View Full Version : "Bitter Sweet Momories" (repost)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:01:38 AM
"Bitter Sweet Momories" Soth walked slowly into the immense Room of Antiquity, a solum look was sketched upon his face. The room housed some of most rare assortment and verity of weapons and armor and other trinkets that some would kill for, and had! The item's of interest were displayed on walls that spanned the entire circumference of the room it's self. Other objects of a more rarer nature were displayed under transpaira-steel glass, guarded with some of the most sophisticated traps and warning devices that the time had to offer.

Soth, over the span of his 5500 years of existence collected these valuables, some bartered for, some bought from dealers from far of systems at steep prices. Some of the item's were squandered in the game of Sabboc. And other item's were just taken at the expense of another's life. But regardless of what was before the Death Knight of old in this treasure trove of the exotic he had collected, it could never fill the empty hole in his heart that he now felt.

Soth ran his hand over the blade of a Sith sword that in it's self had it's own story to tell. Much like all the other item's about the room. He walked slowly to other items and posed briefly to ponder the thought of how he had acquired it.

He thought of Evangeline words..." Why do you come to this room that cause's you so much pain?" Soth could not even in that moment give an answer to the question. Perhaps it was the past that had brought him much grief, but it had also taught him the value of his existence also. Of fairer days to come he always strived for. Adventure, and that of the unknown is what the Knight sought.

Soth whispered to himself. "Every day the Dreamers die, to see what lie's on the other side. How ironic he thought. How ironic...


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 6/30/01 11:34:48 am

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(6/24/01 6:00:11 pm)
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Re: Pondering the accused past...
"Soth, you still venture into this room without reason? Perhaps you wish it to give you the answers you seek."

Soth spun around, not realizing that Evangeline had entered the room. Or had she? Could she have been there the entire time? It was impossible to tell. She stood, nonetheless in a dark corner holding her Staff of Omens. This seemed odd to Soth for rarely did this kind Angel show her weapon when she was not in battle. Slowly she walked into the dim light as her elegant gown drag upon the floor behind her. Something was different about her for Soth could feel it. He could not however, place what it was. Her physical appearance was slightly modified from her normal likeness. Her hair was tied up neatly in a bun upon her head as only small strands of soft ringlets rested loosely upon her face. Her stature was also smaller and her wings were no longer present.

As of late Evangeline found it easier to wander the chambers of Soth's domain in this form. No one thought much about it but standing nearly 7 feet and having a massive wingspan was sometimes bothersome for the Angel when she was visible to the occupants of the Coven. Slowly, she extended her arm outward. A sudden flash of light emitted from the Staff of Omens and when Soth blinked the weapon was gone. A bracelet and ring attached by two small chains rested in it's place upon the Angel's delicate hand.

Evangeline gave Soth an almost contrite look then walked toward an antique stone carved bench and sat down. Leaning forward slightly she rested her elbows upon her thighs and clasped her hands together where her knees met and looked up inquiringly at the Death Knight.

Death Knight Soth
(6/30/01 12:51:43 pm)
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Re: Pondering the accused past...
It was apparent to Soth that Evangeline's temperament had changed. As did so her new look of convenience to the Coven family. The Knight had seen her in many forms. It was an inate ability she possessed. To see what she wanted others to see was indeed a power worthy of notice.

Soth turned his back from her but a moment. He closed the lid on one of the cases, then walked to where she sat. Evangeline was lost in deep thought as Soth set next to her on the stone bench. The Angel seem not to even notice his presence next to her. Soth softy spoke..."The time has come when you will leave me once again." He somehow knew this moment would arrive. Her stoic face could never hide the moments of her soon departure. But she always managed to come back to him. The Death Knight held out his hand, and in it was a smooth round gem that emanated a radiant blue and purple glow. Its light pulsated like a heart beat, never wavering. Evangeline eyes became fixed on it, as long passed memories flooded her mind. She quickly looked to Soth, but before she could form the words, he had beaten her to the punch.

"Yes, I've had it all this time. It's one of my most precious and cherished treasures M'lady. The Tilliyan stone of Ieago. You gave it to me almost four thousand years ago."Soth's eyes deepened as he to remembered, as if it were yesterday. A look of sadness crossed his face as he looked deeper into the stone.

"I thought of your words to me fair Nephum. And for the longest time I had no answer to them. But, I do know his Evangeline. Sometimes we must go back in time to find what we have lost. And there, somewhere lay the answer's we have over looked. If we seek them out."

How redundant Soth thought as he spoke the words to the one who seen and knew what others would or could never understand. He knew she had always taken his words to her in good gesture regardless of how minute they seemed. They simply had that understanding of one another.

But oddly, Evangeline, even in that moment was startled by Soths words to her. There was no way he could know what lye in store for her. And strangely his words hit home as if he already knew! She turned from him, holding her hand to her brow, she covered her eyes as if to hide what she dare not look at or think of. The Dark Knight put his arm around Evangeline. He now comforted the Angel of Ieago, who had done the same for him only nights before. Soth felt her tremble and could hear the faint sob's of anguish. He rested his head next to her's as he felt what she felt. He did not have to know why to understand, nor did he have to feel to know. It was simply summed up in one word.

"Evangeline, for what ever it's worth, do know this fair Nephrum. No matter how distant we may be or time that may pass or what fate may bring to us. Our friendship, and the love we both have shared, could never be broken...Not even by them!" Soth hopped his words would reach her. And somehow find their place to give her the strength in whatever it was that illed her so.

The Death Knight lifted the Tilliyan stone in his right hand into view. It's beautiful color's swirled within as it's light reflected on the two who leaned on each other. Soft words filled the Chamber as Soth sung to Evangeline. A sweet enchanting song from her home world it was. From a place he had never even seen or been. But it mattered not. He could see the fabled Ieago in her songs, in her stories. And even in the sacred stone of Tilliyan. There it was! A glimpse to a world that few knew little of.

After long moments the Knight finished the haunting song. He whispered to her ever so softly. Even to her, his words were faint in her ears.

"Take me there one day, fair Nephrum...Take me there when time stops for us..."


Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(7/4/01 9:36:33 am)
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Re: Pondering the accused past...
The solar system was small and distant, few who were not actually born there ever reached the mother planet of Iego. Evangeline, having been cast out of the Order of Light eons ago dared not to set foot on the planet for fear of the shame that would follow her. Until now. The distress call came from a man she knew well. She had sworn never to speak his name again. Among their ancient race he was one of the oldest, as was she. With his age however, he had also become corrupt. His exterior appearance also reflecting this.

“Only you can restore what once was,” His words echoed in her mind as she reflected upon his message, “we need you Lina...I need you.” ‘Lina’ his pet name for her. How long had it been since she'd heard it? She asked herself...yet had no answer. She had blocked him from her memory, along with the many others who had caused her pain. Of all people why was he contacting her? She pondered. He was the cause of all problems, the civil war countless millennia ago. They had battled fiercely as sworn enemies, despite what they shared in the past, and he could not be trusted.

