View Full Version : "Alone at last...(repost)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:59:31 AM
"Alone at last... Soth ran his Vampire hand alone the ornately carved stone entrance. He walked in slowly through entrance of the chamber that seemed to take on a life of it's own. Shadows danced across the room and unseen eye's watched their Master intently as he moved without walking. Something bothered the Death Knight. His face was troubled and his heart was heavy as he moved closer to the large bed that could accommodate many all at once. It was empty now, but the satin sheet's made an inviting invitation to the lonely tired Vampire.

Soth laid himself down onto the bed. His body sank into it's depth's, wrapping around him like a mother's sweet embrace after a long journey far from home. Soth thought of the one he had brought back to the Coven family. The daughter of Vice-Roy Baventor. She put up no fight as if she knew all to well He would be back for her on the marrow. He would decide her fate soon enough. Soth kept her in a locked room not far from his, now under the guard of his spectral servant. But oddly, Soth's thought's weren't on his captive, but on that of the one he longed to see, to hold. Miranda... The journey to Kayoc gave Soth a great deal of time to think of her. His servant had been ordered to watch over her and to meet her every need if she wished. He knew she was growing fond of the Coven family even if she didn't say, it was quite apparent to himself. They had some kind of link, a meeting of the heart, he knew it, as she did to, but ether at this point pursued it further. It was odd to Soth, but he didn't try to fight the thought, but invited it in. How she crossed his path was no mistake he pondered, even if she didn't see it that way.

Soth could feel the Succubus of the Coven move close to him on the bed, trying to comfort him as if they to could feel his delima at that very moment. Soth invited them closer, after all it was a Vampire's nature to have such companionship with other's of his nature, it was their way. But his mind and heart fell on the banks of another's shore once again and not even the Succubus could find their way to that point, Soth would never allow it. That place was reserved for another, if fate decided so. He almost wished that she would come to him, to somehow know how he felt for her without saying so. Soth was reckless with his thought's, almost hoping she would feel them through the force. Would she ever find the treasure that washed ashore? Only time would tell.
Undead Sith Guardian and Enforcer for the Coven.
Now...Vampyre Keeper of Secrets..
Wields a Green Saber.
"Every wolf has it's fleas,....Easy enough to scratch."


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 5/12/01 11:47:52 am

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(5/19/01 2:41:20 pm)
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The air was cold and damp as it swept through her hair. Evangeline had not visited this plane in her true form in over a year. She'd forgotten what the sensations felt like. Shutting her eyes she inhaled slowly for a moment then looked at the planet below her as she fluttered in the air over the hemisphere. The moon shown brightly to her perception making everything visible even though thousands of feet below. This planet was desolate with nothing of relevance or importance upon the surface. What was on the planet's surface, however, concerned her not. Arching her massive wings forward she soared eastward until coming within a few miles of her destination.

The Coven castle was shrouded in a dark haze... yet, she could always tell what went on inside. Evangeline sensed the impending doom that awaited the members of the Coven... yet for now, it was not on her mind. She was concerned with only one member in particular. Death Knight Soth. His destiny had always been intertwined with her own. His pain wrenched at her heart as if someone were attempting to forcefully rip it from her chest. He was in despair and could do nothing to free himself from the emotional bondage which he had cast himself into. Evangeline looked painfully toward the Coven once more and shut her eyes.

When she opened them, Soth was before her. The Succubus who had attempted to comfort the Death Knight in his time of need screeched in agony at the sight of the seemingly heavenly creature. Evangeline paid them no mind as they fled the chamber in horror, back to the dark corners from which they came.

"Know this, Death Knight Soth... for all of creation I have loved and protected from harm since the beginning of my existence, but nothing exceeds the love which I have for you. We will walk together upon the same path until the end of time. I know your pain, for I feel all that is within you...and when your heart breaks, so too does mine. This can never be avoided. Know however, that your despair will not be never-ending, for it is yet to be revealed to you what the fates intend."

Evangeline had not seen the Death Knight since the last time she visited this plane. He had changed, as she knew that he would. His bodily appearance now almost childlike to her perception, his current emotions also in the same state. She knew what would become of all this and what the turning point would be for the Death Knight...but he was not ready to know this. In time, he would come to the realization...perhaps with help, but this was not that time.

