View Full Version : Rookies and Legends (Future RP)

Jina Jade-Elessar
Jun 3rd, 2003, 08:46:45 PM
Always in motion is the future a famed Jedi Master once said. His words were never personally written down, nor were they recorded, but his student remembered them after the lesson he got on it. The learner eventually became a Master and with him came the teachings of the Old Jedi. The first of the New Jedi he was - he sought others out and passed on what he had learnt. Then others too passed that on, finding out lost secrets and teachings, adding to the pool of knowledge.

But still, that saying lingered on as others pondered the truth of it. One action could change the whole course of history. One breath, one pause could affect future generations countless. You could try to see what lay ahead, but even if you were certain you could, something would change. Somethign that changed the paths, turned time into a knot. Choice upon choice upon choice. Even those truly gifted in foresight like the Lady Evenstar got it wrong. Always in motion, always changing, always in a state of flux.

Who would have known in the year AE 51, when the Greater Jedi Order were smashed off the face fo Dagobah buy Darth Orge and his minions, with TSE, when the Jedi were no more than a rabble and on the run, that in AE54 they would return to Coruscant, stronger than ever? Who would have known in AE 50 when the Republic was attacked on Coruscant, that in AE 54 they would be back and rebuilding? Who would have foreseen the changes in just that short a time? Who would have known the red helmeted assasin known as Fire Blade, whom destroyed the Jedi Temple in AE 50 would be Helenias Evenstar in AE 54?

Just who would have known the momentous events, the wars, the battles and the struggles the Republic would have to go through? All those legends of AE 50 - 60, who fought and occasionally died in the battles between the Jedi and the forces of evil, who would have known they were to become the fathers and mothers of the Rookies of AE 100, the first generation born into a galaxy of peace and order? A Galaxy where the Republic finally had gained sway and was regaining some of it's old glory, the Jedi were once again spreading out acrosss the Galaxy, where old enemies were nothing but dust or in hiding, where the children of the generation whom had battled were now coming forward to take the places of the Legends who were now becoming either too weary or too old.

Who would have seen it? Who could have known? Only the past is certain, the future, never so.

This..... this is the story of one possible future. Who knows if it will come about. This is the story of the rookies and legends, the young and the old. Who knew exactly what was to happen... for as the wise Jedi said.... always in motion is the future


While it was personal history for the red haired woman in AE 100, who whould have though the tiny girl hidden in a safe house and guarded by droids, a child of a union of a sith and a Jedi just two years old in AE 50, would go on today, 52 and finally, after much training and trials....

"Jina Jade-Elessar, the Council has reviewed the Trial you have undertook and also the words of the Grand Master. The Council votes....."

The various beings that sat around in a circle from the tall human female all nodded in turn.

"Agrees with the Grand Master. You are now promoted to the rank of Jedi Master. Congratulations, Jedi Jade-Elessar"

The middle aged woman remembered how to breathe as the words echoed in the chamber. A smile came across her face, relief intermingled with joy that finally - finally - she had achieved what she had set out to be all those years ago. The felt so much joy as the notion of success seeped into her, she could not avoid a very un-jedi "YYEEEESSSSS!!!" and a back flip. There was a burst of applause from somewhere, then the clapping became cheering as the assembled Jedi celebrated. Jna's face was beaming, the bruises from the trial still on her beautiful face, which was showing the signs of the hard life she had lived. Lined, but still with the looks that were making the Elessar women famed. Maybe Jina was not a birth daughter of Lady Evenstar, but she was every inch proud to be counted in the clan. She after all had been looked after by them since she was two and today, she hoped she had finally repaid a debt of gratitude to them. For their belief, their training and for giving her a family.

Even as she turned away from the Council, she was mobbed by her younger brother and sisters, plus others of the extended family. Lady Evenstar came forward and bowed before her daugher, smiling. "Congratulations Jina. You do your father proud today" Jina's smile ratcheted up a notch for she saw the being the Jedi called The Old Man - the Grand Master of the Order, a seemingly never changing humanoid who hardly anyone knew the name of. He wasn't on Council, but he was well known to be the most respected and powerful Jedi alive. Jina knew whom he was however. He was her father.

And even if the hooded face couldnt be seen, she suddenly knew exactly what the old bugger was thinking


".... You were rather hard on her" stated the Jedi Master walking next to the Old Man.

"She is known to be related to me. There will be no accusations of favouritism" he replied as the two walked down the quiet corridor together.

"Marcus... I really wish you would drop this cloak and dagger mysterious act. You have been doing it as long as I have known you. why not admit whom you are and join the Order and serve on the Council? Your strength and wisdom is something even now we need sorely!"

Marcus Elessar, Jedi Master and occasionally known as Jedi Warlord , the Order's Grand Master and known accectionatly as The Old Man shook his head. "I am sorry Mistress Tarkin. I cant. It's best this way"

The female human sighed. "Your incorrigable"

"Haven't I always been?"

"You deserve to be shot"

"Yeah, true. May the Force be With You"

"And you too, you old galoot. I expect your family wants to celebrate"

Marcus grinned. "Yeah... just possibly"


Dexter's Diner. The place was closed for this was a private party, no one other than the Clan or other Jedi were allowed in the place. Jina was sitting next to Helenias - remarkably, the mother looked younger than daughter, but then again, Jina knew well Helenias was of a long lived race. She wasn't human - even if only the pointed ears gave it away.

"My, is it my imagination or are there more children here?" asked Jina.

"It's not. Lil had twins. And there been a few more additions along the way"


"Xazor had a boy"

"How many children does that make it for her?!?" said Jina, surprised


"Better get to work Mum, your falling behind"

"Oh come now. Dont you think 8 is enough?"

"You adpoted three. That 5 of your own. If you counted adoptions, Xazor will never be beaten".

Helenias laughed. "True. we do have quite a collection around here now"

"So I'm only part of a collection now?" replied Jina, pretending to look hurt.

"Of course. Marcus wants a Bothan next I believe"

"A Bothan? Right, I'm going to have a word to him! Hey... where is he anyway?"

Helenias shrugged. "Dont know. You know how he is."

Jina certainly did. But, she loved the old rogue anyway.


Up on the roof she went later, by herself, just to look at the Coruscant skyline. To the south was the lights of the Jedi Temple, an impressive momument to the power and influence the Jedi had. Jina had a lifetime of memories already, actually more than a lifetime. Her blazing red hair streamed out behind her in the breeze, while the leather jump suit creaked every time she moved. Not good for sneaking, true, but she liked it. It felt comfortable around her body.

Always in the shadow of Marcus, I've always been, she thought. always trying to prove myself worthy to be his daughter. Always....

"...wanting to be half the Jedi that I was" came the soft voice from behind her. "Always trying to match the deeds of Lady Evenstar. Always wanting to be like Aunt Arya. Always trying to prove yourself - but you never had to, did you? You see that truth now?"

Jina didnt turn, but there was a smile on her face. "Yes, I do now, Father. I now know how proud you are of me"

"Father..... that's not something you call me usually. Usually it's stubborn butthole or similar. Ahh Jina, all your life you have made me proud. Tonight, even more so. You won your rank by your own, the hardest way possible. Jina.... I want to tell you something" She turned, somewhat surprised by the serious tone in Marcus' voice. her Father looked about 40, with a beard and tiidy hair - for once. She knew however, he was more like 160. "Or more precisely, give you something. Helenias always wanted you to have this"

He had a box in his hand. Jina gave Marcus a questioning look, before reaching out and taking the box. a suspicion formed in her mind looking at the size of it... "This... this isnt what I think it is...?"

"Have a look" he answered. She did so, her eyes going wide.

"Father! You... you can't give me this!"

"It's mine to give - and it's yours to be the guardian of. You have proven worthy of it."

She stared at the contents, before closing the lid and then, in an impropteu gesture, bowed before ther Grand Master Jedi. "I swear to uphold this tradition, Master"

For a while longer they talked, as Father and daughter. Words, lessons, advice he gave. Later that night, she returned to her room, head spinning. It certainly been one memorable day and the box certainly highlighted how much so.

She stripped off and dropped into bed, exhausted, hardly paying attention to the news falsh about GNN and a bombing. Whatever it was, it was for the future. Right now, Jedi Master Jina Jade-Elessar was going to get some sleep.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:30:43 PM
Sorr yawned a little from the rock she sat on with her husband Inu-Aku. Her hair was grayer than the old days but she still didn't look much older. She and her mate were in their 70's now but neither was the slightest bit wrinkly, slower yes but not very different given their animal blood. After she yawned her head rested back on Inu's shoulder and watched her cubs a bit.

Recently, all four of the their children had come home to visit them. Her eyes drifted over them all, three matched their parents looks but younger but the last's black hair stood apart from his siblings. For now, it was pretty quiet as they all half watched the eldest's Anuberis' twin cubs run around.

Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:36:02 PM
Inu's hair hasn't changed color at all, and luckily he hasn't lost any of it either. He's still fit, a tough old cookie (stale would be description Hiro would have used) though he's hardly the fighter he used to be. He has fallen from the darkness that reigned over him early in life, and has fallen into a deep pit of neutrality, hardly able to find the Force on either the lightside or the darkside. Not that he's needed it of course; after he joined GJO all those years ago life has been very peaceful indeed. He elbows Sorr as one of Anu's kids runs up.

"Psst, honey," he whispers, "Which was this one again?"

Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:45:50 PM
Nef spars with her twin brother a bit off, they always fight when they come together but there's no malice to it. For now, she struggling to get out of his pin, growling into the dirt in front of her face.

"Get off!"

Hiroaki, Sorr and Inu's youngest son, pushes her face a bit harder into the dirt. A cheeky grin spread across his face before he blows a bit of his ebony hair out of his eyes.

"Say it!"

Nef growls.


"Say it!"

"Fine, you win and you're stronger, happy?"

"Quite." Hiro chuckles, getting up and offering his sister a hand up. But this backfires as she pulls him down and slams him lightly into the dirt. Both of the them laugh but the fight is over for now.

Sorr watches a moment before answering her husband.

"Dunno, my memorrry jisn't what jit used to be besjides hjis mate came up wjith jit so jit was an odd one."

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:52:49 AM
The room was murkily dark.

"I know what you're going to say, James, so don't bother."

The old woman sighed painfully. "Your mother never wanted this for you."

"DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT MY MOTHER!" Jax Tondry whirled around, staring the sixty-four year old woman down. It wasn't hard to do, as she barely came up to his shoulder in height. James Prent turned her head to the side.

"Come now, Jax, y'know I taught you better manners than that. It's not polite to yell at old women. Ach, kids these days." She patted his black cloaked arm. "Your father never did get over your decision either."

Jax tugged his arm out of her reach, and slumped down into a chair. "It was mine to make."

"Oh, Jax." Her voice sounded so...sad. "Whatever happened to that three year old baby I used to watch while your dad went out on the range?"

"He grew up." Jax was forty-seven now, and acting like a petulant child. The older woman made her way around and sat across the table from him, her kindly wrinkled face cupped in her hands. Jax avoided her eyes until he couldn't bear not to look at her. James had served five terms as chief diplomat for the GJO, and it was no wonder. The woman could stare down a walleyed fish. "Look, I'm not sure what you're trying to prove by coming here."

"I'm not trying to prove anything. Its the anniversary of... of your mother's death Jax. Its been five years. Can't you come home now?" James reached across the table and patted his hand gently. Jax shifted slightly so she couldn't reach him anymore.

They'd said it was lightsaber malfunction, that the device had blown up in her hand and killed her because it had been put together wrong. He'd spent weeks making sure that her birthday present was just so. The wiring was flawless, the focusing crystal perfect. Mother had exclaimed over it, and admired it, the brilliant green blade the perfect complement for her eyes. Father had been pleased as well.

It wasn't as though the seventy year old Jedi Master was going to take the lightsaber into combat. Once she'd joined the Jedi Order, she'd refused to take any assignments, chosing only to teach the very young padawans. But the lightsaber had been perfect, even had she needed to use it in combat.

But the next day it had done its worst, and Lilaena De'Ville had passed on to the next life in the back of an ambulance.

Jax had always suspected foul play. Someone had to have switched saber pommels, given his mother one rigged to blow when ignited. But in the face of the evidence, of the enormity of the accident that was indirectly blamed entirely on him...he had run away.

Away from the NRSF Intel division, in which he was finally no longer serving in his father's shadow. Away from the look in his father's eyes, although the elder Tondry had never openly blamed Jax for Lilaena's death.

And now, here was James Prent, Jedi Master and busybody, small enough to go unnoticed until she wanted to be seen. The Jedi steepled her fingers under her chin and kept her brown eyes on Jax.

He attempted staring back, but ended up looking at the tabletop.

"I know you think you're doing valuable work out here..." James gestured with a thin hand, "But you're only hiding from people who care about you."

He was so close! He'd managed to track down that Lilaena De'Ville, formerly of The Black Hand, had been rumored to have intimate dealings with another of her order: Lord Vali. Some writers, in an unauthorized, post-mortem biography, had speculated that the infamous De'Ville had mothered Vali's child even. It made Jax angrier to think about it.

Vali had seemingly gone off the deepend at one point, and when Lilaena had rejoined her estranged husband and toddler son he had reportedly vowed to destroy her for betraying everything that they had worked toward.

And now, Jax thought that Vali had finally had his way.

