View Full Version : A mind of great possibility
Dr. Lenux Yamato
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:23:14 PM
A man walked into the great imperial building coming from the academy right out of graduation. He walked as he wore his white lab coat, black pants, white shirt, and his black tie. His long black hair hung down from a pony tail in the back of his head. His yellow eyes focused on the moniter before his arm. It was one of his inventions, a modified datapad.
He held a light pen in his other hand and was scribbling feverishly on the pad. The writing was not english, or any other language for that matter, it was symbols that seemed to have no meaning whatsoever. But the doctor knew what they meant. Each symbol stood for whole sentences, and they were his way of keeping his inventions to himself.
He continued to write, walking right past the others in the hall. The moniter was projected from a small wrist band on his arm. He continued on and stepped into the imperial soverignty recruitment room. He took a seat and continued to write. He stopped for a moment and looked around. This place was much like the academy.
He chuckled as he remembered the academy. The scientists there either praised his ideas, or called him a madman. The doctor had taken most of the fields of engineering and science at the academy. With a doctors in bioengineering, aero space technology, weapons development, mechanical engineering, and even some study in the field of medicine. He was considered a genius by most, with ideas that could revolutionize the Imperial way of life.
He pushed a button on his wristband and the monitor dissapeared. He smiled and his yellow eyes looked to the door. He figured the person would be late. But it was too be expected, you had to be ready when meeting with a genius.
He smirked and turned the monitor back on. He took out his pen and began writing again. He just smiled as he wrote, putting his genius on the datapad before him.
Telan Desaria
Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:35:48 PM
OOC Note - separate your posting into paragraphs. It makes it much easier to read.
Follow me lead
# # # # # #
Imperial Command and Control Complex
Entrance Chamber - Lobby Hall
Xucphra City, Thyferra
" Attention!"
The voice of a black-uniformed Fleet Assault Corps guard echoed through the tall and opulent lobby. Civilian receptionists rose from their desks in humility and those of the Imperial military snapped into rigidity before the guard's notice had gone.
Returning one salute into the hall, Grand Admiral Desaria stopped as he came upon one of his Staff members, a khaki-tuniced Army officer. They spoke for a moment before Desaria departed and the Brigadier General entered the hall. At ease was called, and work resumed.
The Military Attache from the Imperial Remnant moved over towards the registrar when he noticed what he guessed a scientist in civilian garb.
" I can only guess why you are here, but suffice my whim to believe it to be enlistment. Tell me, Doctor I - I presume - why does the Empire want you?"
Dr. Lenux Yamato
Jun 3rd, 2003, 07:39:09 PM
He smiled and looked up from his data pad. His black hair shifted and his yellow eyes glared at the man from his glasses.
"Because the Empire needs me. They need a great mind to make their weapons and soldiers even better than they are. Also they need my theories and ideas on the virus."
I smiled and saw the confused look on his face. "The virus my friend. It is the metaclorians in the human cells. It is a virus that eats away at your very being. Or that's what I beleive. It causes your mind to see and imagine things. This force is nothing but a thought up power. It is not tangible or possible. In truth, it is your own mind that lets the specimens do what they do. It is all up here sir." He said pointing to his brain.
He smiled and stood, "Furthermore the force is an illusion. Just a way to describe the true purpose behind all man's talents. The jedi and the sith are just two large brain washing groups. Trying to get everyone to follow a way of life that doesn't exist. The empire needs me, because I am discovering ways to hinder this illusion. I came here to further my research and help the greater good."
He chuckled and rubbed his hand along the chin of a girl in uniform. "You see sir, we are all specimens. We are all open for experimentation and enhancements. Even I have thought of using myself as a specimen. But then the universe would lose one of it's greater minds. But as for why I have come here. I have come to see the universe united under the flag of the Empire. To see the world realize what reality is, and not this poppycock people call the force. It is absurd to beleive in such a thing." He said, and he turned to Telan.