Edited by: Evangeline Starbreeze at: 6/17/01 8:39:50 am

Death Knight Soth
(5/27/01 5:50:52 pm)
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Re: Alone at last...
Soth watched half heartedly as the Succubus fled in terror at Evangeline's appearance. Her true form was surrounded by an unearthly blue hue that seemed to shimmer and sparkle like tiny little stars in the heavens. Her skin was pale but was covered with a fine gold dust that made her appearance more radiant. It was an angel who would save him from despair this night, as so many countless times before. The Dark Knight slowly setup to rest on the edge of his bed, absorbing the soft Angelic words that soothed the conflict within him for just a moment. Soth, cursed to always remember his past, to walk eternity in constant reminder of his fall from grace. Forced to face it ever so, at Evangeline's unannounced arrivals. In that very instant the curse's hand gripped him and brought him to that place where he dare not venture. A place, and past he tried to escape, but never could. Where an angel who at one time, honorably held a place amongst the Dunouiguin. The Star Dragons of old. The Dunouiguin were said to be the forefathers of the sacred Order of Light.

Evangeline's place was as the protector and guardian of it's holy order. More of a legend now, stories that parents told their children at bedtime. Angel's from the far moons of Iego, beings who aided those in time of need was how it was told. But Soth knew all too well the stories were true, some of them at least. He was there, as she was also. It seemed to Soth eon's had past since then. Evangeline, too shared Soth's curse. She fell, as he. Cast out because of her sympathy for him. Standing in his defense for the sake of love for another. Strictly forbidden by their code. The Angel from Iego, once pure as he, fought on his behalf but was eventually banished. However, her sacrifice was more costly than his own. The band about her neck was an eternal symbol, a reminder to her and to their voiced in the fallen Jedi's defense. Now she dwelt in darkness, cast from the sacred circle in Eternal shame. Her sad nightly songs were ballads of her remorse for another era. Those who heard them would weep or experience madness caused by the overwhelming sorry the induced.

Evangeline had always remained close to the Death Knight of old. It was her way of expressing what was innate to her, but sadly, it was something that could never be atoned. And like her unsurpassed beauty, also mirrored her innocent love for the stricken Knight. As a mother to a helpless child, was her compassion and pity for him. Guarding him, protecting him, even from himself. This was the bond that they both shared ever since, and ever more. Soth stood and walked past her without a word. He knew she was there for a purpose, and there was nothing he could do to conceal the pain which was so evident.

After Soth's turning as a Vampyre, this torment was magnified, causing him to spiral downward. Unable to keep in check the overwhelming emotions that were new to him. Even more so compounded by the woman in his dreams that captivated him. She was now a reality. Soth did not blame Miranda for this, it was not her fault, she knew not of his dilemma. It was something which he could not explain. Before this manifestation it had all been alien to him. His master had told him at his new life as a Vampyre, "You will feel as no other feels," This added a new element that even Soth in over five millennia could not now combat. The angel from Iego knew even better than he. It was her nature to sense sorrow, but it was the unbearable sorrow in Soth that brought here to him.

Evangeline saw the key that would set Soth free from his despair to bring him to himself once again, and the Death Knight couldn't even see it. He was blind to it, blinded by self. And even if Soth knew he would never force fate. Soth walked through the entrance toward the Room of Antiquity. And the coldness and the scent of black roses followed him, as Evangeline would. It was unavoidable as he would soon find out. She would temp fate. As it had always been.
Undead Sith Guardian and Enforcer for the Coven.
Now...Vampyre Keeper of Secrets..
Wields a Green Saber.
"Every wolf has it's fleas,....Easy enough to scratch."


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 5/29/01 8:58:10 pm

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(6/2/01 10:58:34 pm)
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Evangeline turned around slowly as Soth walked past her and down the long corridor. Hovering several inches above the marble floor she moved gracefully toward the Room of Antiquity where Soth was now standing with his back toward her in front of a large bay window. He starred out at the night sky as the stars shined brightly above the Citadel. As Evangeline entered the room she looked around at the ancient weapons which were housed for their uniqueness and value. To the outside the artifacts in the room were simply hard merchandise, but for Evangeline and the Death Knight they were much more than just objects in an elegant room...they were painful memories.

"Soth, why do you enter into the forbidden Room of Antiquity yet you dare not look into my eyes for fear of what I might see?"