Evangeline hovered somberly from where she was sitting on a ledge outside the Coven. She pondered Death Knight Soth's words only weeks ago as they had been sitting together in the dreaded Room of Antiquity, he had been continueously on her mind since that day. The red dragons, which protected the outside of the palace from intruders swooped around her, all to say in unison, “What troubles you, kind Angel?” Evangeline smiled weakly through her sadness and answered, “I must come to a difficult decision, one which I am unprepared to make.” The dragons seemed to flutter in confusion before speaking again to her, but did nonetheless, “We will protect you from harm, as you have always done for us...” Evangeline bowed her head in appreciation then expressed to them that this was something that she had to do alone.

It was beyond the dragons’ comprehension, yet they sensed that Evangeline always knew the outcome of things. They dispersed in all directions, leaving her alone once again to sort her thoughts. Evangeline subtly slipped into her natural plane of existence in order to contemplate the situation. "Iego has once again split into factions," she spoke out loud, her voice echoing through the seemingly desolate plane. "How did this happen? What should we do...?" Came the whispers, "I do not know," replied Evangeline, "You know everything," retorted the voices, "it is your gift."

"Not this," replied Evangeline, "Valdemar is involved." The voiced sounded in dismay and confusion, their words now impossible even for Evangeline to understand. After several minutes one spoke forth, "You must go," "Find out what happened," said another without break, "stop him," the voices echoed through the fields of blue and gold which had appeared as the conversation progressed.

"Evangeline lowered her head, "I do not wish to face him."
"You must," They commanded her.
"I've had a vision..." She spoke slowly.
"Tell us child," they pleaded
"I cannot."

The voices became silent for a moment, "You will go," they came at last. Evangeline sighed sadly and shut her eyes.

Valdemar Desmond
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(7/4/01 9:40:30 am)
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When she opened them again she was home. Upon the third moon of Iego, deep within the forest and thousands of miles away from any civilization. The home was beautifully furnished with elegant upholstery, hand carved tables with lace cloths and huge bay windows with silk curtains. As Evangeline peered around the house, noticing every detail, a flood of memories long since buried in the back of her mind surfaced once again. Memories of the person who lived with her in this place. He was her teacher and someone whom she loved dearly in that capacity, but in her naiveté did not realize his true feelings for her until it was far too late. Could she have ever loved him in the way that he wanted her to? She would never know for where he was concerned she could never tell the outcome. Short abbreviated visions were all that she could ever acquire, even after he had become corrupt. But that was when it happened, wasn't it? The cruelty of revealing his true feelings for her during a fierce battle, knowing how it would affect her.

"I beg you to stop, Lina," His voice rang in her head, she tried to block the memory but being in this place again made it impossible...

The sky burned red with fire as opposing sides battled endlessly upon Iego. Evangeline had found where Valdemar was hiding, just as he knew she would. It was what he wanted. He sat on his throne of skeletons as Evangeline cut through his guards as if they were nothing more than statues. She approached him slowly, her eyes blazing with the power she wielded, power which he had taught her to use.

"I beg you to stop, Lina," Valdemar said as he knelt down on one knee. "Please, I am at your mercy, I have been beaten."

"What happened to you teacher?" Questioned Evangeline as she lowered her mighty staff of Omens, "Why did you destroy the council?" Valdemar gave no answer but grasping her hand brought it to his lips and caressed it gently, "Please forgive me for not telling you..." Evangeline looked at him in confusion as the look of anger slowly left her face. "I forgive you teacher," She reassured him, "I understand your reason for not telling me of your plan. The High Council however, shall not be so forgiving. We must face them, I will be by your side if needed but you cannot continue on this path."

A look of desperation crept upon Valdemar's face as he wrapped his arms around Evangeline's waist, pulling her close as he rested his head upon her abdomen. "Do you not understand, even now? I do not regret the distraction of the Council!" Standing up slowly he moved his left hand up to her cheek, while whispering softly, "I love you, Evangeline Starbreeze."

"No..." Whispered Evangeline as she pulled away from Valdemar and took several steps backward, her eyes filling with tears, "Your manipulation knows no bounds..."

Valdemar took a large step forward and pulled Evangeline against him once more. "Search your memories, you know this is true!"

Evangeline lowered her eyes for she knew in her heart that he was telling the truth. Before she could utter another word the two were locked in a passionate embrace. After a moment or so Evangeline pushed Valdemar away from herself and fled to the other side of the room. "I cannot...no...I will not be with you in this way. Not after everything that's happened. You feel no regret for your actions, this pains me. You are my mentor and you have let me down badly." The pain upon Valdmar's face was blatantly visible. He desired this woman with all of his heart, yet she refused to love him. "Stay with me, we will rule Iego," he pleaded her, "I will love you forever..."

Evangeline's expression became hard, "I will never love you, I won't allow it." Her words pierced through Valdemar's heart as an arrow. He knew immediately that she had stated the truth. Evangeline could feel his heart breaking. Shutting her eyes she shed the tears that he never would, but in the blink of an eye, she was gone.

At last the memory faded. Evangeline had forgotten what pain she had been through so long ago even though such a thing seemed impossible.

"I knew you would come here first Lina," Evangeline had never been so startled, it was him. She knew for she sensed his disease the moment he spoke...however, she showed no outward change in expression. "You hide your feelings well." Valdemar stated as he approached her slowly.

"Why have you summoned me here?" Evangeline asked, wasting no time with idol conversation. Valdmar could sense this, "I need you to restore the Council that ruled when I was a member of it," He said simply.

"Impossible," replied Evangeline, "You destroyed the council and murdered it's members, it cannot be restored and you will never be trusted by the elders."

Valdemar thought for a moment, "Perhaps not, but after I am done there will be no need for the elders....any of them."

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(7/4/01 9:50:27 am)
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Re: Pondering the accused past...
Evangeline looked away for a moment as she contemplated his words. "How will I undo all that you have done?" She spoke finally. Valdemar smiled slightly and pierced Evangeline with his gaze. "Do not play the innocent, I control what visions you have when it concerns me. It has always been this way, as you well know. I know that you have seen the image, the one which you would not reveal to the elders when you visited them on the other plane."

Evangeline's eyes narrowed, "You are not permitted to have council with the elders."

"I've had no such contact, I can simply see into your mind. I know all that you do. Being out of the Order of Light was the first step, I will initiate the second. You have no choice in the matter." Valdemar stepped closer to Evangeline and placed his hand upon her cheek and stroked it slowly, "You know what must be done."

Evangeline moved her hand up Valdmar's chest slowly then wrapped it around his neck, her long fingernails digging into his flesh as she lifted him several feet off the ground.

