View Full Version : A Visitation... (repost)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:06:07 AM
A Visitation... Miranda walks into the home of the Death Knight that interests and keeps at an arm length and looks around. The room has still yet to be completely furnished and it felt so peaceful being so barren of any earthly needs.

She made her way to a window and let her hand run down the length of the drapery that hung, feeling the silken fibers flow across her skin.

Vampire Assassin
Member of the Coven

The anger within too old and worn
the past through life from being born
I lost my faith of living on
the pain of the past dwelling upon.

Registered User
(6/11/01 6:12:51 pm)
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The crimson eye's followed Miranda to the window. He could see how she was lost in thought at that moment. Miranda could feel her skin craw as coldness fell over her. She knew one was near, one who recked of death and decay. It was the guardian that the Death Knight had placed watch over her while he was away at Kayoc.

"Have you found what you seek in these Chambers, my dear enchantress?" The Wraith words sounding more like a hiss as he spoke.

Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(6/13/01 6:48:08 pm)
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Re: A Visitation
The hissing words of the Wraith, that seemed to haunt her more the watch over her, caused the red headed Vampyre to frown.

"Does your Master always have need of you to watch over me? This overprotection was getting quite ... tiresome."

There was a bite to her words but her restlessness was causing her to lash out at such annoyances that were quite trivial.

Registered User
(6/13/01 8:00:03 pm)
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The Wraith moved closer to Miranda. It's eye's burned less bright as if she had stung him with words of submission. She could see through his form as he emerged from the shadowy recedes that concealed him. Slowly, and methodically the Wraith came to float only feet from her. Miranda had never encountered one such as he. She had seen many things in her many life times, however an encounter with this undead always caught her off guard. It was becoming quite evident that the Wraith was not only watching her, he was stalking her. Somehow she knew it. She also knew that he would keep his distance, the boundaries were well defined. His Master would not tolerate such advancements. If she but just spoke on her behalf to the Death Knight of how the Wraith was pursuing her, Soth would have him destroyed immediately!

"No, I come on my own free accord, you intrigue me enchantress. I wish to know more of you. Where is the harm in that?" The Wraith seemingly narrowed his eye's to her.

Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(6/13/01 8:26:08 pm)
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Re: A Visitation
What was it with the undead around her? Did they all seemingly know about Soth's infatuation with her and needed to understand the source of it? It was becoming more trouble then it was worth it seemed. This particular creature's motives was uncertain. Was it idle curiosity, or was it more?

Her upper lip curled slightly as her emerald eyes flashed with anger.

"Why do you want to know me? Do you undead being think you can learn of me when I closed myself off to my own kind?"

Registered User
(6/13/01 8:44:37 pm)
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The Wraith seemed unmoved by her hostel words of reproach. It only seemed to invigorate him. The Wraith's voice became more hollow as he replied to her.

"You can know the things you come here to seek...I know many things that would interest you assassin...You have but to only ask."

Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(6/13/01 8:56:49 pm)
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Re: A Visitation
No more could she take. Her green eyes melted away into crimson pits of anger. Baring her fangs, she advanced on the undead creature before her.

"If your Master knew that I wished no advances and you continued this ploy, what would he do?"

The silver sword that hung at her side was unsheathed. Miranda swung it before her, sweeping it ever so close to the Wraith's body. She could tell in his eyes that he knew the answer to her question.

"How about I save him the trouble and off you myself?!"

Her anger was quick in this instance and even using Soth to her advantage was something Miranda never thought she would do. Was it this Wraith that angered her, or who he represented?

Registered User
(6/13/01 9:23:13 pm)
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The silver sword, backed by those fearsome eye's was indication enough to the Wraith that she meant business. The Wraith backed away from her slowly as he bowed to her in respect. Even He knew he would be no match for one so deadly and cunning as she. He would not give her a reason this night to provoke her to such measures. The boundaries were clearly drawn and she had one this round.

"My offer still stands Enchantress... If you only knew of him what I know, would you see him in such ways?"

A seance of hate played from the Wraith that once again caught Miranda off guard...Could the Wraith be trying to betray his own Master with words? How brazen of the Wraith to speak in such an ill way as he did to her of Soth!

Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(6/13/01 9:31:06 pm)
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Re: A Visitation
Miranda spun the sword in her hand and returned it to the scabbard at her side. The Wraith knew its place and such measures were needed no longer but the fiery hatred still remained. Her eyes were glowing crimson that almost match the color of her hair but they began to dull. What does this creature mean that if she knew what it knew of Soth?

"I know nothing of him and do not presume to know what I think of him."

Her tone became relaxed and a bit curious.

"But you seem so eager. What is it that you wish to tell me?"

Registered User
(6/16/01 11:28:10 am)
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The Wraith hovered back from her to a safe distance before he spoke. Wraith-Soul knew by the look of Miranda's lethal looking sword, it was most likely enchanted. It's edge glimmered and sparkled slightly in the candle light of the room, indicating that a deadly poison was present. The Wraith feared not the poison as a mortal might. But the ancient runes that graced the length of the blade did! His voice took on a charming tone...

"I respect m'master, but I loath him so...His power over me. You give me what I ask of you enchantress, and I will tell you your hearts desire of him...His secrets are mine also."

The Wraith posed for her to reply. He slightly bowed as a show of his respect to her. His eye's ebbed in the already darkened room. The sounds of whispering could be heard. Like faint little echoes that couldn't quite be heard over the silence.

