View Full Version : Two of a Kind (Seeking Membership)

Li Mu Sinung
Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:03:34 PM
"Thank you," he spoke to the cab driver, a strange accent upon his tongue. It was not entirely exotic--especially to this region, which was very diverse. He passed the cab driver the necessary credits and a tip as he was instructed by his Mentor. He had very little money, but it was no worry now. He had arrived at his destination safely and in good time. A smile crossed his face as his head leaned back, scanning the high, magnificent structure that was the Greater Jedi Order.

Dressed in a white, full-bodied robe, two packs were slung across his shoulders. Across his right and hanging lowest was a larger bag that held all of his possessions--a few datapads, some old texts, other clothes, and his bedding. Across his left hung a much smaller pack that held his smaller belongings--a few credits, some trinkets and other personal affects. His hair was long in the back in a braid, but shaved in the front--typical of his family's regional heritage.

Entering the Recruitment Center, he turned his head several times left and right, searching the hall for an answer to the question: Whom do I speak with? The hall bustled with a distinct energy, and the life that teemed around him was inspiring. All races--Humans (like himself), Kel Dors, Zabracks, those he didn't even know--walked around him, heading to destinations unkown with purpose. He could sense the energy in the air, and it was inspiring.

Inspiring or not, he still had very little idea where to go. He decided it would be best to rely on his training. It was time to meditate--to clear his mind and proceed with clatrity. So, he found a moderately quiet corner, sitting in a meditative position, leggs crossed, body relaxed. Resting his arms out on his thighs, he closed his eyes, his breathing deep and slow. He released his thoughts and began a very soft, very steady hum to clear his mind.

A clear mind finds a clear path, he thought, hoping that he would find the answers he sought.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:46:23 AM
For a moment Dasquian thought he had spotted the elusive Jubei within the recruitment center. It was not often one saw someone of his physical appearance and demeanor, and therefore when the Jedi took a few steps more towards the sitting figure he was surprised to find it was not his fellow Knight, but another.

“Good day,” he spoke confidently, though he felt somewhat rude for interrupting the meditation.

“… I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Can I help you with something?”

Li Mu Sinung
Jun 7th, 2003, 08:39:50 AM
Li Mu smiled as he heard the voice. Meditation was the key to all things, and he was satisfied to see it successful in this case. He opened his eyes calmly and came to his feet, feeling relaxed and refreshed.

And especially excited and curious to speak to this man, he would admitt.

"Good day to you, friend," he spoke in a very soft, controlled voice. His thick Calan accent (like Jubei's) was very strong in his voice. "Please forgive my imposition." He spoke in refrence to simply setting up and meditating in the main hall of the Recruitment Center. He had hoped it was not innapropriate.

"I do believe you can help me, Master Belargic." His accent was heavy, and he still stumbled over a few pronunciations. He had been taught to address all Jedi with the term 'master' so as to honor their dedication and not disgrace their rank. "My name is Li Mu Sinung, and I have traveled far from Calan to be here. On my home planet, I was a monk of the Calanic Order. But my path has taken me here."

"In my monastery, it is custom for students who have reached a certain age and point in their training to seek out their own path. A pilgrimage, of sorts. Mine has taken me here--to the Greater Jedi Order--to seek out the other here of my kind." Li Mu smiled--he liked the man who stood before him. He could tell that he was honorable and carried a certain air of kindness about him.

"I wish to join the ranks of the Jedi and be trained by Jedi Master Jubei SahDerat Vader." He wondered if Dasquian knew the man he spoke of. Jubei was somewhat famous in his mind, and Li Mu knew his name well. "Whatever steps I must take to join, Master Belargic, I am willing and ready to do so."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:37:22 AM
Listening attentively to what Li Mu said, it did not surprise Dasquian to hear that he too had come from Calan. Stood as he was with his arms folded behind his back, he nodded.

“I am sure that Jubei would be willing to take a student such as yourself, Li Mu, however I must run through a standard procedure of questioning before you are permitted to become a member of the Order. It is not because I doubt you or your intentions; it is simply to ensure that all applicants are treated equally.”

This said, he smiled, and began.

“What do you understand a Jedi does, and why do you wish to become a Jedi?”

Li Mu Sinung
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:28:38 AM
"Of course, Master Belargic," he replied to the coming questions that he would answer to the best of his ability. He listened carefully as the other spoke, and then pondered his response for a short moment before speaking.

"It is my personal belief and the belief of my sect that there is a Balance to this universe. The Balance is a constant fight between harmony and choas. Perfect harmony does not exist, nor does perfect chaos, for both in their extremes are destruction. The Balance falls into the midpoint of the two extremes--the place where peace is found. Sometimes, peace has its price." His logic was a product of many, many years of study, and he did not expect Master Belargic, despite his wisdom and training, to pick up on every single concept. He hoped it would offer a look into the depth of his heart, to show that he was true and honest.