"I'll allow no man to touch me in such a manner, least of all you," With these words Evangeline tossed the stunned Valdemar aside and walked toward a large book in a far corner of the room. It was beautifully preserved; secured in a glass case and sealed by Evangeline herself after Valdmar's fall. "This is what you seek," Evangeline said as she ran her fingers along the outside of the case, "Your lust for power eons ago is what lead you to use it. Yet, in your overzealousness you fell into corruption and became what you are today. Thus, the reason why I sealed it from you... and now, you wish for me to use it upon myself."

Valdemar rose to his feet slowly, unharmed by Evangeline's sudden actions but still irritated, nonetheless. "Yes... you've had the visions. You know this is the only way." Evangeline lowered her head, "Yes, I know. But to destroy the High Counsel so that another could rule will certainly lead me to corruption as it has you." Valdemar did not speak, he knew that he did not need to. Evangeline took a step backward suddenly. "I reject this," she said, looking toward him, "I will never become what you want."

Valdmar's eyes blazed red hot in anger, "This is not your choice! Your fate has already been decided...for I have seen it! Not even you, in your great glory, can change the outcome of this...our final battle. You know what is best for Iego, and you will be forced to do what you must to preserve what must be!" With that, Valdemar stormed from the room allowing the large double iron doors to slam behind him. Evangeline turned her head back and stared at the sacred book once again. It was the source of such power, yet no one had ever been able to control it. Not even Valdemar, who was once the most powerful and honorable of their race.

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(7/4/01 11:07:45 am)
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The way in which Evangeline defied him made Valdemar's blood boil. Never in her younger years did she disobey him as she had now. This streak of independence that she had shown since her departure from the Order of Light was what ailed him most of all. She was with opinion now and he could not longer control her in the way that he had at one time. He could however revel in the fact that she would soon be his once more...or could he? The outcome of this scenario now seemed clouded. Valdemar clenched his fists in anger. He could not allow this, he would have her again, and in the way that he had always wanted. It had already been decided upon.

If the fates were not going to give him what he wanted then he would force them to. Valdemar soared through space, several hours did his journey take. He did not have the luxury of "phasing" in and out of the other plane as Evangeline did. At last, he reached his destination: The furthest planet in the solar system. Upon it's surface did it house Evangeline's beloved people. Not by birth, but by choice were they this to her. One's whom she had saved from destruction eight millennia ago. She loved them dearly and could not bear to see them destroyed, for the moment she had stumbled across their planet she realized that their Sun was soon to nova. She stayed with them... ten years, a drop in her already long, almost eternal life, but a drop still that meant much to her. She learned of them...their culture and most importantly, of their kindness.

After sparing this prized civilization from destruction by sending them to this far and desolate planet of the Iego solar system she bestowed upon them an Amulet of immense power, to serve as a protector. It's essence stolen from the heart of the sun as it went nova. An act that took Evangeline nearly 2 years to recover from...yet, it was well worth it...to ensure the safety of this race forever more meant everything to her. Little did she foresee but Valdemar had always known of this and millennia after the kind angel had been cast out of the Order of Life did Valdemar murder the ruler of this prized civilization and his two sons, taking the queen as his wife and her daughters to raise as his own, ultimately assuming control of the planet...and much more importantly, the now ancient Amulet.

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(7/4/01 3:25:05 pm)
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Re: Pondering the accused past...
Valdemar hovered above the planet in cold space. He looked upon it's people with disdain. How could one such as Evangeline manage to love an entire race but never allow space enough in her heart to love him in the way that he wanted? His hatred for this race became more apparent to him now, thinking of the past when she had visited this civilization but never allowed a stray thought of him to pass through her mind. How cruel it was, that no matter where he went her beauty was forever sketched upon his mind and no matter how much he tried he could never be free. Valdemar shut his eyes and tilted his head backward slowly. His arms spread out as if ready to embrace the darkness which he now summoned. It was energy that surrounded him, yes...but pitch black as only flickers of electricity cursed through the outer rim of it.

His arms extended out in front of him. All the power drained from his body expanding outward toward the planet's surface. When it hit, the shockwave could be felt throughout the solar system. Suddenly all elements on the planet were extreme. Where it was once warm and sunny, it was now searing hot. And where it was once mildly cool, it was now frozen over with subzero temperatures. It happened so quickly, only a matter of hours and 90% of life on the planet had perished. Valdemar stood now in these harsh elements as death surrounded him. The freezing cold swept around him almost unnoticed as he was well protected from it. Evangeline stumbled forward gasping desperately for air as she smashed through the large glass table that stood in the middle of the room. She was still upon the third moon of Iego but Images of the planet's surface whirled around in her mind. It's people cried out for her to save them, but it was already too late. Evangeline knew, but could not accept it. In a blurred flash of light she was again with the elders. They beckoned her not to go, for they knew what Valdemar had in store for her. But their words fell upon deaf ears. For as quickly as she had appeared, the angel was gone.

The smell of death was almost unbearable to Evangeline as she hovered above the planet's surface. The screams of agony ever present in her memory as if the onslaught was still going on upon the planet's surface even though hours had past. The anguish was ever apparent upon Evangeline's face. It was an emotion that she could no longer hide this night. Slowly she shut her eyes. All was lost...she hovered down to the planet's surface slowly gazing in plain view at the corpses that lie at her feet. The planet was now nothing more than a tomb for all that lived there. The skies were red from volcanic eruptions that had spewed lava from around half the globe. The sun no longer shown upon fields of green as they once did. Beautiful cities which once stood were now nothing more than heaps of rubble and decay.

Evangeline collapsed to the ground and wept bitterly for her loss. Her tears of anguish fell into a puddle upon the dirt below her as she clenched her fists. She could not tell how this had happened. Perhaps it was the elders who sought to punish her for her weakness earlier when she faced Valdemar. It was unknown to her. She lay there still, sobbing endlessly for her failure. If only she had known sooner perhaps she could have done something to stop this. But she knew in her heart that it was not so. She was indeed cursed and no matter how hard she tried she would never be free from it.

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(7/4/01 4:01:39 pm)
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Valdemar watched Evangeline for long moments from a perch high above the carnage of the once beautiful city. His head turned slightly as if to get a better seance of her pain. He brought his taloned hand to his chin as a wicked wiry smile crossed his face. The deep satisfaction of pain he had brought to her was apparent in his evil pitch black eye's. He would reach her. Even if it meant destroying that in which she held so dearly! He would take it to the next level of understanding if need be. Valdemar's time was now to strike! She would see her folly in all of this petty concern that she had always exhibited to the worthless mortals.

Stretching his huge wing span, Valdemar leapt from the tear of the broken spire. He glided then pitched swiftly in an arch to come in for a landing that surprised Evangeline, catching her off guard. He strode up to her in a most arrogant fashion before he spoke.