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(6/17/01 10:39:08 am)
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Re: A Visitation
As the vile Wraith waited for Miranda's response a sudden light filled the room. As it dissipated fear gripped what once was Xanatos Eternal like a cold chill leaving him frozen at what was soon to come. The soft blue and gold light fluttered down and seemed to settle upon the ground as small glitter. Then, she was there. The Wraith had only seen her once before in passing as she hovered once outside the Coven conversing with the Dragons that protected it. He did not know if she wished him to see her that night but he did nonetheless. What she was, he knew not. Only did he sense something that night that led one to believe that this Angelic creature was close to the Death Knight of old and had been for ages past. For weeks he wondered whether or not seeing her was an illusion. For before he could act once seeing her...she was gone within the blink of an eye and he had not seen her again. Until now.

But something was very different this time, she did not give the impression of anger but the kindness which he had seen once before was now gone. She stood, her Staff of Omens burning menacingly with fire but never did the flames harm it. Xanatos could feel the power emitting from it. He hissed violently and hovered backward.

"The arrogance of your claim is only overshadowed by the foolishness of your actions. Your knowledge of the Death Knight is but a single drop in a vast pool that spans the passage of over 5 millennia. What could you possibly offer to this creature who views you as nothing more than a disloyal slave? You are nothing. Be gone."

Edited by: Evangeline Starbreeze at: 6/17/01 3:16:07 pm

Registered User
(6/17/01 5:54:46 pm)
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The specter was furious at Evangeline words of reproof. His eye's blazed a hot white as he grimesed at the angel. Her very presence made him shutter and at the same time enraged him to the point of attack! His staff begain to glow with a sickly yellow light that cast an errie preasece about the room. "Fear" was the spell that emanated from the narrled staff. The jewels that encrusted it also begain to glow. It would be a multable attack that would ensue. Fire lept forth upon the form of the Angel as the Wraith followed close behind!

Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(6/17/01 6:35:05 pm)
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Re: A Visitation
She was almost tricked into believing this foul Wraith's words. How could let down her defenses and even wish to hear what it wanted to tell her about Soth? Her lips curled in anger. In her mind she did not want to admit what it was she felt being in the Death Knight's presence eventhough her heart ached every time she saw him. Thankfully the Angel that she had met came here to set what was the truth back into alignment. How dare this thing almost destroy what little hope she clung to in her heart about Soth!

The sword that already saw the light was unsheathed once more. The silver blade glistened in the light and began to glow. Miranda moved with incredible speed as she stood in front of Evangeline, the enchanted weapon extended outwards towards the Wraith. Her eyes were burning red with anger.

"Back you lying fiend before I destroy you now! How dare you attack her here! In your Master's own home!"

Miranda concentrated on the ruby ring upon her finger, hoping that the protection spell could be implemented before the fire would hit her.

Edited by: Miranda Dunleavy at: 6/17/01 7:16:41 pm

Registered User
(6/17/01 8:16:18 pm)
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Indeed the Ring of Protection did do it's job. However, Miranda could feel the searing heat from the blast that shot forth from the enchanted staff, the flames rolled around her without harming her. The Force powers of the ring left Miranda unfrayed! But the force of the blast blew her back into the arms of the Angel. Miranda was amazed how soft the blow was as she went reeling backwards. It was as if she had landed on a soft cloud. She felt the protecting wing of the Ieago Angel wrap around her. Like a make shift shield from another potential blow from the enraged Wraith.

This seemed to be far from over Miranda thought as she seen the eye's of the Specter close in on her and Evangeline. Tendrils of what appeared to be Lighting coursed around the assailants staff. Ready to put in check, and violently shocking any at it's lethal end!

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(6/20/01 10:09:43 pm)
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Re: A Visitation
Evangeline looked upon the menacing Wraith unemotionally as he hissed at her and Miranda. The soft blue color of her eyes faded away slowly only to cast mirror like reflections upon anyone who looked at them. The time for words was now past. As the flames from the Wraith's staff neared her she rose her right hand suddenly. All things slowed to a virtual stop. Now seconds seemed like minutes and minutes like hours. The Wraith could feel what had happened and once again felt the fear that he dreaded when he first laid eyes upon this beautiful creature. Evangeline quickly released Miranda allowing her to move from the path of the flames.

Evangeline took a step to the side slightly, avoiding the fire which could easily burn a normal man to cinder, then walked toward the Wraith slowly. The Angel's movements, however slow, were nearly undetectable by the Wraith as he was now caught in her time spell. For a moment it looked as if she had faded out, almost in a ripple as through water but returned within an instant only to stop directly in front of the Wraith and place her hand around what would be a neck if he indeed had a body. This Wraith did not require oxygen to breath, however he felt paralyzed the moment the angel laid her hands upon him. The spell was now broken but he could only come to the conclusion that she was now prepared to face him upon equal levels.

Could he use his power on her...to take her essence and use it to replenish his own now rapidly fleeting life force? His staff dropped to the floor as he swung his left arm up and wrapped his skeleton like fingers around Evangeline's neck. Now they hover, locked in this embrace as it were, neither able to break free. But could the life force of one who was by all intents and purposes eternal be too much for this wicked Wraith? Perhaps this is what the Angel from Iego wanted all along. To allow him to take her essence, giving him all that he could handle and shoving it straight down his throat. He tilted his head back, screaming in agony as his eyes and mouth spewed out energy, the likes of which he had never before tasted.

At last, he was released from this torment. Evangeline set him free and tossed his shell aside. She then turned slowly to look upon Miranda. "He is yours now," She gestured toward the weakened Wraith who now hover slowly above them in a dazed state, "I shall not leave your side, but this is something you must do."