"So sir, do I pass? Will you allow me to use your great facilities?" He said with a cynical smile.
Telan Desaria
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:00:00 PM
Lacking in humility, Arrogant. Confident. The former are good qualities for a researcher, and the latter shores up his assumptions. He believes he is correct, and exudes the aura to make others do as well...
" Do not get ahead of yourself, Doctor. I do not make the decisions as far as Research. Those are so personally by the Grand Admiral himself. Shortly he is to adjourn for a brief vacation to Bakura. He is taking no visitors, but I believe I can get you in. Come with me."
Without awaiting a response, Brigader General Schell, an officer quickly hardened by the civil war which had overtaken his Remnant home. , strode off. It was intimated that the young and brash scientist was to follow. Outside a military car was waiting. A Guard held open the door. Schell stepped in...
Dr. Lenux Yamato
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:24:35 PM
He smiled, "Thank you for your time sir." He chuckled and began scribbling on the datapad again. "I assure you you won't be dissapointed."
He continued out the door and sat down in the car. He continued to write and smiled at Schell. He turned back to his datapad and wrote more symbols down.
Telan Desaria
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:54:46 PM
The manor house occupied by Grand Admiral Desaria was a massive complex filled with the wonders and treasures of a soldier a life-time at war. Decorations from far and wide adorned the halls, monuments to victory. Of a fallen era, however.
The regality of the estate, however, was unmistakeable.
" Grand Admiral Desaria, may i present to you Doctor Lenux, a man who has some interesting ideas on the...Inquisitoriate. He believes he can aide their efforts with his research."
Desaria turned from the work he had been doing at his desk. He sat at the center of a room far too large to be standard office, but an office it was. The walls were covered with shelves of books and lined with the most expensive wood.
" Sit, Doctor. Do tell."
The Grand Admiral was in a hurry, but would make time. If the matter was worth the General's attention, then he would give it the credit it deserved.
Dr. Lenux Yamato
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:19:45 PM
I saluted the officer and sat down. I smiled and my yellow eyes glared at the man from behind my glasses. I turned off my datapad and looked to him. "Hello Grand Admiral. It is an honor to meet you." I chuckled and stood back up.
"You see sir, my mind is full of wonderful ideas. Ideas on how to stop the illusion of the force, how to increase our ships power, and how to make everyone come to be united under our flag!" I spoke with great power. My voice was strong and my black hair moved back and forth.
"Sir, I have ways to stop all that is the rebels. They rely on the illusion. Excuse me sir, that is how I refer to the force. I beleive it does not exist. I can discover ways to stop them from using it. I can discover ways to make our soldiers more powerful. To increase the amount of weight they carry, increase ships flight, increase their firepower, and make the Empire the strongest thing in the galaxy. My ideas are of great importance sir, and they are always wondeful."
I smiled and looked at him. Surely he was interested by now. "You see sir, back at the academy I was considered a genius. I discovered things in the twelve years I was there, that most people would have never thought of. My ideas were wondeful, my peers were astonished. The other scientists that were above me envied me sir. I have a great mind, and I would like to serve the Empire with it. All I require is a few specimens and the laboratories to do research with. I need as many as you have to offer sir, so I can better serve the Empire." I chuckled uproarusly and turned from the man.
My shoulders were shaking I was laughing so hard. I had just had a moment of genius. I turned back to the Grand Admiral and spoke, "So sir, will you accept me into your amazing Soverignty?" I said with that same cynical smile I had given the other man. My yellow eyes were wide open and seemed almost hypnotic.
Telan Desaria
Jun 4th, 2003, 04:05:30 PM
" I am almost afraid to ask what you are laughing at. But I am afraid I have not the time. Report to me in one month. Until that time I will appoint you head of Division II, Imperial Department of Military Research. Perhaps a dozen other head scientists, a couple hundred aides, and whatever subjects you requisition will be yours. Report to the Isle of Orrl, Sovereign High Command. Begin. Enjoy."
****OOC - PM me.***
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