View Full Version : Ka'Deus... (repost)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:55:46 AM
Death Knight Soth
Man In Charge
(2/3/02 6:49:28 pm)
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Ka'Deus... Ka'Dedus was a blue world covered with vast oceans, located in the Yushan sector in the Mid-Rim. For years a major exporter of agricultural goods. Also boasting many luxurious resorts and casinos, including the Grand Imperial. The planet's only starport was located on a string of islands forming a resort city. Long ago, when Emperor Palpatine died at Endor, a Dark Jedi was so overwhelmed by his master's agony that he crashed his ship (rumored to be carrying a functional cloaking device) into Ka'Dedus' ocean. The crash created a tidal wave, which wiped out the Unis Islands resorts in the Northwest and damaged several other areas.

Ka'Dedus was an Imperial resort world until the Empire abandoned it soon after the Battle of Endor, at which point the world was taken over by the local crimelord Tirgee Benyalle. Realizing that the Empire had never exploited the rich agricultural potential of Ka'Dedus, Benyalle purchased ten huge repulsorlift harvesters (including the Sea Sprite), which traveled over the planet's oceans extracting and processing massive quantities of foodstuffs. Two years after Endor, the New Republic sent representatives to Ka'Dedus to negotiate for control of its valuable agriculture industry. Among the other negotiators were the heads of two Imperial factions and the smuggler Talon Karrde, who was interested in retrieving the crashed Jedi ship and its supposed cloaking device.

Morgan Dreada was simply passing through as she did with many star systems. She only intended to stay a few short days as she wished to return home and had a long journey ahead of her. But she knew that she must first restock her supplies before continuing. It had been nearly two weeks since she left Mockadane's Seech, yet her thoughts were still there even though her body was not. She slouched forward leaning her elbows on the table in front of her as she studied a data pad she'd received from a trader earlier that day. The prices were astronomical, she barely had enough credits for food alone, much less other needed supplies.

"Another drink lady?" The gruff voice of the bar tender startled Morgan as she sat in deep thought. Slightly annoyed she arched one eyebrow and looked up at him. He was a large man, slightly overweight and probably in his mid 40's. He stood with a grin as he looked upon the attractive woman, showing where his teeth were missing. Morgan sighed slightly then nodded her head, "yes please," she responded politely, then flashed a bright smile at the man. He gleefully took Morgan's empty glass then returned a short time later with one of his creations. Having no other customers at 11:00 in the morning the bar tender sat down across from Morgan and began to speak.

"So what brings you to Keller's Void?" Morgan set down her data pad and looked at him almost in confusion, then realized that he must be talking about the bar they were in. "I was studding this inventory list that I got from one of Tirgee Benyalle's associates," she replied as she scooted the data pad toward Keller. He began to pick it up but as he did two people walked through the door of the bar. Keller quickly stood up and scurried back over behind the bar.

Morgan sensed that Keller was slightly frightened by whoever had just entered so turning slowly she looked in their direction. It was a seemingly younger looking man accompanied by a tall, dark haired woman who appeared to be carrying several different weapons. Including two very powerful looking blasters and one visible dagger. The couple, not ordering anything from Keller walked toward a dark corner of the room and sat down in a booth. Although Morgan couldn't hear what they were discussing it looked as if they were both very serious and didn't want to be disturbed. Slowly, Morgan turned back around and picked up her data pad once again.

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(9/2/01 1:20:11 pm)
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As Alana walked into the bar she took a quick note of all who were present, getting a sense of the place to avoid a confratation. Today was not the day to have fun. Alana quickly walked over to the empty booth in a darkened corner. She needed some privacy. She needed to talk to her young friend. Alana glared at all who dared to show any intrist in what they were doing. She sat down and threw her leg up on the other chair across from her, frowning at her friend. "We need another job and quick. Im getting sick of sitting around and doing nothing. And you know when I get bored what I can do." She smiled coolly at her companion. Watching his face sheen with sweat. He swallowed hard trying to bring spit back to his mouth. This sent Alana into a gale of laughter, it aways did when that particular look came over his face. As he reached for his drink to wet his dry mouth, Alana eye's scanned the room once again. She caught sight of a woman looking at them. A frown crossed Alana's face. She stared right back at the woman. Both their eye's locked. But the woman eye's did not drop as Alana expected. Alana's frown deepened. " Who the hell are you?"As she smiled coldly at the foolish woman.

Alana eye's took on a evil gleem. "Maybe ill have a little fun after all! I'll have to teach this bitch a lesson!"

Edited by: Alana Stormcloud at: 9/2/01 1:21:41 pm

Death Knight Soth
(9/2/01 4:22:19 pm)
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Re: Ka'Dedus
There was another here, even unbeknown to Morgan. He sat concealed in the dark recedes of the shadows. The Force hid his presence from any onlookers. It was comforting to the dark Vampyre in an odd way. It gave him an advantage over others. To study them, read them like an open book. Whether it was a victim of circumstance or an unknown, Soth found it to be a great ally that put most at a great disadvantage.

He was here for no particular reason. He had fed not long before he arrived. The woman's body in the alley behind the pub would testify to that. But it was the two people setting at a far table that caught the Death Knights attention. There was something familiar about the female there. He knew her in some odd way, even though they had never met. Soth studied her with great intent. He reached to the Darkside once more to get a clearer picture of the woman, an understanding for the..."Ahhh,...Yes, Alana." The name came to Soth as clear as crystal. The Dark Knight used the delicate tendrils of the Force to reach out to her...Her past was now open to Soth. She was perverse in the art of war, and a specialist in weapons. The Knight leaned back in his chair, admiring the thought of such a profession. "How interesting."
He too dealt in the exotic and hard to acquire weapons that where considered to be Black Market items.

Her strong will was also quite apparent to him as he probed further. She was also a Master at sword play. No, the Vampyre would not make her a victim of the night. He had admiration for those who made something of themselves. Not that it always held true for the Knight, at stopping him from killing at will, those of her nature. But he did find her fascinating to say the least. As the Death Knight looked deeper, he was taken back at a stark realization of what he came upon next.

"Mockadane's neice?...Why would he hide such thing's from me?" Soth pondered the thought long and hard. Was he protecting her amenity? The Knight would find out first hand for himself. He casually walked over to the two. Alana at first glance thought it was another patron leaving for the night. But as Soth drew closer to the two at the table, she knew that he was heading right for them. His extravagant clothing and striking looks where hard not to notice to any of the opposite sex. This was another favorite tool that Soth prided himself with when it came to getting exactly what he wanted. And the arrogance in which he held himself was a strong indicator to Alana and her companion, that he could be trouble. Not to mention the powered armor and the hint of a double lightsaber that he wore under his black robes.

"Good evening m'lady." The Knight said smoothly as he slightly bowed to the two. "If I may?" Soth motioned to an empty chair to set. A confident smile crossed his noble face. Waiting for their reply.


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 9/2/01 4:25:01 pm

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(9/4/01 9:22:37 am)
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Alana glanced up at the person she thought was just a patron leaving the bar,but to her surprise the figure approached her table with a confident air as if he knew her well. The scent of sweet long dead roses drifted to her bringing a sweet memory of things long past. She knew as she looked on this dark man that he was more than he appeared at first glance. She also knew that he was no one to be trifeled with. Alana sat up quickly perparing herself for battle hoping also that it would not come to that with this dark stranger. A frown flittered across her face. Alana shook her head in annoyance, she was most certanly not foolish and she feared little, but this stranger filled her with a chill unknown to her ,and that fact that he approached her with the ease of a old friend made her wonder if pehaps she knew him. As he reached the table, the smell of roses gathered around her cloying and lovely all at the same time, Alana realized the smell came from him. "Hmmmm its him " Alana muttered under her breath. Alana's companion sat up straight at the sight of the stranger that stood before them. A look of pure terror filled her friends face . The stranger spoke asking to take his ease with them.Alana eyebrows raised slightly as she inclined her head to the empty chair,"please join us sir it would be our pleasure." Alana smiled softly. The stranger sat elegantly lowering himself into the chair and before he was even completely seated Alana's question burst from her lips, " Do i know you sir , I feel as if I know you?" Alana's hand quickly clamped over her mouth as if to keep the already spokin words in. "What has gotten into me ?" Alana muttered to herself. She never asked questions of strangers untill she had assesed the situation. Alana's eyes widened at the smile that crossed the strangers face. Alana had a feeling that her life was about to change.....

