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Pierce Tondry
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:52:43 PM
Even though it is hard not to notice someone over six feet with a solid build dressed all in black, it becomes easier when that being does things not to be noticed.

The man in question had adopted a slouch and a shuffle as part of his gait. Exemplifying the very attitude of "too low to notice" he made his way to the bar and sat. "Chandrilan Duster," he mumbled, avoiding any eye contact with the bartender- which would have been difficult regardless, considering the blindfold tied across his eyes.

The aforementioned drink was passed to the man, who took out a lighter and calmly lit it on fire. Then he blew the fire out and took a deep pull.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:13:27 PM
"So I was going to see the customs agent on Bestine about getting The Switch's cargo of spice in on time," the smuggler was tossing tales with a Rodian and a Gran, "When she says t'me, 'Hey...I expect extra payment for doin' this.'"

Cyrus Haman made an expression like he was shocked, "So I said, 'Sure what do ya want?' knowing full well what she wanted."

The aliens chuckled, knocking Haman on the shoulders at his story.

He continued, taking a drink from his glass. It was almost empty.

"So...I give 'er what she wants. Not as good as other times, mind ya," he winked, "Just enough so she can get me through customs and out, with out a hitch. And ya know...she did a damn good job...she knows how to do it like only a few others I've met. But still... I've had bette. Like the time I scored on the princess of Chandrila."

He gave a smirk as he finished his drink. Of course...he'd also had better with his 'sessions' with both Nass and Hera. But they didn't need t'know the sorta things they did.

"But that's for another time. I gotta refill this drink then get ready for a smuggling run. I'll see you guys later."

Haman rose and walked up to the bar. He was in a pretty good mood. Hera was in and he knew they'd meet later for some 'S&T', plus he'd just scored high on Bestine getting the cargo in on record time.

He nodded to the blindfolded man next to him, then almost did a double take.

"Won't that beat all...not every day ya see a blindfolded man come in 'ere. What's ya story, pal?"

Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:31:01 PM
Stepping out from the back office, Hera popped her neck.

She had been ensconced back there for hours, and most would think she had been pouring diligently over accounts and inventory. Which had, in all honesty, been her intention. But the truth of it was - she'd fallen asleep.

And now her neck was stiff and she had a headache.

And only one thing would cure it.

Approaching the bar, she shuffled onto a stool, bumping Cyrus inadvertantly, who bumped the blindfolded man in turn.

Hera hadn't really noticed the newcomer - her eyes were focused on one thing only.

"Gimme the Chandrillan Rum, Louie. No no no.....(she pushed the shot glass away irritably)....the bottle of Chandrillan Rum."

A low groan escaped her as she slumped her chin on her hand and propped her head up from off the bar.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:23:16 PM
A brief red flash echoed in his mind, and Pierce let go of his mug just in time to prevent the chain of bumps from sending him to the floor.

Carefully righting himself, Pierce took hold of his mug and took another pull. First mention of a Chandrilan princess, then an order for Chandrilan Rum. Where I go, so goes Chandrila.

"Ain't got a story," he said huskily in a voice not at all like his own. "Jes' like I ain't got anything that works. Like a ship, like my eyes, or like anything that'll bring in credits."

Pierce lifted the mug an quaffed more Duster. "But I got enough for a drink. Maybe two if the 'keep ain't chintzy."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:37:28 PM
"Well tell me a story," Haman was semi-amused, "And I might buy ya one. Plus...I know a guy who knows a guy about fixing ships. Maybe he can help ya there."

Lightly he placed a hand on Hera's neck and stared to rub lightly.

"But make the story a good one. I'm in the mood for some entertainment."

Jun 4th, 2003, 08:09:02 PM
She shrugged Cyrus's hand off roughly and poured herself a double.

Dowing that and another after it quickly, she was slowly begining to feel a tad more sociable. Well, she atleast lost the snarl.

Cyrus hand found its way back to her neck, and Hera this time neglected to push it way.

Instead she turned on her seat to examine the individual seated on the other side of Haman. And she frowned slightly. Something about him she didnt like.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:16:14 PM
"What is it with you and stories?" Pierce shrugged uncomfortably. A Sith's eyes were on him; Pierce felt it. He began burying his thoughts inside memories of an operation where it had been necessary to masquerade as a spice addict. "Ah, hell- ain't a Caamasi tale-teller, but I'll give it a shot."

"Was runnin' the Hydian Way one time and I hit an Imperial patrol. Now I'm in a Scag-525, a big hauler with no speed, and they've got a Carrack Cruiser and speedy little squints, three of 'em, ridin' my ions towards a tractor beam point. I know my rear is toast, and I can't dump my cargo or the Hutts'd have my hide. So I start up a little chat with squint lead and set up a comm echo, so what I say bounces off squint lead's encryption and comes back to me. When we get to the tractor beam point, I order the Carrack to tractor the coordinates of squint lead using the encryption. After two minutes of screwing with the Carrack, two of the squints have crashed into each other and the third is sitting in the tractor beam while I'm pulling the hyperdrive lever."

Jun 7th, 2003, 07:35:36 PM
Hera was only half listening to Peirce's story, instead she was scruitinizing the newcomer.

Or trying to.

Cyrus annoyingly kept shifting in his seat, and she had to constantly peer round his bald head.

Finally, in annoyance and short temper, she put a hand on Haman's chest and pushed him back roughly. The scoundrel almost fell off his seat and grabbed quickly for the bar.

