View Full Version : I seek

Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:32:46 AM
I tend venture only to further the spred of chaos; Bloodshed, Havoc and Pandemonium are my weapons and I am by no means a stranger to the purge of the light by the hellfire.

But what darkened corner is this place?

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:50:32 AM
Green? No no.....This guy wasnt a green. He wasnt a red either, very few people were red.

Maybe he was a blue! No no....Blue wasnt it either. He wasnt a yellow either. PINK.....HES A PINK.

Darren's hands were nearly shaking now as he loaded his rifle. He was a good 50 feet away, a distance that he was MORE than comfortable with. With honed precision, Darren lined up the stranger in his sights, then pulled the trigger.

A low thunk was barely audible from the silenced shot. In the blink of an eye, the paintball flew through the air, hitting the stranger in the small of the back.

A large splatter of pink was the result, and a pink stain covered nearly all of the man's back. Darren then flung his rifle across his shoulder, grabbed his vodka and ammo, then took off to find another position to sniper from.

Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:11:58 AM
-The darkened knights thunderoud laughter echoed of the walls-

-he speaks with a lopsided grin, an air of sarcasam-
"You know not to whom you greet playful one."

*A wave of the hand summons brief dark magyks, a light swirlying vortex of black ghosts clears his long robes of the stain*

"Although it must be said, your jest does bring a wry smile to my face"

*His hands delve beneath his robes and flicks them up and outward; the action reveals not his face but does reveal the weapons at his thighs, the black laquer embossed with silver and red arcane script gleam in the dim light*

-glancing at the left pistol-
"This is Pandemonium

-glancing to the other pistol-
"And this is Havoc."

-He speaks with words with a voice of cautionary jest; his mood is clear as his sharp teath barley glint under the shadow of his hood, the grin now matched with his gleaming eyes. The red pupils of his eyes indicate the otherwise jet black eyes are clearly following the assailants movements-

"But I fear my choice of fun are not jokes of pigment but instead offer a far more enriching experience using instead the far more terminal expression of live rounds. Do you wish to play young one?"
-His words ending with a far more pronounced grin-

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:23:05 AM
And this guy must have been REALLY smart. First off, you've got Darren, an excellent marksman, with a long range rifle, and no matter which way this guy thinks Darren is going, he really has no clue where the Vampyre is. On top of that, this guy has pistols, which arent known for long range accuracy. And Darren's already shot him once...

Obviously, we're dealing with a genius far to advanced for the weak minded, such as ourselves....

Once again, Darren stopped, his every motion silent as he carefully took aim again. The stranger was going to get his wish however, as Darren loaded a hollowpoint slug into the rifle....

Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:38:15 AM
-His laughter again echoes the way, his eyes pearing on the jesters soul-
"Let me explain oblivious one, these are not pistols and I am no vampyre. These weapons are, like me, not born of mortal coils but are instead the fashionings of netherealms. They can unleash volleys of hell to any I see and my friend I can see you"

*In a blinding flash the knight draws his pistols, his gun-totting arms crossing his chest.
The marksman did not even see the magazines he loaded on the way up but the marksman could clearly see the the knights thumbs slide smoothly over the weapons -the weapons simoultaneously easing the action- with deliberance. The weapons, like he, are wrapped in the swirls of ghostly darkness that surrounds him*

"Your assail will only deliver material pain which I welcome fondley however my executions will deliver the same pain, ten fold, and will risk the collapse of your mortal form. The desicion to procced is yours although I must say your stakes are most high whereas mine are...well...".
-with a grin-
"..are mearly fun."

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:41:32 AM
This guy's obviously confused. Darren never implied he was a Vampyre, and Darren wasnt a mortal at all. The man was lucky thus far, Darren could have taken his life at any moment, and Darren is one of the nicer people at the Shrine....

Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:00:36 AM
-stealing the very thoughts from darrens head the solitary knight replies-
"Friend, I've no life force for you to take. Do you still not understand Darren? Can you still not see beyond the form that stands before you?"