He looked at James. "Oh...fine. I'll come back, if only to put flowers on her grave." The elder Tondrys had settled on Chandrila, on a bit of land with a comfortable house. Lilaena's ashes were buried under a tree in the spacious backyard. Jax stood to his feet, and looked around the small on bedroom apartment where he'd been staying for the last five years. Hiding in plain sight, on Coruscant, in a crowded residential district. There were datapads littered all around, research and holos of things from Lilaena's past.

He'd been trying to discover who his mother really was...and why someone would have wanted to kill her. And he was sure that Vali, however old the codger must have been by now, was the culprit. James got to her feet as well, gently pushing the chair back as she followed his gaze around the room. "You must tell me who your decorator is, Jax." She winked as he looked over at her. They shared a quiet laugh.

"Let me get my things together. I'll only be a minute." Jax walked into the bedroom as James moved over a stack of datapads and sat on the couch. She reached for the remote with the Force.


Jax looked around the doorframe. "You know, you can turn down the volume -"


Both Jedi hit the ground as the windows in Jax's apartment shattered. Tondry belly crawled over to the old woman, and they both felt tears come to their eyes... all those people!

All what people? Jax stood to his feet and looked out over the city, and noticed a huge, flaming pillar where the GNN building had once dominated the landscape. "Oh frell."

James got unsteadily to her feet. "Oh frell is right." The tiny woman leaned on his arm for support as they looked out at the astonishing view.

Jedi Master Syrius Cline
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:40:02 AM
Blaster fire sounded in the distance as Syrius jumped over a hedge. It was a breathtaking palace garden. One he ducked into recently to start his charge for the girl and to draw the guards this way, allowing his Padawan to come around the other end of the palace, through the billard room.

They'd been firing blindly, shooting around corners to cover their progress, ever since he and his apprentice made their entrance. He couldn't blame them neither. It was a rather good show. Nathaniel's fireworks always were a good watch. The boy had talent. He had to work on his real galaxy skills. Probably why Syrius was assigned to him, he had figured.

"Come and get me, boys," he taunted the guards, who weren't around yet to even hear it.

He took his time to take out his cigarettes and lighter. He'd quit smoking every other day for 50 years now. Lighting up, he stuck the cigarette in his mouth and casually puffed on it. Curiously, he left the lighter on.

"I haven't got all blo--here they come," he said, despite no one in eye sight.

Then, seconds later, a dozen gaurds rounded a corner just in front of the place he stood. He placed his hand in the flame.

"About sodding time."

He kept his hand in the fire but showed no pain, his hand was seemingly unscathed.

"Good day, mates. Lovely morning for a stroll," he said casually, still keeping his hand in the flame.

"Put your hands in the air! Don't make us shoot an unarmed man," the guard grinned maliciously. "It'd weigh on my conscience."

"Put my hands in the air? Funny, I was just about to say the same to you. Well, now that you've gone and taken my line--"

They crashed ontop of each other, knocked out cold.

"--I'll just keep the punchline."

The comm on his belt scrambled and then the voice of Nathaniel came through.


"Oh, right--" he flicked his comm with his free hand, bringing it out of the flame. "--Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute. I am the one going through the rancor's den here."

"Want me to double back, help your end?" the voice replied, honestly.

"Don't be a moron, <u>Padawan</u>. I'm not that old," yet anyway.

"Right. I seem to be approachin' the--"

"Nathaniel, think of big brother enemy and his fancy million credit bugs," Syrius chided his Padawan.

"Sorry. Over and out."

He approached the guards, looking them once over. He didn't need to resist the urge to grab the spare guns now days, there was no urge. He knew why now.

"Nathaniel boy?" He said, clicking back on his comm.

"Boss?" the other's voice came through again.

"I'm going into phase two now."

"Ph--phase two?.. Uh, which is that again, boss?"

Syrius sighed. "Forget it. Pay attention next time."


Syrius continued down the hall directly in front of him, placing his hand back in the flame of his lighter.

"Come on, you don't really want to do that."

After he said it, the hiding gaurd did it anyway. He leapt out from the curve in the hall, firing his repeater blaster. Syrius soaked it up like a sponge.

"What the hell are you?!"

"A Jedi. Didn't I mention that when I bursted into this bloody hole?"

The soldier recieved a doze of paralysis, loosing his ability to move.

"Sorry mate."

He delivered a swift kick to the helpless gaurd's head, knocking him out.

Next part's the tricky part. Hope I have enough juice.

As he rounded the hall it came into what the owner of the palace termed a "last stand walkway". The room was in an eerie, back up lighting, pale blue. There was a suspended bridge, the only way to the opposite door, over what seemed to be... whatever it was, it was in water and had sharp teeth. Not a good sign. Along the sides were padded walls with gun holes, dozens of gun holes. Enough for atleast thirty gaurds to shoot through without being vulnerable to attack. Unfortunately, all the gaurds were at their posts, ready to shoot when Syrius came into their line of vision. Syrius knew all this before even seeing it himself. He could absorb blaster bolts but these were slugthrowers, live ballistics. They couldn't have known it, must of just wanted anyone who got this far to have a bloody end, but he couldn't absorb metal. He put away his lighter, stopping to smoke on his cigarette in contemplation.

"Nathaniel?" he said after clicking his comm back on.

"Hold on--" there were sounds of enemy gunfire and then bodies dropping. Nathaniel finally came back on. "What's up Master?" he said calmly. The boy had a way of staying calm in the worst of situations. Must be his country upbringing.

"It's like I said."


"Mm-hmm. Down to the number of blasters. It's fifty-fifty, Nathan. I see lots of ways this might happen and it's fifty-fifty."

"Straight down the line like that? That's odd."

"Damn kid, it's not exactly fifty-fifty but you know what the bloody hell I mean."


Syrius stayed silent.

"Just turn back Boss. I can handle this, I've got it. I'm feelin' good today, no sweat."

"No mate, we've discussed this, it's a two man job. I'm just stalling because I--I just want you to know that I'm not the best Master of all-time. If I don't come out of this, don't you dare shed a tear for me, young son. Don't avenge me, that's a fool's game. Don't doubt yourself, this was my choice. Don't you ever, ever give me another thought. Understand?"



"... Yes, sir."

"The Force better be with you, it ain't got a choice if I'm with it. Over and out."

After a long last look at his life, Syrius Cline took his first step. Fifty-fifty.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:02:55 AM
The Perfect Circle - The Hollow

Run desire run
Sexual being
Run him like a blade
To and through the heart
No conscience
One Motive
Cater to the hollow

Screaming feed me here
Fill me up again
Temporarily pacify this hungering
So grow
Libido throw
Dominoes of indiscretions down

Falling all around
In cycles
In circles
Constantly consuming
Conquer and devour

Cause it's time to bring the fire down
Bridle all this indiscretion
Long enough to edify
And permanently fill this hollow

Screaming feed me here
Fill me up again
Temporarily pacifying

Feed me here
Fill me up again
Temporarily pacifying

For Kelt life had swum along rather slowly ever since his mother had died just 3 years before this moment in time. Him and his mother had always been very close even when the young Kelt was a Padawan at the GJO. She unfortunately had died of some sort of growth which had spread through her bladder and unfortunately Kelts duties with the Jedi on a long expedition to Tatooine to stop a murderous gang of thugs had prevented him from seeing her last days out. Since then he felt as if he could not return for the shame of Jedi duties before family.

However, after 25 years of not seeing his home with his own eyes the Jedi Master was back. Kelt looked a little older from when he was a young Jedi Knight but not exceedingly older. His hair was quite longer then his younger days, the brown hair hung just past his shoulders and covered most of cheeks up to the corners of his mouth, his hair was begging to show flecks of gray here and there but hardly visible. His eyes were alot more wiser and showed knowledge...All in all Kelt had grown up alot since his younger days at the GJO most likely for his 3 terms on the council seats that he had to learn from.

The Jedi Master stood on a rolling grassy hill carpeted in knee high grasses of hundreds of types and colors mostly mustards and reds which smeared the hill in smudge while a light breeze throw up Kelts hair into the wind. A large tatty leather pack hung from one shoulder filled with his traveling kit while his other shoulder carried his long sword and bow, both of which he had kept through out his life. A thin, pale smile spread across his lips as he overlooked the misty vale, a valley of meadows and trees spread into the distance and twisted into the mist while in the center of the valley stood the town of Warsham, his home...he was back.

' Kelt?...' A young voice spoke behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder for reassurance. It was a young woman in her mid twenties who did so...

' Yes Sarah?.. Kelt replied in a hushed tone.

' You going to be alright doing this Master?...'

Kelt turned to view his Padawan and smiled softly.

' I think so Sarah...thank you. '

They both smiled softly to one another and then Kelt and Srarah started there journey towards the town while his thoughts took a journey into the past.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:22:23 AM
The party downstairs was still going strong, but for the Jedi Master, now was a time to rest. She had wished her sister well, done some mingling, but while she was happy that Jina had passed the Master's Trial, all Xazor really wanted to do was to rest. It had been only four days since the birth of Dunadun, and while it was her sixth child, it had taken it out of her - she was still wearied and in occasional, though receeding pain. She moved slowly back to her bed, holding her stomach as she did. The baby lay in a cot, quiet and for now sleeping, which she was grateful for.

"No matter how many times I feel it, I can;t believe child birth is so damn painful. How can you put up with it?"She shrieked a bit, for the voice seemed to come out of nowhere. Looking about, she saw the visage of Marcus Elessar, grinning from having successfully sneaking up on her.

"MARCUS!" she exclaimed. "Dont do that!"

"Do what?" he asked with some innocence, taking a seat near her bed.

"You know damn well, you horrible Numenorian". She paused as she slowly got into the bed and lay back with a loud sigh of relief. "You realyl are a rotten man you know that? How Mother ever puts up with you..."

"Who says she did? I'm gone from home so often, I bet she thinks she's not married. I didnt get to see Ellador grow up" he said with a twinge of regret. "I saw him tonight. He's nearly 15 now. That's my son Xazor - and I hardly know him. I know the girls because they all are Jedi Knights or Padawans. Ellador is the sole non Force sensitive in the family and I know he feels left out. But what can I do?"

She glanced over to where her little Dunadun was sleeping, a smile crossing her face as she did. "I dont know. You do the best you can, you always have. You always been there for me when I needed you - I bet somehow you manage the same for him" She glanced back at the scarcely aged Numenorian she called father - the years of hard living was on his face, the hard and callosed hands, the limp from a recent fight. He looked a bit more careworn, but still the light was still bright in his eyes, the lively mind. Frell, she hardly looked different. A bit more weight, yes, but that was to be expected. However, she had changed from the flighty and impulsive Jedi Marcus first knew - she was now a full Jedi Master, calm, at peace with herself.

"Yeah well, hopefull I can do as you say" he replied. "Look, only really wanted to see how things were going. I have to get going, but I promise, I'll spend some more time with you and Dasquian tomorrow, okay?"

"and Ellador" she said.

"And Ellador" he replied grinning. "Goodnight"

Marcus left so quietly, even her Garou hearing hardly heard the footfalls. xazor smiled, then decided to read a bit before going to sleep. Her midn was pretty active, even if her body was in recovery mode. From his cot, Dunadun gave a tiny cry then resettled. He really was goign to be the spitting image of his father, she considered. And already, she could sense the Force potential. He was goign to be a strong one, he was and Xazor felt the pride in her. As many children as she and Das had, the magic never ceased to amaze her - how wonderful children were.

It was so different now to the time Valanya was born 46 years ago. Here she had the best medical care and that nutso medical droid she knew of as Gronk. Then, it was a cave in a hellhole named Harvii.... she preferred now, all things considered.

She must ahve dozed off for some hours, becuase she work up to a small beeping sound. A bit confused, she checked on the still sleeping Dunadun, before noting it was her comm unit. wonderign who the frell would be calling her at this hour, she tapped it on.

Jedi Council announcement... GNN building destroyed in bomb blast... more information to come

"Whoah" she said softly.

Valanya Belargic
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:34:36 AM
“Strike, parry, strike.”

Swing, block, swing.

“Jump, duck, lunge.”

Up, down, thrust.

“Very good!”

“Don’t patronize me, father.”

The young – at least she appeared to be young – Jedi Knight swung her saber down to her side, frowning faintly. Tall, athletic and pretty in a faintly tomboyish way, the Jedi Knight was far from normal. Beneath her long fair hair were pointed ears, and hidden by her full lips were fangs. If ever there was a mishmash of species, it was embodied in Valanya Belargic. Hallaera and Garou melded into one feisty package, with the will and tenacity of her mother and the dedication of her father.

“I’m not patronizing you,” Dasquian replied, “I just want to make sure you haven’t gotten rusty.”

The Hallaeran Jedi Master smiled and shrunk away with a laugh as his daughter thumped him in the arm. Somewhat unsurprisingly, like Lady Evenstar, Dasquian looked as he always had done, although he wore a few extra battle scars proudly. Braids and all he looked still as though he had been pulled from the days of the Old Republic.

“I’ve been doing this long enough to know I’m quite capable,” Valanya replied, tossing her hair back over her shoulder. She flexed and disengaged her saber as her father palmed his hilt back to his belt. Motioning for his daughter to follow him, the Jedi Master began to walk. They left the Jedi Order and began the journey towards Dexs Diner. Already they were a little late for the party, but knew it would be carrying on well into the night anyway.

“How is your little brother? I hardly got to talk to him at the party and what with him traveling so much we don’t often get a chance to just sit down and chat.”

“He’s-….frell me!!”

“Watch your language!”