Hera ignored the resulting glare and string of cussing.

Instead, she beaded her eyes on the blindfolded stranger.

"Do...I know you?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 7th, 2003, 10:27:59 PM
"Hey!" Haman almost fell from his stool, "Watch it boss."

Then under his breath, "I'll give ya a better massage later on tonight. Got some new stuff too...we can play 'name that body oil' later."

Hera gave him a side-long look and almost pushed him again from his chair.

The smuggler changed tactics quickly, focussing on Tondry sitting next to him.

"Interesting story...do ya have a name hotshot?"

Pierce Tondry
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:45:52 AM
"What the hell?" Pierce snorted. "I come in to take my mind off my troubles and I get frelling interrogated like it's Imperial business?"

Pierce downed the last of his Duster and stared into the bottom of the empty glass. An idea came to him. "You want answers, you buy me a drink for each one. No more freebies, 'cause I ain't in the mood to spill my guts to a coupla strangers who might want me dead."

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 04:55:22 AM
-The hardened mercenary veteran was sat further along the bar. He was in transit from his last job, still wearing the tatooine-dusted, blue armoured body-suit beneath the surprisingly effective disguis of a dark trenchcoat. Consequently he was still well armed, a measure that seemed most nessecery in these parts.
With all the comotion a few of those who sat at the bat walked away, wisley, leaving Tyrus in clear sight to the others. He shared his thoughts opennly but clearly directed at Pierce.-

"If I were you, friend, I wouldn't use"spill my guts" and "want me dead" in the same sentence you ask your demands in."

-He's interupted by a sip of the drink he's nursing in one hand, he continues In his usual gravely voice.-

"Sounds to me like you've just stumbled on THE best reason to talk, on pain of these guy's slitting you from ear to ear. But hey, you don't have to listen to me, you just go and do what you think is best."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:02:00 AM
Haman ignored the newcomer. He wasn't interesting, nor did he care for his 'rough' looks.

"Hey, relax we're all friends here," the smuggler nodded at the bartender and another drink was set in front of Tondry.

"That oughta calm you down a bit, I think. So how'd ya get the Squints offa your tail again? With a echo?"

He looked at Hera, playing dumb, "You ever hear of that kinda thing boss?"

Pierce Tondry
Jun 11th, 2003, 12:03:20 AM
Pierce pulled out his lighter again and gave it a casual flick. The top of the fresh Duster burst into flames. "Yeah, echo. When ya got the right equip, you can mimic any encrypt ya like. And when you get chased by enough Imps, you sorta pick up the lingo."

He blew the flame off the top of the Duster and took a drink. "Name's Gibson. She can call me Mel," he added, with a nod in Hera's direction.

Jun 11th, 2003, 10:31:03 PM
Hera was dubious about Peirce's tale of picking up Imperial lingo, not because she'd never heard of it, but that it was extremely tricky to do that type of thing and not get caught in the process. And here was this fella -blind as a bat probly - looking like he couldnt evade his way out of a plastic bag, let alone evade Imp fighters.

But he had piqued her curiosity.

"So...Mel...how long were ya runnin for the Hutts?"

Hera knew he wasn't running for them now. It was her business to know their contractors - Gorgja was a sneakey and frugal fat slug and if a cheaper outfit moved in he would try and force her to lower her rates to compete. It had never worked, but still, Hera kept up on who was doing what to keep in the know.

She tipped the bottle of rum to her lips and slid a sideways glance at Cyrus to watch this stranger carefully.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 11th, 2003, 10:37:15 PM
Haman nodded...he'd never heard of a 'Mel Gibson' in any sort of outfit. And by the looks of this guy, he'd been doing whatever it was he'd been doing for a while.

It wasn't with any smuggler he knew...although Talon Kardde was pretty quiet 'bout his operation. But even then, he knew most of the guys (and girls) working for Kardde. Hell he'd even spent th'night with some fiery redhead who worked for Kardde.

She was a tiger in bed, he smirked to himself.

Haman took another drink from his glass, finishing it.

"Hey someone get me a Suicide King..."

Pierce Tondry
Jun 12th, 2003, 12:06:15 AM
"Five years," Pierce shrugged. "Had a falling out over payment for a job. Left, headed Rimward to Bakura. Started working for a little cartel out on the Rim for a bastitch Rodian named Skinnig to stay out of sight. Only problem with working for a small cartel is that if you run into a government militia, you got no backup."

"Well, Skinnig got backed up- right to the wall. I was comin' in empty from a Mid-Rim run and found the base littered with Republic craft. Soon as I saw what was going down, I flared engines and headed out. Only thing is, the ship took a hit from a turbolaser right before I jumped. So I got flashblinding, no sublights, a little bit a cargo, and enough credits for one more Duster."

Though Pierce's story was true, he was neglecting to mention what side of that scrap he'd been on, and where the real Mel Gibson was at this moment.

Jun 15th, 2003, 11:00:34 PM
Haman took another drink from his glass, finishing it.

"Hey someone get me a Suicide King..."

"Make that 2" Hera chimed in as Peirce relayed his story.

He made quite a tale, and Hera felt herself slowly relinquishing her suspicious bent, though not completely.

"So, Mr Gibson, whats with the three blind mice imitation?"

Pierce Tondry
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:27:29 PM
"Didn't you hear me?" Pierce growled. "Flashblinding. My SCAG has the original bubble canopy still, which lets you get a rearward view. Frell me if I wasn't looking over my shoulder when that turbolaser shot hit. Now I can't really see in bright light, so I got the blinder. Local chop doc couldn't tell me if it was permanent or not."

