View Full Version : Mental Training (Xau)

Odin Murk
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:03:54 AM
:: I sat on a well heated rock in the middle of the training grounds, basking in the heat of the midday sun. My coldblooded body matched the temperature around me and the environment was very welcome to my wiry muscles. I was massive, 11 feet tall, not counting the tail behind me. The length and agililty of my kind of Lurikeen were the clearly visible characteristics. More detailed were our ability to change colors and have more wire based muscles, long and lanky but still incredibly stronger than any mammal.

I'd only met one other Lurikeen outside of our planet and he was of the stouter ones. Stout meaning 7 feet tall but built like durasteel. They could pull trees out of the ground and heft them like weapons. Stronger, shorter, I had not really been able to study there other characteristics. But that didn't matter, what were the odds that I would see the same one again?

I blinked, putting my head, I looked at the one of the entrances to where my apprentice would be coming through. Today I would be teaching Xau mental exercises to becoming a Sith. Training was rigorous, sometimes painful, but the training was required to make the Sith into a darksider, flexible to the will of the Darkside and powerful through rage and anger. All I needed was for Xau to show up. I mumbled something in my own language about lazy mammals and how they stunk.::

Xau Ghin
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:52:51 PM
Xau walked across the training grounds knowing that he should be meeting his master there. He had been looking for some time and had finally found him. He was basking in the sun on a rock. Xau thought back to his comment to Odin during the combat training. He smiled and approached his master without saying anything knowing Odin had sensed him either in the Force or through his reptilian attributes.

Odin Murk
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:53:30 PM
:: My muscles twitched slightly as I thought that I would have to move. I yawned, my mouth opening wide enough, at least a foot in a half. I stretched and then rolled over. My tongue flickering out and in as I blinked, facing Xau. I stayed in my crouched position so that I could face him at human eye level.::

Glad you could make it Xxxxxxxxxxau. I ssssssssssssee you sssssssssmiling. Wasssssssss it my sun basssssssssssking? Did you not enjoy your lasssssssst exxxxxxxxxxperience?

:: I chuckled, my muscles clearly tensing beneath my scales.::

Xau Ghin
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:49:43 PM
The smile quickly faded from Xau's face as he remembered the beating had received. However he wasn't going to let Odin completly scare him to death, so he let a little smirk stay on his face. "I enjoyed it so much I think a second time would ruin the first experience."

Odin Murk
Jun 5th, 2003, 01:48:03 PM
:: my head tilted to the side, my snout close to his face as I spoke. My claw lifted up and palmed the top of his head with room to spare.::

You sssssssssssssure?

:: I chuckled, watching his eyes dilate. Mammal reactions were very humourous. I pulled my claw back and stood to full height, walking back to the other side of the rock. I stood on one side, the flat rock between us, and Xau on the other side. I placed rocks and scrap metal in the middle of the stone.::

What issssssss posssssssssible in this galaxxxxxxxxy?

Xau Ghin
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:49:34 PM
Xau was a still a little shooken up from Odin gripping his head with his claw, likely to split in two like a melon. "I... don't.." Xau thought of everything that had happened in his lifetime, all the unexpected, impossible, events. "I suppose anything is possible."

Odin Murk
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:38:29 PM
Everything happensssssss in a courssssssse of eventsssssssss. The forcccccccce flows through thesssssssse momentssssss like water and wind. Normal beings are pusssssssshed along by the forccccccce into a pattern of time, the weaker ones committing the same misssssssssstakes over and over while ssssssome learning from their passsssssssst.

Sssssssssome even become strong enough to influencccccccccce their environment and change the set courssssssssse. Making new misssssssstakes and new improvementssssssss. And sssssssome have it in their blood to manipulate that whicccccccccch flowssssssss through time and ssssssspace, the forccccccce.

The forcccccccccce seperatessssssss into two thingsssssssssss. The Giver and the Devourer. The Light and the Dark. And there existssssssssss a balancccccccce between thessssssssse two that cannot be changed no matter how the outlook sssssssssseems. The Giver givesssssss what you ssssssssee and the Devourer takesssssss what you ssssssee.

Now I assssssssssk you, my apprenticcccccce. Whiccccccch do you prefer? To give all you have or to take all you can?

Xau Ghin
Jun 6th, 2003, 09:47:19 AM
Xau smiled, "To take all I can, of course. Why should someone give what they have and live miserably?" Xau said exactly what he meant, he wasn't going to pretend he wanted to help others over himself. That's why he was with the Sith, not the Jedi.

Odin Murk
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:52:04 AM
:: I nodded. A simple answer for a simple question.::

Then take the forcccccccce as ssssssssssssuch. Do not give into the Darkssssssssssssside or it will consume you asssssssss it does the livesssssssss of other weaklingssssssss. The only thing you have that the darkssssssssside wants is your anger, fear, hatred, sssssssssssins. That is what the darkssssssssside takes and ussssssssses to give you the power to take from all othersssssssss.

The lightsssssssssssssside will always be weaker for this reason. You musssssssst give yourself up to the forcccccccccce to be able to ussssssssse the light and that makesssssss you weaker when you give things away.

The undersssssssstanding is ssssssssimple. Now that your ssssssssmall human brain has grassssssssped what you prefer, how to focusssssssss your anger. You require a conssssssstant source of what the darksssssssside needs. Create a ssssssource, do it quick, I would not be ssssssssurprised if you found ssssssomething already. I would be angry with the fatesssssss for being a mammal too.

Xau Ghin
Jun 9th, 2003, 11:28:20 AM
Xau nodded in understanding and thought about problems and issues of the past. Now to add the Force to it... but where was it? He could barely feel it, but it wouldn't go through him. It was like a roadblock stood between him and the Force. "Master Odin.. I think I have a problem."