The GNN building was up in flames, billowing smoke clouds and fire into the air. Dasquian watched broad eyed for a moment before looking back at Valanya. For some reason he suddenly felt fearful for Xazor and the others. Quickening their pace, with Valanya trailing behind slightly, the two Jedi were at Dex’s in no time. Valanya entered first and waved to the others. Dasquian went straight for the stairs, jogging up towards Xazor’s room. He knocked once, out of habit, before entering quietly, seeing Xazor was awake. He smiled, stole a kiss and glanced to the cot with little Duna in it. Valanya had squeezed in behind her father and already edged over to look down at her sleeping little brother.

“Did you hear that explosion?”

Xazor shook her head, but explained she’d heard some warning over the comm. link.

“I have a very bad feeling about this.”

Jun 4th, 2003, 08:29:03 AM
Kwiet Ideya is now...oh, forty six? Fifty six? He doesn't know, and to be quite honest, doesn't care. He stopped keeping track of his own age when he was seven anyhow.

The white haired man sits perched on the roof of Dex's, ignoring the goings-on within. There was a time in his childhood where he would have simply burst in the door to visit with Marcus--the smelly ol' grampa--and check and see if Xaz--the coin mommy--is in with her multitudinous childrens, but he feels that he would somehow be intruding upon them.

He's dressed in a black shirt and deep grey pants, blending perfectly with the cityscape around him. He wears a set of black gloves, matching except for the wicked blade that curves out of his right gauntlet and arcs back to end above his elbow. In this hand he holds a rosary, fiddling with the section of white beads above the cross.

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy--"

The thunderous clap of an explosion interrupts the stealth assassin's prayer. The sound fades from his ears as he stands, looking off towards the GNN building.

"Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our deaths. Amen."

Sene Unty
Jun 4th, 2003, 09:16:36 AM
Sene Unty closed his eyes as another electric wave of pain washed over his body. He listened half-conciously to his heart pound in his rib cage and tried to make it slow down with soft words. No use. He could not stop it without using...


He musn't he told himself. The pain was a reminder and as such, he had to listen.

After a few more seconds the pain subsided and he was able to open the eyes he had not realized he had shut. It was happening much too frequently now, and yet it showed no signs of giving way. No release. The pain held him in its teeth and bit down, but never enough to finish the job. His heart would bend, but never break.

As all these thoughts passed through his brain, he wasn't given a chance to see where he was. For a second fear rushed over him as he couldn't remember what he was doing before the spasm struck.

"Sir are you okay?"

A pedestrian, a good samaritan.

"Yes, yes I'm fine."

He wasn't but he felt better to show no weakness. Now he remembered. He was walking down an avenue on Coruscant, his afternoon walk, to stretch his legs and grab a bite to eat.

"Maybe you should be going home sir..."

It was worded has a statement, but sounded like an order. He felt resentment as he took his first look at the person who had questioned him. Resentment quickly melted into sorrow as he realized the pedestrian was an old woman, probably in her 80's.

Oh how ironic that he, Sene Unty, once a Jedi Knight of the GJO, would appear to need help from some old bat. It was ironic in its misery.

He shrugged her off without a word and continued walking. He would be fine he told himself. Even now the pain was dispearing, storing itself really, for its next assault. When and where that would be, he did not know...

Sene rubbed a hand over his bald head and fixed the circular sunglasses on his face in an attempt to push the sun away from his eyes. How different he looked now. He imagined that no one he once knew would recognize him, though his appearence (other than the absense of his long black spikes) was not too drastically different. It was in his eyes that he was changed. The past had smeared them around the edges, imprinting images on his retnas that one could never wash away with the future. His expression was one of constant wretchedness and fear. He had lost his youthful vitality and was only an old man of 65 trapped in the body of a 30 year old. That was the force's doing, even if he hadn't conciously used his gift in over 20 years.

He was alive and yet he wished for death. He had the heart for nothing, given up on everyone as they had given up on him. But who could blame them either?

Absentmindidly he watched two children frolick in the park near the bench that he sat upon. It was a quiet day, as much as Coruscant could be quiet, and sunny. It was dreadful to Sene because he knew that at one time he would have loved it.

The children laughed, and Sene's heart bled. The children ran and his legs burned. He was disgusted with himself.

He got up to leave when he was suddenly and violently flung back down in his seat. An explosion had rocked the air behind him, knocking the breath out of him and igniting the pain in his heart again. It was subdued and quickly receded, giving Sene a chance to see smoke and fire reaching for the heavens as the GNN building went up in flames.

He shook his head as the screams and cries of the children who only seconds ago been playing, entered his ears. He wanted to run home and sleep. He needed to, but instead his body carried him toward the building and to certain danger.

Daniella Manaachia
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:01:20 AM
Force, how long had it been since she’d been here? And of course, something like this had to happen the day she decided to return. Gripping each of her sons hands Daniella Manaachia pushed her way through the crowds, still shocked from the explosion. Her boy’s, Drevin and Jericho—9 and 8 respectively—wore terrified expressions on their faces as they were dragged away from the flaming building. But they had the good sense not to panic, and their mother was grateful for this.

Though she was well on in years now, Daniella hardly looked a day over thirty. Only her eyes told the story of her age; they were tired, and looked as though they had seen too much. It came from her mother, who had been a Garou, and she couldn’t count the number of times that she had thanked Gaia that she hadn’t wrinkled up like a prune. And now was one of these times. She knew that her sister would recognize her, and it would make things easier. It had been nearly forty-two years since she had seen Xazor. Cassidy Williams—as she had once gone by—had been twenty, and newly knighted, when she’d left the Order. It wasn’t meant to be for so long, indeed the vacation had been intended to last at most a few weeks. The then-young woman had received word of her father’s death, and though she hadn’t spoken to him in years, the blow took a toll on her body and mind. Funnily enough, Xazor had been the one to suggest the trip so that Cassidy could regain some semblance of peace. She just hadn’t come back. Until now.

What am I going to tell her? That I took a wrong turn past Hoth?

“Mom? What’s happenin’?”

Jericho looked at her, his bottom lip trembling. Daniella, as she went by now, swallowed and tried to look calm. She could feel the fear coming off her sons like water.

“Honestly Jer, I’m not too sure. But listen, Mum’ s going to get us somewhere safe alright, and you’ll be okay.”

Hoping that that was enough of an explanation for the boy, she continued to lead them away from the mass panic that had ensued as soon as the explosion had gone off. The matter was shocking and deeply troubling for the woman. As long as she’d lived here, nothing like this had happened. Daniella’s paternal instincts were causing a thin trickle of rage at whoever had done this. Her sons would never forget the terrible image, the screaming. Never. And what about all those people that had been hurt, killed? It made her sick to think of it.

“Boy’s, see that diner over there?”

Daniella nodded towards ‘Dex’s’. The two nodded.

“I want you to go in there okay? I’ll be in in a few minutes.”

The children nodded again and scurried into the building, glad to be in some sort of a shelter. Daniella needed a few minutes to think. Everything had happened so fast, and she was still anxious about seeing Xazor again. Her stomach was knotted, and she could feel the slick sensation of impending vomit in her mouth. But she hadn’t forgotten her training, no indeed; the woman closed her eyes and did a few quick relaxation exercises, feeling the sick sensation ebb slightly. Daniella took a deep breath and brushed her long brown hair—mixed with a few gray from the trials of motherhood—and strode purposefully into the diner.


The woman gasped at the rush of familiar faces, almost needing to grabble at a chair as her legs turned to jelly. She stared, swallowing hard, as she caught glimpses of those she had known, aged as she had. Daniella might well have stood there for hours, had it not been for Drevin and Jericho.

“Mum? What’s wrong?”

Daniella looked down with a confused expression, not recognizing her children for a few seconds. Then her eyes cleared and she shook her head.

“Nothing Love. Just…nothing.”

Solani Elessar
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:13:01 PM
The flowers bloom,
And the flowers wilt.
The sun rises,
And the sun sets.

As the days go on,
Family moves apart.
But one thing for sure,
Will always bring them back.

Whether for good or ill,
For happiness or sorrow.
Things go on,
For now and always.

As the days fade to years,
As life dwindles and ends.
Each day, a new life is born,
And an old life goes.

For in these days,
One must look,
Or they will not see,
The changes that are ment to be.

Familes come and go,
Friends come and go.
But one thing always stays,
And that is your soul.

But there will be a day,
When you are ready to go,
But you won't want to,
For your family is here.

Your family will take care of you,
For good or for ill.
But you must look,
Of you will not see.

* * *

Solani, Natia's 22 year old daughter, is forever trying to deal with her past. And her Mother's death 9 years ago. Her Mother wasn't old, but neither was she young. Her Mother had died a Jedi Knight, but still believed that she had failed her own Mother who had adopted her. Xazor, Solani's grandmother was supportave of her since her loss. She, like her Mother has a white lock hair. But different from her Mother is she has blonde hair, where her Mother had black. Her eyes though, most ppl find them creepy since they are pure white. Another anomaly for her. She was slim, muscular and was forever working on improving herself so she won't be seen as just another member of a family. A person of no importance.

Her Great Aunt Jina had just been promoted to the rank of Master and there was a party going on for her right now at Dextars diner. A party which she herself is allowed to be at, but chooses not to. She doesn't want to creep out anybody there. Just a year ago, she had been Knighted and there was no party for her. Or if there was one, she never attended it. There is no partying in her life. Not since the dreaded day 9 years ago. It was her thirteenth birthday, and the birthday present that her Mother's legal guardian gave her was to kill her Mother. Since then she has refused to attend any sort of party, keeping to herself, but talking occasionally to her family. Her friends had left her after she had secluded herself. And it seemed that she never smiled. Not even when she was promoted to a Jedi Knight. Her life revolves around helping others and upholding the Jedi code. The Jedi code was one of the first things that she learned as a kid since she was born in a Jedi family and raised by Jedi.

Solani was keeping herself nearby the diner though during the party, but after awhile, she just left, not having the courage to go in and be with family and Jedi alike.

After some time, she was seated in a park watching children play when her danger sense went off. She looked up, and felt, more then saw, the expolosion. Where was the explosion. Over in that direction. She turns her head to look in that direction which she believes the explosion came from. Indeed, there was smoke rising into the air, and if she's not mistaken, there are also flames.

Standing up and pulling the hood of her forest green cloak up so that it's framing her emotionless and expressionless face, she heads off at a walk towards the GNN building.

Look so you can see. Look so you can watch.

Ky Shin Wei
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:02:33 PM
Ky yawned as he heard the explosion from a few blocks away. "I guess this is where Dad would say something like, 'That sounds bad. We ought to go see what we can do to help.' Dad...."

Ky shook his head and tried not to scream as he ran off to go help whoever might need it. Wei would want his son to do that. "Here I come, people. I'm Tzujan Wei, Jedi Knight."

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:10:20 PM
Wei was walking down a similar street, enjoying the night. Even in his old age, life was kind to him. His hair stayed black, and his face looked older, but not too wrinkly. He had lost his glasses several years ago and had never found them. His son Ky fussed at him about not going to buy new ones. Wei found that he could enhance his vision with the Force much like he enhanced his speed or strength. Wei was about to go get an ice cream when he felt the vibrations from the explosion ripple through the air.

That sounds bad. I wonder what I can do to help? He thought to himself.

Wei ran off in the general direction of the explosion, reaching out with the Force to find out where exactly the explosion had happened.

Wei had been permanently deafened by a sonic boom he had created while running at his enhanced speeds. The result made everything silent. Wei rather liked the silence. It helped him to concentrate. Wei at last locked on to a notion of destruction in the Force and sped off toward it.

I'm coming to help! Hang on! Wei said through Force Messaging.

J'henier Hassat
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:44:26 PM
It was perfect, nobody would ever expect such an old prank. At least, that's what J'henier thought as he placed the half-full bucket of water on top of the slightly ajar door. He didn't know who he'd catch with it, but he just knew he'd hear about whoever got it later, and that was good enough for him.

J'henier Hassat had lived off and on between the Jedi Order on Coruscant, and his family's home on Nehantish for the past twelve years, and was one of the few Nehantites currently with the Jedi. He was the only one his age, though, at sixteen, and did not associate much with the others because there was at least a ten year age gap on either side. That wasn't to say he didn't have friends, though, as there were always new recruits being signed up, and he had a good circle of friends his own age of various races. Though somehow he seemed to cause more trouble than the rest of them combined with his "practical jokes". His argument was that he was keeping the Jedi on their toes, but nobody ever believed that and he often ended up getting reprimanded for childish pranks.

Once the bucket was set, J'henier, or Junior as he was more often called, started a mad dash to another part of the order as not to get caught. The dress code for padawans had been relaxed for days when they wouldn't leave the order, and Junior's light brown fur was covered with a faded red tee-shirt and a pair of khaki pants. Many yeas ago, another Nehantite Jedi named Sejah had unwittingly started a trend of wearing old style canvas sneakers, and a peir of blue ones graced Junior's quick footpaws as he ran, a wide grin on his face.

He didn't get very far, though, before a wave of power rocked the Jedi Order, knocking him off his usually good balance to stumble and roll across the floor, ending up halfway upside-down against the wall. His water bucket prank was probably ruined, but that was the last thing on the youth's mind as he got up and rubbed his head before looking out the window.

In a scene like something out of an action film, the entire GNN building was up in flames, a column of fire. Junior stared at it open-mouthed in horror before a thought came to him.

"Master!" he called out at the top of his lungs as he resumed his sprint down the hallway in search of his master, "Maaassteeerrr!"