Although Pierce's eyes were truthfully light sensitive at the moment, the NR's medical teams had assured him that his nerves were capable of remarkable regeneration that would, in time, heal the damage from the overload they'd received at the hands of Sorsha Kasajian.

But his other version made for a good story.

He looked in the general direction of Hera, although he couldn't see her because of Cyrus. "Why you takin' an interest in me, darlin'? Ain't baldy here good company?"

Jun 15th, 2003, 11:31:25 PM
Instead of a reply, Hera reached forward and yanked the blindfold off of Peirces face.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:36:53 PM
Haman's blaster came out in one smooth motion.

"You just gave yourself away pally...or is it officer?"

A push and Pierce was on the floor, Haman's boot on his chest.

"Talk fast...or else I get some of this...'tension' outta me in a way I prefer to save for another time."

Pierce Tondry
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:47:56 PM
Pierce screwed his eyes shut against the light as Hera took the blindfold off his face and then was promptly pushed to the floor by Cyrus. "Screw off baldy," he said, working at not focusing in any way that might reveal him as anything other than Mel Gibson, unlucky smuggler. "I dunno what you're babbling about."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:29:11 PM
"Well answer me this, wiseguy," Haman replied, the blaster still pointed at Pierce, "How did ya know I was bald if you're blind?"

His foot pressed down on Pierce's chest,

"Huh? What th'hell do you work for...Mel...or is it Officer?"

Pierce Tondry
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:39:56 PM
"Listen smart guy, I'm not totally blind. Never said I was, so don't even start with me." Gingerly shading his eyes with a hand, 'Mel' opened them and looked up at Cyrus. "My eyes are ultra-spazzo-sensitive, meaning even dim light seems kinda like midday to me. It's real screwy, and I ain't got the cash to get someone good to take a look."

"Think about it. If I was totally blind, there's no way I woulda been able to land my ship, now is there? I'da turned it into a pile of scrap if I tried."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 26th, 2003, 05:47:01 PM
"That's a pile of poodoo and you know it," Haman retorted, "I can land my ship blind and with a woman on me, doing...things to me."

He tried not to look at Hera as he said that.

"Besides...there are plenty of droids who can dock as well."

Pierce Tondry
Jun 26th, 2003, 09:54:39 PM
"Listen pal, I'm telling the truth," Pierce growled. "I'm a realist, not a braggart. And realistically, you're gonna lose that foot if you keep it on me."

Jun 30th, 2003, 10:14:37 PM
Hera used the force, and lifted "Mel Gibson" up bodily from the floor. Cyrus lifted his foot as he realised Hera shifting the body beneath it and stood back a step, still eyeing this stranger with hot suspicion. Hera neglected to look at Haman, not that there was any guilty flush on her face to add weight to the scoundrels bragging. Hera rarely ever felt guilt..But she kept her eye on the stranger.

With a move of her hand, she thumped Peice back onto his seat and her luminescent blue eyes peered closely at him.

"Well, Mel Gibson with the melted eyeballs....." she was not convinced either, "I think you might be tryin' to pull a fast one on us." She grabbed his chin and turned his face from side to side, inspecting the scarring about his eyes closely. "But, lets just say you are this never-before-heard-of-smuggler... You just here for a drink are you?"

Pierce Tondry
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:37:35 PM
"Damn right I'm here for a drink." Pierce said, squinting his eyes to protect them from the light. Being lifted bodily in the Force was something he hadn't experienced before, and the experience was slightly unnerving, even to him.

Nonetheless, he kept his cool, even as he stared directly into the eyes of a woman who'd indirectly helped in getting him nearly killed. "And let's not forget, Mr. Haman approached me, Miss DrenKast, not the other way around."

"And before you go getting all antsy," Pierce added quickly, feigning a nervous touch to his voice. "It ain't hard to figure out that the blonde you're staring at is Hera DrenKast and the bald guy is her sidekick Cyrus Haman when you've just been lifted into the air with no hands."

Jun 30th, 2003, 10:51:40 PM
Hera smiled, laughing a little with Peirce, but there was no warmth and no real mirth in her eyes. She was everybit a snake ready to strike.

She had felt an odd resistance in this man as she utilised the force, and she was almost certain he was hiding a force ability of his own.

"Maybe Im her evil twin..And this guy is just some guy in a bar..?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:53:57 PM
Haman smirked.

Nice t'know his reputation preceeded him. He wondered if the princess from Chandrila had spoken to someone.

"So...if we're those two...then who're you? Some Jedi-guy or something?"

Pierce Tondry
Jun 30th, 2003, 11:14:46 PM
"Yeah, I'm Anakin Frelling Skywalker. Nice t'meet you."

Pierce snorted and raised a hand to shade his eyes again. "Nah, I'm just out to drown my misery in a Duster or two. Or I was," he added pointedly. "And I'd like to go back to it. Unless, that is you got something I can do for ya."

Jul 1st, 2003, 02:34:22 PM
"Skywalker...Thats funny" she grinned, still without genuine amusement.

She sipped her rum and slid a sidelong glance over to Haman before speaking to Tondry once more.

"You say you've had trouble with your ship. Why dont me and Cy come by and take a look. Maybe we can help you out."