"You weep for those who care little or nothing, but there own retched hides!!"

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(7/4/01 4:44:22 pm)
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Re: Pondering the accused past...
Evangeline's eyes rose slowly to meet with Valdemar's. The tears ceased immediately as she now realized that he had done this to her. Slowly she stood up. All color had drained from her face and for the first time in 8 millennia Evangeline allowed the expression of anger to be visible upon her stoic features. With a sudden flash of light her Staff of Omens was in her hands and burning menacingly with the magical fire. Valdemar scowled at the weapon momentarily. That was yet another thing that should have been his, had the elders not sought it fit to deprive him of it after casting him out of the council. Evangeline's breaths became short and quick. If she had the ability to hate any being it would be this man for what he had done to her and the people which she loved could never be forgiven.

Visions flashed through her mind suddenly. Images of the King which Valdemar had overthrown. The wife and daughters which he had taken as his...and the Amulet which housed sacred memories of a race now extinct. Evangeline realized that Valdemar had known all along. And no matter how hard she tried to hide these people from him, in the end her efforts were utterly futile. Evangeline approached Valdemar slowly and looked into his cold eyes. She did not acknowledge his statement. His mind games were not going to affect her this night, she would not allow it. With quick movements she swung her left arm upward and struck Valdemar across the face with the back of her hand.

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(7/14/01 12:33:22 pm)
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Valdemar's head reeled back slightly from the blow which was more of a reaction from Evangeline then intentional. Valdemar knew that his plan was coming full circle with her. And he had every intention of making her see the folly lie in her association with those of a lower nature. After all he looked at them as such pathetic unworthy beings. They were looked at by Valdemar as pawns to a greater purpose. If they could be used in such a way to bring gain to himself...Then he would take that opportunity as he seen fit!

Valdemar wiped the trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. He simply looked at her with a smile as Evangeline watched his repulsive look turn to that of a more comely appearance. It was Valdemar as he was before he conceded to the Dark-Side. His rugged handsome looks were most appealing to any of the opposite sex. A shimmering gold glow emanated from his being. Giving a more dramatic angelic look to his form. But the heart that beat in his chest was far from that. Cold, unfeeling, jaded from long eons past it was. By the emance evil it had committed. His eye's where pools of black, without color, as was the heart they led to.

Valdemar looked to Evangeline with a solemn look of disdain. His words echoed in her mind as they did in her ears. A cool wind blew the long blueish tenged hair of his behind him as he spoke words of scorn to her mind.

"You chastize me for what had to be done, yet you lower yourself to this display of disgrace? You were indeed noble....At one time Evangeline, but you are no better then I. Your sin's have also reached the heavens. And they to can never be atoned for as mine. So you see we are two in the same fare angel. If you only would give in to seeing your blindness and the lack of foresight, then I could show you things you have or could only imagine!" Strangely his words gripped her. The intellect behind the meaning became painfully clear to her in some odd way.

Evangeline Starbreeze
(7/22/01 12:26:10 pm)
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Re: Pondering the accused past...
Evangeline lowered her head and shut her eyes. She knew Valdemar was right in his words, her sins could never be forgotten. A hopelessness crept over her as she thought of her past actions. Perhaps this was why she never returned to Iego before this time. This was her worst fear come to life. The guilt of her actions would always haunt her, but having the fact thrown in her face was that much worse. She dared not feel anger for she knew that would be her undoing, but she knew also that Valdemar would stop at nothing to attain his goals. Thus this reason for annihilating her people. But there was something...perhaps his appearance now that seemed to appeal to all her senses. Nothing else could she concentrate on, nor did she wish to.

Evangeline's eyes carried from the ground back over to Valdemar's changed form. He was again how she remembered, handsome, kind... but with just a hint of darkness and mystery. It had crossed her mind many times as she reached adulthood that she could indeed love him. The visions which came to her at night told the tale of his feelings for her however she always thought that they were but a dream and never did she pursue the idea. She feared him and knew he could hurt her. The fragile heart of the Angel could easily be broken in her youth and she knew it. But it was different now. She had the eons of experience behind her, she was timeless and so too was her knowledge. She was no longer the frail young maiden with barely the conception of good and evil to fall back upon.

She wanted this man and as he looked into her eyes did he know of this fact. Before a word could be uttered by either of them Valdemar's arms were twining around her slowly. Evangeline wished to pull away and tried but knew it was futile for she had not the will to do so. She squeezed her eyes shut not wanting to think of anything else as he forcefully pulled her tightly against him and kissed her passionately on the mouth. At long last the liplock was broken. He whispered his love through the ages for her and it was at that moment that she realized he would always be by her side if she would only allow it. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked upon him once again. He was the same as before...yet different.

Evangeline looked into his eyes. Suddenly it was clear. There they were...dark as night. The window to his blackened soul. How could she have been so foolish? Suddenly the illusion faded away and she once again saw him for what he was. She pushed Valdemar away and stumbled backward. Evangeline's eyes glazed over in pure energy and in a flash of light her Staff of Omens was in her hand once again and the familiar flames of energy twirled around it slowly. Valdemar's eyes narrowed as the flames shot outward from the weapon and formed a ring of fire around him.

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(7/22/01 8:20:21 pm)
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Valdemar Desmond watched the as the fire burned around him in a full circle. He slowly turned his head towards Evangeline under a furled brow. A wicked smile crossed his face as his eye's met with hers. Holding his right hand out in front of him, Valdemar summoned a beautiful ruby rod that had gold ringlets that where spaced inches apart from each other down the length of it. It was the fabled Rod of Splendor! It was once in the possession of the great elder of Treous. Evangeline stood there in disbelief. She knew that Treous would never relinquish such a relic to one so evil and corrupt as Valdemar. He would have had to kill to gain such a powerful item! The Rod of Splendor had powers untold, and even in that moment, Evangeline knew she was at a great disadvantage. Without the rod, Valdemar was more then a match for her. And he knew it. He could read it in her unreadable eye's.

"I have burned worlds...And have made stars go nova. And you dare trifle with me with this...this ring of fire?!?" Valdemar gestured towards the fire with his left hand.

Evangeline nervously glanced to the rod then to Valdemar, trying not to be obvious. But he seen what she had to hide. It was unavoidable. With an evil smirk of content upon his face he zeroed in for the kill.