If there was anything that could be done, he knew his master would know what it was.

James Prent
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:18:03 PM
She tried the comm again, and then threw the tiny device to the ground in frustration. "The blast must have shaken loose a communications tower, I can't get a signal."

Jax, his brown hair an unruly mess as always, looked at her like she was insane. "James, the entire GNN building is on fire. I'd say yeah, communications are going to be down in this sector."

James smoothed her greying hair behind her ears. "I was only trying to reach Aaron. I wonder if...well of course he's allright. I would have known if anything happened to him." She turned her petite face towards the blasted out windows, her shoes crunching on the shards of glass that littered the apartment. "Well, I bet half of GJO is there already, aiding the rescue efforts. And the other half are still at Dexters..."

She was sort of related in some fashion to the goings on at the Diner. She'd married Aaron Belargic, twin brother to Dasquian, who was married to Xazor Elessar...who in turn was the half sister of the red headed Knight who was just promoted to Master today. Jina Jade never seemed to get any older, just like her father. It was a little frustrating to be in your sixties around beings who were eternally youthful.

Aaron's looks had matured a little, but he was still fresh and vigorous like the day she'd met him, over forty years ago. They'd been married for thirty years or so, but due to an altercation with the Dark Jedi De'Ville, James had never been able to give Aaron any children. It was a soft spot with her, since his brother seemed to have gobs of kids, and she knew that Aaron would have wished for the same.

"James..." Jax touched her arm. "Lets get to the Order, and then we can go to Chandrila and see Dad, okay?"

She nodded, "Of course. My speeder is outside."

<center><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/lilly/futurejames.jpg></center>

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 5th, 2003, 06:44:33 AM
Dexter's Diner was the home away from home - the Elessar's were now from Ukio, a farming planet that Marcus and I had settled on, to fulfil our dreams of peace and quiet after that day when Marcus finally defeated The Dark Fury - Callista and her horde. Harrvii was freed of the Vog'on. And my father had come to accept the Numenorian I had chosen to be my life partner, even accept the Warlord as his own son. We were regular travellers back to Arda, especially as Marcus had many things to do there. The small problem of the Prophecy had been solved by Marcus declaring Prend'il Regent in his absence. And finally, the total solution to the wars between Arnor and Imdralis had been found - on MidSummer Day, Marcus and I were finally, truly wed in the full Sindarian tradition. Since then, we had spent our time living on Ukio, our home away from home here on Coruscant - Dexter's Diner as well as the odd trip home.

I had found the life I had always wanted. All the fighting, pain and struggle had been worth it. My Pike was mounted on the wall back home, a symbol of what I was - a fierce warrior with no one left to fight. Oh, I kept myself in trim and in practice, there was still the odd dispute to look after - but whom in their right mind would oppose Lady Evenstar? Especially after the day when that Bothan had tried to attack me. I had removed his limbs and walked away without even disturbing the then infant Lilaena, asleep in a back carrier. No, Lady Evenstar might be now a mother, a respected and dare I say it, legendary Jedi, a devoted wife but there were somethings you just could never change.


Today however was a day of celebration. While every one of my daughters (2 adopted, 5 of blood) had gone on to be Jedi themselves, only Xazor had made Jedi Master. Now, it was Jina's turn. She stood out, even among the rest of the Elessars. She was the only one to remain single, she was more like Marcus in her powers, and she had the blazing red hair and attitude to match.

The rest of the extended clan had come to celebrate - Arwen, Lilaena, Luthien, Elanor and Nimrodel my natural daughters, Ellador the youngest and the only male, Xazor and Desera the ones we had adopted along the way. The husbands of Arwen, Lil, Luthien, Xazor, Desera, fiancee of Elanor, grandchildren and now even great grandchildren, a life time of friends from the Jedi Order as well... Dexter's was fairly well crowded.

I smiled over the rim of my cup, watching it all and remembering. The Most High had truly blessed me. Indeed, all the agony of the early years had been worth it.

Telan Desaria
Jun 5th, 2003, 05:57:32 PM
Deep in Imperial Space

The reflection he saw in the mirror was not pleasing. It was not hideous, and was by no means unattractive, but it displeased the owner. Where there was once a cropped mane of black hair, there was now cropped black hair with a streak of grey seemingly running down from each of his ears.

Age was catching up with the Centaurian male.

Luck, however, was with the Imperial Grand Admiral since before his birth. Born into a noble family on a world of honor and glory, the DNA which composed itself well, allowed Time to barely affect those like-coded. On Centaur, compared to the rest of human society, one half century was barely a decade.

All in all, Lord Baron Telan Desaria thought, I do look better than my peers.

At that, the Grand Admiral shared a chuckle with the personless expanse of his cavernous quarters. Grinning, he donned his immaculate white uniform, and remembered he had an...appointment...to make.

My mind is slipping, though. I need some mental stimulation.

* * *

" Good morning, sir," chirped the young aide-de-camp to the Grand Admiral, Major Maxim. His father before him had held his post, obviously training the younger man well. He had seemed unaffected by his father’s gruesome demise aboard the failed Titania Battlestation, and dedicated himself completely to his work. The Major had become a grim character, most unlike his father.

" Good morning, Arren. What is on my agenda today after my rendezvous?"

" You have a meeting scheduled with Admirals Roster and Terrivette to discuss the next stages of the invasion of Sernpidal."

" When is that?"

" In five hours, Admiral."

" Excellent. Until then, I am not to be disturbed."

" Yes sir!"

The pair continued on for the turbolifts at the aft of the flagship's command tower.

* * *

The lift tubes took the Admiral to a sparsely populated region of his flagship, the Monarch-class Super Star Destroyer Vengeance. The ride took just over half an hour to go from the command tower to the prow of the 18,000 meter long dagger shaped vessel.

The wait was worth it, however. The brig held someone the Grand Admiral wanted to see.

The dark durasteel was far from inviting as the Grand Admiral strode down a barely lit corridor. Every ten meters was a pair of Fleet troopers, each one of them wearing a rucksack-type harness on his back. As the Grand Admiral marched past, they fell into formation behind him. By the time he reached a large armor plated door, there were twenty guards behind him and five stormtroopers ahead hesitant to admit him.

" Sir, he is not safe."

Desaria smiled, pleased at his troopers’ concern. He smiled, the flesh pulling at a scar across his cheek only twenty years old.

" He is, believe me.” The Admiral motioned for the door. “ They have been in there for the last five days. Your concern is noted, and appreciated. Now step aside, Sergeant."

" Yes sir." The stormtroopers then fell in behind and with the formed corridor guards. They too had harness on their backs, but theirs matched the stale grey armor the 1st Legion alone wore.

The near platoon sized formation passed through an ante chamber and then a sizeable room where two E-web blasters had been pointed at another armor-plated blast door. The Grand Admiral nodded to one of two red tuniced Inquisitoriate officers aside the door and it parted.

A whoosh of air was sucked in, the room's atmosphere thin and stale. The room itself was a pale grey with white lights along the far floor-wall seam. Inside sat a computer control station and four more Inquisitoriate officers.

At the centre of the room was a man inside a multi barred cage that hummed with energy and life. The man, however, did not. He body had been beaten and his spirit broken. His robes had become rags and his pride deflated. His arms had been bound to a post and it was there he slumped, his arms above his head and his body seeming to dangle at their tether.

The man was a Jedi.

Desaria marched in, his head high and chest full or righteous arrogance. Around the walls moved the phalanx of guards that had followed him. The Grand Admiral stood, the room around him silent, just beyond the cage.

The Jedi saw him and raised his beaten and bashed face to meet the Admiral's cold stare.

" You are a Jedi," the Admiral spat, adding every ounce of disgust and contrition he felt to that last word. " You are sworn to protect the Republic. You did, as your record tells me, kill some fifty-eight Imperial soldiers during the Fourth Battle of Coruscant that had stormed the Jedi Council Building."

The Jedi did not speak, for he could not. Blood, both dried and new, covered his mouth and the space around. Those loyal men of the Empire’s Force-hunters were most thorough in their…interrogations.

Desaria continued unabated. " You failed, however, you and your...race. The Empire is powerful again. You all have failed.

" Your Jedi friends have been more than a hindrance to the Empire and its goals, and for that I hate you. I hate you not as one enemy hates another, but as one final warrior loathes those who have destroyed all around him.”

The Grand Admiral looked coldly at the Jedi.

" This Force cage is all that is stopping me from killing you with my bare hands."

Desaria had at his side a pistol Inquisitoriate issue, a rare disruptor.

" But then, it stops the force and people, not energy.” Desaria paused and drew the weapon. Staring down its cold barrel, he sneered at the Jedi before him.

" May the Force be damned."

* * *

Desaria returned to his quarters some time later, having dispatched his minion Admirals to complete a difficult Rim campaign. It was as costly as it was successful, and though he enjoyed the best Intelligence service in the galaxy, he never tired of seeing the civilians and their show-news.

“ Imperial Forces attacked again, and despite the brave acts of Wraith-Alpha wing, Deeniviit fell this after noon. Reports of brutality have reached us even on Coruscant, but we do not doubt their authenticity. Rumor has spread that the planet which has resisted capitulation for eight months was slagged by the appointed sector commander as a punishment for resisting Imperial rule.”

Desaria laughed, knowing the report untrue. Moff Prennis had ordered a complete orbital bombardment to eliminate Rebel troops reporting to be hiding among the populace.

At that, the Grand Admiral moved to turn off the broadcast when some one else did it for him. The HoloNet channel flashed for a second as was replaced by a screen of fluctuating red and orange. Finally, it gave way to static and then the singular GNN symbol: the transmission had been cut short.

The Lord Baron threw his head back in a laugh and headed for the bridge.

The Wandering Jedi
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:58:49 PM
An aged hand slowly tapped a touch-pad console imbedded into an otherwise classically carved wooden desk. With each tap, the viewscreen on the wall switched holonet channel, surfing amongst the day's selection of news as it had for many long years. But today, there was only one news story, one headline that dominated the galactic scene.

A wrinkled, tough face watched the images of fire and destruction, death and chaos surge across the screen. New reports came in every few minutes, from on-scene reporters to eye-witness accounts, each added more bits and pieces to the events of just an hour before. The main GNN building was destroyed, all but collapsed in one massive explosion. Thousands were missing, most were feared dead. The rest of the GNN network was scrambling to get news out to the galaxy, while trying to lock down their remaining facilities. He watched as emergency workers desperately tried to control the flames spewing forth from the remains of the GNN headquarters. Fear had gripped the populous. Speculation of the responsible parties ranged from disgruntled former GNN employees, to splinter terrorist groups based on the Outer Rim, to Imperial Remnent agents... or worse. Whispers of "fallen Jedi", or even "Sith", played on the ears of civilians and government officials alike. It was a terrifying prospect to a generation that had grown up in relative peace, not experiencing the battles to protect the galaxy from the Dark Side first-hand.

The old man's deep brown eyes took in the true depth of what he was witnessing. Though strong and willful, they yielded a wave of sadness. An age of innocence was shattered on this day. The harsh realities of life had been mearly postponed, and were now closing in on the vulnerable. Their future... and the future of generations yet to be born, would define itself by the actions they would take.

He could only hope they would make the right decisions.

With another tap, the viewscreen shifted to the personal communication channels of the Holonet. He started to tap in the numerical code of an old friend... then stopped. What would he say? For that matter, why was he calling? It was almost instinctive, a reflex reaction to dial those numbers. Whenever he felt like talking, be it rare, she was the only one he would contact. Their friendship had lasted, despite having not been in the same room together in years. But, there were some things they had agreed never to discuss. "Returning" was at the top of that list. It was the first thing that came to his mind, though, when he clicked on the daily newscast and learned what had happened. A disturbance in the Force had nearly overwhelmed him at that moment, one far too powerful to ignore. Maybe he had become sentimental and more susceptable to the effects of emotion in his old age. Maybe she would tell him this, and that would be the end of the matter. She always did have a way of seeing inside his mind better than any other.

Then again, maybe she would agree with him. It was a long shot at best, but he had to know if she was feeling the same thing.

He finished inputing the numerical code, and hesitiated slightly before hitting 'enter'. A few unusually nervous moments later, the console chimed that the connection was established and the call request received. The screen flashed to a new image, the face of the one he had long known and trusted, the blue skin of her face aged much like his, though just as beautiful as when they had first known one another.

"Hello?", her voice asked softly.

"Hello, Ryla," he replied, his own voice slightly graveled. "We need to talk."

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:11:19 AM
The sun rose slowly over the wooded glade of northern Chadra, the sound of the ocean tide coming out rushing like a gentle breeze. As the sun hit the water, it reflected a curious deep blue, permeated with flecks of fiery orange. Alone, on a balcony, stood a tall woman draped in a worn heather-gray cloak, her hood up, blocking her face. Though not as tall as she once was, she still stood proudly, with an air of poised relaxation. Many years as a Jedi… some would say too many years, now weighed down on her shoulders, and she reached out a hand to steady herself on the railing.

Ryla Relvinian had always been strong-willed, even when she didn’t know any better. The doctors she had seen on Coruscant before she left the Jedi 4 years ago had given her a special hover-chair. She had refused it, of course, instead leaning on a hand carved cane, a gift from the local Chadra-Fan, who remembered her from a mission many years ago. Or maybe they didn’t remember her specifically. They liked Jedi at least, and figured that a retired one wouldn’t cause too much trouble, especially one as old and worn as her.