Soth turned around slowly, as he did Evangeline caught a glimpse of his eyes. In an instant millions of images flashed through her mind, all spanning the 5 thousand years of Soth's existence. Such pain had he endured in his life, more than any other mortal Evangeline had ever encountered before. A revelation that had brought the kind angel to silent tears many a time, but even more so now as she realized the connection.

The memories tossed Evangeline back through time to a place which she dared not ventured unless forced to by circumstance. After Evangeline's fall from the Order of Light, time passed, years, but for Evangeline they seemed like merely moments in an endless time of sorrow and pain. What was her place now that she had been cast out? She roamed the galaxy alone, seeking out no one and destroying everything that encountered her. Not intentionally, but simply because of her deep sorrow. Those who came close to her would rather end their own lives then endure even a moment of her pain.

Only one would break this cycle. Not by his actions but because of his loss. Love; the concept which Death Knight Soth and Evangeline had fought so hard to preserve was now in jeopardy. It caused the Angel to once again seek the Knight out, and in that instant she vowed never to willingly leave his side again. Still, she asks herself now...could she have prevented what happened to his first love? Not even she knew the extent of her own powers, and it seemed as if this revelation was always hidden from her. She now waited for the Death Knight to answer... if he indeed had one to her question.

Edited by: Evangeline Starbreeze at: 6/17/01 8:38:17 am

Death Knight Soth
(6/4/01 9:06:59 pm)
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Re: Alone at last...
Lord Soth's gaze held no emotion as he looked towards the fallen angel. If there was anything that Evangiline could read in his ancient eyes, it was that of defeat. She searched him in that instant, and found that in witch she already knew of him, however there was one small thing. It struck the angel in an odd way. This Knight before her had faced many fearce battles and foe alike. Yet she found in him a disturbing quality that was most foreign to her. The word defeat was unthinkable to the Lord of the Dead. Five long millennia brought a wealth of knowledge and experience. He had always found avenues that would bring concise results, even if it took life times to achieve. If it were possible, for even that a Vampire to look dead, it was the picture of Soth before her that told the story and decribed a broken spirit that seemed unmendable.

Evangiline could see that he took on a more gaunt look as the moon light spilled through the boiling clouds outside the Coven onto his form. He had not fed in a great while, and it was taking it's toll on his youthful appearance. This deeply disturbed the angel from Iago. Her stoic marble like features never changed for any occasion, her face never betrayed her true feelings and yet at this moment, a painful look crossed her face that even Soth could not help but to notice.

"You come to me this night, to be a savior to one who can never be. Tell me fare nephrum, do you not see in me what you know to be true of yourself? If you could go back to that time, and you had the choice once again, would you do it differently to save your own soul? Will your sad songs of remorse ever conger the redemptive qualities you so seek?" Soth's words broke the silence like a lethal sword bearing down for a fatal blow.

"Even you, in all your wisdom and understanding fail to see even that. Know this, nothing...nothing can undo that which has already been done!" Soth found his mark true as he watched the angel wipe a tear from her face, and as the tear fell, the sword tore through his own heart.
Undead Sith Guardian and Enforcer for the Coven.
Now...Vampyre Keeper of Secrets..
Wields a Green Saber.
"Every wolf has it's fleas,....Easy enough to scratch."


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 6/4/01 9:14:50 pm

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(6/5/01 8:11:07 pm)
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Evangeline wept inside as the tear ran down her face. Many times had she lamented for the sake of another, for it was in her nature to be empathic, but now for the first time in over 5 millennia she wept for herself. Only one whom she loved so dearly could ever wound her in such a way.

She turned her face from Soth slowly, to hide her anguish from the Death Knight until it passed...for she never wished him to see her in such a way. Although Soth's words pained her so, Evangeline did not respond to him, for she knew that these types of words and rhetorical questions were to be expected from one who was in such despair.

At last she turned to Soth once more. She studied the Death Knight's eyes carefully and knew that his heart ached badly, for he realized what he had done to the already tormented angel. However, Evangeline could see even deeper than that. Soth wished for her to tell him the answers to his dilemma, which he fully knew that she had. Emotionally he was so very fragile now, she worried if even her words would cause him conflict in this condition. Despite this, he longed to hear them. Soth moved closer to her slowly, it was clear that both mental and physical exhaustion were upon him.