Her eyes remained levelly gazing at him.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jul 2nd, 2003, 04:28:42 PM
Haman slowly let his blaster go back into the holster on his leg, but kept his hand on it.

"Yeah...I'm pretty good witha wrench. I'll take a look at it," his face was a look of smarm.

"Let's go 'officer', start walking."

Pierce Tondry
Jul 3rd, 2003, 04:14:03 PM
Pierce didn't move, instead choosing to look suspiciously between Cyrus and Hera. "What's the catch? No one ever does anything for free, 'specially not DrenKast of Shadowfaene."

Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:52:58 PM
"Maybe..." Hera was noncomittal, "..Maybe not..."

She stood now.

"You seem to know alot of things, and here we are (she nodded to Cyrus) only know what you tell us. And as we are the kind of "see for ourselves" kind of people - we'd like to see this ship of yours. For ourselves."

Hera waited to see if he would lead the way, or further incriminate himself in their view with his delays. She could not get a clear read on him, or his force ability. Which, in itself, hoisted red flags left right and center for her.

She suddenly probed his mind, rudely stabbing into his thoughts, trying to break into his guard.

She smiled now. "Better lead on there..(and she added heavily).... Mel."

Pierce Tondry
Jul 4th, 2003, 07:13:10 AM
One of the thoughts he had floating beneath his conscious surface abruptly crystallized into a memory-

- and he put his feet on top of the desk, leaning back in his chair and taking a puff off a death stick. "A shipment of the purestim usually runs a cool 20,000 credits," he said. "But I'll swing it for 15 if you throw in the astro-"

Pierce winced. He wasn't sure what that was, but it had stung. "Yeah," he said, shaken only a little bit less than he was letting show. "My Scag is over in storage berth 215. Didn't know if I was gonna be able to get her off the ground again anytime soon, so..."

Pierce's squinting eyes flickered back and forth between Hera and Cyrus. "...so why don't we go visit? Right after I do what I came here to do, which is finish my alcohol."

Which he did, in one swift gulp. He pulled out two decacredit chits from his pocket ("Last two!") and set them on the counter for the barkeep, then turned and headed for the door.

Though it looked a bit ridiculous, he shaded his eyes wih his hand the entire way, managing a straight line for the most part.

When they reached berth 215, Pierce slid a keycard into the lock mechanism and the door opened. It revealed a ship that looked a lot like a long rectangular box sitting upright on the narrow end. It was suitably dinged and beaten, even to the point of having laser scars adorning its surface. Up at the top, near a fairly low bubble canopy made of transparisteel was a huge black score on the metal that had melted away a large portion of the top rear of the ship, even going so far as to have ruined one of two large sublight engines set into the craft.

Insofar as he had spoken his story, it seemed to be true. Pierce had even flown the craft into the base poorly (giving off an appropriately distressed request for a landing zone) and stopped by a local 'chop doc' earlier in the day to give things that extra theme of truth they needed.

"There it is," he said proudly. "My junkheap."

Jul 4th, 2003, 09:25:13 PM
Hera and Cyrus exchanged glances.

What a hunk of junk

They followed Peirce aboard, Hera not saying much at all.

In the enclosed confines of the craft, a latent menace that was a natural aura to the blonde Sith, exuded from off her. Peirce could smell her distrust. Wether it was her instinct, or something he had inadvertantly given away to her, he couldnt be sure. All he knew for certain, was that he was walking a precarious thread right now.

He saw her take in the damage and the general overall shabbiness of the craft. And her brooding silence was stark contrast to the reaction of her bald counterpart.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jul 13th, 2003, 08:45:25 PM
It looked right, Haman had to admit. Pretty damn broken down and damaged...like someone had been inna fight and barely gotten out of it.

Haman took a cigarre from the packet in his jacket pocket, then lit it with a butane lighter. He had enough taste to get cigarres that were imports and not mass produced...he might have a semi-nasty habit...but he still had taste.

'Sides...what would it say t'Hera if her main bed sharer smoked something generic? Haman was far from generic...and Hera knew that too.

The smuggler ran his hand across the bulkhead of the freighter.

"Now what happened again? Got attacked by Imperials near Balmorra?"

Pierce Tondry
Jul 13th, 2003, 09:54:16 PM
"Yep, Imperials near Balmorra," Pierce said, flipping Cyrus the bird over his shoulder. "And you can stop with this testing crap any time."

Abruptly, Pierce jumped onto a nearby rung ladder and began scampering upwards, disappearing into a service tube. He poked his head back out momentarily. "You can come up if you want."

After a moment, the sounds of metal rattling could be heard.

Jul 14th, 2003, 09:39:50 PM
In short time, Hera's head appeared out the service tube, following Peirce and she then proceeded to clamber out of it somewhat awkwardly.

Cyrus remained below..snooping.

She walked up close to Tondry. Real close and her full lips were pulled back in a feral sneer as Peirce turned at her uncomfortable proximity.

"Youre a liar"

Her blue eyes held him in their grip.

"Know how I know?"

Peirce smiled and said something along the lines of "Oh, Im sure youre gonna tell me"

She tapped his temple with her finger, the nail a light scratching on his skin.

She leaned close and whispered "....the force..."

Hera had earlier found his mind a blank when she had searched it, and then suddenly, a random memory. It had taken her some time to figure out that incongruity, but now she was certain - he had been deliberately masking and filtering his thoughts. A force user can do that.

A slight arching of her brows and if Peirce could see clearly, he would have noted a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 15th, 2003, 01:56:42 AM
"What the frell are you doing?"