A quick strong gust of wind and the hood was thrown back, revealing a low, loose braid of silver-white hair, thick and curling still, despite her age. Her skin, of course, was as blue as it ever had been, and thankfully the deep coloring had hid the wrinkles on her face. Other Jedi bloodlines were lucky enough to be granted extra time in the galaxy, but she was not to be as lucky. Her hands, however, were still slender and graceful, but hadn’t held a Lightsaber, at least not in combat, for at least 12 years, nor had she seen any humanoids (other than the native Chadra-Fan and the occasional holo-message) for several years.

She would be 80 this year, practically midlife for her father’s bloodline. The Mythosians were known to live long past a normal humanoid lifespan. The Twi’leki people, her mother’s race, weren’t so long-lived, but most people weren’t sure if that was because they killed themselves off in wars or if they just had a biological need for short lives. Ryla sighed to herself, once again contemplating her life’s choices. Over and over, in the still moments like this, her mind would replay that one fateful mission. It had started as peaceful negotiations, something so simple that she had brought along her current padawan at the time. It had ended, however, with severe nerve damage to her legs, the result of some prototype weapon so new and dangerous that none of the Jedi healers had been able to do anything. It was months before she could get up and hobble to her holovid and back, let alone train in combat. The adjustment had been difficult to say the least. Eventually, Ryla had moved away from Coruscant for what she hoped was the last time.

It wasn’t, though. Ryla could feel it in her bones as she heard the noise of an incoming call on her viewscreen. Instantly, she knew who it was, even across this great distance. She knew it was one she called friend, still would call a friend, really.

She turned to go inside, holding up the hem of her plain maroon dress with one hand as she began to work her way back inside her simple shelter. The Chadra-Fan rarely built permanent structures, but this was an exception, as it was built as a retreat for Jedi. Well, she was a Jedi once, and she certainly felt like retreating. No more than a cot, hearth, shower and a rarely used holovid in the corner, the shelter felt more like home than any other place she had lived… and now they would come and ask her to do something she knew she did not want to do.

Wasn’t it allowed for an old woman to rest, finally? Wasn’t it time for her to sit back and let the new Jedi, still enthusiastic and headstrong with youth, tackle whatever problem there was this time? Didn’t the code allow that? She frowned into the wind. The code. Where was the precious Jedi code when her legs stopped working? Where was the code when she was cut down, in the prime of her life, by some place she wasn’t even supposed to be at? Where was the code indeed.

Wincing at the simple effort required to sit down, Ryla tapped a button on her desk, bringing up the old and weathered face of her good friend.

"Hello?", she softly greeted the man.

"Hello, Ryla," he replied, voice rough with age but still the voice she remembered, the voice of consummate wisdom. "We need to talk."

“About what?” She replied, trying and failing to distance herself. “You know how I feel about that life. I’ve left it behind… I don’t even read the news anymore.”

She stared into his eyes, still intelligent and kind, even after all those years...

Jina Jade-Elessar
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:54:16 AM
Natural sleep was a rareity for Jina. So was a decent bed, and even to sleep at home, be that here at Dexter's or Ukio. Or the huge castle at Trilith. It was a blessed relief and frankly, she would kill anyone who disturbed it. That was quite well known in the Elessar clan, not even Xazor would do that.

But Helenias would. Becuase if she disturbed her, it was because of something important. Still, she had waited 6 hours before she tapped on the door and marched in unannounced.

"Jina. Get up. The Council wants you"

"idshfjkbl;sadf....wha...?" she said, blearily. "Is there a fire or something?"

"I wish" Helenias replied tersly. "Councillor Troy will speak to you as soon as your awake enough"

"Huh? What's going on?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Get dressed"


".... what????? " she yelled in surprised into the comm unit. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, Master Jade-Elessar, this is not a joke. Your attendance is requested at the GNN building immediatly. Other Jedi and Coruscant Watch are there already."

"Allright" she sighed. "I'll get down there ASAP"


The sppeder bike came to a stop, the custom built hot rodded motor whining down as one of her booted feet pushed down the mag-tether. Dressed in the same leather she was wearing last night, rail carbine at one hip, lightsabre on the other, she looked more like one of the Maw Angels as she removed her goggles. The fires were still buring up and down the building, people were still running around, medical vans and Coruscant watch speeders also blocked the nearby throughfares, letting only emergency workers and investigators through. Jina glanced around at the debris scattered about, then back at the building.

Well. Some one didn't like GNN. Dont blame them really, but still... what did GNN do to deserve this?

She had no love of the media, that was true. Interfering busy bodies. But to actually blow a building apart and cause civilian casualties...? Surely hundreds must have been killed! Funny thing was, she had a feeling that wasn't the case.

"Allright... who's in charge around here?" she growled. "I want a SITREP, I want damage reports and I want a body count that we know of"

"Who are you?" asked a fairly n00bie looking Watchman.

"Jedi Master Jade-Elessar. And also tell me where the frell the other Jedi are - I was told there were more here. Come on, I haven't got all day, move it!"

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jun 6th, 2003, 01:23:27 AM
"Hello Jina." The gentle voice came from behind her. Jax Tondry was shrugged into a dark brown cloak, his Jedi robes underneath were scorched and sooty from assisting the rescue workers. James and Aaron Belargic were on the other side of the building at the moment, assisting in the makeshift hospital that workers had constructed. There were many injured, and a few of them were rescue workers, coming out with burns and smoke inhalation as they fought the ongoing fires.

Jina turned around and looked at him as he continued to talk. "The time of the bombing was close to two a.m. Central Coruscant time. Actually 01:58. There are hardly any causalties from outside the building, although many injuries...civvies were caught by shattered windows from the explosion, but other than that, barely any DOA's. The people in the building, which includes a who's-who of GNN execs, are mostly all dead. There was some type of late meeting going on, and the janitorial staff was in as well." Jax scrubbed a dirty hand over his face. "We haven't found all the bodies yet."

The Watchman Jina had approached first handed her a datapad. "Ma'am...here are the reports you wanted." He appeared afraid she might rip his head off. Watch out, she just might. Jax was exhausted, having worked through the night, but his eyes were still sharp, and he watched her carefully. Gods, she still looks good.

Jedi Master Sage Hazzard
Jun 6th, 2003, 03:00:03 AM
He looked out the window of his quarters in the Jedi Temple. What a terrible scene. He could feel the anguish and confusion by the many people evacuating the building. What must be going through their heads.

"May the Force be with them," he muttered softly, to himself.

Even though it was fresh, in fact the Jedi Master witnessed it as he peered out on the skyline, he wasn't completely suprised. All that day he had a feeling that something would happen, something that would change everyone's cushy lives. Most people enjoyed this new era, as Sage did, but no one seemed to recognize what it took to get it to this point in the first place.

Sage had only been back for about a dozen years. He'd taken a, 'vacation' he termed it, from the GJO. He needed time to find out what he'd do with his life. It didn't seem like he was going to die anytime soon. In fact, Sage hadn't even gone completely grey yet. The Force was either doing him a favor or was keeping him around for something, some purpose.

"Junior?" he could feel the boy more than anything. Though his voice was audible after listening for it. "I suppose he knows. Time to go to work."

The Jedi Master quit his introspection. It wasn't the time for that now. It was time to move. He grabbed his sabre from the table on his way out.

After exiting the room, he followed the voice. Finally, it took him through a hallway connecting door...


He was utterly drenched in water. His hair still wet, he nearly ran into Junior. The Jedi Master grabbed his shoulders tightly. The boy probably freaked just then, thinking his Master took the joke too hard this time. Though Sage hardly noticed during the urgency of the situation.

Sage was actually pretty laid back. In fact, after his return, the other Jedi murmered to each other behind closed doors that he had 'changed'. Though they never said for the worse. Which was absolutely true. Sage knew now what his role in life was. The fact he was usually casual, even buddy buddy with Junior, probably made his serious tone ring more frightening to the prankster Padawan.

"Junior, stop yelling like a baffoon and get your gear! Come on kid, you and I both know the GNN is on fire, so stop whining about it. This is what I've been training you for kid. Time to go to war. We're going to catch the bastard who did this."

J'henier Hassat
Jun 6th, 2003, 03:20:41 AM
CRAP. Crap crap crap... ran through Junior's mind as he saw that Sage was soaked. He honestly hadn't intended for his trap to ensnare his own master, but just his lick, it did!

As Sage shook grabbed him by the shoulders, it terrified the boy, but thankfully there were more pressing issues at hand. Things like getting to the GNN buildign for one. Hoping Sage would forget the bucket incident, Junior nodded vigorously for lack of words to speak, then wriggled out of his grip and dashed off back to his room to grab his Jedi cloak and his lightsaber.

It was easier said than done, for his room was always a terrible mess and he never could find anything. His tunic was rumpled, but he yanked it on over his tee-shirt anyhow, and then nearly panicked as he couldn't find his lightsaber. Finally a familiar glint came to him from under a pile of half-read magazines and an empty box of cheese crackers, and the mongoose snatched up his saber and dashed back into the hallway and down the turbolift to catch back up with Sage. The whole telepathy thing with his species still hadn't been worked out, so all he could do was just hope he found his master.

"Master Hazzard!" he called across a nearly empty lobby once he spotted him, "I'm ready!"

If there was anything Junior did not look like, It was a Jedi, but there was little time to argue with things like appearance, at least at the moment.

Sene Unty
Jun 6th, 2003, 07:13:52 AM
Sene watched intently, with a slight fear growing inside of him, as more Jedi arrived on the scene. He was crouched low behind a parked car only 10 yards from the enflamed building. It was still standing, apparently the terrorists or whoever did not intend on destroying the building, but there was chaos. Police sirens flooded the air, as extinguishers shot plums of water down on the fires.

Sene shook his head. Why was he here? He had no reason to be. His legs seemed to carry him here as if they had a will of their own. He was frightened. What if they saw him? Would they recognize him? Probably not, but there was always a chance.

He was brought back to that moment again, when he held the young child's carcass in his arms. He hadn't cried. His tears had dried in his eyes before he had given them reason too. He had killed her. He knew that now. It had taken him so long to admit it. He had gotten too close, tasted too much of the darkside.

No the Jedi wouldn't remember him, and he wouldn't remind them. They would hate him, but not as much as he hated himself.

He needed to go....

He tried to move, but his body didn't listen. He stayed perched where he was, watching.

Solani Elessar
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:20:01 AM
Solani approaches Jina, her Great Aunt. Upon reaching Jina, she bows to her. Shortly after she had gotten here, she had thrown off her green cloak. Her brown jumpsuit is covered in ash and soot, and is slightly scorched as well. She says nothing as Jax talks to Jina.

She had put on a pair of sunglasses while she worked just so she wouldn't creep those out that she was helping. She had been here since about two. Shortly after actually, but she had been up all night helping out, doing what was needed, and doing things that most would term crazy and only should be done by those trained to.

"Master Jina, congrats on your promotion."

Solani hadn't had time to congratulate her great aunt the night before.

Daniella Manaachia
Jun 6th, 2003, 11:42:31 AM
There wasn’t time enough to look for Xazor. Though she was no longer a Jedi, Daniella still could not suppress her instinct to bring aid. It had been bred into her from a young age, and was not something easily dispelled. But she was not as carefree as she had been in her youth. She could not simply take off and burst into a situation, a reputation she had been well known for in her days with the Order. No, she was a mother now and with that blessing came certain inconveniences.

“Drevin, c’mere.”

The ash-white blonde child scurried over from a table where he’d been looking at a menu with his brother. Daniella cupped his face in her hands and kept her eyes firmly fixed on his.

“Baby something very bad has happened to a lot of people, and they aren’t doing good. Mommy needs to go and help.”

She saw a brief glimpse of panic fly across his angular face but Daniella continued before he could protest, pulling off the necklace that had once belonged to her mother and handing him a credchit.

“Hon, I got no choice. Now listen, you and Jericho are getting to be big boys and I trust you. Do not leave this building. I promise I’ll be back, I swear it.”

She pulled off her long, wooly overcoat and handed it to her eldest son, kissing his forehead before walking briskly out the diner door. Daniella was no longer kitted ou tin Jedi garb, obviously, relying instead on cargo pants and flight jackets to fill her wardrobe. As she hurried down the street, canines glinting in the light, an old expression that had been long absent came across her face. Dani’s forcefully determined glare was still as intimidating as it had been when she carried a lightsaber.

Her quick pace soon settling into a comfortable clip, and Daniella found herself jumping back into her old mindset with relative ease. She was calm, and yet utterly concentrated on the crisis at hand. But as she reached the site where the once impressive GNN building had stood, she stopped abruptly. It was as if she were seeing it for the first time.

“My God.”

The utterance was repeated, as if to will away the horrific scene; but of course, it remained. And then, as she turned away with tears stinging her eyes, Daniella spotted a running figure who looked vaguely familiar. She stared at the aging man a minute, squinting, before coming to a startling realization of who it was.

As a padawan, Dani had met and come to know him. He had been a great friend to her sister and often times the girl herself had sought him out for advice, or to pry a story from his lips. It was odd to see him now, changed after such a time—she supposed that as aa child she had entertained the idea that some people just wouldn’t get older; he had been one of those.

Daniella found herself running toward him, and unexplainable at ease about meeting him again, despite the many, many years since their last encounter. He had yet to spy her amidst all the chaos, and surprising even herself, Dani called out to him.

“Sage?! Master Hazzard, wait!”

Jedi Master Sage Hazzard
Jun 7th, 2003, 12:30:56 AM
"Good for you, now get moving!"