Evangeline began to speak, to tell the noble Knight of the things that she saw as she looked into his soul. He listened intently but Evangeline could see that the weariness was overcoming him as the last bit of life began to drain from his face. He took one final step forward but as he did he collapsed to the marble floor almost tragically and lay there at the angel's feet.

Edited by: Evangeline Starbreeze at: 6/17/01 8:38:46 am

Death Knight Soth
(6/6/01 8:57:00 pm)
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Re: Alone at last...
Physically Soth had reached the point where he had no control over his own facilities. The spirit broken and the mind blurred, left the host hanging between life as a Vampire and returning to the Abyss. Soth longed for rest, a final rest. He abhorred the thought of his incompetence. Even as the newly appointed "Knight" of the Coven a couple of weeks prior to his now fragile state. He found even that was an office he could not now fill in his condition. His loyalty to Saurron was his pride and honor. If his Master knew of his dilemma now, it would bring shame to his rank and name. Adding that much more to the curse that haunted him so. The words he spoke to Evangeline, her tears tore at him. The floor now embraced him for his folly.

Soth could hear the scubas call out to him, to comfort him. But they dare not approach the scene with the angel so near. They hissed from the shadows, but to no avail. Evangeline banished them from the room with a wave of her staff. She knelt down to the stricken Knight and embraced him. Feebly Soth looked to Evangeline as she cradled him in her arms. A look of compassion and deep pity crossed her face. His words slurred, Soth spoke in a low monotone voice.

"Forgive me m'lady Starbreeze, they were hastie words..."
Soth could see that she had already forgiven him in her eye's. She stroked his pale white face as her golden hair fell about him. The Knight of the Dammed leaned his head upon her bosom as the darkness began to wash over him. And the last words that escaped Soth lips was that of Miranda...

Evangeline's wing span stretched out over Soth's body in a shroud as she once again wept for him. And that which was beautiful, became that much more so as the moon light bathed the two in an erie blue shimmering glow.
Undead Sith Guardian and Enforcer for the Coven.
Now...Vampyre Keeper of Secrets..
Wields a Green Saber.
"Every wolf has it's fleas,....Easy enough to scratch."


Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(6/7/01 9:25:06 am)
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Re: Alone at last...

Tiny footfalls that normally were barely heard, echoed down the lengthy corridor of Soth's abode. More often then naught, Miranda always found herself wandering around with wanderlust, attempting to find some end to this self-imposed journey. Since finally being released from the servitude of a madman, the redhead was lost, alone, searching to find some stability again. Running a hand through her short tresses, she had to chuckle. Who was she kidding? Things that she craved she never once held. A poor thief on Corellia then turned smuggler. Where could she have possibly found any meaning that her heart cried out for?

What was she doing? Her solitude made her an outsider still amongst the Coven. Alone with only her thoughts to keep her company. She was in a constant struggle now for accepting the Dark Gift. It was a chance to embrace a new life and forgo the loneliness that chained her heart. It was still there! Freedom meant not having to bow to a tyrant but still, her heart ached. The release of such loneliness was a simple cure. So simple that there had to be more to such relief but her coldness and bitterness was driving him away.

Her head began to spin with possibilities and decades of regret. She reached out with a hand to steady herself on the nearest object. It was quite cool to the touch and it helped appease the burning anger in her heart.

Slowly, she looked towards what was her savior this moment. Her green eyes opened in wonder at the magnificent statue in front of her. It was carved of the purest white marble which gave the face somewhat of an innocent quality. He was sitting upon a rock, plucking away at his lyre. Across his back was a long bow and a quiver which completed the set. It was breathtaking. Miranda had to take a few steps back to fully appreciate the beauty that this statue beheld. She could hear the gentle cords of the lyre in her mind so quietly. Closing her eyes, the music reached a new crescendo. Other instruments, a flute and percussions filtered together into a wonderful melody. This lost memory was given life once more, and she was so swayed by this feeling that Miranda found herself spinning around in a pirouette like a giddy child.

On the third spin, the natural high she felt caused dizziness for a moment. It had been quite some time since she danced as such. Arms flailing, Miranda caught herself upon another statue and laughed, mostly from embarrassment. She was quite fortunate that no one saw her acting so silly. With her back to the statue, she decided to look up and see what surprise, man or woman, would greet her. If it was anything like she had just experienced, it would do her good to meet all the frozen time pieces individually that guarded this length of hallway.