Systematically, Haman had been running his hands over the hull, searching for who knows what - [I[if[/I] he was searching for anything. Knowing Cyrus, he was just being nosey.

Daiquiri had paused on the way to her own ship, curiosity getting the better of her. It wasnt a secret that Haman and this blonde didnt particularly care for each other and generally Daiq avoided him whnever she could.

Her voice startled him, causing him to jump and smack his bald pate against the hull with a satisfying 'thud'. At least it was satisfying to her.

Daiq grinned.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 15th, 2003, 11:40:03 AM
Abruptly, Pierce broke out into confident laughter. "And a small-time space jockey with a blown sublight on the run from Bakuran space picking Shadowfaene as a stop didn't set off any alarms in that pretty little head of yours? Hell, I'm surprised you didn't ask me how I escaped a Republic task force in something that looks as damn worthless as this SCAG- and it wasn't easy- when I didn't know they were there."

A thoughtful finger tapped the side of Pierce's cheek. "But that's information, isn't it? And in this wide, wonderful galaxy we live in, the right information can get you killed."

"Or it can make you credits."

Hera was like a tiger, barely restrained from pouncing on her prey. Everything he'd read on her dominating personality seemed to be on target so far. As long as she felt in control of things, she wasn't likely to lash out.

Or so Pierce was guessing. It wouldn't take much to prove that wrong though.

"So, Miss DrenKast," he said, with the barest hint of nonchalant challenge in his voice and Hera's dangerous proximity well in his mind. "Is there something I can do for you?"

Jul 19th, 2003, 03:59:58 PM
She dropped her gaze to look Peirce up and down. She was difficult to read, though one thing remained infinitely clear as Peirce watched her. She was dangerous, and she knew it.

"Do for me....?"

A curl of a smile as she looked him up and down once more.

"......What do you have in mind?"

Pierce Tondry
Jul 20th, 2003, 10:49:14 PM
The ship's lighting was dim, the two were alone, and Hera's eyes reflected an electricity as they travelled Pierce's form. It occurred to Pierce that what he was doing was akin to picking Thallibesh fruit; sure the carnivorous plant could sting you to paralysis and swallow you whole, but if you snuck in under the tree's tentacles, you could taste the sweetest nectar in the Mid-RIm.

Sweet nectar...

The thought had floated, unbidden, through his head as he was eyeing Hera. It wouldn't do to forget why he was here. Or that she'd been loosely involved in the attack where Sorsha had captured him.

"I didn't," he replied eventually with that same hint of challenge in his tone. "I'm very good at solving problems, knowing things I shouldn't, turning up unexpected, fulfilling any kind of needs-" the word got the barest hint of emphasis "- really. But I like being a 'beneath the radar' kinda guy. I don't particularly want any trouble to come my way, so any work I do stays... confidential. A prospective employer would need to understand that."

Jul 25th, 2003, 05:09:39 PM
She lifted her hand up and ran it through his closely cropped hair, moving herself even closer against him.

"The thing is though, Mr. Gibson, for me to hire you would require me to trust you..."

Below she could hear voices - Cyrus and a woman's - (Daiqs she thought) but if they distracted her, Tondry couldnt tell.

"...And...." she continued softly, ".......I dont trust you."

She sniffed at his neck, much like a predatory animal would its prey, and yet she discerned no real fear emanating from him. Only a studied coolness and determined control. She looked up at him, Tondry being the taller of the two, and spoke again.

"No - I dont trust you at all"

Her fingers ran down the back of his head, ruffling his hair, onto the back of his neck and coiled themselves lazily about it.

"But that doesnt mean, I dont have a use for you"

Again, the unsettling smile.

Pierce Tondry
Jul 27th, 2003, 12:57:37 AM
Pierce's eyes narrowed and locked onto Hera's, tracking their every flicker. His face was still smiling challengingly, but Hera's words made him wary- much more wary than he had been. Wary to the extent that some of the hair beneath Hera's fingers began to stand on end.

"And what use would that be?" Pierce said softly, dangerously. "Mounted, stuffed, and put above the mantlepiece? 'cause that'd be a big disappointment for me."

Jul 27th, 2003, 10:42:52 PM
She inhaled deeply, enjoying herself.

"Oh....nothing quite so crude. Although, that is a matter of opinion - you've heard of the Jedi Order, I take it?"

Peirce would have had to live under a rock for the past millennia not to have heard of them, and so the question was redundent.

She went on.

"You think you can get some information for me on them? Or rather...one in particular?"

Pierce Tondry
Jul 28th, 2003, 02:30:28 AM
"You don't ask much, do you?" Pierce's face broke out into a grin that had nothing to do with his question, though it would seem like it to the watchful Hera. Given Pierce's status as a Jedi Padawan, he had more access there than Hera probably realized.

Nothing to do but play along, though, and avoid revealing himself in any way.

"Course I don't suspect you were really asking there," Pierce continued. "And you'd probably drop me off the side of my own ship if I refused, so I'll just cut right to the chase."

The taller man leaned over to Hera's ear and whispered in it, his breath tickling Hera's ear. "What do I get out of this?"

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:10:19 PM
Bitch...although she is kinda hot. I'd do her, Haman rubbed his head after smacking it into the the hull of whatever the hell 'Gibson' was calling this ship.