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(9/23/01 10:40:11 am)
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Morgan narrowed her eyes slightly. What was the Death Knight doing here? Had he been following her? Morgan shook her head at smiled at her own silly paranoia. It was simply coincidence that Soth had shown up here. If anything he was following the young woman whom he had sat down with. She sighed slightly then took the last sip of her drink and stood up to leave. Glancing over at Soth she wondered whether or not she should interrupt to greet him, but decided that since he made no attempt to approach her he wanted to remain discreet. Morgan tossed a few coins onto the table then wrapped herself in her cloak.

Once outside she looked over the data pad that Tirgee Benyalle had given her once more. Slightly annoyed she began walking down the near empty streets. Morgan began to wonder whether or not any real citizens lived on this planet, or if all inhabitants were like her, travelers who only stopped by to stock up on supplies. As she continued to walk she noticed that it was nearly midday. To her it seemed as if it was still the night before. The time difference in this place was very different from the one she was used to during her stay at Mockadane’s Seech. Mockadane…she thought of him once again. She did not care for the way she left and assumed that he also felt it was lacking. But there was nothing she could do about it now. If she ever returned to that sector she would make it up to him. Suddenly, while Morgan was in mid-thought she heard the sound of a small child screaming. Putting the data pad away she began to run at top speed down the street. Her Amulet told her immediately that the child was in danger.

“Please, don’t hurt her!” Morgan could hear the faint sound of a man’s voice. Perhaps the child’s father she thought. Slowly she came to a gradual stop as she crept up toward the alleyway where she heard the voices coming from. Her eyes widened as she saw a Faleen male holding a small child with a highly sophisticated blaster pointed at the child’s head.

“I don’t have the information yet! Please, I need more time.” Cried the man as he sat upon the ground with an obvious blaster wound on his leg. The Faleen male didn’t seem to respond or even hear the man’s words as he began to back up slowly with the child still in his arms.

“Ailee will come with me then,” he hissed as a smile crossed his face, “Until you can provide Tirgee with the information you promised.”

“I can’t get the information! My contact is dead… please don’t take my daughter. She’s all I have left!”

The Faleen male did not respond, he simply continued to back up slowly. “That’s far enough stranger,” he stopped suddenly as he felt a sharp blade press up against his back, breaking his skin only slightly. “Lower your weapon and release the child.” Morgan commanded. The male reluctantly did so and the child ran back toward her father. “Don’t you think it quite cowardly to use a child as leverage?” Morgan asked as she circled around the man to face him. Gradually a grin crossed his face as the blade pressed up against his throat, “Whatever gets the job done,” he replied as he slowly moved his hand behind him and reached into his back pocket.

“You’re an animal Davin!” Said a voice behind the two. Almost startled Morgan glanced backward at the man and his daughter, “It’s time to go,” she said to them calmly. The man looked at her desperately as blood continued to pour from his leg. Looking back toward Davin Morgan placed one hand upon her Amulet. The injured man gasped as the wound on his leg began to heal rapidly. Within seconds he was back on his feet. He scooped up his daughter and escaped down the dark street.

“Tisk tisk,” said Davin to Morgan as he shook his finger at her, “you shouldn’t have done that. Now I’m going to get into trouble.”

Morgan looked at Davin uncaringly, “Sorry,” she said in a most unconcerned way. Davin only smiled.

“That’s alright. I’ll just take you back with me so that I don’t have to take the blame alone,” Suddenly Davin pulled a strange electronic device and tossed it at Morgan’s midsection. Before she could react a surge of electricity coursed through her body and knocked her unconscious. Morgan’s sword fell to the ground but before she could Davin caught her by the waist and pulled her close, picking her up and carrying her to his transport.

Edited by: Morgan Dreada at: 9/29/01 8:18:17 am

Death Knight Soth
(10/2/01 6:49:36 pm)
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Re: Ka'Dedus
Curl's formed at the corners of the Death Knight's mouth. Producing a polite smile, but one that made it evident to Alana in that moment, he had caught her off guard with her slip of the question of if they had met. Soth leaned back in his chair and motioned to the bar-keep to bring a round of drinks to the table. Then he turned his focus once again to Alana.

"Forgive me,...I can't recall ever having the pleasure of meeting you m'lady. However, I too feel as though we've met. Strange indeed to say the least...Hurm." Soth folded his hands in front of him and studied Alana for a moment. Alana felt as though the stranger was peering right through her, reading her. His crystal blue eye's seemed to hold her gaze for the moment as the uncomfortable feeling was interrupted by the bar maid bringing the drinks.

"Here ya go...That will be..." the maid was cut off mid sentence as Soth handed her a data-pad with a disclosed amount of credits on it.

"Why thank you kind sir!" the maid eye's widened as she seen the amount. Soth waved her away with one hand, and she slightly bowed to the occupants at the table for the seemingly generous tip.

"I must apologize for my rudeness. I have not formally introduced myself." Soth stood and held out his hand to Alana and glanced over to her friend in a nonchalant way. Alana felt oddly compelled to hold out her hand to the gesture.

"I am Soth, and you are?" as he kissed her hand.


Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(10/2/01 10:25:15 pm)
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Alana watched in fascination as the small smile appeared on the strangers mouth. That small smile telling her that he knew he had her at a disadvantage, it left a bitter taste in Alana's mouth. No one had ever put Alana in that position before.

Alana stared back at he stranger that peered at her so intently. Alana felt as if his eye's were peering into her very soul, seeing every moment of her life. "Why do I feel as if I'm looking at a childhood memory?" Alana marveled to herself. Alanas thoughts were interrupted as the barmaid came with there drinks.

Alana took her eyes from the stranger for a moment as the drinks were placed on the table. Alana glanced at her young friend and saw that his mouth was hanging open, "What the...!" Alanas eyes tracked to where he appeared to be looking. Alanas eyes widened at the stranger that just a few seconds ago was resting back in his chair, he was now on his feet in front of her."How could I not see him move?" Alana thought to herself.

The stranger spoke ,and Alana once again caught herself doing something no one had ever made her do.Alana's mouth fell open at the strangers name, gaping like a village idiot Alana gasped " It cant be!" Alana's mind tumbled over itself thoughts of her Uncle's stories crashed through her mind. Alana's eyes widened as her mouth snapped closed. "I'm Alana Stormcloud forgive my delay sir you caught me by surprise Lord Soth." Alana sputtered.
"Lord Soth the man from childhood stories that her uncle had told her" Alana's thought to herself. Alana's mind reeled with the stories. Soth was thousands of years old from what she could remember and a Death Knight of the fabled Order of the Black Rose. Alana remember as a child how she had wished that she to could have fought the countless battles as Soth did in the days of old. Before the infamous "Clone-Wars". Only if she could do all the things her uncle said that Lord Soth could do and had done!

"This cannot be ,he is just a myth, a story to entertain a child!" Alana thought to herself.

Alana looked into the eyes of the stranger, and knew that she had met her fate as the small cold smile formed on Lord Soth's mouth, as if he knew just what she was thinking!

Edited by: Alana Stormcloud at: 10/3/01 5:33:07 pm

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(10/3/01 5:42:30 pm)
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"Get up."

Morgan's eyes opened slowly as the familiar scent of ammonia woke her from deep sleep. Her vision was severely blurry and her head throbbed terribly. For a moment she had no idea what planet she was on or what she was doing, but gradually it starting coming back to her. Slowly she sat up and looked around the room she was in. It seemed to be surrounded by a large circle of diverse people all sitting in elegant chairs. Morgan had no idea where she was but she recognized the man in front of her. It was Davin, the mercenary she had encountered earlier. She had forgotten about the earlier events. Slowly she attempted to rise to her feet, slightly embarrassed that all the people in the room had been watching her while she slept, but realized that she could not stand as her feet and wrists were bound with shackles.

"That's better," Davin smiled charmingly, "I've brought you to the Grand Imperial Resort, don't you feel privileged?"

