting on was lowered slightly by his weight making the speeder difficult to steer.

' All i want you to do Langly is sit there and keep my back covered with your eyes okay?' Troy said keeping an eye on the road as he controlled the bullet speeder around others. ' Just sit back and keep your eyes peeled alright?'

' Look Troy...' Langly said adjusting his thick black framed glasses thick as bottle ends. ' I just dont w-' Troy looked at him sternly and Langly shut up with a quiet squeak. Langly and Troy were friends but Langly knew when to silence himself.The rest of the fast speeding trip was in a thoughful silence

The black speeder arrived at the space port quickly and stopped only a few hundred yards from Aryas space ship. Troy nodded to Langly as acknowledgement and then stepped out into the rain. ' keep an eye out...' he shut down the speeder canopy after him and started his walk towards her ship.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 6th, 2003, 02:31:13 AM
"Its about time." The smuggler muttered to herself, and walked out a bit, standing under the shade of her ship, out of the rain, waiting for the man in black to get closer.

Jun 6th, 2003, 11:06:09 PM
' Im here now, what you got for me?' He simply said hopping out of the rain into the cold shadow of her ship.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 8th, 2003, 09:29:41 PM
She frowned at that. "What do you think I have for you?" Arya didn't wait for an answer. "I was promised the second half of my payment. I'll be needing to see that now, before we go any further."

The smuggler was obviously armed, from a shoulder holster and one strapped to her thigh. She wasn't taking any chances.

Jun 11th, 2003, 10:46:07 AM
Troy smerked visibly and then smiled towards Arya, a clever woman indeed. Clearly she was no newbie to this game. Putting his right hand in his pocket he pulled out a data chit and tossed it to her gently. All was on there and there was no tricks or anything as such. Troy was as honest the day he was born...perhaps that was his trouble.

' Its all there...' He said putting his hands back in his pockets. ' Every credit...'.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jun 11th, 2003, 07:13:02 PM
"They're about to make the exchange, Ms. Reeouura. Troy just handed the female a credit chit." There was a whine of macrobinocs in the back of the comm transmission, and Sass adjusted her own macros, taking a green tinted look at the landing pad.

That Ravenwing woman was standing out of the rain, pocketing something that was too small to make out. Sasseeri moved the binocs back a shade, and focused in on the male's face. Trrroy. If it wasn't bad enough that he was a rogue hitman in her neck of the woods (basically...Coruscant), now he had an idea he was going to move spice under the nose of Black Sun.

Well. We'll see about that, Mrrr. Trrroy. "Wajit untjil he has the spjice jin hjis possessjion, and then we'll make the bust. Won't the Watch be pleased."

The man on the other commlink didn't comment, watching closely from a different angle. "The subject in the car isn't getting out. He appears human, although obscenely large. I don't think he can get out quickly, if at all."

All the better. Sasseeri drummed her fingers a bit, and peeked through the binocs once more.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 11th, 2003, 07:20:17 PM
Arya shoved the credit chit into her pocket without looking at it. Bloody cold here. She turned up her collar and walked into the cargo hold, the man following her. "By the way, who's the guy in the speeder? Insurance?"

As he answered her, Arya knelt on the deck, her back to the rest of the ship with him in front of her. A few well placed thumps on the floor and a section of deck plating popped up. Arya carefully lifted it up and out of the way.

Lenny Trump
Jun 14th, 2003, 11:50:40 AM
" RE-HE-ARLLLY! IS THIS NOT SUCH A NICE SUPRISE!?" Said a weasily, high pitched yet booming voice from just behind the Cizerack named Sasseeri. He had quickly run up the stairs and up behind her while she was on the comm, no use creeping she would smell is cheap after shave mile off. As she turned her head to view the strange man he performed a little dance of exitement, something like what a puppet would do on strings. He clapped loud, slapping both his hands together several times congratulating himself on his triumph like a overgrown seal.

Quickly he pulled his Hawaiin looking shirt at his neck and pulled from under a rather large, silver whistle and blow on it as load as possible until his lungs were airless. he gave the Cizerack and weak smile and then turned his head towards the two under the ship...clearly they had heard it.

"SORRY!..." He shouted "DID I GIVE THE GAME AWAY?!" He gave a childish grin.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:11:41 PM
Sasseeri's sensitive ears closed in on themselves as the intruder blew on an overly large whistle. Furious, she turned around. The smuggler and the wanna-be dealer heard nothing, as they were much too far away, and the nighttime noises of Coruscant more than covered this...imbecile's whistle.

As she turned, she drew a small, ladies sized blaster. The man smirked, and dove to the side, but she'd anticipated his move. You didn't get to the top of the largest criminial organization in the galaxy by being a bad shot. The first blaster bolt caught him in the fleshy part of his thigh, even as the two bodyguards from outside the room came dashing inside.

Sasseeri's lips curled as the intruder was taken into custody. She walked up to him and placed her blaster on his forehead, the look in her eyes agreeing with the bloodthirsty weapon.

Lenny Trump
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:02:59 PM
" NOOOOOO! YOU JUST CANT DO THIS MAN!!!" He said with a over dramatic face about his bleeding leg but before anything else could be said, he sighed and then fainted in the gaurds arms.

