View Full Version : An Urban Hunt (open)

Vynn Frost
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:46:40 AM
:: Vynn Frost stood at the door of the bar with his hands in the pockets of the leather jacket. He looked around casually. This mission was working with the Inquisatorate to hunt down a jedi that had been reported within this humble little village.

His cold eyes surveyed the area, he spotted a few of his comrades as his view passed over, they were all on the watch. All of them looked like people just hanging out though. Standing in a large group of people, most of them passing by, it would be hard to notice any of them.

Vynn's sources had said the jedi was here to visit some friends for a few days and than leave. Other than the fact they were not welcome, this jedi had not had the right papers from the get go when docked and the jedi was not to leave the docking bay.Why was it when you thought you were extrodinary you believed you could bypass certain laws?::

Jeran Conrad
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:40:19 PM
In the east corner of the bar, Jeran sat, his cloak drawn up but not tightly. Though his identity was not necessary to reveal, more attention would be drawn to him if he sat with his cloak covering his face than if he just played it normal. He had come here on an assignment, and the goal had been reached. The target was dead, and it was time to leave. However, it was too late to go tonight--one more night spent in the humble, quiet village and he would be back on his way home.

But something didn't smell right in here.

"Hmmmm. . ." He took a whiff of the air around him, smelling the waves of the Force. Some people recieved these tips in their mind, others in their gut instincts, but he had always been accustommed to scent. He could smell a bit of danger. Guess we'll just wait instinct out and see what's going on here, he thought.

With his back to the door, he kept his mind open--so that it was not possible for him to be caught unawares--and remained still, drinking his water.

Vynn Frost
Jun 4th, 2003, 07:48:31 AM
:: One of the others came out of the bar and lit a cigarette, stumbling and dropping it. Cursing that he had lost and exclaiming lightly that he had found it.

That was the signal that the jedi was in the bar. There were several others like that in other public places within the city and Vynn was lucky enough to have chosen this post. Him and, from what he saw on this side, seven others all moved in silently. The other eight would move onto the other side. They all would surround the place, a few of them enter. And than they would proceed with Vynn's part of the mission...

With the place surrounded. He entered the building alone. Others might trail in later but Frost was to enter alone first. He entered, sat at the counter and got a drink. Vynn sipped at the drink lightly, noticed another one of his men entering without looking at them and than turned. Frost ran a hand along the scar on his face, closing his eyes for a moment.

When he opened them, as if in slight irritation or in reaction to the drink, out of his periphal vision he scanned every person in the bar quickly. He had three possible suspects. Two wrapped in cloaks and another with a helmet and a cape. He turned back to the counter as he thought it over. He did it in his mind as if he were playing a board game, something the jedi wouldn't be able to discern as Vynn searching for him.

1) One had the cloak wrapped around him tightly... too tightly, uncomfortably tight. Why would a jedi do that? What did they have to fear with the force... ?

2) The other, face revealed, cloak wrapped about him but not tightly. Possibly, if it was lighter Vynn could get a better look at the face and go from there...

3) The one with the helmet and cape looked more like a bounty hunter than anything else. We could easily check that...

Vynn's ice blue eyes focused as he stood. His gut instinct clicked in and choice number two stuck out in his mind. In his mental board game, he had won by the way. He walked over to the table with his drink and sat down. His voice was a loud, semi drunk tone.::

Well howdy! Haven't seen you in these parts before? Welcome to our humble abode!

:: I stuck my hand out as if to shake his::

Jeran Conrad
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:40:03 PM
"Yeah," he replied. "Nice place." With a strong hand, he shook the stranger's, taking one last swig of his water. His senses were confused now--he was begining to think everyone in the bar was a danger. He could smell it all around him, and he wondered if perhaps his senses were off. There were only a few explanations: 1) There were actually that many dangerous beings in his vacinity, 2) Someone of great power was here and was dispelling their energy to confuse him, or 3) Something was wrong with him. He guessed 3.