Morgan tugged on the shackles that held her wrists and mumbled under her breath sarcastically. Davin looked at her disappointed, "Now now, you are about to meet the phenomenal Tirgee Benyalle, you must look your best," Davin quickly pulled Morgan to her feet then removed her cloak and all weapons which he could find.

"We've met, thanks." Said Morgan, Davin only laughed. After a short while Tigree entered the room and sat down. He was a large man, probably standing nearly 6'5" and weighing over 350 pounds. He nodded to what Morgan now realized was his over exalted staff then glanced up. His jaw dropped as he look at Morgan in slight disbelief. He quickly stood up and walked toward Davin.

"What the hell are you doing?" He snapped, "You said that you were going to bring me Cain Loirty, our only link to the cloaking device which I desperately need. Instead you bring me this...this..." Tigree picked up Davin by the neck, "This woman is one of our customers," He whispered through gritted teeth. Davin squirmed as he gasped for breath.

"I didn't know... I didn't know!" He hissed as he choked the words out "She helped Cain escape. She works for Karrde...I swear it! She wears an amulet...of power...given to her by him."

Tigree was thoughtful, he released his grip on Davin and turned toward Morgan. Davin fell to the ground coughing violently as he gasped for air. "So your appearance here was not a mere coincidence. I should have known Talon would send someone," Tigree said as he placed his hand on Morgan's cheek, "I must admire his taste though, indeed I did not expect him to send a beautiful woman to deceive me with."

"Sir, I do not know who Talon is, nor did I know who Cain was. I simply saw a child in danger and wished to..." Tigree held up his hand and shook his head. Morgan realized at once that it was futile to speak, she had not a leg to stand on. Not knowing who Talon was put her at a sever disadvantage. After all, how could she dispute something that she knew nothing about? Tigree turned back toward Davin.

"It's apparent that she cares for Cain, for why else would she have saved him from you? Go find him and bring him here. This time don't get distracted," Davin appeared uncomfortable, but quickly brushed off the feeling and turned to leave, "As for you my dear," Tigree said as he turned toward Morgan, "once Cain is brought here you are going to tell me everything I want to know about Talon Karrde."

Death Knight Soth
(10/3/01 7:06:20 pm)
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The Knight could not help but to chuckle at the thought that had crossed Alana's mind. Yes, Soth was reading her mind and he had been since he had let his own table earlier. The fascination that Soth had in her was like in all mortals. To toy with one's mind and to bring cause into his own favor. He only stated what he thought of as being leading to get the end result that he wanted.

Soth sat back down as the chair it's self moved on it's own accord. This startled the other man at the table, but from Alan's view, it seemed that Soth had simply moved the chair himself. The man eye's widened as he looked Soth up and down once again.

"Oh...,did you see that Alana!" exclaimed her friend, almost comming out of his own chair.

Soth paid him no mind as he took a long drink from the glass in front of him. Soth once again peered over his cup to look deeply into Alana eye's. The intrigue and fascination was still evident on her face. Soth then set the cup down slowly as his eye's had never left her's.

"So Alana, tell me what your uncle Mockadane has told you of me. I would be most delighted to hear his account of me and the stories he has told you." Soth sat back once again waiting for her response.


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 10/3/01 7:29:09 pm

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(10/5/01 9:03:20 am)
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Alana stopped just short of a shudder as she heard Lord Soth chuckle. Alana watched as Soth sat down in a swift fluid motion. Alana was just about to settle back when her young friend jerked forward and exclaimed loudly "oh..... did you see that Alana ?" Alana shot her friend a look of utter annoyance and kicked him under the table. Alana leaned toward her friend and growled at him in a tight voice " Go back to the ship and prepare it for departure now!" Eric quickly got up and left the table knowing with the look on Alanas face that he had better do as she bid and quickly.... Eric made a slight bow in Soth direction without takin his eyes from Alana's face he nodded his head to her and all but ran out of the bar. Alana turned back to Soth "Please excuse my friend he gets a little hmmm........ carried away shall we say ." Alana chuckled and rolled her eyes. "So Lord Soth " Alana said softly, dismissing her friend from her mind," you know my uncle Mockadane?" Alana said with a crooked smile her eyebrows raised. Alana was still having a hard time believing that his was The Lord Soth from the tales her uncle had told her as a child. Alana found herself drawn to this strange man.Alanas thoughts slipped back to her lover of long ago she hadn't been drawn to a man sense he had disappeared. Alana still did not know if he was alive or dead and she had sworn to never love another. " Love what a joke it is a fleeting foolish game I will never play again!"Alana thought to herself. Alana looked into Soth's face a small smile playing over her lips. Alana began to recount the stories that her uncle had told her as a child at the Death Knights request..............

Death Knight Soth
(10/6/01 8:25:41 am)
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The Death Knight sat back in his chair as Alana reached back into the past and recounted the stories that her uncle had told her as a young child. The patron's came and went as the stories continued. And there was a curtain fascination that remained on the woman's face as she continued. However, Soth could sense that they seemed to be more like fables to her, and stories that parents told there children at bed time. He could see a certain longing in her eye's for the adventures and encounters that were all but a past now to the Vampire.

"Yes, I do know your uncle, and now I have had the pleasure of meeting his beautiful neice. Soth watched her as her cheek's flushed a rosé tinge. Alana cast a downward glance as she tried to avoid the stare of the man in front of her. Little did she know that some of the stories that she had heard were partly true, some accurate to the point. Soth knew, and it was always something he had wished to forget. A past that always seemed to lead back to it's beginning. A beginning that started with the Order of Light. Once when he held the renowned position of Jedi Knight of it's now extinct order.

The dark vampire was amused at her train of thought on the ventures of love. But could not blame her for her destine. He reached further into her thoughts and seen the pain in her that she had built walls about. Shielding, denying, harboring the very feelings that eventually lead to the dark side it's self!

A wicked grin crossed Soth's face as she continued. But Soth had a few questions of his own. In mid sentence the knight of the Black Rose Order, cut her off.

"He is dead Alana. I have foreseen it. You have always wondered if that is why he never came back to you. Your true love." A stone look now rested on the Knights face as his eye's pierced her, right to the marrow of her bones. A look of bewilderment over took Alana as he spoke the haunting words of her past. Accurate to the point of discomfort. Soth eye's narrowed as he looked at her, to see if even now she would hide her true feelings that she had managed to do for so long.

The scent of roses was ever so strong in her mind now. Almost sickening and repulsive. It choked her thoughts as her mind spun out of control with the realization that he somehow knew. "But how was this possible!" she thought. But life was ironic, it always came full circle. Back to a beginning to it's source.

"Love,...Yes Alana,...How bitter sweet it can be." Soth ever so softly whispered to her now defenseless, prone mind.


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 10/6/01 8:38:34 am

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(10/6/01 10:08:55 pm)
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Alana's mind drifts backwards as she recounts tale after tale to Lord Soth.Alana fondly remembers how much she loved those moments with her uncle Mockadane, she remembers how patiently he answered each question that interrupted his stories. Alana smiles gently at the memories a soft sigh escaping her " I miss all of that!" Alana's mind whispers sadly... Alana remembers the sadness in her uncle's eyes when she told him that she wanted to leave his protection and experience life on her own...... There were bitter words and even bitter tears from both but Alana knew if she didn't leave then he would forever keep her from the life she so craved. Alana wanted the excitement that life had to offer,she wanted to savor each new thing life brought her!!!! Alana refused to hide behind the gilded bars so lovingly created by her uncle..... Alana knew that he had only wanted to protect her but all Alana had ever felt was trapped! "If only he could have seen how much she needed to live life to its fullest then maybe , maybe he would have let her go without the bitterness that put a wedge between them......" Alanas heart tightened with the still unshed tears of so many years ago as these painful thoughts passed through her mind..."I miss you uncle." Alana sighed softly under her breath.......... Alana's own soft words brought her back to the present. Alana realized that she had stopped speaking to Soth long before she had come back from her hurtful memories with the achingly painful words that she had uttered outloud. Alana looked up at Lord Soth,he peered at her intently as if still listening to one of her tales. Soth spoke softly " yes, I do know your uncle,and now I have had the pleasure of meeting his beautiful niece. Alana's felt her cheeks flush at his bold words her eyes dropping in embarrassment.... " He makes me feel like a dim witted child!!!" Alana chastised herself angrily............ Soth's next statement almost brought Alana to her feet in shock. "How could you know about him?" Alana gasped in surprise when Soth spoke of her lost lover........ "How do you know he is dead, what the hell are you???????" Alana asked in bewilderment. Alana's mind reeled with the shock of what he had just said. Suddenly the smell of dying roses filled her nose the smell thick and cloying."How is this possible?" Alana's mind all but screamed...... The scent of decaying roses followed Alana into the blackness of her mind....................

