View Full Version : Wandering Coruscants streets (open)

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 4th, 2003, 04:53:29 PM
It was around midnight as Jezreal was wandering through the large city of Coruscant, She liked the night it was like a freind to her, but like freinds it can get you into trouble

As Jezreal wandered down a deserted street that looked like it hadnt been used in a while she didnt notice a dark form creeping up behind her, it moved closer until it was right behind her, the form reached out and grabed Jezreal on the shoulder and said "are you lost little missy" came a mans voice

The man didnt know what hit him as Jezreal spun around and swung her silver colored staff and hit the man on the forehead knocking him out cold "no im not lost" she in a wisper as she walked away from the unconsios(sp) body

She continued to walk in one derection not caring where she went, after a while Jezreal looked at her watch it was after one, She kept turned down a street and came to a group of people and clustered around a fire, Jezreal tried to hide in the shadows but her white dress and blue cloak gave her away as one of the group looked and saw her "looks like we got some company" said the man

The rest of the group consisting mostly of large men turned and started to walked toward her "hello missy why dont you just give us you money and we wont hurt you.....much" one of the men said with a develish grin

Jezreal backed away holding her staff infront of her, the 17 year girl turned and ran back the way she came but the group chased after her, She ran faster her being in better shape than the thugs behind her, she pushed her blue green hair out of her face as she ran

The group of thugs soon gave up the chase and Jezreal slowed down, she braced herself against a wall as she cought her breath, She walked down an empty alley and sat on the ground, the chase had drained her energy and now she was tired and didnt have a clue where she was but she was not frightened because she was used to this kind of thing back when she and her parents lived on Coruscant on a large gang area

Jezreal looked out the entrance to the alley hopeing the thugs wont come after her again.

Sene Unty
Jun 4th, 2003, 05:06:14 PM
The man in the dark blue robes allowed the cool air to wash over him as he quickly made his way through the Coruscant night. A young girl was in distress the force had told him, and now was the time for action. Funny how these evening walks always ended in some sort of wild adventure for the Jedi Knight...

Sene had seen the confrontation and had moved to act, but it was becoming readily aparent that the girl was in little trouble as she easily distanced herself from the thugs. It brought a smile to his face for reasons that he was unable to determine at the moment.

He quickly shot a glance at the thieves, making a mental log of their faces for future pursuit, and made his way to the alley that the girl had stopped in.

She hadn't seen him....not yet anyway. He would remedy that now.

He took a step into the entrance and could only imagine what she was seeing as he would be only a shadow outlined in the light. She would be frightened so he knew he must comfort her..

"Are you in trouble miss?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 4th, 2003, 05:11:58 PM
Jezreal had closed her eyes for a moment now she opened them and got to her feet her staff in her hand, she walked toward Sene her staff held infront of her incase he attacked "yes i'm fine"

She looked at his dark blue robes "are you a Jedi?" she said carefully hopeing it woundnt make him angry or cuass him to attack.

Sene Unty
Jun 4th, 2003, 05:17:02 PM
Sene smiled as she stood up and pointed her staff at him. She was cautious which was good, escpecially after what had just happened to her.

"A Jedi? How could you tell?" Sene chuckled a bit, "Yes I am a Jedi, which means that you will not be needing that staff...."

Sene put on his best toothy smile as he removed the hood from around his face, "I will not be attacking you."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 4th, 2003, 05:22:46 PM
Jezreal didnt lower her staff " i could sence that your a Jedi through the force, and I dont take to kindly to jedi but since your not allowed to attack a small girl i have nothing to fear from you"

She lowered her staff to the ground "so what do you want Jedi?"

Sene Unty
Jun 4th, 2003, 05:41:09 PM
His first instinct was to ask why the young girl had asked him if he was a Jedi in the first place if she could indeed sense him from the Force at the beginning. But he didn't. Instead he asked the next question that came to his mind:

"Got something against Jedi huh?" He kept the smile but added a bit more honey to his voice, "And I was simply helping a citizen I thought was in trouble...nothing more and nothing less."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 4th, 2003, 09:58:49 PM
"well nothing exept that im more of a sith liker then Jedi, no offence ment " Jezreal strenched out hre hand "i'm Jezreal Darkshard" she smiled sweetly.

Sene Unty
Jun 5th, 2003, 09:27:33 AM
Sene took the hand and kept his smile, but in his mind he was confused. Apparently she was involved with the Sith, and that concerned Sene greatly. It seemed he was always running into these times of people. Didn't anyone know which side of the fence they stood on anymore?

"My name's Sene Unty."

He paused and then spoke again, "So what are you doing out so late?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 5th, 2003, 04:46:49 PM
"I was just going out for a walk, I like to walk around at night, it feels good" Jezreal said softly hopeing not to awaken any nearby residence "so what are you doing out this late at night jedi?"

She gave him a silly grin.

Sene Unty
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:28:46 PM
He gave her a curious look before speaking:

"Same as you I guess. Like to stretch my legs and catch some fresh air."

This wasn't entirely true, but it was all he wanted to say at the moment. He also liked to patrol and help where he could, but she didn't need to know that...

"So do you have anywhere to go....a house of any kind?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 6th, 2003, 02:03:43 PM
"no, not really, I just arrived here a few days ago I was living in a hotel but I ran out of money and i havnt found a job yet" Jezreal sighed "and ive been sleeping in alleys for the past two nights."

Sene Unty
Jun 6th, 2003, 11:02:54 PM
Sene finally frowned. Alleys? Well this was no way for a young lady to be living, even one who had a disliking for Jedi.

"Ummm. So you need some money do you?"

Sene thought for a second. He didn't like to see people in need, and this girl had a good heart. He wanted to get to know her now that he had met her, even if she didn't like Jedi. Maybe if she got to know him she would test herself with the Jedi. They were always looking for more people....

"What would you say if I offered you some money for a service of some kind? It's not like I need it or anything and I would be glad to give it to you, but I really can't think of something I would need you to do."

Sene bit his lip.

"I know I'm not giving you much, but I think you have potential. The force is telling me something, and I must head its calling. I see greatness in your future Jezreal.....would you give me a chance?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Jun 7th, 2003, 12:44:48 PM
Jezreal looked at the ground should i take it, this disnt seem very sith like to be exepting money from Jedi but I am low on cash she thought to her self, her stomach growled, she had not eaten dinner since she could not afford it

Jezreal sighed "sure I'll take some but just a little."