"I'm actually lookin' for something sweetlips, what're you up to?" he turned back to the ship. Something didn't seem right about this...the blaster damage was too superficial, too good. Haman had seen it before, hell he'd done damage to his ship like this before.

He remembered this one time on Cathar after he'd had a round in the sack with both a wife and daughter (who apparently had some 'fun' of their own) where he took a portable blaster cannon and shot The Switch up so it would look like he'd been attacked. Boy, there were several news organizations who had a field day on that one. 'Specially the deal about the wife and daughter.

"You about to run off to that wolf plaything of yours and make cubbies for 'im?" he gave her a merciless smile, "Or are you looking for something...more human to try out?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 29th, 2003, 11:30:43 PM
"That youre looking for 'something' was rather obvious. Color me amazed that you didnt catch the subtleness of the question."

Her words were dry as sand and the tone sarcstic to the point of cutting flesh.

"Look at me giving you credit for intelligence. What was I thinking?"

Crossing her arms over her chest, Daiq gives no sign of moving on. She had asked a question and was still waiting for an answer.

"The day that you manage to fall into the category of 'human intelligence' will be the day I drop my pants and let you have a go."

Daiquiri felt quite secure that day would never come.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jul 30th, 2003, 11:08:43 PM
Oh ho...so she would go for me...heh...figures. Wolf boy can't do everythin' for her, Haman had a particularaly lewd thought come to his head. About Daiq, a stool, and...never mind.

"You were probably thinking I was up to no good," Haman gave a simple answer.

Lord, lady gimme some frelling credit.

"When for the record, we got ourselves a grade-A agent of the law on that ship right now with Hera," Haman's eyebrows shot up with an expression of 'oh yeah'.

He gave a smirk, "She's busy, 'keeping him occupied' if ya know what I mean."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jul 31st, 2003, 01:37:40 AM
"Let me get this straight.....there is an officer of 'the law' up in that ship, Hera is seducing him and youre looking 'for something' out here. Well then, that makes sense......and I was right - you are up to no good."

Lightly smacking the palms of her hands together, she nods at Haman.

"So, what are we looking for? I'll help."

Jul 31st, 2003, 11:21:49 PM
"I'll pay you what the information is worth."

She was not in a 'bargaining' mood - as Tondry had already realised.

"You deliver. I deliver."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Jul 31st, 2003, 11:27:05 PM
Haman again tapped the hull of the ship.

"The blaster markings seem too...I dunno...formulaic. Like someone just shot at it to make it look like it'd been attacked."

He stroked his goatee, then pulled out a cigarre and lit it with a black torch lighter.

"Help me look for something that looks superficial. Outside of yourself."

He gave a wide smile to Daiq.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:12:26 AM
Pierce threw his hands into the air and turned away from Hera in disgust. "Oh, well, I'll just walk to Coruscant, then. Should take me a couple billion years, tops."

Kneeling by a toolkit, Pierce picked a small torch from among the tools and clicked it to life. He bent near a plate he'd pulled off before Hera had come up and put the flame to some exposed brackets that had come loose at some point.

Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:23:41 AM
Hera struck out her hand and yanked Tondry up roughly by his shirt, spinning him around, very nearly catching the two of them on fire.

"Turning your back on me is a very dangerous thing." She threw him hard against the bulkhead so that now he was pressed up and forced to stoop his head for lack of room.

"Transport is not a problem. We fix this crate.....Or"

She nodded toward the ladderwell.

"....Cyrus can take you"

Pierce Tondry
Aug 2nd, 2003, 01:59:44 AM
Pierce rubbed his head with his free hand. "I trust baldy as much as you trust me, so I'll go for option one. Speaking of baldy, you'll want to warn him there's electrified plating lurking around, if he hasn't already found that out."

The hand with the torch gestured meaningfully towards the same ladderwell Hera had.

Aug 2nd, 2003, 02:04:49 AM
At that moment, a sudden bright flash jumped up from the well below, followed by a string of colorful obscenities that only Cyrus can deliver.

Hera laughed.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:05:00 PM
"Sonofabitch...frelling...blasted..." Haman's curses went on and on as he looked for anything suspicious.

He cast a glare at Daiq, "What the frell're you lookin' at? This hand was th'hand I used on Hera last night. And a duchess on Thyferra two years ago.

"This hand's important, dammit!"

As he shook his hand, his shifty eyes caught something on the electrified plate.

"Hey...takea look at this," he pointed at the ship's hull, "It left a mark like a blaster burn.

"We got our smokin' gun. Go get 'Blind Man Mel' will ya?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:20:37 PM
There was no need to laugh. Her point had been proven as to which was the smarter. she wasnt the one who had gotten shocked now, was she?

Daiquiri wasnt above smirking at his misfortune and she did this plainly, leaving no room for doubt as her foot touched the bottom rung of the ladder.

"Yeah, I'll get him. Me and my superficial ass will haul him right down."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:28:06 PM
"Yeah I betcha got implants!" Haman yelled up, "Prolly got breast enhancements too. No wonder the dog likes you!"

He walked from the ship, relighting his cigarre which had (surprisingly) gone out when he'd been shocked.

Whatta bitch...'least I'm 'all natural'.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:40:10 PM
Popping her head up over the metal decking of the floor, Daiq quickly locates Hera who had some guy named Mel pushed back against the hull.

"Good to see some things never change. The bald guy down here wants a word with Mel."

No need to elaborate on who Daiq was referring to, Hera knew and from the way Haman had squealed like a school girl, even Mel knew who she was talking about.