Edited by: Alana Stormcloud at: 10/6/01 10:19:19 pm

Death Knight Soth
(10/7/01 1:22:19 pm)
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And the Death Knight followed her there. To the place were dreams are made, and dashed in a moment's time. Oh, the darkness, how he bade it to come. He felt Alana run through it's endless corridors. And Soth would meet her there, this was were he felt most confident.

The bar maid returned to the table where the two sat. A tenseness filled the air about them as Alana tried to regain some kind of composure at his revaluation regarding her lost past love.

"Would to two care for another round of drinks?" said the maid in a gitty way, hopeing to bring another handsome tip from the knight. But in the precise moment as Alana watched, Soth, with movements to fast for the naked eye to see, ripped the maid from her standing position and brought her into him. The maid had no time to react. Soth held her in check like a wild beast clamping down on it's prey. Alana gasped in horror at the scene that unfolded before her. The knight held the maids head to one side, exposing her delicate flesh of her neck. Alana could hear the deep throaty sound of a growl that emanated from Soth. Much like that of a Foshinn cougar. The Death Knight with little hesitation, violently tore into her tender flesh. Scream's of pain and agony rose to a pitch as Soth bore down on the helpless maid. Alana could not move. Her body simply would not respond. Her own mind told her to run, but she too was also held in check by the horrific scene in front of her.

Like a small child, the maid pleaded for her life. Begging, as her own precious blood flowed freely down her porcelain skin. The cries for freedom were closely followed by gurgling and choking. She was dying, dying right before Alana's very eye's! And she too was helpless to do anything about it. Crimson blood fanned from the terrible wound on the maids neck, spraying over the victim and captor alike.

Alana closed her eye's to the darkness before her. Her eye's seemed to be the only thing she had control over. "No,...This cannot be happening!" she told herself in a reassuring way. Then there was a voice, an oddly familiar voice.

M'lady, are you ok? I was wondering if you would care for another drink? said the maid in a soft voice with an indication of worry in it.

Soth broke the moment of silence between the two. "Yes, indeed, bring us another round fair lady." Soth replied as Alana shook the cob webs from her mind. Alana slowly turned to look at Soth. But there was a great sense of fear now, fear that took the place of admiration for the man she thought she knew through her uncle's stories. He was still in the same position he was in before. His hands were folded in front of his face, still studying her, watching her with that pricing stare. The stone face of death vanished as Soth leaned in forward to Alana and whispered to her.

"Your uncle has told me a great many things regarding you Alana Stormcloud." A deep look of pity now rested on the Knight's face as he reached out and touched Alana's hand.

"Even of your tragic loss m'lady. Soth eye's had an understanding in them that she couldn't but help to notice. A pain for her loss that made her feel at ease for the moment.

"Alana, you will find that many of the truth's we seek are right before us, that is if we choose not to run from them." Soth then slowly leaned back once again in his chair.


Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(10/7/01 9:37:18 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del RE: KA'KEDUS
Alana recoiled from the scene before her, from the blood that washed down the pale skin, it recoiled from the dying pleas of the pretty barmaid.

Alana's eyes snapped closed when she heard the hungry growl come from the man who claimed to be Lord Soth. Alana had seen many horrific sights, she herself had done many terrible things but this, it was beyond anything she had ever experienced!

Alana had long ago cast away all thoughts of humanity, she felt no pity for those weaker than herself. Alana had no place in her heart for weakness in her line of work it would only get you killed. Alana's hardened heart had only held love for two men in her life, one had been lost to her, and the other she had turned away from in search of freedom......

Alana took great pride in the fact that she could put up a good fight when the need arose, and that she was smart enough to know how to get out of any situation! Alana drew on this inner strength, she needed to survive..!!!!!

"No........ this cannot be happening!" Alana reassured herself. "I will not let this happen!" Alana growled under her breath. Then a voice, a familiar voice spoke. Alana's eyes opened to the barmaids worried look. Alana stared at the barmaid, she had seen die, in silence......

Alana's heard Soth order them another drink, she heard him telling her something. Alana shook her head trying to regain her scattered thoughts. Fear lanced through Alana's heart. " What have you done to me ?" Alana's mind questioned. Alana felt her anger begin to build as it always did when she lost control of the situation.

Alana watched Soth lean forward his whispered words barely reaching her ears. Alana almost felt comforted by the words Soth said, until he reached the end and said his last remark. Alana drew herself upright, anger flashed through her eyes. Alana leaned forward, her heated gaze steady, and firm....... "I run from nothing!!!!!!" Alana growled through clenched teeth.................

Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 10/8/01 8:25:05 pm

Death Knight Soth
(10/8/01 6:31:42 pm)
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The satisfaction that Soth felt, knowing he had hit his target true with Alana, was not evident on his face. Soth's face was emotionless as Alana snapped at his leading remark. She was only reacting as he knew she would, and he was counting on it! Her word's and the wild look in her eye's made it only clearer to the Vampire that she was indeed hiding, hiding from the pain she could not face. He had seen it countless times over his own long existence. And the fortress that Alana had built up over the short span of her life was no obstacle to the Death Knight.

Soth once again leaned back in his chair. He folding his hands in front of his face as the maid brought back the second round of drink's.

"Will that will be all for you this evening?" said the maid in a chipper voice. Soth, without looking at the maid held his hand up to her. "Yes, now go away..." And she did, without the tip she so hoped for.

Soth watched Alana slowly seat herself as her eye's never left him at her last statement. "Yes, dear Alana, you will be..." Soth thought to himself.

"Of course, ... you are brave, no doubt m'lady. It has taken you thus far." The Knight slightly parted his hands in a half hearted display to her.

Soth was indeed impressed with Alana's tenacity and her resourcefulness. There was something there in her spirit, in her being. Like untamed steel that was without direction, without form. If it were to be harnessed, molded through the proper guidance, it would produce a weapon that had little equal! Soth could plainly see this as he still delved deep into her open mind. But this was something he would leave to the Master forger...His Master, Saurron!

"Alana,... m'lady. There is someone I wish you to meet. That is if you have the heart to do so." Soth said, his words were smooth and confident. But there was also the challenge in his statement, and he knew all to well that Alana would have a hard time turning his proposition down now at this point.

"You might find it worth your while to do so. He can, well let me put it this way. Open door's to opportunities that many would die for. Your uncle Mockadane himself is now currently employed by him as we speak." Soth smiled then stood up to leave. "If she was to make a choice, it would have to be now," he thought to himself. Soth knew either way, it was no loss to himself. But he already knew her decision before hand...He had fore seen it, as did his Master! "She will come to you, and then you will bring her before me." Soth reached into his black robes as if to retrieve the credit pad to pay for the drinks. He was stalling for time to see Alana's reaction to his unavoidable offer.


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 10/8/01 6:34:34 pm

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(10/8/01 9:48:03 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del RE:KA'KEDUS
Alana's heart though filled with fear at what she had seen, or thought she had seen, it pounded with fury at what Soth had said. "How dare he imply that she feared anything!" Alana thought to herself. Alana watched Lord Soth settle back in his chair the look of satisfaction evident on his face. Alana shook her head, yet again, as if to clear something from her mind...

Alana felt lost as if something was being taken from her, she felt "invaded!" Alana's gasped to herself. Alana paid no mind to the barmaid or to Soth's dismissal of her. Alana's eyes were firmly locked on Soth's face. Alana as usual was trying to put into order what was in total disarray. Alana had never been able to tolerate disorder, what she couldn't fix or rearrange to her liking she dismissed as foolishness not worthy of her attention.