*The knight disappears silently and sudenly into dark wisps and swirls reapearaing behind the marksman"

-whipering right into Darrens ear-
"Be warey friend I cannot be killed, I cannot be stopped and I may not be able to take down this whole place overnight I am certainly more then capable of taking down a few however, on that note, I shall now leave only to later return for more fun. Perhaps you'll bring a friend or two next time?"

-the whispered, dry words escape his lips only to end in complete silence as the knight dissapears once again into dark smoke. The last sound being the echoed ringing of holopoint rounds falling to the ground, the marksmans weapon now stripped of its ammunition-

-The DarKnight leaves Darren alone, with his thoughts, his empty weapon and his soul still intact-

Darren Caerdeth
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:46:50 AM
(OOC: Consider this fair warning. Go read the FAQ on the main board, especially on the topic of godmoding. You're rping your character with powers that a force Master couldnt achieve, and this is only your first day. Im not trying to be mean or insult you, but learning the rules of the forum could save you a good bit of headache in the future.)

Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:19:38 AM
-In tones of plain honesty-
"Don't worry, I only teleport short distances and it is VERY draining on me. I am an ethreal being but like most I am resiliant to damage but a significant amount of it will bring me down (and I heal fast). My powers extend chiefly to strengh and speed (very very very fast) and like all good daemon kind I have a weakness for all that holy crap; stuff like holy water and prayer spells (although I do have a sweet tooth for demon/vampire hunters)."

-removing the weapons for show and tell-
"And these are powerful yes but they're really more for show (ever seen devil may cry? twin pistols are cool) and to generally fit in with my wandering Knight style character (I'm really just a really fancy hitman) I had to add a sword as well which I haven'y used yet (Don't worry, the sword is powerful in the respect that it never takes damage and I can call it to had if I drop it)"

*raising an upturned palm to show a small blue flame*
"As for the "dark magyks" they're cool little additives I add to give that edge of the exotic you know? Just fancy pyrotechnics.
All in all I try to stay looking cool and acting/talking suave (with that arcane-ish flavour) and really the main "power" I actually have is just creeping people out with what readers THINK I COULD do and not what I actually do you know?
I'm kinda like your typical greater-demon/super-vampyre of fiction, Seemingly invincible but they always get beaten and are forced to run away at the end of every episode.
I apoligise if I came of a little strong but my character is based on alot of talk backing up only moderately impressive powers (exept for the speed, I like the whole "moving faster then the eye" thing and I only ever use it to do indirect stuff like reload or at worst dodge bullets/bolts or empty your magazine during a non-competition "friendly" spar.
Though darKnight is pretty cool though isn't he!
And if you still think he's a little too much then tell me, get some dialogue going and we'll see what wee come up with. "

-DarKnight then shuts up to await a fair reply-

Jun 3rd, 2003, 12:22:34 PM
Your character is far too skilled to justify with your beginner's experience. Please make appropriate changes as soon as possible.

And yes, please read the FAQ before posting.

Pandora Damaris
Jun 3rd, 2003, 01:08:28 PM
D'Knight, carefully consider this as a second warning from the Council of the Shrine. I've read your "post's" and it has been determined that your in violation of "G'modding."

1."Telalapotation" is a G'modding offence and you will find that even the strongest of Vampires here at the Shrine do not practice such movement.

2. "Reading ones thought's or intended action's" from afar without detailed information as to how you character accomplished this can also be construed as modding.

3. Your account as a "New Chr." on the boards and the abilities you claim do not reflect fair RP here nor are they justified with the Council. You will find that this will not be tolerated by the Add's/Mod's on the boards regardless of where you wish to RP at SWfan's.

It would be a wise consideration on your part to tone the character down and think of fair play to those you wish to RP with in this community. You are welcome to RP at the Shrine, however it must be within the guidelines and rules stated. So keep it fun and clean. :)

Your character is far too skilled to justify with your beginner's experience. Please make appropriate changes as soon as possible.

Thank you Agent Charlie.

Shrine Spokesmen/ Pandora

Jun 4th, 2003, 05:54:44 AM
Yeah I know, not to fear, I've ridded my char of the teleporting and generally toned down his power. I didn't mean him to come across as telepathic just insightful (and a little flukey).

Thanks for your assisting words oh wise one.
*Takes a long bow of respct*