Ahhh...Yes, only now do you understand. You ask yourself now, how it is possible that I came into possession of this wonderful rod. How?...Let me tell you foolish Nephrum. The council never seen there folly in there plans as I did. To rule with order and wisdom to the masses. To teach prosperity and love to those who cried out for freedom from there tyrannical government. Valdemar scoffed at his words as he spoke them. And as you know, they were destroyed for there lack of vision. As soon to will the Elders be. Treous was the first, the others will also meet his fate. I find much pleasure in the thought now. Nothing will stand in my way...Not even you Evangeline. You and I both know that in order to do so, it would take the power of the book of Cerrosh to do so. And you know as I, that in doing so, you would become as I! So you see, you have no choice in the matter exalted angel of Ieago. And if you refuse,...Well, I'll be forced to destroy you also. However, this is not my intentions. We both can rule Ieago as one. Do you really think the Elders would help you in thwarting me and my destiny? After all, it was the decision of the Elders that finally caused your fall from grace from the Order of the Light. On the account of that pitiful Knight Soth!

Valdemar's face grew soft as he held out his hand to Evangeline. "Come, let us do together what was meant to be done." Let us take Ieago by force, and end this corruption! I seance the fear and confusion in you now Evangeline...Let go, and together we will set fire to there ways!" Evangeline stood there in horror, her mouth slightly parted as she shook her head in disbelief. She fought for possession of her voice as tears streamed down her delicate cheeks.

"I to thought as you did Evangeline...And I was wrong for doing so. And as for the voices you hear beaconing you to do to me as there favor...It was I who called you. I called you here to show you, to somehow convince you that they where wrong. Evangeline stumbled backwards at the words. How could this be she thought? At every turn he was there, ready to undo what seemed impossible to undo!

Evangeline Starbreeze
(8/4/01 10:26:55 pm)
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Her mind was whirling. How could Valdemar have achieved such a thing? Evangeline felt foolish, she had once again underestimated his power. This had to end now, she could not allow him to destroy the remaining councils on Iego. But the Rod of Splendor! How could she now defeat him with that in his possession? Evangeline took a deep breath. She knew he was right... the only way to defeat such a defiled being was through the book of Cerrosh. Her sacrifice would indeed be great were she to become one with the book as Valdemar had done all those millennia ago. Everything that was dear to her would cease... but she knew that even if she lost herself in this process she would still rid herself of Valdemar. For even the book, with it's corrupt power would now see Valdemar as it's enemy simply because of the pain he had caused Evangeline. The tears fell even more freely from her eyes now as Evangeline realized the hopelessness of her situation. Her mind now filled with self doubt, would she have the strength to accomplish what she knew she must? She feared what she would become, but knew she had not a choice.

Valdemar still stood across from her, beckoning her to join with him. Slowly she extended her Staff of Omens and in a great flash of light she was gone. Time was slowed once again to an almost stop...this, one of Evangeline's innate abilities that she dared only use when it was completely needed. The clock on the wall stood still as Evangeline walked somberly through her elegant home...the home which she knew now she would never see again. She entered into the room parallel to the one which she used to sleep in. Again there sat the Book of Cerrosh, encased within the magical stand which Evangeline had created. She intended never to open it...but perhaps it was because she knew this day would come that she did not simply destroy the book. She inhaled slowly and took one more look around the room with her angelic eyes. Squeezing them shut she gripped her Staff of Omens tightly and chanted the reversal spell in her ancient dialect. A burst of energy came from the Staff and within moments the book was once again in her possession.

Power flowed from it freely and she could feel it calling to her as she stood, holding it close to her bosom. Shutting her eyes she slipped into the other plane, then was back before Valdemar. The time spell was broken...he knew what she intended to do and it was what he wanted. Evangeline narrowed her eyes then opened the book and began to read from it. Valdemar had longed for millennia to hear her chant the words from the sacred pages. Suddenly a spiral of energy shot up from the book then twisted around and impacted Evangeline upon the upper chest. The book now free from her hands as she soared backward rapidly and crashed through a decaying rock cavern. It's lack of stability caused it to fall apart atop of her.

This was Valdemar's chance. The book hovered there in front of him, Evangeline was unconscious, it was his for the taking! He approached it quickly, commanding it to relinquish itself to him. But the book had found a new host, Valdemar was no longer it's master. As he reached for it he was also hit with a surge or energy and tossed backward several feet. It was then that he realized what had happened. In convincing Evangeline that she had to use the book he doomed himself from ever using it again while Evangeline still lived. It was clear now...when she stripped him of it the first time she already had possession and all she need do was chant the words from it.

As Valdemar stood up slowly there was movement from under the pile of decaying rock. In a sudden burst of energy Evangeline sprung into the sky, freeing herself from the rubble. As her eyes blazed with the power that she now wielded she cast her Staff of Omens aside as if it were nothing more than a useless stick. Slowly she hovered to the ground and stood before Valdemar. Almost inviting him to strike at her.

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(8/5/01 10:28:13 am)
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A billowing laughter echoed through the snow drift plains. It reached the furthest parts of the region in all directions. Shaking the rubble and foundations of the remaining structures causing them to crash in one glorious heap. Like a sonic boom, it reverberated through Evangeline's form causing her to be thrown back a bit as she hovered between heaven and earth.

Valdemar Desmond, the unchallenged, was now being confronted by one who was inexperienced at the art of war. He had fought countless eon's in battles that she could have only imagined. He knew that she had not Mastered the book as he. She was new to it's fabulous power. And he would take full opportunity at her dispense if need be! If she would not join him in his quest for dominance and supremacy...Then she would suffer as her counterparts had, and worst yet, with her very own life!

Valdemar's form arched back as he held the Staff of Splendor over his head in defiance. The Staff dissipated in his hands as red lighting coursed over his entire form. He chanted the ancient words of the book he committed to memory long ago. Evangeline watched in shock and horror as his being turned from a flesh state to that of a liquid silver state! His eye's where now two glowing sphere's of energy that burned a white hot hue. She could feel the enormity of his power engulf her. He was a Master of many things. Nevertheless he was also an enchanter and wizard of the books endless dark ways of alchemy. And Valdemar would express this power of old to the Angel of Ieago in a display that she would never forget! That was if she survived it's onset.

The evil Nephrum took to the air as she did. This would be a fight that would traditionally take place in the element of the air it's self. There were many advantages to taking flight when faced with one as powerful as Evangeline and himself. She was skilled, but to Valdemar it was only temporary. She had much to learn of the ways of supreme power. A powerful bolt of blue lighting shot from above her. The landscape was now cast in a blood red as dark ominous clouds quickly formed over head. The wind blew hard against her now smoking form as she tumbled towards the ground out of control. Her mind was in a daze after the uncial lighting strike that seemed to come from nowhere. She was already wounded badly before she got the chance to retaliate.

Edited by: Valdemar Desmond at: 8/5/01 10:32:58 am

Evangeline Starbreeze
(8/5/01 1:41:33 pm)
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Evangeline continued to tumble toward the planet's surface rapidly as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying desperately to regain control but it was already too late. She suddenly found herself crashing through a massive rock formation. One which was hollow in the center but curved around in an arch nearly 3 feet in width. The force of Evangeline's impact caused the entire structure to crumble, but fortunately she was clear of the rubble by the time she hit the surface. She barely had time to shield her head as she slid across the gravel, then at last came to a slow stop.