"Scuse me, I gotta make a quick trip to tha john." He rose and made his way back to the west side of the bar where a small refresher was. Making his way inside, he let the door shut behind him, locking it. He sniffed the air, testing his senses. It was though he could smell someone in the room with him--which was definitely not the case, given the size of the tiny refresher.

"Hmmmmm. . ." He made his way to the small window that opened up to the outside of the tavern. Pressing his head against the glass and peering outside--

"Sithspit!" He caught the figures of four special ops soldiers. He couldn't tell which outfit--didn't know 'em that well--but they were dressed in what appeared to be quite professional attire. Headgear, weapons, comm, body armor. . .this wasn't going to be pleasant. He needed to think of something and quick. He fingered his saber at his belt--glad it was there when needed.

"Come on, come on, think." He tried to figure something out, his body pressed low against the wall so that no one from the outside would see him. His eyes finally made their way up to a ventilation shaft. Thank the Force! That could just work. He took a moment to plan it out in his head.

Vynn Frost
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:40:04 PM
:: The man left and Vynn smiled. Eyes dilating, with Vynn's appearance at his table, his mood changed to quickly from a stoic. Either way, if he was jedi or not, he was on the run or paranoid over something, either way they would find out. If Frost didn't get him with his group here, the jedi would be caught at his docking bay, there were special ops everywhere there by now.

Vynn pulled out my datapad. The place was surrounded. Where was he going? He typed in "local bar 65.exe", a blueprint program came up automatically. Vynn started to move through it, going to the room. Some people were staring at Frost, noticing the change from a village drunk to someone completely serious but that didn't matter now.

One person from the squad came in and Vynn motioned subtely to the refresher. He went to check the door, looked at the handle for a moment, not touching it, held a mag scanner and nodded to Frost. Vynn loved this job. He'd locked it. Frost checked the blueprint again. Going into a 3D scale of it, he checked the prints on the refresher. His eyes narrowed as he turned to look back at the squad member. Vynn pointed to the ceiling, thoughts of board games still passing in his mind.

He was gonna go up there, and if he did, he suspected something. Vyn had seen the window on the blueprint, and if his men had been standing near the window they were known. If he went into the air ducts, he was desperate. Still couldn't be sure he was THE jedi or not... They needed some blood to check MC count and than go from there, than I wouldn't need pics or anything. Vyn could just shoot him and get it over with, leave him for the Inquisitorate to deal with.::

Jeran Conrad
Jun 5th, 2003, 01:19:10 PM
With a quick switch, the lights in the refresher went out. This would protect him from anyone trying to peer inside. Being a tracker and hunter, Jeran was well trained to move silently, and did so with great ease. He made his way to the vent via the refresher stool, and pulled the grate open. It was small, but workable. With a very faint groan of strength, he pulled his way into the vent.

The old system was grimy and dark, but Jeran used his senses to navigate. Crawling a few feet, he reached forward to feel a split in the shaft. One way went right--back into the bar, if he remembered correctly. That wasn't where he wanted to be. The other way--left--would most likely lead directly to the other side of the wall, which was outside the bar. That he thought, was his best guess. Inching left and squeezing himself around the corner, he could see a dim light at the end of the short tunnel. As he neared the grate, he could tell it was moonlight.

"One. . .two. . .three. . .four." Peering from within the vent, he counted the soldiers with his lips only. The odds weren't great--he was sure there were more around either corner--but they would do. He didn't really have another choice. Just as he was about to move, he could see the men coming together and listening to their headsets. They were communicating via radio, and he could see them point up to the vent. Perhaps someone was organizing thier operation from within, as two of the men made it to the refresher window and began to peer inside. Someone within had to know that he was in there, and Jeran had a few guesses.

"Well, time to crash this party," he said to himself as he reached to his belt. Concentrating in the Force, he closed his eyes for a split second and the men recieved their new orders.

The next 22 seconds were a blur.

The blue blade shot forward, through the grate with a loud KSSSSHHKKKKKK as it cut the metal easily. In a forward dive, with a little momentum from the Force, Jeran dove out, headfirst and tucked himself into a roll. Coming out of it with enhanced agility, he slashed across the shoulder of the first guard, severing his arm from his torso and leaving him without a weapon. The Saber then swiftly crossed its original path to cleave into the chest of the guard next to him, stabbing into his chest, killing him.