He was already at a sprint, which was faster than any normal human and even most Jedi. In his early years he was more physically powerful than almost any Jedi. Now, he could be said to be the most powerful, in strength.

"What are we doing Junior? We're going to get there, get all survivors out, and then hunt the son of a bitch you did this. When we find him, I kill him."

Finally the building was in eyesight and what an eyesight it was.

Sage?! Master Hazzard, wait!"

"Shut up kid! I'll slow down once we get there!"

Wait a minute, that wasn't Junior's voice...

"Who?" He slowed down enough to look around and caught a women's eye... something familar... "Cassidy?! Wha-- Nevermind, forget it, you'll tell me later. Follow me."

He ignored all the tape, all the roadblocks, and all the lawmen. There were even some Jedi there, he ignored them too. He leapt over the roadblocks in a single bound, sailing through the air. His blue sabre was ignited before he touched the ground again. The Jedi Master's blue went right to the door, smashing it in.

"Can anybody hear me?!" I swear to the Force, if Junior answers that, it's double training. "Anybody?" he continued through the building, approaching the first flight of stairs, yelling for anyone who could hear him.

J'henier Hassat
Jun 7th, 2003, 02:19:32 AM
"I can hear you, Master!" Junior called back, still a bit too dense at times to always cpmprehend what was being said.

He wasn't tired out from the running, but rather sore from his crash. Instead of sprinting at the breakneck speed that Sage had, Junior opted for a slightly different route; he had taken his bicycle instead. Keeping up on the bike wasn't that hard, it was the weaving through speeders and hopping on and off of walkways that was the trick. When he had finally reached the roadblocks, he managed to skirt through a few jsut narrowly, and using a police speeder as a ramp to jump another on his mountain bike, but the last set proved too difficult, and his attempted jump ended in his back wheel snagging the tip of the roadblock and sending him to the duracrete ground, his bike landing atop him. From there it was a quick scramble up and a dash after Sage, though his knee hurt from where he hit it on the pavement. Junior didn't worry about leaving his bike there; it was doubtfdul many other people in the area would know what it was, let alone try to steal it. That type of locomotion was somethign quite foreign to the streets of Coruscant.

The remainder of the GNN building looked like something out of a war movie. Everything was either charred, broken, or still on fire, and he pulled his robe up over his muzzle to filter out some of the smoke. A sickening pit grew in his stomach as he saw several twisted bodies crushed beneath rubble, and he hurried on after his Master, hoping not to get left behind and lost in the nightmare.

Junior's free paw gripped his lightsaber tightly, though it remained unlit for the time being. After all, he hadn't had a very good track record with it on missions so far, except for a few times. Every time he thought he saw a survivor, he had to turn and look away when he saw that they were gone from this world. Finally coming up close to his master, but no so close as to bother him, the boy tennatively asked, "Master, do you really think whoever did this will still be here? I mean, if I were to bomb something, I would have done it from a distance, and-" he cut hiumself off, catching some movement from the corner of his eye. It was a woman, her body pinned by rubble. "Master! Over there!" he pointed before scrambling over piles of debris to get to her side.

"You're gonna be okay, ma'am," he tried to assure her, "We're Jedi." Then, his head working in standard fashion for once, the padawan gripped the chunk of debris and tried to heave it off her, but it was proving difficult.

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:07:15 PM
Wei arrived on the scene shortly after. There was Junior, a young padawan he had yet to meet, and Sage.

What needs to be done? And who did this? Wei asked Sage telpathically.

Wei began to dig around in the rubble, searching for people who might have been trapped beneath.

Ky Shin Wei
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:09:15 PM
Ky appeared shortly after his father and wordlessly began to help his dad with the rocks. Ky soon saw a hand and waited for Wei to lift the large rock before reaching under and pulling a rather battered looking man from underneath it.

Ky smiled. "You're welcome."

Then the boy turned to his father. "Dad, who did this?" Ky asked out loud, forgetting that his dad couldn't hear him.

James Prent
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:02:30 AM
James reached over and helped Ky Shin with the man he pulled out. The man was dead, buisness suit obviously once neatly pressed. It was a shambles, and covered with 'crete dust, just like his body was. She looked grim, and dusty herself.

"That'll make the fifteenth body. I don't think there are any more trapped within." Two black coated emergency workers came and removed the body as James dusted off her hands and put them on her hips. Thank you Wei, it is good to see you still have it in you after all these years. She lightly teased the older man, before talking again to his son.

"I'm afraid you missed most of the action already. There are fires burning inside the building still, y'know, but there seemed that there was just one pocket of bodies inside. Out here," the Jedi Master waved her hand, "Civillians were largely spared...injuries to be sure, scores of 'em, but hardly any causualties. It seems that this was a specific hit, if you ask me."

James pulled a wry expression. "Not that anyone will, of course." She tugged on Ky's hand, and he found himself following the older Jedi. "Come, help out in the emergency hospital. You're never too old to learn more healing techniques, y'know." They began to make their way over the rubble towards the makeshift hospital that had been hastily erected to take care of the most severe injuries right away.

Jina Jade-Elessar
Jun 8th, 2003, 03:44:52 AM
"Morning Solani" Jina deadpanned, snatching the report off the unfortunate officer, who got a withering 'Get out of here' look from the Jedi Master. "And thanks. Sort of wish tho my first day of Jedi Master was somewhat better than this. Although from the looks of it, both of you have been here for a while"

The Elessar women were one hell of a clan - they stuck together. While Helenias was their Matriach, Jina was the most powerful and active in the Jedi and hence much more of a leader. Even if Xazor had beaten her to the Master title. The two eldest daughters did have a healthy rivally.

Although Jina suspected Xazor was the closer to Marcus than she was. Probably a lot due to that weird mental bond they seemed to have. Xaz' just seemed to know what was on the Grand Master's mind. it was almost creepy. Even if it was true that Jina was the very real heir to Marcus' power and knowledge. Some of the things the Old Man could do scared her.....

while Solani was welcome and probably of great assistance, she wasn't so sure about Jax. Actually, he was probably the last thing she wanted near her right now. They had 'history'. In fact, she hadn't seen or heard of the Jedi Knight for a long time. To hide her itrritation, she simply dropped into all business mode.

"Then this was a hit, not a terrorist action. Well. That narrows things down" she said with a godo deal of sarcasm on her voice. "If this was to cause max damage, the the remnants of the Imps would be most likely. But as it's obviously designed as a strike on GNN, we need to surf through the list of enemies and beings GNN have annoyed. Damn it, that'll take forever. Right, who else is on the scene right now and what are they doing?"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Jun 8th, 2003, 09:04:27 PM
Anuberis' son, Nartu poked at his grandparents, trying to will them to play with him. The cub was a shy one but not around family besides the elder looking daddy and the kitty lady seemed nice. Sorr yawned then pricked her ears forward, remembering the young one's name just then.

"Not rrright now, Narrrtu, ask daddy or Hjirrroakji, they'll play wjith you, grrrandma jis tjirrred."

She wasn't really, she just felt a bit lazy and of course wanted to cuddle with Inu a bit longer. The cub looked at her for a moment before tottering off to bug the others for playmates.

"Hope thjis peace lasts, don't you dearrr?"

She said quietly to her mate while purring softly and contentedly.

The Wandering Jedi
Jun 9th, 2003, 11:19:53 PM
“You know how I feel about that life. I’ve left it behind… I don’t even read the news anymore.”

He should have expected that response. In fact, deep down, he did expect that response. Hope, however, had made him think otherwise, if only for a moment or two.

He looked down, his eyes hidden from her gaze, as if expressing guilt.

"I know," he finally offered. "I felt the same way for a long time. Maybe I still do... I'm not even sure anymore. But I felt something this morning that made me think of the past... of the way the galaxy once was, and what we had to do to change it for the better. You're well-attuned to the Force... I know you felt it, too."

He could see that Ryla shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The man looked directly at the screen, and directly at his confidant of many years.

"Ryla, we made a promise to each other, and it's one that I honor to this day. You know I would never do something to upset your wishes, unless there was a very good reason."

His hands, though slowed, still moved with an amount of grace over the buttons of the console as he added a data file to the transmission. He sighed deeply before continuing.

"The GNN building on Coruscant was attacked this morning... some kind of bomb, a lot of executives were killed, from what I've heard. The Jedi are working with planetary security on rescue efforts and clean-up. All of that is in the file I'm sending."

He stumbled over his thoughts, trying to find the right wording. The pause was awkward.

"But, there's just something that doesn't feel right," he spoke, almost without really thinking. "I can't explain it, but that disturbance in the Force... I haven't felt anything like that in years. This is just the tip of a very large iceberg, and... I feel a need to do something about it. I don't know what, I don't know how. Just that I have to."

He shook his head.

"I'm sorry. Maybe I'm not making any sense, rambling on about about things which should no longer concern me. I just needed to tell what I've been feeling."

His own indecision was obvious, but actually forming the words and saying them aloud to another person, particularly one he knew to be insightful, helped alleviate some of the pressure. His own choices, to act or not act, would hinge upon her response. That was how much he trusted her. When his own wisdom failed him, he had relied on hers to guide him. In his younger years, his sense of self-sufficency would have never allowed him trust someone so closely. Many things had changed since that time, far more than was commonly known.

The old man sat back in his chair as Ryla began to speak.

Jedi Master Sage Hazzard
Jun 10th, 2003, 01:24:01 AM
Sage picked the rock up and crumbled it into pieces off to the side. He let Junior tend to the helping her up and out. In the commotion he let himself forget his Padawan's answer to his call through the building. The kid was trying to help atleast.

I hoped you knew. Don't worry though, just make sure everyone who comes out of here stays safe and I'll find out all I can... up there.

He was going to ascend to the top of the building, where the bombers might of escaped. The only difficulty with that was, the building could callapse right under him if he took his time about it.

"Junior! Get out of here kid. I'm making you my eyes and ears down here."

It was a way to convince Junior to stay behind, get out of the building. It wasn't like Sage and him could communicate easily telepathically, or that Sage was intending on trying. Maybe for once the kid would do as told. And had Cassidy followed him? He wasn't even sure in this mess. There was no time to worry about that, he had to act now.

He went through a door title "fire stairwell". It was an emergency staircase. One that he could take to the roof. Then he could work his way back down again for clues and/or survivors. He started his climb.

Jesse Custer
Jun 10th, 2003, 01:39:11 AM

I finally stand up. I'm not quite sure what the ruckus in front of me is about but it doesn't concern me right now. I'm not blessed with super human speed nor super human strength. I can't help except to give last rites. On the other hand, this kid--nah, he ain't no kid, I have to keep remindin' myself of that--is lonely and has no right to be. Everyone needs a pardner in this life and I told that little boy long ago I'd be his. Hell, I've been watchin' him for nearly an hour. Probably noticed me the first second I decided to breath out. Which brings me to the concern of why he'd still stay silent.

"Kwiet, son, God don't need those formalities, though it's mighty nice of you to do it anyway."

I smile as I walk in front of his view. I won't make him turn around, stop his prayer.

"Good to see you're keeping the Faith, pardner."

I'm getting away from the issues.

"Mr. Ellesar, know you're up here?" I reckon he don't or he'd force the boy into getting his butt downstairs. The old timer can still whoop me and that's says' somethin'.

Daniella Manaachia
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:44:57 AM
She had followed him, though his direction had been easier sad than done. She'd kept in relatively good shape, neccesity forcing it, but Sage had the aid of an incredibly awesome power, one that Daniella didn't allow in her life very often anymore.

She'd been sifting through the remains of the building, fear and pain emulating from the rubble like a slap. Dani's head was repedetively shaking back and forth in denial as she came upon bodies, some together others not.

"Junior! Get out of here kid. I'm making you my eyes and ears down here."

Daniella had known Sage long enough to realize that he just wanted his Padawan safe. But she was a different story. As the Jedi Master roared through the stairwell door, she grit her teeth and followed, as fast as she could.


There was nothing to say really. But in the chaos, the lapse of conversation seemed eerie. Daniella tried not to lose sight of Sage as he ran, but it was no easy task.

"Master Hazzard your intentions are to find the people that did this, yes?"

Dani nodded before he could answer the obvious.

"Well I'm staying with you until you do. I won't leave until they've paid."

She knew he would protest but Daniella was no longer little Cassidy Williams, who had once insisted on calling him 'Uncle'. She was grown now and made her own decisions--whether or not they turned out for the better.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:45:49 PM
Originally posted by James Prent
They began to make their way over the rubble towards the makeshift hospital that had been hastily erected to take care of the most severe injuries right away.

Footsteps approached quickly from behind, as another of those who had been helping out with the aftermath of the explosion caught up behind James and Ky. A little breathless – he’d come to help in the middle of a training session and had already been worn out when he’d arrived – he slowed to a walk, by James. He gave the Jedi Master’s hand a little squeeze, a sad smile coming over him.

He walked ahead a little then, looking around at the gurneys full of people, as others stood around in shock, coughing and spluttering in the smoke still surrounding the building.

A sigh, “… This is going to be a long day.”

James Prent
Jun 10th, 2003, 05:36:31 PM
She smiled at her husband, but it was bittersweet. "I think I'm too old for this." Aaron looked back at her, and she winked, pulling Ky along behind her, obviously only teasing him about her age. Wei was still rummaging through the the base of the building, too preoccupied in what he was doing to realize that his son was no longer right behind him.

