View Full Version : I seek a master

Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:14:47 AM
*an inhuman voice heralds his presence with icy breath*

I seek a master to guide my ways to glory.

Jun 3rd, 2003, 11:55:10 AM
-The black robed figure begins to pace the open courtyard. He stands over 7" tall and carries a fair build but no proof is visible through his long robe. The only clear visible feature remaining to be seen from across the yard are the burning red pupils of his eye's and of course the large sword handle protruding from a well placed hole on his back allowing him to draw his blade through his clothing at a momments notice should it be so required.-

"Hello! Is there actually anybody who can hear me? I know there are people here as I can sense you, I can smell and hear you and I can see the beacon-like aura of your souls through the compound walls. I am the last of my kind, I am the last of an ancient order and have had enough with wandering and I seek to find a master so as to be able to train myself an revert my skills to sith kind. I await the arrival of any who are willing to show me your path."

-Having waited here now for some time the lone dark knight grows bored and begins to levitate rocks in the air before dropping them at a height and procceding to jump, draw his blade, destroy it, an sheath it all before he hits the ground. He feels tempted to repeat the action with his twin pistols instead but desides the noise would probably bring the wrong kind of attention to himself.-

Lady Vader
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:18:58 PM
*LV stepped into the grand enrty way, the shdaows peeling away from her as she stepped into the light. She eyed the new comer icely.*

We show ourselves when we are good and ready, and not when you demand.

*She folded her arms under her cloak.*

So you come to the Order seeking a Master? Will you give him or her the same disrespect you have just demonstrated?

Jun 4th, 2003, 02:24:20 PM
-outside the main gates, in an open air courtyard, the darkened one paces.-

*generically yelling up to the high walls*
"Okay guy's I'll apologise for any inccolence. Even the heros must be willing to bend their ways to the wishes of the masters."

-Now sheded of his demonic image, the visitor runs his fingers through his long white hair coming to rest at the back of his head with interlocked fingers, elbows out stretched he leans back to stretch out his back. Again he calls.-
"Common guys, give me a chance and I'll push to impress you as best I can."

-His emerald eyes sweep the battlements and windows for any sign of movement; To no avail. His slim elven face now ruffled with a mixture of both concern and fatigue as he tries hard to wait patiently although hes been waiting out hear for almost a day now.-

*Sits down in the dust against a tree. He begins playing with the soil, drawing patterns and script in it.*

-His constitution was now running short; even an old warriors psyche would be tested here. He removes a single pistol from his thigh and proceeds to screw on a silencer before picking up a rock with the other hand and tossing high into the air; He fires the weapon and with a whisper a high speed round flies through the air and smashes the rock in mid flight. He mentally convinces himself that he's doing this to impress any observers but really he's just a bored man passing the time.-

*mubbles to himself*
"Now remember this time Covenant, pay the uttmost respect for any who approaches 'cos you gotta get in now...."

-A look of true concern crosses his face as his mind wanders.-
"....That damn imperial team is getting to close for comfort now so I really need to do this soon otherwise I'll have to run again, and with by busted ship I don't think I could really take another attack from them....this just has to work."

-The worried man levitates the pistol in his hand and spins it with his mind. He preforms the action compulsiveley; Some drum their fingures, others bite nails but he spins things above his palm. Unoticed to all, even to himself, the script he absent mindedley writtes in the dust with his other hand spells out old words of a forgotten language, it spells out an old prayer calling the spirits of fallen comrades to rally and give him strengh in this time of adversity. A subconcious proof of need, a desperation that draws closer by the hour.-

-Just then a woman approaches and with her arrival the new(er) man scrambles to his feet and absorbes all she has to say to him.-

*In a refined tone of complete honesty*
"Yes, I am more then willing to follow your requests with the uttmost reverence in the hope that my loyalty will win at least part of your trust.
Allow me to begin by intoducing myself, I am called Covenant by the few human tongues that speak of me."

Lady Vader
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:34:02 PM
And how was it you heard of the Sith Order, Covenant?

*She began to slowly pace in a wide circle around him.*

Jun 5th, 2003, 01:32:26 AM
-He takes a quiet but deep breath before speaking; Carefully choosing his words to keep his dignity without crossing the line to arrogance.-
"In time gone by there have been a few of my kind who grew detached from our kingdom. You see our national doctrines and general way of life walks the dark side, and proud we walk it. As such, it was the inevitable choice for wanderers like myself to seek out the darker elements of society which naturaly lead our wanderings to the Sith. Naturally this is the first time a royal guard has ventured out this far but as I have said, I am the last of our proud race and as such I hope to make a lasting impression on the the universe, and what better way to help hone an adapt my arcane ways then to endevour to live the ways of the Sith."

Lady Vader
Jun 5th, 2003, 04:59:03 PM
*It half satisfied her question, and she merely let the other unsatisfied half slide.*

If you join the Order, be it known there will be no infighting among it's members. You would become a part of this family, each member would become your brother and sister in the Dark Side.

And respect of your peers is a given.

Also, maring the name of the Sith Order is easily punishable by death. However, if you so chose to leave at some point in your life here, you are free to do so as long as you leave on good terms with the Order. We do not hold you prisoner.

But leave on bad tersm, and your life becomes forfiet.

*She raised an eyebrow.*

Even after knowing all this, would you still want to join?

Jun 6th, 2003, 02:51:53 AM
-With an arm crossing his lower torso and a bow he gives a polite subtle smile of aknowledgement.-

"I have seen before the full consequences of betrayl, even the greatest hero's may can be swept asside by a disrespected king. I will walk the ways you guide and offer naught but the uttmost ettiquette to whom it is due and the uttmost respect to whom it has been earned."

Lady Vader
Jun 13th, 2003, 04:35:29 PM
*It was a good answer, and almost seemed rehearsed. But she would give the young man the benefit of the doubt.*

Very well. You will be allowed to enter the Order on a probationary status, as is usaly for new recruits.

*She began to lead him down a twisting hallway that played tricks on the mind because of the Sith Majiks dwelling in the walls and pillars.*

Your room will be on the second floor with the other apprentices. You are encouraged to get to know your brothers and sisters.

You will need to be patient while you wait for a Master to pick you for training. In the meantime, you have the option of sparing in the Training Grounds and joining training missions set up by the Masters.

*They entered a lift, and as it took them upwards, she continued.*

All public facilities are open to you from the dining hall, to the library, to the excerise rooms. You may also walk in the gardens, but only during the day. At night it is closed to give the dragon dwelling there privacy.

*The lift spilled them onto another hallway that led past several doors, until she stopped before one that was open and empty inside.*

This will be your new room. You may do with it as you wish.

*She turned to leave, but not before looking at him.*

Welcome to the Sith Order.

*With that, she left.*