Dropping off the ladder, she turns to face Cyrus.

"You know, for someone who professes not to like me, you sure enjoy making comments about my anatomy."

Daiq moved away as sounds above her head signaled a descent. Grinning from behind the ladder rungs, she runs the palm of one hand over a hip.

"All real, baby and all there....too bad for you that you wont ever be."

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 14th, 2003, 11:42:18 PM
Haman smirked, "The Force knows I'm all natural. You can ask Hera.

"Or you can always try it yourself."

Aug 18th, 2003, 10:50:32 PM
A jerk of her head and an obliging smile, Hera indicated Mel should preceede her down the ladder well.

"Lets not keep the little bald guy waiting, hm."

Pierce Tondry
Aug 27th, 2003, 12:33:16 PM
"Right," Pierce snorted. "Mustn't keep him waiting."

Pierce walked over to the ladder well and jumped in, feeling the air woosh past his body as he dropped downward. He caught his fall on one of the ladder rungs with his free hand, then dropped the remaining few feet. It was a move only someone well-trained or familiar with their ship could pull off.

Pierce was quietly hoping his three companions would assume the latter.

Blinking, Pierce realized that there were now three- a woman had joined them while Pierce and Hera were up above. It would be wise to get a feel for her.

"Don't tell me," he said, approaching the pair. "I want to guess. Screw-magnet here had sex with you while standing on one leg during a trip from Mos Eisley to Mos Espa as he single-handedly fought off a pack of Tuskens with one hand and a Krayt dragon with the other all while riding an uncomfortable pack mule?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 12:59:58 PM
Daiquiri had to laugh simply because it was at Haman's expense. Tondry mistakeningly thought he was being funny and turned a smarmy grin on the 'Screw-magnet himself.

He shouldnt have done that - looked away. It cost him a hard cuff on the side of his head, distributed curtesy of Daiq whose smile was now gone.

"Dont ever lump Haman and me together sexually. EVER."

Pierce Tondry
Aug 27th, 2003, 01:12:32 PM
Pierce staggered slightly, not quite dropping the torch he still held. Resisting the urge to defend himself in this case was prudent, so instead he stretched his neck to relieve some of the pain. "I can respect that," Pierce said. He turned to Cyrus and gave him a pointed look. "Well?"

Aug 30th, 2003, 05:46:37 PM
Hera also descened the ladder, but not with the same flair as did Mel Gibson.

She had no one to impress.

Coming around behind Cyrus, she caressed a hand over his bald head. "Daiquiri doesn't appreciate Cyrus the way I do" she explained to Peirce, "but its her loss"

This made Haman smirk luridly at Daiquiri, feeling validated.

"Cyrus has an eye for detail alot of men lack..." she continued. "Isnt that right Cyrus."

Haman was vaguely aware that Hera was no longer alluding to the sexual commentary, but rather giving him his que to reveal his conclusions regarding Tondry's ship.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:01:40 PM
"Yeah I notice anything and everything," Haman said, taking a puff from his cigarre.

"Including this," this time, he had a piece of metal in his hand, a wrench he'd grabbed when Daiquiri went to see Hera and 'Mel'.

He threw the wrench against the electrified circuit watching at it sparked and left a blaster mark on it.

"Interesting huh? They're all over th'ship. Either you've got bad wiring or ya did th'damage yourself. Care to explain...Officer?"

Pierce Tondry
Sep 3rd, 2003, 01:13:45 PM

Pierce strode forward, spun Haman around, and took hold of his bald head, forcing him to look upward by pinching uncomfortably beneath the ridges of Haman's eyes. When Haman's disorientation cleared, he could clearly make out the massive crater of blackened metal on the top of the ship by the engines.

"I get in fights," Pierce said. "Lots of fights. See, a lot of things can leave an oxidizing score on metal, smart guy. Now unlike you, I don't go hurling things at my own ship when the security system's active. But if you ever touch something of mine again without my say so, I will make you an exception."

Pierce's last few words came out as a growl and his face had turned cold and hard while saying them. Then that expression faded into a smile and Pierce released the pressure he'd been applying to Haman's head to keep it in place, giving Cyrus a friendly rub on the head. "You really do have about as much sense as a male Cizerack, don't you? Throwing tools around like they're worthless- tsk tsk. A real pilot ought to take better care of his equipment."

Sep 4th, 2003, 09:57:19 PM
Peirce straightened from his hold on Cyrus and came nose to barrel with the end of Hera's blaster.

"You touch one of my crew again, and you lose the hand that does it. Got me?"

His sharp eyes noticed the blaster was definitely not on "stun" and Hera's finger was sure and steady as it rested on the trigger.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 4th, 2003, 10:31:21 PM
Daiq slid out of the way, already making brushing motions at her body.

"No offense...just dont want to get your brains splattered all over my clean clothes."

Pierce Tondry
Sep 4th, 2003, 11:23:48 PM
Pierce's eyes calmly ran the length of the blaster's barrel, then locked on to Hera's eyes. "Put that away," he said quietly.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Sep 5th, 2003, 12:47:32 AM
That was when Haman's blaster came out.

"I dare you to try something...Officer."

A weasel-like smile.

"In fact...I think I'll just shoot you now and save her the trouble."

The trigger pulled and the blaster bolt shot towards Pierce's leg.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 5th, 2003, 07:28:48 AM
The blaster bolt hit home, going right through Pierce's trousers and torching what lay beneath. The stench of burned flesh filled the air, and his grip shifted on the cutting torch in his hand.