Alana knew she could not put to order what had just occurred but neither could she dismiss it. Alana's curiosity had often put her into dangerous situations, but this encounter far out weighed anything she had ever been through. This encounter had left Alana feeling helpless and alone. "I have not felt this way in a very long time." Alana muttered to herself. A soft growl of anger came from Alana's throat.

Alana's eyes had never wavered from the direct stare she gave Soth, but her eyes widened in surprise at his words. "Here I'm feeling like a lost child and he call's me brave?!" Alana almost chuckled aloud, surprising herself at the pleasure she took in his words.

Alana's lips tightened at his next words "If she had the heart!" The challenge plainly hanging in the air between them. It was a challenge she would take, Alana's pride demanded it of her!

"Your master employs my uncle?" Alana gasped in surprise. Soth stood to leave. Alana looked up into the Death Knights face "Even if it's not worth my while Lord Soth I have never backed down from anything, I will meet your master!" Alana smiled as she answered Soth. "I will take your offer, and you will see I fear nothing dear Knight!" Alana thought to herself. Alana's smile becoming wider as she crossed her arms in silent pleasure.

Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 10/10/01 8:33:03 pm

Death Knight Soth
(10/9/01 7:22:17 pm)
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The Death Knight set the data-pad on the table. He slowly looked to Alana as her fierce word's only strengthened his plan. He knew now he had her right were he intended her to be. And soon enough, she would be at the mercy of his Master! Fear that had no bounds, fear that would cause her to asses all that she had ever done in the short period of her mortal life. Was she capable of handling the darkness that was soon to come?

"M'lady, that was not a challenge, but an invitation. And yes, we shall see. There is the coordinates to the Coven. Keep it's where about between you and I. I'm sure you will honor this m'lady." Soth then turned to leave, then paused and turned to face her once more. This time his eye's seemed to flash a hot red hue, just for a milla second.

"Oh, and come alone. I cannot account for any mishap or foul play to any you bring along m'lady." And with that the Knight of the Black Rose was gone, leaving Alana to ponder his cryptic words.


Registered User
(10/13/01 12:24:14 am)
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Re: Ka'Dedus
The landing skids of the Raptor had just touched down on the platform, adjacent to the refueling and maintenance hanger, amidst dozens of other transports of all shapes and sizes. Even before Mockadane started shutting down the Raptor's engine's, His portable trac-com started screaming out in binary code, letting him know Morgan was coming towards Him. Turning the volume down to barely audible on the device, a slight smile crossed his face as the thought ran forward that She recognized his ship and was coming over to say hi...and then...

"Oh no," speaking to no one in perticular, "What if She thinks Im following Her.... or !" slamming his mouth shut realizing how stupid it must look talking to yourself. Well I did place the tracking device, Mock thought to himself , and after all I am here to meet...

All the thoughts running through His head vanished instantly the moment the Mercinary viewed a strange person carrying Morgans unconsience form out from an entrance to a nearby transport. After a few minutes, the rather plain ship rose from its position and and started negotiating its way to a not to far off place. The comercial traffic was complimentary for Mockadane, since it wasnt too hard to blend in with.

After what seamed like a small eternity, the man reappeared from where he went but Morgan was not with him, what was more surprising is that he was carrying Her wheapons and personal belongings. She would never willingly part with her sword but never-the-less this man had it, as was apparent by the sound growing louder from the trac-com. From his vantage point leaning against a small outcropped wall, Mocks thumb turned off the Trac-com and easilly tucked it away. The photo-synth cloak made Mockadane's form almoast invisable ,appearing as a part of the wall untill turned off,was apparent by the bewildered look on the mans face right before being inveloped in a blue ovoid and his stunned body hitting the ground.

The next sight this stranger saw after coming to was Mockadane rolling a stun cuff key between his thumb and forfinger "Im sorry,...is this a bad time for you?" the sarcasm dripped leathilly from the big mans lips!
Mercenary/Bounty Hunter extraordinaire
Captain of the Raptor.
Spice addict from the planet Merker.
Under the employ of the Coven.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!

Edited by: Mockadane at: 10/17/01 7:54:44 pm

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(10/13/01 10:55:59 pm)
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Alana sat at the table long after Lord Soth had left, her hand cradling the datapad he had left, her mind pondering the words he had said. Alana wondered if perhaps this time she had gotten herself to deep in this one. Alana knew that she could not back down from this challenge, just as she knew that this could be the last adventure she ever had. "I have never feared anything that life has thrown at me, but this I fear this." Alana thought to herself grimly.

Alana leaned back in her seat her eyes staring up at the ceiling. Her mind was already thinking of all the preparations she must make, but it was something her mind was used to doing, Alana never stayed anywhere long. "So Uncle Mock it appears we will see each other after all." Alana sighed softly. She wondered if she was ready for that. Two years had passed sense she had last seen him, and it had been a bitter parting to say the least. Alana's uncle had been displeased with his niece's wild ways.

Alana wondered if he would be happy to see her, or if he still harbored the anger at her leaving against his wishes." Bloody hell what a mess." Alana growled to herself. She leaned forward her eyes locking on the data pad, noting how far away the system that she was to go to. An invitation had been issued to her and she would not back down. "Invitation my ass!" Alana's smiled to herself knowing a challenge when she heard one.

Alana slowly rose from her seat, stretching her long arms over her head, she felt as if she had been sitting in that seat for days, she bent to pick up her bag scowling at the chair as if fault lay with it. Alana made her way to the door through the crowded bar. She stepped out of the door into the dark night and looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful night cool and fragrant with the waters of the planet. Alana took a deep breath and started toward her ship that she had named "the Laughing Jester." Alana walked in an easy gate as if she had not a care in the world, but her mind pondered all she had seen and heard.

Alana came up to her ship calling out to her friend, thinking of what she could tell him about her unexpected trip, "Hey Eric you up in there?" Alana frowned when he did not answer as she looked up to the closed canopy hatch. Alana expected him to be inside pouting because she had sent him to the ship in the first place. What she found instead was her ship was not fueled, let alone matiniance was not done in the first place and Eric nowhere to be found. She looked about the busy hanger for his familiar boyish face, but nothing. After asking a few personal around her ship if they had seen him and describing him to them, it brought her search back to her own ship. After a few moments, she spotted something on the ground. A chill ran over her in a flush. "I hope that's not what I think it is." She mumbled to herself. Alana bent down to the small pool of liquid on the ground, her finger touching the sticky liquid, "blood. what the hell happened here?" Alana growled to herself. She sure in the hell was going to find out!

Edited by: Alana Stormcloud at: 10/14/01 10:51:14 am

Taalon Karrde
Registered User
(10/30/01 9:40:46 pm)
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Moments before...

Eric smiled slightly at his own slyness as he walked from the bar, the strange being who'd been speaking with Alana didn't concern him...he simply needed an excuse to leave the room. Though he and Alana had known each other for nearly a year she still didn't know who he really was. In her mind they merely spent time together when business was slow for both of them. In actuality though, he knew how good she was at her job and allied with her when he knew she was in the same area and business was at it's peak for him. He trusted her to always do excellent work, what concerned him was that an agent like her could end up on the opposing side of a job he was running.

This one was important to him, he knew that he could simply hire Alana for a price, but for now their current relationship would allow him to use her services for free. They were close "friends" after all, she did trust him...at least to a certain degree. Eric had tried hard to appear incompetent, inadvertently working with Alana on jobs which he had a personal stake in...only, on the other side and seemingly messing up the job for her each time. It truly amazed him how tolerant she'd been. No matter how many times he destroyed an artifact or allowed it to fall into the hands of Alana's competitors, she still enjoyed his company and worked with him. Each time nearly blasting his head off in sheer frustration.

As Eric entered Alana's ship he noticed the com light blinking erratically. Setting down his duffle bag he quickly sat down at the consol and punched up the viewing screen.

"Benyaley..." he smiled slightly, "still searching for that old cloaking device? You'd think you'd have given up by now, especially with me working against you."

Tigree held up his hand, "silence infidel," he commanded with frustration apparent in his voice, "that was smart indeed, sending that lovely young woman to save Cain, but it was utterly futile. I've already sent Davin to collect him and his daughter. He will return within the hour and I will have what I want.

