View Full Version : Allies (Malice)

Jun 2nd, 2003, 06:34:04 PM
:: I stood on a stage before over two thousand people. My eyes were glowing brilliantly red and my hair was moving with a wind that touched no one else. I lifted my hands, covered in the full arm gauntlets, into the air. My bare chest stopped moving with my breath as I focused. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth.

A sound started from behind me, but it seemed to come from my mouth to the spectators. It was the band hidden behind me, but the audience didn't notice. They had come to see Fiend, Leader of the Horde who had promises of power, beauty, and peace. :lol The twisted tunes of the music echoed across the room and I tried top push the flow of force into my body.

The crowd burst into cheers as I opened my eyes, red light racing out and a large symbol appearing above them all. It was the same symbol, made out of others, that was etched onto my back. It was the group of runes that made the symbol of the Horde. The symbol though was actually just an image projected into their minds through the force. Their attraction towards me made it easier and their mental flow with the music opened their minds more. It was a feat but I had made it appear for a moment.

The concert began and I turned, fire racing into the air from where I had just stood. I walked back as the band moved up, the musicians all people under the effects of the Fiend cells. Their music raced along the wall and through the people as they strummed on their instruments. I headed backstage and took a private room.

I sat in one of the two chairs in the room and looked up to my secretary. She smiled, her eyes large and irises a dark red like mine. She gave a bow as I spoke.::

Is Malice coming?

:: She smiled wider and bowed again.::

Yes Master Fiend, the Lord Malice is on his way at this moment.

:: I nodded, wiping my face with my metal hand and tensing my shoulders. The skin was thin there from force usage that burned at the skin when I used massive amounts of the force. But other than that, I was glad Malice was coming sooner than later, I wanted to talk with my friend before I went back out there and finished it on these people.::

Jun 4th, 2003, 02:36:56 AM
Slowly, accompanied by 4 sith priests that acted as bodyguards. Malice made his way through the massive crowd. Each individual bouncing up and down to the rythm of the music. Personally, Malice wanted to kill them all. Including the band. But that was not why he had come here.

Upon reaching the side of the stage, a woman greeted them. With his priests standing at the entrance, Malice made his way up the stairs, and to the back of the stage area. There he was pointed to a private room. Walking inside, Malice nodded his head as he saw Fiend sitting there. Taking his own seat, the sith master ordered himself a drink.

*So Fiend. Might i ask what you have on your mind? and why did you choose such a loud place to speak with me*

Malice chuckled a bit after that last question he had made.

Jun 4th, 2003, 08:56:45 AM
:: I lifted my hand and a switch by the door flipped up. The sounds outside were instantly muted. I looked up and smiled.::

Pathetic aren't they? All those weaklings out there, so easily turned to it all, so easily shaped by the darkside. You would've thought the lightside would at least try to defend itself. I chose this place just for simple familiar reasons.

On my mind? Several things. I am still in contact with the Shrine over the alliance. I hope it goes well with the Sith Order council as well. We have the Imperial Sovereignty as an ally now also. That's three including the Horde. Together... we could swarm the New Republic with more time to build up. The cloning vats are making more of my superior soldiers, slowly and very costly, but training them very well. Our shipyards are hard at work. The abominations are overflowing. What are your thoughts on this?

Jun 9th, 2003, 08:05:38 PM
*My thoughts on the matter*

The demon sith master sipped his whiskey before replying back to Sedriss.

*The deal with TSO is going along smoothly. The talks are nearly complete and it looks as though we will be allied with you. Our fleet and man power combined with yours, the shrine, and the imperials should be enough to crush any opposition. The question now is, when do we strike and where do we begin. For when we do strike, we must do it fast and hard. Caus i know if we were to hit one jedi group. It wouldn't take long for the their allies to be notified and them up in arms*