But otherwise, Pierce had not moved.

He turned his head sideways at Cyrus and as he did so, his thumb jerked. The belt loop came away from the torch in his hand with a click and dangled there. "Put those away," said Pierce, ignoring the screaming of his own danger sense. "Or I will kill us all."

Sep 6th, 2003, 08:50:24 PM
Hera flicked her eyes from Pierce to the detonator dangling from his thumb.

"Now, lets not be hasty shall we?"

She reversed her blaster with a twist of her wrist and replaced it - cowboy style - into its holster.

"I think Cyrus has made his point. He only likes certain people touching him, and obviously, your'e not his type."

Mel's self-control was remarkable. Very, remarkable.

There was now no doubt in Hera's mind he was a force user of some ability.

" I, for one, could do without being ionised on the spot. Replace the pin." she ordered Pierce levelly.

imported_Cyrus Haman
Sep 15th, 2003, 12:29:27 PM
"She's gotta point pal," Haman smirked, his blaster still out. One look from Hera caused him to rethink his decision...the blaster slowly went back in the holster.

"Ya oughta put the detonator up."

What the hell kinda cop carries around a detonator anyway?

"It'd be in your best thoughts to put it up. Ya know the entire, staying alive and all."

Pierce Tondry
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:32:11 PM
With a deft but slow motion of his fingers, Pierce replaced the pin/belt loop into the cutting torch handle. "I don't like weapons pointed at me," he said quietly. "And I've got this thing against being shot, too. Makes me jumpy. Never know how I'm gonna react."

He locked eyes with Hera again. "Now what's this Jedi you want information on?"

Sep 23rd, 2003, 09:12:26 PM
Once the pin was replaced, the tension in the room dropped quite a few notches.

Hera touched her hand to Tondry's chest, pushing him gently, but firmly into a seat.

Crouching, she grabbed the hem of his pantleg and tore it up so that it split right up to where the laser burn was.

She inspected it and then lifted her eyes to his.

"Looks painful" she said blandly. She dropped her eyes and commanded Cyrus to get some bacta patches.

Cyrus began to argue, but thought better of it and surrendering to his boss's will, fossicked around in the cupboards to find some. Peirce pointed to the far left, and Haman struck gold. He tossed the patches over to Hera, who began applying them without further comment. Daiq remained silent, watching, measuring.

It was pretty clear on how everyone viewed one another in the room. No need to belabour the point.

"She is a Jedi Knight of longstanding in the Order and is on their Council. She wont be easy to get close to, but I'll let you worry about that."

Hera was playing things very close. Tondry could not easily tell how convinced - or not - she was about his cover story.

"Tarkin. Navaria Tarkin. I want her life in paparazzi-worthy detail."

Pierce Tondry
Sep 24th, 2003, 12:34:51 PM
"Consider it done," Pierce said harshly. His hand reflexively clenched the cutting torch; damned if the nerves in his leg weren't starting to complain that he'd been shot. Plus his face was probably paling up, too.

Stoicisim was all well and good, until your body needed to start healing. Then it was a real frelling drag.

Hera finished setting the bandage and stood. Thankfully, she'd done good work and the bandages were taking the edge off the injury. "So what's the deal on a new sublight for my ship?" he asked sourly, with a note of tiredness creeping into his voice as well. "Is it gonna be one of those 'never quite get outta debt' things, or am I gonna be at your beck and call for the next couple of decades?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:40:36 PM
A couple of decades sounded about right to Daiq and she had to stop herself from nodding. Who knew what price the 'Faene mistress would extract?

Daiquiri didnt blink when Hera mentioned the name of Navaria Tarkin. This particular Jedi was one of the better known but she had not had any dealings with her. This Van-Derveld only knew a few of their ranks........Xazor, Anbira,Akrabbim, Dasquian and a padawan named Quay.

She was curious when Hera would spill the beans about why she wanted info on this female Jedi.

Sep 25th, 2003, 08:24:40 PM
"Business is business Mr. Gibson. Payment due for service rendered and all that."

She spared a crooked smirk for Daiq, who was no doubt having her own thoughts on this matter.

"You do right be me" she continued, "I'll do right by you"

Pierce Tondry
Sep 27th, 2003, 08:42:42 PM
Do you really have any idea of what 'right' is, Hera DrenKast?

"Fine by me," Pierce said, levering himself off the couch unsteadily. "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got repairs to get to. If you need me, you know where I am."

Sep 27th, 2003, 10:46:26 PM
Hera nodded to Daiq, who nodded in return. A watch would be set on Mr. Gibson - Daiq would see to it.

"Of course, of course" Hera, the graceful host.

The small party headed toward the exit hatch of the ship.

As she stepped down the ramp, Hera added, almost as an afterthought.

"Oh, Mel" (so it was Mel now) "you will be wanting some company on your trip - I'll see to it one of my crew are onboard in good time for departure...Oh, no need to thank me - by taking this job, you're almost part of the crew."

Hera tossed him happy departing smile that made Tondry's blood boil.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 28th, 2003, 02:31:38 PM
"You'd better make sure it's not Haman," Pierce called after her. "Because if I see him again, I'm going to blow his brains out and to hell with costs."

He angrily slapped the ramp controls and began walking back inside. The inner door slid shut immediately- the ramp would finish retracting in a few minutes time.

Meanwhile, he had a personality profile and an event report to write up.