Eric grinned widely, "your losing your mind old man, I didn't send any women to "save" my brother-in-law, nice try though. I'm sure you wish I'd sent a beautiful woman to distract you since that's often the only way you'd ever get a lady to pay attention to you.

Tigree seemed agitated for a moment then simply smiled. Slowly the view screen began to change and in a moment Eric could see the face of the woman Tigree had been speaking about. She looked young, probably in her mid to late 20s and appeared slightly annoyed.

"...And you must be the infamous Talon Karrade," the woman said, "I work for you by the way."

Talon chuckled slightly at her sarcasm, "I always love having employees who work for free. Thanks for saving my brother-in-law."

"I'm afraid I haven't done much," said Morgan sadly, "Tigree was telling the truth when he said that he sent Davin after Cain and his daughter. I assume that I've only bought them a little bit of time..." slowly Morgan's voice trailed off as the screen she was looking at suddenly turned to static. She glanced over at Tigree in slight confusion.

"I'm sorry my dear, transmission jammed at the source. It appears that our friend Talon may have had some company."

Davin Assyrian
Registered User
(12/16/01 2:04:09 am)
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It was almost impossible to keep his cool. Davin looked at the large man, he was quite intimidating. The smuggler attempted to remain his composure as the stun he received began to wear off. He didn't know how long Mockadane had been watching him but it was clear that he wasn't friendly. He turned over slightly, as if doubled over in pain. Slipping his hand casually into his garment, hoping to give the appearance that he was nursing a sore injury, he flipped the switch on his communicator. He would not be able to communicate, however Tigree would be able to hear the goings on.

Davin decided to play dumb with the large man, instead of engaging him in battle. Mockadane already had the upper hand and Davin never walked into a battle unless he knew he could win. Since he knew nothing about this Mercenary it seemed rather foolish to do so. He assumed that Mockadane was here for information on the cloaking device... or perhaps the girl. But the latter seemed unlikely as Talon had only just found out that Tigree had abducted Morgan. If Talon had sent for Mockadane he would not have arrived so quickly. Davin hoped only that he would be able to stall the large man long enough for Tigree to send reinforcements.

"Actually yes..." Davin said smoothly as he stood slowly, raising his arms to assure Mockadane that he had no weapon with him, "Can I help you with something?" He asked casually as he turned around to face Mockadane. Davin eyed the Mercenary's weaponry. Most of it was unfamiliar to him but the cloak Mockadane used was known to Davin, "by the way," he said slowly as he smiled, trying hard to give the impression of ease, that's a nice photo-synth cloak you have there. Mind if I ask where you got it?" Davin wanted to make certain that if Tigree did send reinforcements they would at least know what to expect.

Taalon Karrde
Registered User
(12/16/01 4:34:02 am)
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It was a lump... a very large lump. Talon could feel it on the back of his head. He remembered speaking with the irritant Tigree, and the young woman, then the noise outside the ship and the painful blow to the back of the skull as he walked down the ramp. Followed by slight nausea and dizziness. Then loss of consciousness. Now he hang upside down on a long metal beam surrounded by Tigree's armed guards. He was being held up only by his arms and legs which had been tied behind him and attached to the beam with some type of electrically charged shackles which seemed to let out surges of energy when Talon moved in a way which displeased it.

Slowly he was able to move his head, with great pain albeit but at least he was able to get a clear look at his surroundings. He wondered if the numbskulls had carried him all the way from Alana's ship to Tigree's "place of business," which was approximately 50 miles away. But then decided that it wasn't possible as he could hear the loud noise of the transport behind him and the sun was just barley rising. They must have just barley arrived and the place was huge. Even bigger than the last time he'd visited. He ventured to guess that business had been treating Tigree well and he was able to add on to his large fortress. Not to mention his staff seemed that much more lethal.

As they walked up the long hall Talon let his eyes carry around the room slowly. He was waiting for Davin to surprise him with a witty remark and show off the fact that he was still working with Tigree and making an incredible living doing so. Davin and Talon had been in business together long ago, but when Davin, the younger of the two, decided to move on to what he thought to be greener pastures by working for the great Tigree Benyalle Talon decided to pass. Davin never let him forget it either. That was why Talon was so surprised that Davin was not there to greet him. Perhaps he had run into some further opposition when attempting to capture Cain. He was, as always, very resourceful.

It was not long before Talon was in front of Tigree. The mindless drones who'd been carrying him placed the rod he was attached to on metal poles which were coming up from the floor and seemed to be designed to hold the device. Talon chuckled slightly at the archaic means in which Tigree conducted his interrogation. How very old style it all seemed to him.

He slowly looked upward. There was Morgan whom he'd spoken to earlier. She seemed to be in a half state of consciousness. Talon could tell by the blood dripping from her lips, the way her clothing seemed to be tattered and the burn marks across her midsection that she had also suffered the interrogation which Tigree seemed to put all of his "guests" through. For a moment Talon felt the slightest tinge of pity for Morgan. After all she was no apart of this, she simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and was now suffering the consequences for it.

However as quickly as the feelings of pity had crept upon the hardened smuggler they were gone. Despite what Morgan had been through he would now free her and force her to help him obtain that which he wanted.

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(12/16/01 4:37:10 am)
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Morgan could hardly keep her eyes open. Not only was she drugged up with Tigree's special blend of "truth cerium" she had also received several blows from his guard's electrically charged staffs. Morgan knew for certain that at least one of her ribs were broken, and judging by the blood dripping from her mouth it was certain that she was also suffering from some type of internal bleeding. She coughed slightly then rose her head slowly to look at Talon who appeared to be having as much of a good time as she was. "I think I deserve a bonus," Morgan said as she coughed several more times and grinned at Talon. He was immediately impressed by the fact that she still maintained to keep her wit regardless of all she had been through. He also managed to stifle a laugh despite the hopelessness of the situation.

Tigree did not speak. He knew that he didn't have to. Instead he summoned his guards. They surrounded Talon and began to strike him in the ribs and stomach with their staffs. Morgan could tell immediately that the level used on Talon was much higher than the one they'd used on her. She was nearly immobilized after the first few hits, she could only imagine what discomfort he was being subjected to.

There was a moment of silence, then a sudden and loud explosion. Tigree's guards had all been tossed several feet backward and when the smoke cleared Talon was smoldering, however he was free. He quickly limped over toward Morgan. Tigree, who had never battled a person in his life, squealed for his guards to get up and apprehend Talon. But it was already too late. The smuggler had so many tricks which they were unaware of.

By the time the guards had snapped out of their momentary confusion Morgan was freed. Two of the stronger ones rushed toward her, but Talon quickly leapt toward them pulling out two long daggers and slashing them in the chests. They fell to the ground immediately, only to realize that their skin had hardly been broken...chuckling slightly the two men began to rise slowly. Talon was weak from his sad attempt at an escape. In freeing himself and stunning half the guards he also managed to injure himself even more so than all of them. Morgan sighed at the utter stupidity of the man. She could only venture to guess that he had lost his senses from the multiple beatings he'd received that night.

Wasting no time Morgan seized the opportunity as the two men began to stand and picked up the long metal rod which once held Talon. Stumbling forward with it in her arms, barley able to hold onto it, she swung it around as hard as she could and knocked the two guards to their backs. She reached down quickly and picked up one of their staffs, then turned toward Tigree.

"No...!" Shouted Talon as he started to be overcome by the remaining guards, "Go, get out of here... find Alana!"

Morgan turned quickly as Tigree cowered in front of her and looked wide eyed at Talon. The smuggler had tossed some type of belt toward her which contained several different types of weapons and gadgets. None of which she knew how to use. "Who's Alana??" She called back in both confusion and annoyance.

"The woman in the bar! The one who--" he stopped mid-sentence as he was hit again upside the head and knocked unconscious. Morgan quickly turned to Tigree, hit him as hard as she could with the end of the staff, then turned and sped down the hall way. Tigree's men were right on her tail. She looked down at the belt Talon had given her and noticed what looked to be several small detonators. Hoping that she herself wasn't about to be blown to smithereens she detached one of them and tossed it behind her shoulder. Her legs felt like lead as she tried to speed up her pace. Then the explosion occurred. She gave a sigh of relief that it wasn't very large, it did however serve the purpose of slowing the guards down.