Jun 17th, 2003, 03:20:21 PM
Troy looked on eager to get his hands on what he had paid enough money to buy him 5 new speeders. The very thought he had spent that much cash and make double even tripple back was more than enough exitment for him.

Sanis Prent, eat your heart out.

' Is it the good stuff?..not this weak crap right?..' He asked stearnly.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 18th, 2003, 12:06:34 AM
Arya looked up at his tone, and shrugged. "I didn't sell this dren to you, mister, I only transport." She reached down into the compartment and came up with a metal lock box. It was heavy enough that she strained to bring it up, and was quietly relieved when she set it on the deck.

Inside the box were two kilos of premium grade glitterstim, wrapped up in small packages of black, photoresistant paper. The lock box itself added quite a bit of weight. "Check it if you want, I was under the impression that you'd been sent the keycard to this box already."

The man reached forward, excitement written on his expression, and she felt the need to caution him. "Remember, if light hits the spice it activates it, so don't hold me responsible if you open a package and destroy the contents." Glitterstim was a mind enhancing drug that, among other things, could be used to determine if someone was lying to you or not. The other affects were the reason most people took it, although the lie detector use had been the reason it had been introduced in the first place.

It was also entirely non-synthetic. There were several knock off versions of glit on the market, some which would burn your brain in an instant, and others which were as useful as a sugar pill. Arya waited a little impatiently for Troy to decide what he was going to do.

Jun 20th, 2003, 08:38:24 AM
' Im sorry... He said gently ' Im new to this sort of thing. Been a hunter for a long time but never dabbled in such stock.' He said turning to view Langly in Troys sports speeder. He gave the man a wave as if the say 'come over here'.

' Hes a big guy but a pure genius...' He laughed. Langly struggled to get out of the speeder and when he managed it the speeder almost sprung in the air with the loss of his weight. The big computer expert slowly waddled over to the two under the ship and gave a squeak as if the say 'Hello'.

' Langly gimme' a hand with this will you?' Langly grunted and relectently picked up the other end. Troy turend towards Arya and smiled. ' If i make a profit i'll call on you again...thank you for your help...' Sean said showing a genuin smile. Troy swiftly picked up the box and nodded to Arya again and then puclled the box and almost dragged langly with him until the computer expert regained his step.

Troy and his friend began the trip back to the speeder.

Arya Ravenwing
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:30:49 AM
Arya kicked the deck plating back into place, and walked over to the bulkhead as the two men exited the cargo hold. The smuggler punched the controls and the hatch started closing up behind them.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jul 16th, 2003, 02:49:43 AM
Sasseeri rolled her eyes as the man fainted, and she nodded to the bodyguard left holding him. "Take hjim out of herrre. jI can't have bodjies lyjing arrround jif the Watch do decjide to come by." The guard nodded, and then exited the room as she turned back to her binocs.

"They are carrying the goods out now. I recieved the call back from the Watch, they're sending a few men over to investigate."

The Sector Rangers had tracked the incoming shipment of spice from Nar Shaddaa, and now were turning over the apparent drug bust to the Coruscant City Watch. The smuggler, Ravenwing, would be harried as she left the planet by the Rangers, but would most likely ultimately escape....even if they didn't want her to. The female was a good pilot, and the Chevvette 77 she flew was fast.

Sasseeri nodded slowly, "Keep me jinforrrmed. jI am rrreturrrnjing to my offjice. Have Vymes come see me afterrr they arrre thrrrough."

Commander Zemil Vymes
Jul 20th, 2003, 09:27:30 PM
Four squad cars came screaming through the approach lanes, sirens blaring. They weaved in and out of the varying levels of traffic, swooping down on the concourse area, near the tarmac. They'd been tipped off on a Glit exchange between an unregistered transport and a black sedan. The info had come from the Sector Rangers, who were normally the go-to for space lane patrols of this kind. Once the ship hit planetside, it became the Watch's jurisdiction.

And in Coco, that meant Zem Vymes's jurisdiction.

Vymes glanced to the new recruit seated with him, as they averted colliding with a swoop bike. The throngs of sky-bound craft slowly started to peel away, as squad speeders approached from multiple angles. The bright lights and piercing wail of the sirens reflected and reverberated through the artificial canyons of the city planet.

Jul 22nd, 2003, 09:26:33 PM
' Alright Langly that is our que to GET THE FRELL OUTTA' HERE!' Sean yelled towards the big guy who struggled franticly to squeeze through the door. Troy who grabbed the case and throw it in the back so hard the speeder jogged a little pulled out the modified E-11 he always carried and jumped himself into the seat.

' Langly if i so hear as much as a cry from you im throwing you to the watch...and i think your wanted for like 13 counts of hacking goverment computers..so shut it!' Langly did what he was told. The speeder fired up with a roar and the speeder backed up and zoomed off in the oposite direction away from the oncoming Watch speeders.

The bacl speeder hurtled out of the docks area, skidded into a flight way and zoomed off left down paralel to the sqaud speeders. he hoped he need not use a blaster..but if he had to...it would happen.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Jul 28th, 2003, 10:59:14 AM
"Nobbei, cut around to 143rd and Skytrain bypass."

Vymes hit the brakes hard, and ramped the front end of his speeder upward against the repulsor discrepancy, then throttled skyward, narrowly missing an ore trawler on inbound to the station.

"Work him high, and we can bring defense patrols down and intersect."