View Full Version : An unlikely allance..."The Noghri!" (repost)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:03:19 AM
An unlikely allance..."The Noghri!" Soth pressed forward, the only light was that of the dimly lit torches that lined the great hall illuminating the floors that were a high polished obsidian black marble that seemed to stretch forever. He could feel the eye's of an unseen one watching him, following him, but at a distance. Soth posed, his body still facing forward he slightly turned his head downward. His razor talon gloves began to glow an erie green. Soth called to the dark-side for the aid of locating the exact location of the unseen stalker. He was surrounded!

"No need for that accursed one."

Came a slow hissing voice. Soth slowly turned towards where the voice emanated from.

"You know why I'm here?" replied Soth.

Soth could hear the creature sniff the air.

"Yesss..." came the answer in a slow evil hiss. "Your master sends you to do his will, and this be my will dark curse!" the reply coming in a broken sentence.

Soth rested his powered glove on his saber hilt ready to ignite it. This was no trifle encounter he now faced. These creatures where known for there cunning and speed of attack. A wrong move, and even the Death Knight of the Black Rose would be fare game. He knew that these assassin's traveled in numbers. One was lethal, three or more would be certain death, or in Soth's case, back to the abyss!

"I bare the mark of my master ... this is my proof."

Soth slowly pulled out a rolled up parchment from his side satchel. On it was the ring insignate of Saurron his master pressed in a wax seal. Soth bent down slightly and tossed it along the smooth floor into the shadows to the place where he knew the voice to be. Soth could hear the paper being unrolled, and after a brief moment the creature stepped forth. It was a Noghri! A vile being praverced in the dark art of quick and deadly recourse. It's perinea like teeth glistened in the torch light. Soth related to there stealth and tactic's, it was there forte.

The Noghri cautiously circled Soth sniffing the air about him as to get a better sense for him.

"You to die like your master, you die but live...you stink from times past, before many of my generation's." Hissed the Noghri. Soth stood still, unmoving.

"I send...my seven best...I pay the life debt...your master help her live for me." The Noghri eye's blazed.

"They follow you to him, them, he they follow til they die, then we are free from he who's eye's burn white in the night." Hissed the Noghri leader in a lethal tone. Seven Noghri stepped from the shadows around Soth. Soth never looked the leader in the eye's, it was a sign of aggression to them, and would be taken as an insult from a diplomat and servant of lower rank. An odd perspective, but Soth carried it out in respect and regard for it's purpose.

"You go now, Knight of Death and come no more, we are even!"

Soth bowed his head slightly and with that was escorted out with his new companions that now served his master ... out of a life debt to be paid in full at his desecration.

Chronicle's of Soth