Within a few minutes Morgan had cleared the fortress. She knew that Tigree would catch up with her but she hoped that she would be able to find this Alana before Tigree found her.

Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(12/16/01 5:33:27 pm)
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Alana sat down next to her ship, the Laughing Jester utterly at a loss as to what had happened to her friend Eric. She put her head in her hands she felt bad for having sent him to the ship alone when she was speaking to Soth. If anything happened to him she would never forgive herself.

Eric and her had been friends for quite some time and though he was rather weak when it came to things she had cared about him. He was like well her side kick. Alana sighed deeply this was to much first she meets a story come to life and then her friend disappears.

"What the hell a I going to do." Alana groaned to herself. "Damn it Eric where are you.?" Alana said as she pounded her fist on the ground......

Edited by: Alana Stormcloud at: 12/26/01 9:47:30 am

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(12/21/01 12:28:45 am)
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It felt as if she'd been running for days when Morgan was finally able to catch a transport back to Leoness, the capital city of Ka'Dedus. The driver looked concerned as she watched Morgan stumble to the back of the transport and nearly collapse as she lay herself across the cushioned bench. Exhaustion had long since overcome her and it was only through sheer luck that she managed to escape from Tigree's men who'd been stalking her. She knew however that it was only a matter of time before they would once again catch up with her. She sighed, taking in a deep breath which was cut short by the violent coughing which she'd been suffering from due to her injuries.

It was only a matter of minutes before they reached Leoness. Morgan woke with up gasping in shock as someone was standing over her. She quickly leaped to her feet and lifted the person by the neck, nearly shoving them through the roof of the transport. The person gasped in fright, amazed at the strength of the average sized woman. Then Morgan realized who it was... the driver. She quickly lowered the woman apologizing profusely once she realized that the young lady was attempting to apply bacta to her injury.

After a short silence and then a generous amount of credits, courtesy of Talon, as he was the one who provided her with the currency when he gave her his utility belt, Morgan was on her way. It was a short journey back to where she had first seen Alana and Talon but once she had arrived she needed only to circle to the back of the tavern, that was when she spotted the ship and the woman standing outside in front of it, as if she were looking for someone. Morgan picked up her pace, nearly stumbling in the process.


Alana Stormcloud
Registered User
(12/21/01 12:02:11 pm)
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Alana heard the stumbling footstep coming up on her. As she spun she drew her sword and readied herself for attack. After all the strange events she didn't know what would happen next and she was on edge. Alana's mouth dropped open at the sight of the woman approaching. She looked as if she had been ran over by something. Alana just barely recognized her. She was the lady from the bar. Alana narrowed her eyes. What ever had happened to Eric this had something to do with it, she could feel it in her bones.

Alana could tell the woman was hurt but as to how bad she could only guess. She was taking no chances though. She bent her knees ready to attack. Alana straightened up as she heard the woman gasp her name. "What the hell was going on here.?" Alana mumbled under her breath.

When the woman was within a few feet of her, Alana called out for her to stop where she was. Lowering her sword in front of her she frowned at the woman. Up close she looked as if she could not fight a child. She was covered in bruises.
"Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?" Alana asked in a perplexed tone....

Edited by: Alana Stormcloud at: 12/26/01 9:48:28 am

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(12/25/01 10:22:37 pm)
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Morgan struggled to keep balance as she walked toward Alana slowly. Suddenly a stone protruding out of the ground caused her to trip and fall on her face. Morgan laid still for a moment then began to laugh at her own pitifulness as she picked herself up. Her injuries felt severe even if they were not, they still slowed her down quite a bit.

"Your friend...Talon sent me to find you. He's in trouble and has been taken by someone named Tigree Benyalle, do you know of him?"

Morgan looked up at Alana's confused face, the woman didn't seem to know what Morgan was talking about. Morgan shook her head and was about to describe the youthful smuggler to Alana when she noticed something. Reaching down toward the belt which Talon gave her she pulled his blaster and pointed it in Alana's direction.

"Don't move!" She warned as she stepped toward her, squinting one eye slightly, "Please don't move," then Morgan fired the blaster, Alana immediately leapt into the air, easily dodging the shot which seemed to trail off in another directon, then tackled Morgan and pried the blaster from her hand. Jumping to her feet she pointed the blaster toward Morgan. Presently she heard a short cry then movement in a tree above her head. Alana spun around only to see a man in full stormtrooper armor fall to the ground dead from the blaster bolt which Morgan had fired moments before.

"Was he here for you or for me?" Asked Morgan, the tone of her voice letting Alana know that she was completely serious.

Alana Stormcloud
(12/26/01 9:39:32 am)
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"What in the bloody hell is going on here?" Alana asked in amazement as the woman tripped over the rock and landed flat on her face. Alana wondered if perhaps the woman was crazy or had maybe suffered a blow to the head. When she started babbling about some Talon person Alana became even more baffled. She knew this was the woman she had seen in the bar only a short time ago though with all that had happened it seemed like months had passed. Alana's friend Eric was missing she had an invitation that enticed her and scared the hell out of her all at the same time. Alana wondered if this day was ever going to end and when it did would she be left sane. Alana shook her head hoping that she would come back to reality.

Alana's blood ran cold when the woman reached into her belt and pulled a blaster from it. Then the crazed woman had the audacity to ask her not to move. As she leapt into the air her heart pounding Alana fully expected to feel the blasterfire to tear through her. Alana easily wrestled the gun from the weakened woman. She was about to ask the woman what in the hell she thought she was doing and if she had a death wish when she heard a cry from behind her. Spinning she saw a trooper fall from the shot that was apparently not meant for Alana.

"I don't know who that was meant for." Alana growled in anger. "But I'm going to find out!" This day was beginning to wear thin and with it Alana's patience. She walked to the woman keeping the blaster trained on her. Alana knew that she had just saved her life but she was taking no chances. As it was going, the strange woman would probably ask her to hold still and shoot her next. Up close the woman looked far worse than Alana had first thought.
"How is she staying on her feet." Alana muttered under her breath.

"OK Lady I've had a hard day, my friends missing and I have no more time for this. I want some answers and I want them now." Alana narrowed her eyes in anger and frustration. This was getting out of control and if there was one thing Alana could not stand was that. The woman nodded as if agreeing with her thoughts.

"I need your help Alana and if anything should happen I need you to contact a friend." She stated in a tired tone. Alana raised her eyebrows and awaited the answer.She felt her mouth drop open when she heard the name. It was Alana's uncle that the woman referred to. Alana's uncle Mockadane.......

Edited by: Alana Stormcloud at: 12/26/01 9:49:31 am

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(12/26/01 11:35:12 pm)
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Morgan saw the look on Alana's face when she mentioned Mockadane. It was a look of recognition and of strong emotional feelings. Morgan could sense through the Amulet that Alana had a close connection with Mockadane. Suddenly a deep feeling of dread and realization came over her. Of course Mockadane had a wife! Someone like him...charming, caring...Morgan could kick herself for thinking otherwise. She looked at Alana closely. She was so beautiful, anyone of the opposite sex would instantly be attracted to her. Morgan sighed slightly, she tried not to let the jealousy she was feeling become apparent in her voice but such a feat seemed almost impossible for her. She'd not felt for a man as she did Mockadane in a very long time. It was disappointing, to say the least.

"Do you know him?" She asked timidly, almost hoping that Alana would say that she hadn't a clue. It was of course, a hope which would never be realized and she knew it in her heart. Now it all made sense, why else would Soth have come to see Alana back in the bar? Mockadane must be looking for her and want to make up with her. Perhaps that was why she seemed so abrupt with Soth. She and Mockadane must have had a falling out and Soth must have been trying to mend things between the two.

Morgan was overcome with sadness, she felt like a complete fool. She was ready to throw herself off a cliff, and probably would have had she not seen the probe droid from Tigree Benyalle's men which had been following her earlier.

"Time to go!" Morgan said abruptly as she grabbed Alana by the wrist and pulled her into the ship.

Alana Stormcloud
(12/27/01 5:23:38 pm)
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Alana grew more confused s she watched the range of emotions play over the beautiful woman's face as she asked about Alana's uncle Mocky. As she was about to answer her the woman suddenly grabbed her and dragged her into the ship. Her strength was amazing.