The sensations of pain were present, but were somehow different from what she had remembered. As she sat up on her knees slowly she looked down at the scrapes upon her left arm and ribcage. She had not been harmed physically in this way for quite sometime. The burning sensation from the blast earlier was impossible to ignore and her left shoulder was riddled with gaping wounds which allowed what appeared to be blood to seep from them. Evangeline inhaled sharply then shut her eyes and placed her hand upon several of the larger wounds, within moments they were gone but she knew that if the battle continued this way she would not be able to regenerate herself so easily.

Aggression seemed to overcome Evangeline as she sit still upon the gravel, leaning forward on her hands as her arms lay extended out in front of her. Hatred filled her eyes as she looked up into the sky. There he was, hovering as if he had the upper hand. Evangeline realized not what he was capable of in this new form, nor did she care. Her thoughts were now chaotic, reason and sensibility seemed to have no bearing upon her actions. Suddenly, her body began to faze out, almost like a bad holo-projection which was losing it's signal and within a split second she was hovering behind Valdemar, her intense speed catching him off guard. Before he could react she had clasped both of her fists together and struck him upon the back of the head. He flew forward slightly and before he could regain his bearings Evangeline was again in front of him and struck him with the back of her fist. This time, to her surprise he did not move. His cold silver skin indented slightly at the powerful blow, but then seeped back to normal.

Evangeline's eyes widened as she realized the blows which she was inflicting upon Valdemar were not causing him any harm. Slowly she began to back away but was suddenly trapped by Valdemar's strong grip as his hand wrapped around her neck and pulled her close to him. Gasping for breath Evangeline struggled to loosen his grip but could do nothing to free herself.

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(8/5/01 4:44:27 pm)
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Evangeline could feel the cursed clasp around her neck growing ever tighter. The immense strength of Valdemar was to much for her to stay long in his death grip. Her mind began to dim with each passing moment as the air was being cut off to her brain. Valdemar expressed no emotion towards her as he tried to crush the very life from her. She managed to bring both of her feet up to kick him off of her, but to no avail! His grasp was one of lethal intent. He meant to kill her! Then it dawned on Evangeline, that they were moving upwards. The ground was moving rapidly away as she glanced down to see the carnage of the city grow smaller.

Valdemar was now in his element. He felt her feeble struggle against him, but felt no pity for her at this point. She needed a lesson. And he was the one to teach her. They where so high now, that Evangeline could see the mists of the dark clouds pass by them. She was loosing conciseness. Lightning flashed and the deafening thunder claps shook her form as they soared higher and higher. She could feel the sting if electricity fray her delicate skin as it was drawn to his metallic form. A bolt then struck her once again, but this time he was not immune from it's effect. If there was a living soul that witnessed the two struggle for control from the ground. He or she would have seen a stream of light moving straight to heaven. Then a flash, splitting the one line into two. It separated then moved away from each other slowly. But all where dead on the surface of the now desolate planet. A fight that had no audience or chronicler to it's outcome.

Valdemar felt himself tumble upwards. The unanticipated strike and the shear momentum of there movement cartwheel the two from each other. He quickly lost sight of Evangeline through the cloud banks. But he knew exactly where she was. But he would wait for her to come to him.

Evangeline Starbreeze
(8/7/01 9:14:13 pm)
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Evangeline fought still to catch her breath as she tumbled backward through the blackened sky. She realized now that she would never be able to harm Valdemar if she continued to fight the way she had been. She peered at him through the clouds as they thinned out slightly, allowing her only a moment to catch a glimpse of him. It appeared as if he had not a scratch on him, even though her body had taken considerable damage from the embrace that they shared only moments ago. She fought to clear her mind of the fatigue in which she was feeling for she knew that she had not time to chant a healing spell.

Now all of her efforts would be exhausted upon finding a way to defeat this cruel being. She now realized how overzealous she had been in her assumptions. Simply having control of the book no longer seemed as if it would be enough. The power which was at her command was still new to her and she had not a clue how to harness it. Just as she knew Valdemar had foreseen when he persuaded her to become one with the book of Cerrosh. She suddenly longed once again for her enchanted Staff of Omens.

Evangeline shut her eyes and allowed her head to fall backward. Once again time slowed to an almost stop. This time however, Valdemar seemed more immune to it's effects than ever before. His movements were still easily detectable by her eyes, however far too fast for anyone who would normally be caught within her timespell. Evangeline knew that she had to act quick. She quickly scrolled the pages of the ancient book with her mind, trying to find a suitable spell in which to use upon her greatest enemy. Then, there it was...one which would immobilize the vile creature and leave him open to even her physical attacks.

She quickly began chanting the incantation. Within moments a dark energy surrounded her then shot outward toward Valdemar. As the shockwave hit him his brain immediately began to send out impulses of dark energy through his nervous system, causing pain through the body so severe that any normal man would have died from the sheer agony after only seconds. Knowing that this would be her last chance Evangeline quickly flew toward Valdemar while summoning her Staff of Omens. Within moments it's sparkling form could be seen soaring toward her. Evangeline quickly grasped it swiftly with her right hand. As it had already accumulated much momentum she swung it upward with all of her might and struck the already dazed fallen Angel in the temple. Valdemar reeled backward rapidly and began descending toward the planets surface once again.

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(8/8/01 9:07:07 pm)
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Valdemar, the arch fiend of the "Plupuss-Nauzzuah" caught himself spinning out of control. Hurling towards the planets surface at a blinding speed! But he too, was preparing a spell of his own. He was now ready to show Evangeline the true meaning of pain. Pain that she would sarcoma to at his calling. He knew what her weakness was, and now was the ordained time to show her.

The dark Angel stopped mid flight as if he had hit something that wasn't there. He turned and located Evangeline through the dark cloud bank with his heightened fore sight. There she was! Valdemar spoke a word, and lightning shot down from the heavens in a thick red bolt towards him. It passed him and struck the surface of the planet, sending matter plummeting high into the air.

Valdemar rode the coursing lightning with his left hand like a turbo lift up to the point to where Evangeline hovered. A wicked smile was engraved upon his metallic face. This time he would use words to assault her with. And it was with words that he knew she would fall to!

"You are still a child in your ways Evangeline" Came Valdemar in a taunting way.

"Tell me this fare Nephrum. Do you love the one you call Soth? At this point Valdemar disappeared from her sight. He was now directly behind her with his arm around her neck. Not choking her, but still taunting her. He now whispered in her ear.

