View Full Version : I seek
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:33:01 AM
*A robed figure appears suddenly and silently in wisps of black smoke in a shadowy cornerof the room; He walks out in silence and procceds to wander about.*
-His black eyes blend into the shadow beneath the hood with only the red pupils inicating their movements sweeping the room. His teeth barley glinting in the dark as dry words escape his lips-
"My travels have drawn dull and so I have grown board. Can anyone help cure my bordem?."
*With that he draws his hands to his back sweeping up his robes revealing the pistols on his thighs. The handle of a sword on his back is already clearly visible from a hole in his robes*
"I have many skills to offer.
Jamo Jakatta
Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:15:34 AM
… And the bar was unimpressed. Either that or they were just too damn drunk to be impressed by anything. Actually most were too drunk to really have any sort of response aside from a cheerful grunt or fit of vomiting. Quite possibly this new arrival, and a young gentleman hunched over the bar were the only two not teetering on the brink of a total cerebral melt down.
He was clutching some kind of drink in one hand, sipping it through a straw so that a horrible loud squelching noise was made. Whatever he was downing, it certainly was getting him antsy - Jamo trembled like a crack fiend who’d not had a hit in weeks. He looked positively as if he was about to explode.
His eerily bright eyes became fixed on the new arrival, who was apparently talking to the bar as a whole. The ‘mechanic’, however, thought he alone was being addressed.
Five seconds and a few more dudes later.
“Dude… you can’t go flashing the goods like that. You’ll get your ass mugged,” he sniggered – it sounded like he was snorting the drink now, he was drawing it up the straw so forcefully.
Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:37:22 AM
"I thank you for your concern friend but the truth is I welcome the occational mugging or bar fight."
-The solitary Knight approaches the bar and sit down-
"It brings a little flavour to my day, I enjoy the occaisonal bar fight youknow?
I am the only one of my kind left and so have little one on one geniune competition so I've kinda developed this bad habit for seeking out trouble. I suppose I could try drinking again but I've yet to find any concoction that I like or actually gets me wasted so basically all I can do for fun is fight, kill, maim, torture and the like."
-He removes the pistols from his thighs and places them on the table-
"Besides these pistols are bound to me anyway, only I can use them and are just about indestructable so if someone did manage to take them it would just initiate a game of cat and mouse and would be only a matter of time and fun before I found them."
-holstering his pistols, the knight orders something random from the bartender. He procceds to drink it and the brief expression on his face shows his obviuos dislike for the flavour; he procceds to ask-
"So enough about my code of conduct, whats up with you? And do you have to make that disgusting noise? I've killed men for less but in your case I'll settle for a polite request."
Jamo Jakatta
Jun 3rd, 2003, 06:10:30 AM
Growing up in the company of spacers and other one-track minded folk, Jamo didn’t exactly get the best of educations. In fact he didn’t get any education per say, and learnt what he did from those around him. So, when the man before him began to speak his mind, fizzing with sugar, heard:
“Blah blah blah blah blah pistol blah.”
Blinking, he swiveled on his seat and frowned.
“Y’know y’aren’t the only person here with weapons. Enough of t-t-t-t-these,”
His eye twitched and he shook off another rush of the drink that had just hit his head.
“.. these guys in here could take you out in a split second. If you’re lookin’ for a fight, this place isn’t a good choice.”
Jun 3rd, 2003, 06:30:42 AM
-a dry smile crosses his face-
"Sure, if your bound by mortal coils."
*In a complete change of tone the robed one glances around the room, pricks up his ears and smells the air before turning to the strange little bar-bound man*
"I heard rumors of a vampire holding residence hear but I thought it only rummor. What can you tell me about the vampire?"
-pausing a momment to smell the air confirming his thoughts-
"What can you tell me about.....him.....yes that's right him"
Jamo Jakatta
Jun 3rd, 2003, 06:37:41 AM
“Hahahahah vampire? Vampire? You serious man?”