This one was exquisite! Unlike the white marble of the other statue, this one had more color to it, giving it a lifelike quality. It was remarkable. Those eyes were so beautiful and warm, but had a sense of history that went with them. How could a sculptor create such a masterpiece?

The answer came without warning. The statue's eyes blinked! An emotion that Miranda only felt in the presence of Crichton came forth. It was fear. Her heart was pounding frantically in her chest and she spun around to face front. Perhaps it was the surprise in seeing the arms move of this.... thing, that caused her to stumble upon the carpet. She wanted to catch herself from falling, but couldn't. Her attention was completely focused to this, perhaps, entity before her. Her mind did cry out to run away and Miranda tried. Slipping upon the carpet, she tried to push herself away with her feet but to no avail. They got tangled up in her dress and her breaths were quick and scared as she watched this thing float closer to her......

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(6/10/01 5:15:18 pm)
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As the statue began to move toward Miranda a sparkling show of color emitted from it, giving the illusion of life to an otherwise dead corridor. Slowly, the stone incarnation faded away to reveal flesh and blood, Evangeline inhaled slowly as she hovered in mid air and looked down upon the fragile creature that sit fear stricken upon the cold marble floor, trying desperately to escape that which could follow her regardless of where she fled. Miranda had never seen such a creature, Evangeline could sense this, and it was the familiar reaction from all vampires that the Angel had encountered in the past therefore she paid it no mind. Instead, she smiled kindly...a necessary show of emotion in order that she might calm the freighted Vampyre.

"Do not fear me child," came the soothing voice of Evangeline. It echoed through the Coven for the first time beyond the closed doors of Soth's Chamber, "I cannot harm you, I wish only to speak with you for a short while." Evangeline's feet came to rest upon the floor as she approached Miranda. Slowly, she extended her hand in hopes that Miranda would take it.

The Vampyre froze, not trusting the angelic creature to keep it's word, for it was in her nature to be distrustful of those opposite to herself. After a long wait she moved her hand up slowly toward Evangeline's and gripped it tightly. She then pulled herself to her feet quickly then reversed until her back was pressed against yet another statue.

Evangeline studied the young girl's eyes. Images flashed through her mind...they were young and vivid. Unlike the memories of old which Evangeline held within her mind's eye. Miranda had been through much in her lifetime, but all else paled in comparison to the time she spent enslaved by the abomination, Crichton.

Yes, Evangeline knew of him. That which was even more ancient than herself, even she in all her power could never face him, for it was always known that her fear would leave her immobilized and she would be his for the taking. A flood of pity suddenly emerged from Evangeline's heart for this poor creature. To be in the service of such an abomination would thrust a lessor being into utter madness, yet Miranda was able to withstand it. Even more astonishing to the Angel was the incredible strength of the young girl. For who with such fear of another, could leave his service knowing full well the consequences?

A single tear ran down Evangeline's cheek, making it apparent to Miranda what she had seen. Only the sound of the drop upon the marble floor could be heard as silence consumed the Chambers. Evangeline thought of the Death Knight, and the love that he harbored for Miranda. She had seen his heart break once before and could not bear to see it happen again therefore she made a silent vow...to protect Miranda from the coming onslaught which she knew was unavoidable. Even if it meant her own soul would be lost.

Sighing, she turned her back slowly to Miranda then began to walk slowly down the corridor, "Come, walk with me...and tell me what you wish me to know."

Edited by: Evangeline Starbreeze at: 6/17/01 8:39:23 am

Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(6/13/01 7:19:56 pm)
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Re: Alone at last...
Her frightened eyes become one of complete wonder to look down at the tear that was shed because of her plight. How could such a creature feel such horrors that Miranda had faced so deeply? The fear inside her heart melted away from the compassion she witnessed and slowly pulled herself away from the statue.

Questions filled her mind of why this being was here? Yes the Coven was home to many creatures of the night but this angel seemed so out of place. Miranda wondered briefly which of the Coven members had such a companion for everything that lurked in the halls had a Master that commanded it. The feathery wings and gentleness that was carved into her face and those eyes. Eyes that had witness lifetimes not unlike a Vampyre but it wasn't the same. It was that this being shared such sorrows and joys willingly.

No....that cannot be right. This angelic creature had no Master but why was she here and why make her presence known to Miranda. Who was she but the battered soul of a foolish girl that had her hopes and dreams destroyed?