"Do you? I find it most appalling. To care for the weak in such a way. How long do you think it would take me to, well...Kill him? A second? Two?...You see Evangeline, I will always be one step ahead of you. I do not wish to fight with you. As you know by now, you could never beat me at this petty little game you play. Look down below us. Behold what it has cost you thus far. Is he really worth that much to you?"

Valdemar passionately kissed her neck as he finished his cold callused words. Now the odds were even!

Edited by: Valdemar Desmond at: 8/8/01 9:11:52 pm

Evangeline Starbreeze
(8/11/01 4:04:48 pm)
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Evangeline's eyes were wide with alarm. How could he know of the Death Knight? For eons she'd hope to have kept Soth's existence a secret from Valdemar. She now realized that they shared no secrets. It was her curse. The curse of him loving her as he did. Anger took over her as she spun around quickly to strike him as he caressed her neck but he was already out of sight. His laugh could be heard and again he reiterated to her how hopeless this situation was. She looked down at the surface below and remembered the death and destruction he had caused only hours prior...but her feelings now since becoming one with the book were different from before. She no longer could feel the great love which she once felt for the people. All that she could feel now was the pain of their deaths and the anger of having them taken from her.

She lowered her head as thoughts of the Death Knight preoccupied her mind. She did love him as always...but now the feelings toward him were also different. It was what she had feared before she joined with the book Cerrosh. It's corruption had already reached her and for the first time she looked upon herself and realize that her form had changed just as Valdemar's had. She shook her head, it was without consequence. Whether with mixed emotion or not she had sworn to protect Soth at all costs and neither Valdemar nor the Book could change this. She would succumb to Valdemar's wishes...just as he had planned.

In a flash of light her Staff of Omens was again just a simple ring attached to an elegant bracelet upon her delicate hand. Her thoughts were now laid bare to Valdemar in order that he might see her intentions. He did have the upper hand as he had foretold. She simply could not accept the fate of Iego, or her own until now. It was now time to put an end to this quarrel. Suddenly, there he was again. Watching her from afar. Her thoughts were exposed to him, he knew what was going through her mind. "Forgive me..." She called to him as she approached him slowly, "I no longer wish to continue this quarrel, I grow weary of our game. My feelings have always been apparent to you, I need not fight them any longer."

Slowly she removed the bracelet from her hand and held it out for Valdemar almost as a peace offering. The Magi Staff of Omens. That which was promised to him long ago when he was still a member of the Council. It's powers were no longer a mystery to him however, just as Evangeline, it was something that was denied him for far too long.

"Come..." said Evangeline softly as she placed the bracelet in his hand, "I shall take you to that place which the elders had long ago banned you from. The other plane of existence...where all things are possible and power beyond even your imagination waits to embrace you," Evangeline looked up into Valdemar's dark eyes, beckoning him to follow her, "take my hand."

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(8/19/01 6:19:55 pm)
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The evil Nephrum looked upon Evangeline with distrust. He searched her feelings, probed her mind. She was offering him what he had hoped for, fought for. Even killed for. Herself!

As the two angels hovered over the desolate planet, Valdemar looked at the bracelet she had placed into his wicked hands. He needed not something so meniscal and meaningless as this trinket! His powers flowed from the Dark Side of the Force. Valdemar placed it back into Evangeline's hands. He had what he wanted, and now he would further his evil plans with her. She would rule with him at his side. Together they would wreak destruction across the known galaxy, to the furthest reaches of the outer rim clusters. They would reighn supreme!

Without words, Valdemar pulled Evangeline in close to himself. His appearance changed once again. His metallic form turning back to the more comely look Evangeline knew eons before. But his black eyes could he never change. No magic, no powers he held at bay would ever mask the evil they shone. Much like his soul now, there was no redemption for the lost Nephrum.

A softness crossed his face as he drew his body close to hers. Their forms were intertwined, and he felt no resistance from her. He had to know if she was willing to give herself to him. If she faltered, then he would know that it was all a ruse. A lie to grant her leave from him. This would be unacceptable now. His lips drew close to hers as she conceded. His hands passionately ran the course of her body. He did love her. He always had. Her beauty was unmatched among the angels of Iego. When Valdemar first laid eyes on the enchanting Nephrum Evangeline, he knew then he had to have her. The evil angel determined, what ever it took, she was to be his!

Evangeline pulled back slowly from Valdemar, reminding him of the place they were to go to. He looked again into her eternal eyes, searching, probing, but her eyes reviled nothing but her intent to take him to the Land of Dreams. A moment passed, then a wicked smile crossed Valdemar's face. He turned to look down at the destruction far below them. He surveyed the planets surface. Then proclaimed.

"Yes, my love, let us leave this damned hollow husk. Let the dead, morn for the dead! But before we venture to the place you speak of, fair Nephrum. Let us place the book among the pillars of Crodan, back on our home world. There it will rest until our return, after we become one in the Land of Dreams."

Valdemar wished to waste no time on Evangeline bearing him an offspring. It would insure his line of power for the future. He would pass on his secrets to his first born and then the plan would unfold, take shape at his discretion and a new era of Nephrum would rule the rim's of Ieago now!

Edited by: Valdemar Desmond at: 8/20/01 9:02:24 pm

Evangeline Starbreeze
(8/24/01 5:48:45 pm)
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Evangeline gazed upon Valdemar, studying him slowly as his eyes still seemed to be searching hers. Slowly she extended her arm outward and in bright flash of yellow light the Book of Cerrosh was once again in her hands. She looked at it for a moment in such a way that it seemed for a moment it was all she could see. Then slowly she took Valdemar's hand. Within seconds the two Nephrum's were back upon Crodan. They however were not yet in their former home. Instead they were outside in the courtyard where Evangeline spent most of her youth.

It was almost as an enchanted forest which stretched across the Plaines for miles. Exotic flowers bloomed within seconds, then wilted and died just as quickly as they had formed. There was constant change that could never be explained. Eire music that could always be heard in the distance however was all that remained unchanged throughout the ages. Almost as if the wind was singing softly the never-ending song of joy which once represented the state in which Evangeline's heart was in. But no longer.

This place brought Evangeline back to the days when she would gaze up into the night sky and listen to the thousands of voices which echoed from surrounding worlds. It was a time of exploration for her. Never did she think then that her life would turn out like this. Evangeline realized that she had been wrong in reading the fates earlier this eve. She was to see her home once again. Still holding on to Valdemar's hand she slipped away for a moment and walked deeper into the enchanted forest. Valdemar looked on as Evangeline stopped momentarily, shutting her eyes and absorbing her surroundings. Slowly she walked toward a large lake which was hidden behind several beautiful trees. The leaves of which appeared to be made of pure gold which fell upon Evangeline softly as she stopped in front of the waterfall which shown only her reflection.