A big genuine grin spread over Jamo as his empty glass was pried away from his hands. Evidently the barman wouldn’t be selling him anymore cocktails tonight.
“Vampires are spooks parents make up to scare their kids,” Jakatta laughed as he shook his head, his cackling attracting some attention. Suddenly overcome by a bout of coughing, he stopped and almost barked up a lung before looking back at the man, a little confused.
“… You still here?”
Jun 3rd, 2003, 07:03:49 AM
"Dead serious. Look, you're either too smart or too stupid not to tell me and fortunatley for you I think your the latter and so I won't be torturing you today."
-DarKnight gets another drink and gives it to Jakatta. His red pupils now firmly fixed on the little man, his attention undivided-
"Okay, alright, so maybe you don't know but if there was one here I guess you probably wouldn't know about it so okay fine. Well perhaps you could tell me if anyone fits the description. He'll be tall probably pale, well built and somewhat slim and perhaps slightly gaunt although charming and smooth talking. He'll be very strong and very fast so chances are he'll either be a hitman or bodyguard and probably a damn good one at that. He'll probably have faced some serious vampire hunters over the years so to live through them he needs to be pretty sharp. He'll have an affinity for very close combat so he'll probably be chiefly using blades and knowing the co-ordination of vampires and there obsecion with multiple, simoutaneous wound infliction he'll probably be using twin or at least two blades.
Anyone at all like that here?
Perhaps you could point me in a better direction?"
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:00:20 PM
Perhaps you could point me in a better direction?"
"How about out the door?"
Cold and hard blue eyes met his as DarKnight turned to face the voice.
"Whatever youre looking for, you wont find it. Go try one of the other bars. Troublemakers arent welcome here."
Her right hand rested lightly on the butt of her saber as she shifted her gaze from the nosy one over to Jamo. Poor guy looked as if he was ready to fall off his stool.
"Why dont you let me walk you 'home', Jamo."
Daiquiri's eyes narrowed as she took a closer look at Jakatta. He wasnt drunk......he was.......what the frell was he??
Jamo Jakatta
Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:17:22 PM
Jamo flashed a big dumb sugar-fuelled grin at Daiquiri. Tasty name.
“Yeah, you heard the woman, pretty boy. Get your longhaired bare-chested ass outta here before we kick it out!”
A sudden rush of courage and Jamo stood up, weaving back and forth in a mock menacing walk.
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:41:13 PM
A hand was placed on Daiquiri's shoulder, as she turned to look thier watch dog Ezra was there. Looking straight at the stranger who had been asking about him. Stepping besides her, He nodded to Jamo.
"Thank you you two, I'll handle this now."
Ezra waited till both fellow members had moved away , then his head tilted forward a bit, fawn colored eyes stared out from under his unruly locks. Cool, strong, precise.
"What is it you want, from whom you seek?"
Daiq could see the gauze bandage that was visible from under his swashbuckler shirt he wore. He wasn't fully healed yet, but almost. He waited for the arrogant one to answer.
Jun 4th, 2003, 05:46:20 AM
"Your companions seem......friendly. Truth is, friend, that I wasn't really seeking you but I caught a scent of something I had heard only rumors of."
-At that that the robed one pulled back his hood to reales the droves of long hair which turn from black to white. As he does so his back skin melts to a far more pleasing skin tone now allowing the onlooker to clearly see his slim face, high cheek bones with an almost elven air about them. His eyes now look more human save the almost glowing emerald irises which now look more comforting then the meanicing blood-ruby they were before.-
*His demon like gravel of before now gives way for a more human like flavour to his voice*
"You see I thought your kind to be naught but myth and I have to say I'm intrigued to be wrong."
-He offers a polite nod-
"I was named Covenant by the first human tongue to know me in this world and I welcome you to use call me by it.
May I be so bold as to ask your name, sir, for I fear "vampyre" would be harshly impersonal."
Jun 4th, 2003, 08:56:37 AM
"My companions, as myself, do as are expected of us. No more, no less."
