View Full Version : A Jewelry Store

Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:13:20 PM
:: I move into the darker parts of the shrine, where the only thing seen are my glowing red eyes and the only noises were screams from seemingly nowhere and the soft clink of my gauntlets and boots.

I was looking for a contracter I was supposed to see from the directions Soth had given me. I had been interested in the dealings of Roonstones and was ready to have some of my own. Now.

But the directions were to go into the more secluded regions of the Shrine and Soth's man would find me, not me find him. Which left me on edge, it was so dark, I could be resting against the person for all I know if it wasn't a statue.::

Wraith Soul
Jun 9th, 2003, 04:31:07 PM
A foreboding air of evil fell over Fiend's mind as he waited within the inky shadow's deep in the heart of the Shrine Keep its self. The only source of light offered were the numerous dimly lit torches that lined the area where Fiend had entered. The shadows about the visitor seemed to move and dance as a low rhythmic tapping sounded in the outlanders ears. When Fiend strained his senses to get a better look at what or who it was that approached him from the black curtain of darkness that obscured the passages beyond, he saw nothing.

Closer and still closer the sound drew nearer to Fiend until it finally stopped suddenly and the echo dissipated into oblivion. In the distance, scream's and wale's of agony took the place of the unsettling taps. Even the most heightened powers of the Dark-Side would not reveal that which stood only a short distance away unless granted to the viewer by him who cast the powerful enchantment.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, a set of thin crimson slits emerged within the folds of blackness, suspended in nothingness as if an entity unto its self. A waft of milky white fog rolled eerily over the highly polished obsidian floor from where the jet black curtain started. Methodically it moved towards Fiend's feet like a boiling caldron until it passed him and continued down the hall beyond.

"What iss it that you ssseek Fiend? Cosh vole nos ver' envae." Questioned the hissing sepulchral voice behind the veil of darkness as it trailed off into a language that Fiend did not understand.