View Full Version : "Oh foolish heart..." (repost Soths)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:14:28 AM
"Oh foolish heart..." Oh foolish heart, why are thee set against me...? Why thy bitter word's of reproof unto me?...

Thy demand of me for answer I do not have...Thy persistence for a kinder word has laid me low...Oh foolish heart...

My eye's seek only rest from thee, but I find it not...My bones ache for a fairer day...When you will proclaim our peace, and my soul will no longer wage against thee...

Oh foolish heart,...Why hast thou set me before the marksmen's bow. Thy cruel arrow has pierced thee true...Do not thou see it will be the death of me?...

I ponder the anguish that you have fortified me with...Thy walls are to shear to climb. They encompass me as a strong hold. Will thou leave me to waste within it's darkened keep?

Oh foolish heart, forsake me not. Pardon me to thy open window's, that I may see my hope deliver me. Incline thy bitter ear to my suffering. Wilt thou not grant me thy tender mercies this night. Have you not forgotten thy laughter of fonder days?

Oh foolish heart, how can I deny thee? Are we not of the same stitch? Is not thy keep at one with her foundation? Is not nature at one with her children? Stay thy hand from me,...oh foolish heart.

Torment me not with thy haste word's. Crush not my spirit within me,...oh foolish heart. Wrestle not with pride and vanity's mirrors, that my days be cut short. Heal thy wounds that greve me so. Hinder not my hope in thee,...oh foolish heart. Embrace me as your brother, a kindred spirit. Bring back thy kindness unto me.

I beckon you to come,...oh wounded heart. Take thy shelter with me. Resist not my healing salve unto thee. That thou, with me, can find that land yonder, in a land where we are free.

Oh come, oh foolish heart...