He took the seat opposite this stranger. His face still showed no emotion, no expression.....his signature "blank" look. He slightly nodded.
"Covenant is it? Very well. My name is Ezra, and may I ask how you came to know of me being here? Or why you singled me out? There IS a place that is full of ........ others like me." he tapped his fingernail on the tabletop. "Why here......why me?"
His eyebrow arched as he awaited his answer. He glanced over at Daiquiri who had seated herself at the bar and was now watching them.
Jun 4th, 2003, 09:49:28 AM
"My story is a long road you see and a very long road it is. I am the last of my kind no planet left to guard, no king left to protect; wandering the stars I search for a new purpose. Which brings me to a point; I should I say.....different. I was raised a child a very long time ago in an empire that has long since been dust. I am a Knight of an old code, of old magyks."
-Covenants attention is temporarily distracted by an imperail officer who walks in mommentarily but the dark knights face falls back in comfort when the officer turns and leaves.-
"The very last of my kind were hunted by many for our...."
-He pauses to carefully find the right words-
"..for our talents. You see...this is most complicated....Alright, I'll get to the point. I'm looking for a job that allows me to apply my talents but apply them out of imperial eyes. I can deal with the occasional search party but the last time......The last time they sent alot more and...well...I made it, but only just. You see, to me you are a person who uses his talents without drawing to much unneeded attention and so I ask if perhaps you can aid me in finding a job by the wayside; Where, perhaps, my skills can be appreciated without having to constantly glance over my shoulder for my next persuer."
-Covenant throws a casual glance over to the bar to acknowledge the other that he hasn't forgotten of her presence before returning his emerald gaze to the one before him.-
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:12:35 PM
Her expression remained unreadable.
Ezra had been learning the ins and outs of 'Faene for several weeks now. Daiquiri sat back, waiting to see if the vampire would ask the right questions....but like Ez, she too was curious why DarKnight seemed so interested in his species.
Jamo Jakatta
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:21:16 PM
Jamo mimicked the indifferent, yet subtly predator-like, expression and posture Daiquiri had adopted, as he sat at the bar – although it was tarnished somewhat by the involuntary full-body twitch. The drink he’d been downing, something he’d not tried before, was meant to be sipped at over time – but defying the bartenders advice he’d taken a full bottle and effectively sky-rocketed his metabolism and nervous system into plains not meant for mere humans.
“I-i-iffy isn’t he,” he whispered (exceptionally loudly) to Daiquiri as he leant back against the bar, watching Ezra and the man (was it a man? it sounded like a man… maybe it was a woman with a deep voice… yuck) as they exchanged their prattle.
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:38:27 PM
" If you are looking for employment, I cannot help you. But if you have questions for me to answer on your curiosity of my kind, then I'm all ears."
He leaned back against the seat he was in. Still wondering why this person sought him out of all the vampyres he couldve found....why come all this way just for him?
Jun 6th, 2003, 03:10:05 AM
-With a subtle smile, he moves to answer Ezra's question.-
"Well you see, I.....{beeping} "
-Covenant looks down to his belt and removes a small comm-box and glances at it's display, his amused expressiong turning rapidley to concern.-
"...I am sorry, I.........Something has come up and I'm afraid I've got to go."
-Behind Covenant the door across the room opens and an imperial agent walks in, searching the room with investigative eyes. Covenant glances over one shoulder to grab a quick look at the new entrance before turning back to Ezra with a slight look of alarm.-
"My most sincierest appoligies Ezra, I have pressing matters to which I must attend. I promise to return and make up to you for this unpolite short coming......"
-Covenant glances behind once more; The agent, having spotted Covenant, walks over to the table with caution but deliberance, his hand moves to the blaster at his side ready to draw in event of anymishap. His words sound very offical, most likley the exact words of his superior-
"Lieutenant Covenant, by instruction of imperial warrant I...."
-Covenant grabs the agents head and pulls it down with force on to his knee, and with a broken, bloodied nose the agent falls to the ground disoriantated. Covenant mommentarily turns back to Ezra.-
"I shall return."