Green eyes opened wide as she realized that she was falling behind. Quick strides brought Miranda to the side of her, brushing against her wings by accident. She retreated to the right a few steps. Perhaps it was dishonor to touch such delicate wings? Miranda had to say something, if not for bumping into her surely because the creature was waiting for some response.

By looking at the creature without the fear, Miranda could sense that she cared for the Vampyre's well being. It wished to help her, hence the response that was invoked in the angel's words. All this time, Miranda accepted the graciousness of Saurron to be allowed into the Coven but still did not feel that this was a home to her. The others were still strangers and how could she speak to them about the atrocities that she had committed and been through? Then there was Soth. Ever since she tried to kill him, Miranda knew that their souls were woven together tightly. She knew why and didn't wish to admit it, brushing off the advances and kindness of the Death Knight. Every time it pained him deeply but she was only protecting herself. And him. The one who walked with her understood that. Miranda could see it in her eyes. Perhaps this could be the avenue that she was longing for. Someone to talk to without fear?

The first words that Miranda tried to speak were nothing but air as her mouth moved. Miranda's thoughts were jumbled and it was hard enough to just walk straight. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her mind and finally, with a bit of a stutter, spoke quietly.....fearing that her voice would boom loudly throughout the empty halls.

"I'm confused. I....I really don't know where to begin."

Inside, she felt stupid. Why did it have to be that that came out of her mouth?!

Evangeline Starbreeze
Registered User
(6/17/01 9:48:43 am)
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Re: Alone at last...
Evangeline's stoic features remained unchanged by the flustered words of the young Vampire. She understood that it would prove difficult for Miranda to express her feelings so soon. Evangeline already knew all that there was to know but still wished Miranda would come to terms with even her own feelings by speaking them out loud where not even she could hide behind the shroud of Crichton's curse.

The odd pair continued to walk down the long corridor. It seemed endless to Miranda for where it once dead ended into a wall of stone it now seemed to go on to another place. She could see light at the end of it, a green tint fell upon the corridor...one which Miranda had never before seen in any part of the Coven. As she edged toward the wall she ran her fingers along it slowly. She felt something, it was cool and moist. When she turned her head to look upon it she realized that it was a small vine. Looking ahead in bewilderment she followed the vine as it appeared to branch out in many directions then return only intertwine with eachother.

Along the walls did it run, then upon the floor and ceiling until there was nothing left of the hall that once was. It's shape was still intact but all else was now covered in exotic plant-life. The likes of which Miranda had never seen before. The light at the end of the corridor became even more brilliant as they neared it. Almost reminiscent of sunlight. Miranda's heart skipped a beat. Was this creature not aware of every Vampire's weakness to sunlight? Surely she would not lead Miranda to her death if she wished to speak to her. Though ever unsure of what the intentions of Evangeline were, Miranda followed still.

At last it was upon them. Miranda stopped as Evangeline walked ahead into the clearing of what now appeared to be a vast rain-forest. How could this be? She wondered as she stepped forward slowly. Suddenly, a ray of light burst through the trees directly upon Miranda. She crouched to the ground quickly, attempting to shield herself from the inevitability of death, but to no avail. Was this to be her end...after all that she had been through? All the warriors she had slain only to be destroyed by a ray of sunlight? She squeezed her eyes shut.

After several moments she reopened them. There was no burning sensation...no smoldering of flesh as she had seen in the past when a Vampire came in contact with sunlight. She stood slowly and let the warmth wash over her. It had been ages since she had felt it upon her bare skin, she'd almost forgotten what it was like. Miranda spotted Evangeline across the clearing, standing in front of a massive lake that seemed to extend for miles, far beyond that which even Miranda could see. The Angel seemed to be studying something upon the water's surface with great interest as the light shown down upon her wings. Miranda let her eyes carry from Evangeline, to the lake and then around the area in which she stood. The Coven no longer existed. Where the corridor once stood was now replaced by miles of beautiful flowers like none that she'd ever seen before. She looked toward Evangeline once more. What was this place? Where had the Angelic creature led her?

She approached Evangeline slowly and stood beside her. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of what the Angel was looking at upon the surface of the lake. It was Miranda's past...images that reflected her entire existence. They came in a flurry of color, things that even she had forgotten. Evangeline turned her head toward Miranda, "Look upon the water's surface, child...what do you see?"