Without warning Evangeline's Staff of Omens was in her hands once again. The ring of fire surrounded it as usual but this time it seemed to be expanding slowly around her. Suddenly fire burst out around her in all directions and for several seconds there was nothing but a blinding light. When the light dissipated nothing alive remained. The once beautiful waterfall and lake were now nothing more than small puddles upon a stone cavern in the ground. The trees which shone brightly only moments before were now stripped of all leaves and left smoldering until nothing remained. Evangeline waited several moments for the flames to dissipate then willed her Staff back to his place upon her wrist and walked out of the Forest slowly.

Evangeline took her place at Valdemar's side once again and slowly led him into their home. As she walked through she looked around with new eyes. One's which could no longer see the beauty in the place in which the two once lived, but only the pain. Sadness crept upon Evangeline slowly as the Angels walked into the room which held the Book of Cerrosh. There was no longer a need for it to be locked up now that it was in Evangeline's possession. She turned to Valdemar then handed the book to him and watched as he brought it back to it's elegant casing. Valdemar had turned his back to Evangeline for only a moment as he studied the book for several seconds. Then he turned and walked toward her once again.

Edited by: Evangeline Starbreeze at: 8/24/01 8:37:57 pm

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(8/25/01 7:20:08 pm)
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The Plupuss-Nauzzuah posed before the pillars of Crodan. Valdemar lovenly ran his talon hand over it's elaborate binding. The tome was indeed a wonder in it's self. The pages them self's upon first glance to the viewer, would swirl and be in an ever constant change. As if the pages were alive! It was a form of protection that the Elders imbued the tome with to keep the unenlightened at bay. A great composition of work from great minds. It was compiled long ago for the soul purpose of keeping order on the worlds of Ieago. Created when Ieago was young and the world's were unmolested by the Darkside of the force. It was truly an instrument of healing, as well as one of destruction!

Valdemar knew that the Tome of Cerrosh was the final key to dissolving the Council of Elder's once and for all! It's unsearchable path's to a higher state of being where now his to command. A wicked smile crossed Valdemar's face as he entertained an equally evil thought. "I wonder if Treous would have ever thought it possible that I would rule Ieago unchallenged! As to the rest of the council, they too will witness my moment of triumph and glory as I take the Shoneach by force!" Evangeline could hear Valdemar's sinister laugh escape him as he pondered the thought. "But first things first," he thought to himself. The evil Nephrum placed the book of Cerrosh in it's crystal case between the pillars of Crodan. A blue glow enveloped the tome as Valdemar slowly turned around to face Evangeline. A smile of contentment was etched upon his face as he walked to her and put his arm's around her.

"Now we go to the Land of Dream's Evangeline...There you will show me the wonders and secrets I have been deprived of. And you will bare me a son there, fair Nephrum." Confidence oozed from his word's as he spoke them. It was his fondest desire to do so. And there was now nothing, no obstacles, no barriers that could stop it from taking place!

Edited by: Valdemar Desmond at: 8/25/01 7:23:18 pm

Evangeline Starbreeze
(9/3/01 7:50:02 am)
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Re: Bitter Sweet Memories...
As Evangeline and Valdemar walked through the lush growth of the land of dreams to their destination Evangeline stopped him midstride, she gently took Valdemar by the wrist and turned him to face her. Softly she spoke to him. The sunlight that had shown on her made her beauty shimmer and sparkle the golden dust that blew on the wind in this enchanted place caressed her form adding to her loveliness. How breathtaking she was to him.

"What do you see in me Valdemar, when you look at me?" Evangeline said in a seductive way, "Do you see what you saw so long ago?" Valdemar narrowed his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Suspicion grew in Valdemar's voice. It was a trait he had displayed before when she had caught him off guard. Evangeline slowly walked around Valdemar and let her finger trace his form.

"I know what Treous would have thought of your rule over the High Council. Shall I tell you, oh exalted one of the Plupuss-Nauzzuah?" Evangeline words exuded confidence as she now came to face Valdemar. "It would have turned his stomach his dagger would have been in your heart."

"You speak foolish words, fair Nephrum," snapped Valdemar.

"Do I?" Asked Evangeline, "Tell me Valdemar in all your infinite wisdom, can you tell me why there are no birds to sing their songs here? Why there are no creatures that stir?" Valdemar looked about the landscape. It was true. Since the two had arrived, there were no lifeforms to be seen, let alone heard. This had slipped his mind. His mind was on greater expectations. Reading his thoughts, Evangeline would now enlighten the confused arch fiend.

"In your haste, dear one. You have overlooked the smallest of details. A flaw perhaps, but not surprising. The beauty you see here, the land of dreams... me," Evangeline with one hand behind her neck, pulled her hair back as she continued, "Is it truly what you thought it would be?" It was evident that Valdemar's anger was rising to her words of insult.

"You speak riddles, and now you mock me Evangeline." Evangeline let out a laugh... a mocking laugh. "You call me the fool when it was you who I had led to this point all along? You are nothing, and will be nothing Valdemar. What you see now with your evil eyes is only what you wanted to see."

At that Valdemar swiped at Evangeline's form. His hand passed right through her. She was an illusion. One she had created from a different location. He knew now he had been deceived. Valdemar screamed in defiance as he arched his form outward. He had turned his back to her in their home back on Iego. There she had tricked him but it was far too late now for compensation or recourse. Only now when Valdemar reached out to the Dark Side did he then realize that the land of dreams, the fabled star of the outer rim system was about to go Nova. Valdemar had not the gift of phasing as Evangeline did. She had planned it all down to the moment. Time had simply run out for the ill fated star. There was no help for the evil one to even attempt an escape, his end was now at hand and Evangeline was on the verge of putting her dark past behind her forever. This is what had to be done and she would savor every moment of it's final display from afar.

Edited by: Evangeline Starbreeze at: 9/3/01 8:59:27 am

Valdemar Desmond
Registered User
(10/15/01 8:17:47 pm)
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From a distant star the Angel watched as the star known as "The Land of Dreams" went nova. The explosion was quite spectacular, however there was only one witness to it's catastrophe, so Evangeline thought. Their where other eye's that looked on with great interest and deep concern. The end of the black hearted arch fiend Valdemar Desmond story came to a sudden end. Evangeline had been triumphant over her long battle with him, and her clever ploy that caught him off guard had not gone unnoticed!

A circular ring tore through space as it emanated outward and slowly dissipated thousands of miles from it's original origin. And all the known force users in the far off reaches of space, as well as the distant galaxies, felt the tremor in the force. Some more than others, but one thing was for certain, there worlds would be a little safer now. But this as at a great expense and cost of life. And the turning of a single angel. One had died, and another born to the evil by the book he had passed on to her. There lives would always have that in common. It was unavoidable. As the pages of the event came to a close on the World of Dreams, Evangeline, even in her great and endless wisdom, could not foresee, even now, she opening a new book...One that would effect her for the rest of her angelic life!