"I will skip the intricracies in the light that this is not a lecture," he smiled. "What I mean to hilight is that our lives are much like the universal Balance. We must find it, and if we do, we may excel beyond our potential. The Force--as it is called--resides within me, as I am told by my mentors. I have unusual abilities to see things miliseconds before they happen; to hear thoughts a second before they are produced by the mouth; to move things when emotional."

"Without the balance of Jedi training, these abilities are both chaotic and wasted. I seek to hone my skills and to better undertand the Force. I believe it is another step to acheiving Balance within myself." He took a second to think again. "And if, while in the practice of doing so, I am able to help others, it is a very satisfying byproduct."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:06:46 PM
“That is one of the best replies I’ve ever heard,” Dasquian replied encouragingly, smiling. It had been so well planned and thought out; the Jedi almost felt the need to applaud.

“I trust, then, you are already aware of the dangers Jedi face and the risks we must take?”

Li Mu Sinung
Jun 9th, 2003, 01:56:29 PM
Li Mu nodded his head and let a small smile escape his mouth. He was glad that Master Belargic appreciated his response. He listened further to what the Jedi asked, paying close attention to detail.

"Yes, Master Belargic, I have an understanding of the risk involved. At the monastery, we learn to defend ourselves very well using our body as the superior and primary weapon. If one cannot defend himself, he cannot expect to defend the rights of others." He paused before continuing, wondering how the next part of his beliefs would be recieved.

"It is the belief of the sect that one should never attack until completely and utterly without option. Pacifism is the key to conveying a message of peace, and we exhaust all means of negotiation before resorting to any sort of violence." He wondered how Master Jubei had held up in a slightly more aggressive organziation.

"I realize the potential dangers that face a Jedi, and I am prepared to face them and learn more ways to protect myself and others than just my fist."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jun 10th, 2003, 10:17:43 AM
Entering the recruitment center, Jubei paused at the sight of one familiar acquaintance, and one that was not so familiar.

"Good morning, Dasquian."

He paused, looking at Dasquian's guest.

"Li Mu?"

A smile formed on the monk's face.

"This is a most unexpected visit."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:17:48 AM
“Ah, Jubei,” Dasquian smiled, pleased that the Knight had arrived so promptly.

“Perhaps you would like to deal with the recruitment of Li Mu? He has requested that you be the one to teach him.”

Li Mu Sinung
Jun 10th, 2003, 12:29:14 PM
"Master Jubei," Li Mu smiled and then bowed very deeply. His hands were folded respectfully across his chest as he did so, and he kept his head low for several seconds as a sign of respect before rising. "It is a pleasure and an honor to greet you. It has been quite some time." He wasn't sure if the Jedi Master recognized his face, but he surely recognized his. Jubei was his senior by several years, and Li Mu had learned of him well before he met him. By the time Jubei had left Calan, Li Mu had idolized him, holding him up on a pedastal in every respect.

Li Mu was beyond ecstatic to be meeting the one who had inspired him to come here.

"Master Belargic, I thank you for all of your help and for granting me such a great honor." Li Mu bowed to Dasquian as he thanked him earnestly. "It is my hope that I will continue to benefit from your wisdom here." He turned his attention to Jubei.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jun 21st, 2003, 01:58:11 PM
"I accept your request, Li Mu."

Jubei bowed to his new padawan.

"I am quite suprised to see one of my brothers following my path of pilgrimage. I imagine the elders were quite stern about this. There is so much good to be done in this galaxy, and they fear so many will seek out such a narrow path of life. What do you say, Li Mu?"

Li Mu Sinung
Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:40:16 PM
"I accept your request, Li Mu."

Li Mu tried not to show it, but his insides jumped. He was to be trained by someone he conisdered an idol, and he could not wait to begin. He smiled politely and bowed to his new Master in return. Returning to a standing position, he stood before Jubei to listen.

"I am quite suprised to see one of my brothers following my path of pilgrimage. I imagine the elders were quite stern about this. There is so much good to be done in this galaxy, and they fear so many will seek out such a narrow path of life. What do you say, Li Mu?"

"I say I am definitely prepared to recieve this challenge, Master Jubei. It took some convincing to gain their support, but after you paved the way, the path was much easier tread. I thank you for your trust and confidence."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:32:29 AM
"No, the thanks are to you. Your dedication to the path alone has brought you here, and for that I am grateful."

Li Mu Sinung
Jul 11th, 2003, 03:03:36 AM
"Thank you, Master," Li Mu said, beaming with pride. It was the first hint of pride he had felt in some time. But, he figured it was well warranted in this case.

"If you'll excuse me, I should seek board for my stay here. Thanks again for you kindness." Bowing to both Jedi, Li Mu grabbed his bag and made his way for the Jedi Living Quarters.