Miranda Dunleavy
Registered User
(7/15/01 3:32:32 pm)
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Re: Alone at last...
She ignored the question that was uttered. Her eyes were transfixed upon the images that were coming into existence before her. Miranda was forced to kneel in front of the pool, her dress billowing out around her in an almost perfect circle. The pieces of her past were drawing her in and everything stopped. The gift of the sun that the Angel had bestowed seemed so trivial as Miranda beheld all that made her who she was.

Her birth, her first step, her family doting on her like some spoiled Princess. Miranda held no memories of the first few years of life but here they were. So few people could remember such things and now she was privileged to witness her very own life.

The chuckle that arose from her mouth was almost childlike as she watched her younger self sneaking out of her home on Corellia. Her family was well to do and her parents insisted that she could not be friends with Belonte because she was of a lower class. Most nights she would sneak out and roam the town with her in the seedy parts of town. Always getting into trouble. She was only fourteen.

Her hand came up and tried to cover the look of embarrassment from her face, although her eyes peeked through.

"Oh no. Not this."

It was of the time when Miranda had her short stint as a smuggler, defying her parents fully and leaving Corellia for a life of adventure, away from businesses and suits. This particular incident had to deal with a very drunk Miranda and a handsome pilot that she met on Roon. A rather reckless night aboard his ship and the next morning had found out his Sullustan partner stole her ship. She had to hitch a ride home on a freighter, squished in the cargo hold like cattle with other beings heading towards Corellia. That dried up the rest of her money.

Now she was living on the streets for her parents disowned her as soon as they looked at her. The contempt that was held in her eyes was enough to know nothing could be mended their but she remembered her mother. She was sad but fearful of her husband wrath so the Dunleavy's held no heirs to their estate.

As if it mattered. Soon, a weary Miranda was found cowering along side a dumpster by the infamous Crichton, offering eternal life and power that would make was she had as a noble miniscule. She had nothing and was nothing so the answer was simple.

Miranda had to turn away as Crichton loomed over her blissful and stupid self, turning her that night and forever sealing her fate. Each vision in turn became worse. Every person that she killed, each scream that echoed in her mind as they died, the rush from completing her task perfectly.....it was all there. Each slice of the blade was like a slap in the face for falling into the ancient Vampire's trap.

"Stop it...."

Miranda's body was beginning to shiver uncontrollably. Her face was heavy with perspiration, red hair matted against her brow.

".... make it stop."

Whether it was because the Angel wished it or because it the scene just happened to change, Miranda saw the fight that was had with Soth on Saurron's vessel. Her heart was already bursting with regret and self-loathing that the loneliness that seeing the Death Knight brought forth was too much for her.


Red tears rolled down her cheeks leaving trails of pain and anguish. She collapsed and Miranda smashed a fist into the pool of memories.

Evangeline Starbreeze
(8/2/01 6:23:18 pm)
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Re: Alone at last...
The Angel looked down sadly at Miranda as she sobbed endlessly. Evangeline slowly knelt beside her and placed her hand upon the Vampire's trembling shoulder. "It is not I who can stop this cycle child," she said as she extended her arm toward the water's surface, "only you." As the images began to fade from the lake only one remained in their place. That of the Death Knight.

"Perhaps it is time that you come to terms with the past and confront it. Your strength in all things is admirable, but applies not to this one aspect of your short life as it is clear you have chosen to hide from the inevitable. But take heart child, as I say not these things to discourage you but only to allow you to grow and realize that the pain you have been through cannot remain paramount," Evangeline sighed slightly and stood up, "Shall you remain forever alone in this prison which you have created for yourself? Or will you know who to turn to in your time of need."

As Miranda rose her eyes toward the sky it suddenly turned dark. All plant-life and vegetation dissolved around the two forms quickly and suddenly. Within seconds the lake and waterfalls evaporated. Vines and weeds seemed to retreat rapidly, almost as if they had a life of their own and the sun drew it's light into itself until there was nothing left in the sky above.

All that remained was once again the cold marble floor and statue lined hallway of Soth's Chambers. Was it all a dream? The Angel was again just another form lined along the hall with all the others and now she seemed less real. The eyes no longer seemed alive. The sense of security and kindness no longer lingered about her and the coloring was that of all the other statues in this place. Cold, pale, blue... with little to offer in the ways of comfort.