She didn't even know the woman's name and here she was being pulled into her ship and going who knows where. "This was getting ridicules and it seemed as if it was going to get worse." Alana thought to her self as she was jerked into the ship. When she tried to pull away the woman's grip only tightened. For someone that was in such bad shape, she sure has a hell of a grip.

"Look lady I don't know who you are and how you know my uncle Mocky but this is going to far. I'm not going with you even if I have to fight fifty stormtroopers. I need to find my friend Eric... " Alana's words rushing out trying to get the determined woman to see reason. Alana took a quick step back, her arm still help in the tight grasp of the woman as she spun to face her. "Did you say your uncle Mocky??" The woman gasped, surprise apparent on her face...

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(12/27/01 7:46:14 pm)
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Morgan looked at Alana briefly then sat down in the copilots seat, pulling Alana down into the pilot seat beside her. Uncle Mocky? Morgan breathed a sigh of relief, that was the strong emotion she felt from Alana, it wasn't romantic at all. She would have asked further questions but then she remembered the droid, "I don't know how to operate the weaponry on your ship," she said quickly as she looked over the panels, "you will have to get us out of this."

Morgan thought for a moment then noticed that Alana still seemed reluctant, "Listen to me," she said abruptly, "that is not a typical Imperial probe droid, I battled it earlier and barley escaped with my life. Not only does it have scanning devices it also equipped with a full armament of blaster power. The damn thing is huge, it will wipe us out unless we can either outrun it or you use the weapons on your ship to disable it."

Morgan waited while Alana seemed to absorb the information that she had given to her. At last Alana turned on the engine and lifted them off the ground. Relaxing slightly Morgan began to wonder why Alana was so intent on finding this Eric character, "don't you care that Talon Kaarde, the man you were in the bar earlier with before Soth came has been captured by Tigree Benyalle? He is the biggest crime lord on the planet, your friend is being interrogated as we speak."

Morgan removed the belt that Talon had given to her earlier. It had all of his equipment, his weapons, his credits and his identification. Morgan hadn't looked at it however, "He gave me this so I could escape and find you. He's convinced that you will come and help him get away from Tigree. When he spoke of you it seemed as if you were close...perhaps I got the wrong impression?"

Alana Stormcloud
(12/28/01 5:39:32 pm)
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Alana's eyes narrowed at the bag as she maneuvered the Laughing Jester into the escape route she had already planed. She recognized the bag now, and its contents only confirmed that it belonged to her friend Eric. Why was this woman calling him Talon and how did she come to posses his satchel? Eric would never give his precious belongings up unless dead. Alana turned to the women having already charted there course.

"I don't know who this Talon person is but what I do know is that you have my friends bag and he is missing. I want to know what the hell is going on. As for my Uncle Mocky, I haven't seen him in years and I really doubt he would be to glad to see me now, with or without a message from you." Alana ground out between clenched teeth. This was all getting to be to much. Alana leaned toward the strange woman her eyes blazing with fury.
"Why don't you tell me who you are and where my friend is and then maybe you will live!" Alana said in a cold tone that would freeze the blood of a droid.

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(12/29/01 2:35:07 pm)
Reply | Edit | Del Re: RE: KA'DEDUS
Morgan looked down at her Amulet for a moment and placed her fingers around it, then flashed Alana a look which was equally as cold as Alana's tone, "I'm already dead," she said, her eyes lighting up for a split second with the power of the ancient medallion, "your threats mean nothing to me. If this is what I suspect and you truly want to find your friend we are going to have to work together. Being at eachothers throats will accomplish nothing," Morgan paused for a moment, "I have a feeling that who you call Eric and who introduced himself to me as Talon Karde are the same person."

Morgan leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. She could feel the Amulet's power washing over her. It had taken it's sweet time in healing her wounds. She began to think as if there was something the matter with it, but there was no time for that now. Leaning forward again she looked at the consol. The probe droid wasn't far behind them. Suddenly, Morgan jumped out of her seat and began walking toward the back of the ship, "Stay here," she said to Alana, "keep us away from the droid."

Morgan picked up her pace, as she reached the back of the ship she slowly opened the door to the cargo area and walked through it. As she did she was struck in the rib and sent crashing through several boxes on the opposite side of the room. Shaking her head she climbed out of the rubble and stood to her feet slowly. Then she caught sight of her attacker. He was immense! He stood at least 10 feet tall and carried an ax that was almost as big as Morgan was, "Oh great..." she mumbled under her breath as she looked him up and down once.

He swung his massive weapon at Morgan with speed and grace which seemed impossible for a creature of his size. Morgan barley escaped it's sharp blade by the skin of her teeth. The guard's massive ax dug into the hull of the ship and it took him a moment to pull it loose. A moment however was all that Morgan needed to get in a few blaster shots. He was sent to his back yet he seemed unharmed! He stood up quickly then threw down his weapon and began walking toward Morgan menacingly. Shrugging her shoulders Morgan threw down her blasters and leapt at the huge monstrosity.

Alana Stormcloud
(12/29/01 8:57:10 pm)
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Alana was surprised at the flat tone delivered by the woman. She could see it in her eyes that what she said was true. Alana's eyes glanced nervously back and forth between the probe droid and the woman who Alana thought might perhaps be a little crazed. It was true what she said though if they wanted to find out what was really going on they needed to quit snapping at each other.

"OK lady I agree to work with you for now and as for Eric I have no idea why he gave you the name Talon." Alana said in a tired tone. Her head ached and she was at her wits end. What she needed was a hard drink. Then maybe all of this would make sense. Alana nodded wearily as the woman made her way to the back. It was not a problem for her to outmaneuver the probe droid, she had been flying ships sense she was a young girl.

Alana jumped in her seat as she heard the yells and thuds coming from the back room. "What in the bloody hell is going on." Alana grumbled under her breath. Though she wanted to go check she knew she couldn't she had to stay and keep them from danger here. "Damn it all." Alana growled as she slammed her hand on the seat.....

Hook Toed Gnasher
Registered User
(12/30/01 10:30:49 pm)
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Re: Ka'Dedus
"You are strong!" Shouted Gnasher gruffly with surprise in his voice as Morgan decked him in the face for the fourth time in a row, forcing him to stumble backward several feet, "but how I would like to battle with you continue, master has words for you and must not disobey save he punish me to the same fate he plans you." It was clear to Morgan that the beast possessed very little intelligence, however he was tremendously strong and nearly unaffected to her attacks.

He took a step closer, reaching his arm back then laying into Morgan with much of his strength. She saw the punch coming and attempted to block but the effort was futile, in milliseconds she found herself soaring backward rapidly at an immense speed. She crashed through the door to the storage room and stood only to realize that she was back in the cockpit.

She was nearly knocked unconscious by the blow, she surmised that the only reason her skull was not crushed was because of her Amulet. Gnasher took only a few strides forward and he was in front of her. Again he had that surprised look on his face. He could not believe that she was still standing. He carried his massive form closer to her then looked over her shoulder toward Alana, "another tiny one!" He said in amusement and glee as he looked the startled brunette up and down, "More than I bargained for if she possess powers that you have. So strong yet so little, appear soft but when hit hard as rocks down in mines!"

Alana Stormcloud
(1/3/02 12:14:05 pm)
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Re: Ka'Dedus
When Morgan crashed through the door and the huge monstrosity followed after Alana turned in surprise. Her jaw dropping open at the sight. She had known that the day was going to get stranger with this woman. Alana looked into the monsters eyes. She had heard of these warriors. They were as stupid as they were big and followed commands completely until fulfilled. So unless the two women could convince the warrior that his mission was wrong they were pretty much out of luck.

Alana turned slightly in her chair, favoring the monstrosity with her widest grin. "What a pleasure to finally meet a warrior of your stature. I have heard so much about your kind. Truly an honor." Alana smiled at the preening giant. If there was one thing these big guys loved was to be told just how great they are.
Alana furrowed her brows in a look of concern. "It's such a shame you are working for someone so awful, someone who takes pleasure in killing your kind." Alana said in a sad tone.
"Such a Nobel race and all your boss can do is kill them when he is done." Alana said with a dramatic sigh, eyeing the warrior under lowered lashes.