-And with that, the Tall man dashes for the back door out of the establishment. The agent rises and removes a communicator from his vest and begins to report his status as he runs after the departed Covenant, drawing his blaster on the way out through the door.-
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 6th, 2003, 02:36:19 PM
The Imperial agent never made it through the door.
In mid-sentence he dropped like a stone, dead before he hit the ground. Holstering her blaster, she gives a quick nod to the bartender who in turn gestures to the waitress.
Taking several thick towels, the 'keep wraps them around whats left of the man's head while the waitresses hurriedly clean up the spatters of blood.
"Ezra, be a dear and take the body down to the hanger. Remkah will know what to do with it."
Glancing down at Jamo, Daiq smiles tightly. As jumpy as he is, it might not be a good idea for him to be around in the next few minutes. More Imperial agents were sure to follow and with Jamo's jitters, the Imps were sure to take his nervousness as a sign of guilt.
"Ez, take Jamo with you, too....just until he calms down."
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:36:02 PM
Squatting next to the corpse, Ezra runs a finger through the crimson pool gathering by the head of the now dead agent. He places his finger in his mouth and sucks it clean. The 'keep and waitress look at him in disgusted surprise. He smiles and winks.
"Mmmmm yummy. Don't worry Daiq....I'll handle this.
He goes and grabs a small bag they use for trash and ties it around the head and neck of the corpse. Lifting it over his shoulder he looks at Jamo.
" You coming? Let's go dude."
Jamo Jakatta
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:26:09 AM
Blinking and looking at the corpse carrying vampire, Jamo took a moment to consider his options. Going off into the night with the blood-sucker and his trophy seemed … promising. Well, actually, it didn’t – but Jamo figured that if he stayed someone would put a bullet in his head sometime soon and so it seemed better to risk having his neck gnawed on.
“R-r-right behind ya, cap.”
Jun 7th, 2003, 05:23:57 AM
-A few streets down, on a dark road, a 6-man elite trooper sweep team is running down the middle of the lane. They are each holding up their blasters using the scopes fitted to the tops as scanners, sweeping the dark alleys for the elusive super-soldier. A soldier stops and turns his head to a dark side-alley, after a few feet, staggered, so do the others as they turn to face their distracted collegue.-
*In an electronically muffled voice the officer inquires.*
"What is it soldier? You spot something?"
*In a tone of confusion the trooper replies.*
"Y-Y-Yes sir, I think.......Sir I've got movement on the scanner but its's veru eratic sir....[/i]"
*The irrate officer responds sharply.*
"That's not good enough soldier, is he there or not?"
*His superiors words shake him a little, he answers.*
"...Sorry sir, it's just first he's there and then.....................
.......and then he's not......Sir."
-Confusion adds to the irrate officers troubles, as it does to all the troopers.-
"Yeah,......HQ said to expect something like this. Okay men, {indicating to the alley in question} I want high caution search, Echleon L formation. And remeber men, were're not looking to capture him any more, we're shooting on sight and we're shooting to kill."
-The Black-armour clad elite troopers slowly and cautiously clear the alley. Despite their riggorus trainning they're all trembling with fear, even the officer. They've all heard the stories and rummors fly around back at base.-
*A soldier immediatley to the officers side whispers to him.*
"S-Sir?......Is is TRUE what they say..........back at base? Sir?"
*The expected irrate response was not to be found, instead the officers voice was racked with the same tension.*
"Soldier.........I honestly don't know......Hey! what was that!?"
-The next nearest sweeper team, searching a few streets up, recive the distress call.-
"He's here!! I repeat...........{gunfire}...............aaaah!... {gunfire}................He's, what the frell??!?.........No, but he can't have?!?, I swear I shot......{gunfire}.........No..............aaaaaa aaaaaaahh{blade slice} {blip} {static}"
-The message is cut short with the communique now nothing but static, that was the last anyone would hear of sweeper team 3.-
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