James coughed a little as a gust of air blew the smoke back towards them. "Well, that isn't good." She raised her voice, calling to the emergency workers, encouraging them to get people stabilized and out of the immediate area. Oxygen masks were in short supply, and if the wind kept this up, they'd be run out of the area shortly, due to a lack of air.

A methane breather was in the first gurney, in bad shape, his breath mask cracked and leaking. He was sucking for air, and the nurse bent over him looked up in a panic. "We don't have any more methane, and all the other masks are being used!" James gritted her teeth and sat next to the burnt alien, putting a hand over his breath mask, and set about sealing the leak with the Force.

The alien mumbled as the mask grew warm on his face, his eyes still wide with terror as he gasped for breath.

Dae Jinn
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:48:05 PM
Daetana Jinn-Conrad swirled the last watery ice cubes around in her glass slowly as she watch clouds of smoke billowing out from the GNN building. For a woman of 72, she hadn't changed much -- her saiya-jinn blood had kept her relatively young looking, except for a few laugh lines and gray hairs, and healthy. The long black nightgown she wore clung to her toned form as she watched the goings on from her window.

She had had many titles in her time since she left her homeworld -- Sith, Lost Jedi, Wife, Mother. Now a widower, Jeran had been killed years ago, and the wounds from it were still fresh. Their son, Emyr, had only been 7 when his father was taken from them. Dae had tried to raise him the best she could, keeping him away from anything to do with the Lost, or Sith. She had taught him basic combat, one could never be too careful, but she would not allow her son to become a warrior like his father. Instead, she had sent him to the best schools, where he would learn to use words instead of weapons. Now he was a liasion, a diplomat. He had a family of his own, and she had a grand-daughter Tegan.
She herself had given up fighting all together once Tegan was born. She had become a socialite, a well-respected member of the Coruscant upper crust. She had lost touch with many of her old aquaintences, but a part of her couldn't bear to think back to those times. Since his death, Dae had remained faithful to Jeran, never breaking the vow they made on the day they wed. It had left her feeling very much alone; her family being the only bright spot in her life now.

Sighing lightly, she turned, moving back into the bedroom of her penthouse apartment. Her bags were stacked neatly at the end of her bed, she was leaving for the family home on Gias the next morning. Settling into bed, she flicked on the holoscreen, scanning the channels for any news on the GNN Disaster. Her eyes shifted to the door, just before a knock was heard.

"Come in, Tegan."

J'henier Hassat
Jun 11th, 2003, 12:53:40 AM
Once the woman was freed, Junior helped her up and lwrapped one of her arms over his shoulder as he assisted her out of the crisis zone and back to the impromptu medical center. There she was taken from him and he was given a slight nod of thanks before looking back at the GNN tower and became overwhelmed with how terrible the event truly was.

A sudden hand clapped down on his shoulder and a medic standing there asked him if he was able to heal, having seen the lightsaber on his belt. All Junior could do was whake his head; Sage was a good master, but had not tought him how to heal anything more than a minor scrape or bruise, two things he gave himself often as a boy.

Junior had been Sage's Padawan since the age of seven, when he had graduated out of the Jedi "nursurey school". It was at that age that he was supposed to have enough sense about him to learn properly, but the summers he spent at home had not really helped to mature him, and he was too playful for his own good. More often than not, his pranks and jokes got him into serious trouble with Sage, for which he was truly sorry, but it was simply his nature, and not something he knew how to change. Junior enjoyed smiling and laughing, but those were two things very far from how he felt right then. His master was ascending the tower, and all he could do was watch and wait. This time he would obey, he promised himself.

Jun 12th, 2003, 10:11:11 PM
Originally posted by Jesse Custer

I finally stand up. I'm not quite sure what the ruckus in front of me is about but it doesn't concern me right now. I'm not blessed with super human speed nor super human strength. I can't help except to give last rites. On the other hand, this kid--nah, he ain't no kid, I have to keep remindin' myself of that--is lonely and has no right to be. Everyone needs a pardner in this life and I told that little boy long ago I'd be his. Hell, I've been watchin' him for nearly an hour. Probably noticed me the first second I decided to breath out. Which brings me to the concern of why he'd still stay silent.

"Kwiet, son, God don't need those formalities, though it's mighty nice of you to do it anyway."

I smile as I walk in front of his view. I won't make him turn around, stop his prayer.

"Good to see you're keeping the Faith, pardner."

I'm getting away from the issues.

"Mr. Ellesar, know you're up here?" I reckon he don't or he'd force the boy into getting his butt downstairs. The old timer can still whoop me and that's says' somethin'.

"No, he doesn't know I'm here. At least I don't think he does. I came quietly, and didn't know what to do--I'm no good with kids at all, and I believe Xazor has her whole herd of children in there--so I decided to stay out here and pray."

The rosary slips back into his pocket as he rubs the slight stiffness in his neck.

"I take it you noticed the explosion too, Jesse?"

Jun 12th, 2003, 10:19:17 PM
Originally posted by Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Anuberis' son, Nartu poked at his grandparents, trying to will them to play with him. The cub was a shy one but not around family besides the elder looking daddy and the kitty lady seemed nice. Sorr yawned then pricked her ears forward, remembering the young one's name just then.

"Not rrright now, Narrrtu, ask daddy or Hjirrroakji, they'll play wjith you, grrrandma jis tjirrred."

She wasn't really, she just felt a bit lazy and of course wanted to cuddle with Inu a bit longer. The cub looked at her for a moment before tottering off to bug the others for playmates.

"Hope thjis peace lasts, don't you dearrr?"

She said quietly to her mate while purring softly and contentedly.

A distant rumble rings in the ears of the family.

"You may have spoken too soon."

The old Jackel gets up, standing painfully and favoring his left leg. His other knee has been giving him quite a bit of trouble as of late.

"Kids...we'll watch the grandcubs. Go and see what that was, and how you can help. Show 'em what'cha got."

Jun 14th, 2003, 12:17:33 AM
Nef pricks her ears to the sound, wondering what it could be, all four of them were used to quiet times, hell all but Anuberis had married to Tanos back on their mother's homeplanet so life was dull there. Still, everyone of them has a sense of the force due to their father's blood.

"We'll do what we can, father.."

Hiroaki growls softly, out of them, he had ended up being the strongest cub, patient but still quick to anger at times. But knowing his father's ways, he relaxed himself a bit, he wouldn't kill unless he had to as would the rest of them.

Kalia, however, looked worriedly at her newborn in her arms, her instincts as a mother set off. Still, she knows what she must do and hands the baby to her mother to watch over.

"Take good care of her mother, I'll be right back."

Sorr nods and the all four of Sorr and Inu's children set off to see what has happened in town.

Jesse Custer
Jun 14th, 2003, 02:38:04 AM
I nod somberly. I can't shake the feeling that this isn't a suprise.

"Yeah, reckon no one could have missed it. It was, is, almost beautiful if you didn't know what that beauty must of done to the poor souls trapped inside. I reckon we could pray, pray, pray, about it. Me and God though, we have a special relationship. I don't ask Him for things and He gives me what he feels is right. Prayin' can slowly become 'demanding' if you ain't careful. Lord Almight gave us these bodies, these thoughts, these abilties to do what we felt was right. I reckon He gave us the sense of what was right along wit' it. Now, we could sit here and waste those things by asking Him to do something he already knows weither or not he'll do, without our input, or we could start doin' somethin', which is what he really wants and expects of us."

At first, I didn't want to do anything. What could I do except get in the way? Now though, I don't know, I feel like I might be needed. Maybe not as a warrior this time but a soother.

"You comin' or not pardner? Your call."

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 14th, 2003, 10:03:12 AM
Her first instinct was to reach up and shut the screen off, to fight this change with all her will.

But something held her back, and she knew what it was... The look in his eyes, the earnestness that she hadn't seen in a very long time.

Finally, she spoke. "You're right." Then, a slight smile. "As usual."

Ryla shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and looked down at her hands resting in her lap. She knew that he was right, but still felt an immense amount of trepidation about what was going to have to happen.

"You know I cannot go and fight anymore. What do you suggest I... we do?"

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jun 15th, 2003, 03:58:31 PM
Originally posted by Jina Jade-Elessar
"If this was to cause max damage, the the remnants of the Imps would be most likely. But as it's obviously designed as a strike on GNN, we need to surf through the list of enemies and beings GNN have annoyed. Damn it, that'll take forever. Right, who else is on the scene right now and what are they doing?"

Jax rubbed his hand over his forehead, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Masters Aaron and James Belargic are overseeing the makeshift clinic, trying to get civvies stabilized and to the closest hospitals. There are a few other Jedi about, and I think I just saw Master Hazzard dashing into the building towards where the firefighters are trying to contain the blaze. Emergency workers are for the most part done, just carting away bodies, and helping the survivors. The building is totaled, but they have to get the blaze out before it travels to other structures in this sector."

He paused for a moment, and then added, "I was just about to go help with the fire when you showed up." And when you gave me such a warm reception. Gods, Jina, not even hello? "Maybe you should go look through a list of GNN enemies, although I'm sure the Commander of the Watch already has a list at his disposal, and he's probably already narrowed it down." Typical Elessar 'we are the only ones who can do this' mentality. "Oh, I'm serving as the NRSF Intel op on this investigation. So anything you uncover has to be turned over to me, by law."

He highly doubted she'd find anything that Intel wasn't already aware of. He'd placed the call to Intel HQ moments after arriving on the scene, and his commander was more than willing to reinstate his commission on the spot. "Good to have you back, Tondry," he'd said. So it was up to the base of the fire, and the source of the explosion. As long as Hazzard didn't manage to muck up the scene, or the firefighters in their zeal to extinguish the flames. "Look, I really have to go, I'll talk to you later Jina."

Jax turned and jogged to the main entrance to the building, ducking inside.

Jina Jade-Elessar
Jun 15th, 2003, 05:30:16 PM
"Like hell, dweeb. Since when do the Jedi answer to the Watch or the NRSF?" she muttered under her breath. Well. That went as well as could be expected. It wasn't that she din't like Jax (the fact was she still had some... rather explicit and fond memories of a few night together), but the issues that stood between them. She was sure things could work out if the previous generations hadn't left their mark on them. She was too much like the man she called Father - driven, detirmined, focused on one thing. She had so much to live up to, such a burden that love could never come in the way.

It was times like this she knew how much she had lost to become a Jedi Master. Hmph, the famed Jina tactlessness comes through once again. Nice one. Would iot have hurt to say at least hello?

Jina shook her head to clear the thought. At least there were some level headed Jedi here - she rather liked Uncle Belgaric, as she thought of him, plus the tiny master Prent. Oh and Sagey too. A regular visitor to Dexter's. Jedi who could get the job done, not like the bumbling Watch. Now thinking of getting the job done, it was time to go have a poke around while the evidence was still fresh.


It was pretty dumb to enter a still burning and unstable building. Jina however, was never noted for taking the sensible option. While risk taking sometimes did go wrong, most of the time it payed off, sometimes spectacularly so. But really, so far this risk was only unearthing what she suspected - the bomber's aim was whomever was in the building, not general destruction. Internal fire control mechanisms had been sabotaged. Air scrubbers switched off. Doors wedged open to give the best updraft to fan flames higher up. Would have taken a few beings to do this, she imagined.

Although if you prepared the fire control systems and scrubbers beforehand, it could be done with one person. Doubtful tho. Now, what group would have the skill to do this? This has been clearly thought out and executed well

She mopped her forehead, for it was hot in here. She was as close as she could get to the floor the bombing had taken place on.

I'm starting to think that whomever did this, it was revenge. GNN has annoyed a lot of powerful people and I'd not put it past a whole number not to do something like this. And....

"And... ohmygod...."

There was something on a wall. She stared at the blinking lights, frozen. Suddenly adrenaline kicked in and she turned, running for the window. The re was no glass in it of course, but it was a 100 foot drop Just as she made the dive out the window, the small bomb exploded, sending a shock wave that sent Jina tumbing through the air. Even with the Force to cushion her landing, she still landed badly and felt her right arm give way.

"AGH!!!" she screamed, rolling so she could sit up and curse liek no Jedi should even know how.

"Excuse me? You allright?"

Jina gave the medic a baleful stare. "I just walked into a proximity bomb, I've been blown out a winodw and I've broken my frelling arm. Hell, I've never felt better. OF COURSE I'M NOT ALLRIGHT DUMBBUTT! Get me one of the other Jedi Masters that are around this place. I think I found something"

The Wandering Jedi
Jun 15th, 2003, 07:50:49 PM
"You know I cannot go and fight anymore. What do you suggest I... we do?," Ryla asked. She was right, of course. She couldn't fight, and although the years may had been kinder to him in terms of physical ailments, his combat days were far behind him as well.

He thought hard, coming to only one viable conclusion... the same one that at which he arrived before he had made the call to his long-time friend.

"I... I think we need to speak with the Jedi Council. Or at least with someone high-up in the Order that will listen to us. In person."

He shook his head grimly.

"This generation of Jedi... they're bold and well-learned, but they lack experience. It's been over 50 years since the last full war, and just about the same time since the Dark Side was a major threat. They're... aggressive, overconfident. I fear something terrible will happen if they treat this like any other problem they've encountered."

Factual evidence was something upon which he had built his entire career. Knowledge, understanding... he rarely acted without them at his side. This time... there were no hard facts, at least not yet, and he was very much an outsider. He was acting on intuition alone. It was unnerving... but it was necessary. He was trusting the Force and his instincts to guide him to the right path. Even now, an old man, he found himself in uncharted territory.