By this time, the other two men by the window had taken note of the disturbance. It was, however, too late. Jeran whirled his saber in front of him as his feet closed the distance between the enemy and he just as one of the guards fired his blaster rifle. With a quick move, the bolt was blocked by the energy of the blade right back into the shooter's forhead. The other man, trying to flip the safety off of his weapon, was too late. The saber sliced through the air, slashing him across his torso, mortally wounding him and sending him to the ground.

"Where to go, where to go. . ." Standing in a defensive stance, with his saber in front of him, Jeran glanced at the two corners of the bar, trying to figure out his next move.

Vynn Frost
Jun 5th, 2003, 03:32:49 PM
There is nowhere to go if you're not running right? But seeing that you have just killed... three of my men and left one useless for the moment, you have a whole other kind of case than the normal run of the mill illegal jedi in this area. Am I right?

:: Vynn stood on the roof above the jedi, his barrel pointed down at the man. He was sure it was the jedi, only someone using the force could wield a lightsaber that accurate. Disabling four special ops units with it to boot.::

Value the force for one moment now, see that you have just killed and ruined the lives of four men just doing there jobs. We didn't even have orders to kill you. Just detain and you bring you in. You could've paid a fine and been on your way, but your audacity to believe you were above the local law astounds me.

:: Vynn wasn't smiling. He was almost serious. Having been educated by his grandfather, a darksider, Frost knew he had some kind of taught in prejudice but this man wasn't helping him see any other way. Possibly a more collected response to the situation would've put him in a better light but Vynn guessed not.::

Jeran Conrad
Jun 5th, 2003, 06:23:22 PM
"Don't give titles to social positions you don't understand," Jeran replied, not turning to face the man that spoke to him. He didn't need to--with the Force, he knew precisely where he was. "Since when does the procedure to detain a man involve this much firepower?" He wondered how many men where around each opposing corner and, for that matter, how many he would have to kill to get out of here.

"To answer your question, I only follow one law." He turned his head to face the man for the first time. "The law of survival." He took a few steps back to center himself between both of the corners. He faced the man above him, who stood with a blaster trained on the Lost Jedi. It didn't matter, really. He was well accustomed to blocking blasters, the first thing he'd mastered with his lightsaber.

"Detainment is no longer an option, bub. It's your decision to make now. How many more of your men will die before I'm outta here?" The question was posed and the Jeran stood, waiting for the challenge to be met.

Vynn Frost
Jun 6th, 2003, 12:31:48 AM
:: Vynn sniffed, wrinkling his nose. He hoped this jedi wasn't serious. But Vynn needed a few more moments.::

Jedi? A social title I wouldn't understand? A force user then. Someone who has unique abilities that can often give them the inspired belief from others of their kind that they are above the law. Until the cold realization comes to them that they are not.

:: Vynn's eyes never left the man. And Vynn's grandfather, a darksider, had brought Vynn up on how to defend himself from most kinds of prying or mind tricks. In fact Vynn had gotten so good at defending himself from force tricks that when his grandfather decided to "test" his lightsaber on Vynn, he had only been able to scar his face before Frost wasted the old man.

The scar hadn't been able to heal, ever. And Vynn blamed something his grandfather had done with the force to his unnaturally pale complexion. Even for all the field work he did.

This man had killed three of Vynn's men and disabled another. There was no reason for such violence under the circumstances. The man's failure to comply with his options also took note of. And his reaction to Vynn's weapon, as if he would deflect the laser as he had done to the other man.

The rifle was of no blaster type, but Vynn kept its purpose locked in his mind from the jedi prying. By this time, the soldiers from the other sides had come around to this one also. In visible range of the Jedi and waiting with weapons ready at each of the corners.::

Do not waste any more of my time. Come silently, you will be held in an Imperial court of law, everything you do and say can be and will be used against you. I don't even have to read you these rights, my position being of the military and not the police but I'm being nice for you to be in turn.