"There's no telling how we might be received," he said gravely. "Neither of us left under very good circumstances. We might get the cold-shoulder, but we also might be booted out the perverbial door. I don't want you to subject yourself to that if it will be too much to handle. I'm willing to take that risk for myself, but you need to make your own choice. As... determined as I may be about this, your well-being means more to me."

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Jun 15th, 2003, 08:43:30 PM
Jax had quickly made his way to 'ground zero,' which was, in fact, on the twenty-fifth floor. There were already two Jedi knights up here, a Twi'leki female by the name of De'erdia and a human woman called Ritaan. The two women were working with the firefighters, using the Force to contain and dismiss the flames.

De'erdia's lekku were sooty, and their robes were drenched with water and dirt as they both looked at Jax. "It's about time you got here." The Twi'leki's voice was musical, her lilting accent brightening the heavily damaged room. "This entire room is falling apart from the blast, and the fire. It isn't going to stay up much longer." Looking at it, Jax felt vaugely surprised it was together at all, gaping holes opened out into the morning air, and load bearing walls were torn to shreds. The Twi'lek lifted her hands, pushing a buckling wall, trying to stave off the inevitable.

Ritaan, a tall, blonde woman with a no-nonsense air about her added, "Sage Hazzard came through here already. Said he was going to the roof to look for clues."

"The fire is all out, here. We're going to head back down." The fireman looked at the trio of Jedi, and shrugged. "You can stay if you want, of course. This whole place is about to collapse."

Jax put his hand on the man's arm, stopping him from leaving just yet. "On my way up I saw a proximity bomb on the 10th floor. You may want to stay with us, in case there are more booby traps."

"Proximity - !?" Ritaan sounded worried. "Then the bombers have come back, after the initial blast, and set charges to catch rescue workers?"

"Not necesarily," Jax answered. "It may have a thermal switch, set to catch only biologicals. The bomb wouldn't have gone off in the initial blast, and its probably hiding something important that the instigators don't want intact. There's a team that will be here in a few minutes to help determine the reason and cause - "

Another explosion rocked the building from a few floors below them, and the Jedi and the rescue workers all lost their balance, some falling to the floor. "Frell!"

The entire building creaked, and Jax desperately looked around, scanning the entire room, trying to commit details to memory. In few minutes this entire building would probably be waste. De'erdia tugged on his tunic.

"We've got to get out of here, Tondry!"

Our evidence... Whoever the dumbarse was who'd blundered into the bomb, he hoped it had killed them. Because he was about to wring their neck if they were still alive. "What about Master Hazzard? He's still up higher!"

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 17th, 2003, 05:10:03 AM

These days he slept late. There was no need for the ridiculous hours he used to keep. There was no need for the stress, the bloodshed, the agony, the loniness, the heartache.... the Galaxy had turned and it had turned the way he had fought for. There was no need for a Jedi Warlord. Who needed a solider when the wars were over? The Galaxy needed something different.

For that, he was eternally thankful. His farm, his family, his friends. all the results of the war. Some friends were gone now - old age having finally caught them. Or in the case of his dear friend Lilaena, accidents. Some were lost in the wars of course, they were the ones age woudl not weary, of the years condemn. Heros of the Republic.

The alarm clock beeped and a well toned arm reached out from under the blanket. The hand on the end of the arm hit the table, hit nothing, then touched the clock. Now, certain of it's range and target, the hand curled into a fist and smashed the clock to pieces.

Didn't mean he didn't hate waking up tho. Besides, when your bed was shared with someone like Helenias, who'ld want to get out of bed? frankly, he never tired of seeing her asleep, naked......

Hang on, this wasn't their bed. He was on the couch. His mind cleared and he sat up, the blanket rolling off his chest. Blinking from the light that was streaming through the window, he looked around to get his bearings.

This wasn't downstairs. This was Upstairs.

Puzzled, he checked to see if anyone else was about. secure in his aloneness, he got up, allowed the blanket to fall off him completely while he strode to a gym set. A small jump up to a bar and he began his normal morning exercise routine - a one hour torture test that took his body to the point of pain and sometimes, well beyond.

Next, shower.

Back into the room, he noted someone had left breakfast, plus laid out a set of clothes for him. Probably one of the staff here at Dex's. He got dressed, then sat down at a computer terminal, deciding to log in to JediNet to see what was going on this morning.

Marcus Elessar, a name not well known. To the Jedi, he was The Old Man. He was their Grand Master, a cloaked being who who seemingly appear out of nowhere to deliver advice and teaching. Even the Council deferred to him, as well they might, for he was the sole remaining founder of the Jedi Order. It certainly was a long time ago now when they had formed the GJO.

His fingers sped over the control pad, negotiating menus till he came to his attention directory. Messages, notes, petitions. Sent to the address of Jedi Master Strider. He dismissed a few obvious crap messages, to get stuck into the main ones. A few congratulations on Jina making Jedi Master, some small points the Council wished for his input... and blinking onhis screen, a Priority 1 message.

Priority One? When was the last time had he seen one of those?

He opened it, then speed read the contents. He stopped, considered, then read it again, this time slowly and carefully.




Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of buttholes, he thought, reading through a list of confirmed dead GNN execs. But still... who the hell had done this????

Looked like he had a busy morning coming up. No doubt the council will want to speak to him. He sighed and got ready to go to the Temple.

Jun 17th, 2003, 09:42:21 PM
Originally posted by Jesse Custer
I nod somberly. I can't shake the feeling that this isn't a suprise.

"Yeah, reckon no one could have missed it. It was, is, almost beautiful if you didn't know what that beauty must of done to the poor souls trapped inside. I reckon we could pray, pray, pray, about it. Me and God though, we have a special relationship. I don't ask Him for things and He gives me what he feels is right. Prayin' can slowly become 'demanding' if you ain't careful. Lord Almight gave us these bodies, these thoughts, these abilties to do what we felt was right. I reckon He gave us the sense of what was right along wit' it. Now, we could sit here and waste those things by asking Him to do something he already knows weither or not he'll do, without our input, or we could start doin' somethin', which is what he really wants and expects of us."

At first, I didn't want to do anything. What could I do except get in the way? Now though, I don't know, I feel like I might be needed. Maybe not as a warrior this time but a soother.

"You comin' or not pardner? Your call."

"Yeah...I'm comin'..."

Kwiet rolls his shoulders out and looks to the distance.

"I dunno if we'll arrive in time to find the culprits...probably be pullin' survivors from what's left of everything that got blown up."

He finds the maintenance ladder on the side of the building and climbs down.

"Ready when you are."

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 18th, 2003, 12:13:15 AM
The face on the screen held a strongly concealed smile... They're bold and well-learned, but they lack experience... a smile that very few people would have seen or expected, given the context of mass destruction and terror.

"Interesting, isn't it." Ryla gazed into his face, searching for the usual condifent wisdom. "You must trust your senses while I must trust to fact. What would the council say?"

She thought for another moment, then continued, her voice grave once more.

"We must proceed with caution, and seek out those who will listen to reason, those who feel the same as we."

His concern for her made Ryla swallow the emotion rising in her chest, and especially after not seeing him for so long, it was something she was not prepared to deal with.

But then again, so were most of the things in life. Ryla only hoped that someone would listen to the two veterans, even despite the circumstances surrounding their departures.

Solani Elessar
Jun 19th, 2003, 02:44:05 PM
*Solani, having been up all night, first with her wandering, then with helping out here after the explosion, was dead tired. But she did not let that stop her. She kept herself going, using the Force when she had to, to keep her energy from dieing on her.

Just then, she looks up towards the tenth floor and sees a person come flying out the window as she hears another explosion go off. She sighs slightly as she hurries over to where the person lands on the ground, praying like crazy that they are not dead.

She arrived just in time to hear Jina more or less yelling at a medic and shakes her head, not envying the guy. She just hopes that Jina will be satisified with her until the somebody else can show up.

Kneeling down beside Jina, she keeps from asking her if she's all right.

"Is there something that I can do to help you right now??"

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:35:39 PM
"Woo, doggy! Never seen so many people here all at once. It's almost like a big, dangerous party!"

Wei gave a wry chuckle and helped an injured man to safety.

"Son, why not go out and try to find someone about your age? I imagine you'll get a lot more done than hanging around here with your old man."

Ky Shin Wei
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:41:31 PM
Ky grinned. "Thanks, Dad. I love you."

Ky said the last sentence without thinking about it. Had he been given time to mull over his reponse, he probably would have been colder to Wei. But Ky was recently learning to appreciate his dad. Wei, for all his simple mindedness, had some very good advice.

Ky ran off to go find someone his age to work with. Teaming up in the face of adversity made close friends very quickly. It was a good way to meet people.

Jun 19th, 2003, 09:09:52 PM
By now, all four of Inu and Sorr's cubs had arrived and were looking about a bit. Nef was the first to move in the motion to elbow her brother, Hiroaki. The moment was enough to jar the others in to moving, they didn't need to know what happened, they could help without it. Within moments, all four were moving debri and uncovering people not yet noticed by the Jedi under the rubble. Hiroaki and Anuberis helped the hurt to the ambulances while thier sisters worked in their absence.

The Wandering Jedi
Aug 18th, 2003, 09:47:12 PM
The old man nodded in agreement.

"Yes, we will proceed with great care. But was must also make haste to Coruscant. This will be a delicate balancing act, but with your help, I know we can succeed."

He smiled, the wrinkles in his face becoming more pronounced. Just seeing her again had warmed his heart, even with such a dire task on the horizon. The confidence he had once possessed seemed to rush back to him, and, for the first time in many years, he had a purpose.

"I'll contact you when I arrive in the system, then we'll head to Coruscant together. I'll see you in a few days, Ryla."

She smiled back at him and gave a quick goodbye before he closed the connection. Another quick tap at the console opened a new comm channel.

"R12, come in here for a moment."

The door at the far end of the room slide open a moment later, and a tri-legged, domed head droid rolled in. It warbled inquisitively.

"Prepare the ship for departure," the old man said boldly. "Pack food and supplies for two, and plot the quickest route to Chadra, then to Coruscant. We'll leave as soon as the ship is ready."

The R12 model droid chirped a confirmation, then scurried off to fulfill it's latest orders, leaving him again to an empty room. He rose at last from his chair and, with the aid of his large staff, moved to the large bay window that overlooked a quiet lake. He stared out over the lightly stirring waters, deep in thought.

And so begins my final adventure...

Jina Jade-Elessar
Aug 19th, 2003, 02:23:27 AM
"Yes Solani, you can get someone from the Council. I need to see one, anyone. I found who did this"

Solani's eye's widened in surprise. "You did?"

"Yes. Quick, get moving. The Council has to know and I have to tell it to them personally"

"Alright. You be okay?"

"It's... nothing too bad, I hope. I think I broke my arm being blown out of the window. Hey, don't worry, I've done a lot worse. Go on, get going". Jina's tone was a good deal more gentler and friendlier with Solani - after all, she was family and at the least,t he elessar women stuck together. Natia always was a good friend before she died - Solani reminds me so much of her....

Another medic approached and this time, Jina consented to having medical treatment. It was as she suspected - a clean arm break. More bacta time it seemed. Not that she was unused to it, it seemed every year she spent time in a tank under repair.

Hmph, if I dont watch it, I'll end up as battle scarred as Marcus... and that'll ruin my marrige prospects

What marrige prospects? a small voice retorted.

Yeah, that was true, she admitted to herself. She was the only Elessar woman over 20 to remain single and really, she knew she was missing out on a part of life her sisters seemed to be experiencing to the full. Still..... she had become a Jedi Master and was now the equal to the man she called father. That was some feat in itself.

Yeah, a Jedi Master that was stupid enough to walk into a proximity bomb, she brooded darkly, looking at the flames licking the window she had gone through only moments before. What a beginners mistake, the type she would have expected Tondry, that dunce, to make.

The people that did this were no amatuers however. Now she knew and what she knew would put a shiver up the spine of the Jedi who had lived through the last time they had appeared.

Jax Ivanrue Tondry
Aug 19th, 2003, 10:25:09 AM
De'erdia and Ritaan grabbed the remaining rescue workers and herded them down the stairs as Tondry exited in the opposite direction. Master Hazzard was still in here, and he wanted to know what the old man was up to. He took the stairs as fast as he could, knowing in the back of his mind that the fire below him was probably cutting off his escape.

There were speeders galore on the roof, however. Jax looked behind him, smoke starting to billow into the stairwell. Not much time. The entire building started to tremble.

De'erdia, the Twi'lek Jedi, started screaming for everyone to move away as soon as she burst out of the building. "It's coming down!" Ritaan dove out of the door dragging one of the firemen, and she could see the huge deconstruction droids being moved into position, even as people scurried to evacuate the area. If the droids could take the building apart before it fell down, then the damage would be minimal.

If they could get there in time. Ritaan looked back up at the smoking wreckage. "Hurry, Jax." She and De'erdia ran past a flaming haired woman who was being helped to her feet and rushed to an ambulance. She passed Master Prent as she was fumbling for a mask of some kind to slap onto an injured being's face.

Solani Elessar
Oct 18th, 2003, 05:06:48 PM
Solani nods, but waits until Jina was accepting medical attention before heading off to find a Council member. But where to start looking for one right now in all this chaos. Medical facitily would be a start on a place to look so she heads off at a slight jog towards where the makeshift medical facility has been set up a short distance away.

OOC: Trying to keep this thread going.