View Full Version : "No tracks to be seen..." (repost)

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:53:57 AM
Death Knight Soth
Man In Charge
(2/3/02 6:52:20 pm)
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"No tracks to be seen..." It had been nearly four days since his encounter with the Vampires at the strange bar on the outer rim of the system yet he still felt a lingering sensation of danger, just like the one he sensed when he got the distress call from Nadia Raine. Lord Fire Blade knew then that she would cause him much trouble, but still could not ignore her plea. Now he stood outside her door quietly as she slept in the other room. He looked at the elegant halls of Jade's Castle and waited. For what he did not know, he only wished his services to this woman to have an end. Slowly he quieted the thoughts in his mind and concentrated on the Force as he slipped into a deep meditation.

He could hear the people within the dark halls conversing and if he listened enough he could hear the faint sobs that seemed to come from Nadia's room. Was she dreaming? He wondered as he drew closer to her mind. Suddenly the Amulet about her neck lit up and within moments a flurry of images began to flood Fire Blade's mind. There was Nadia, sitting in a dark corner huddled in the corner on the floor. parallel to her stood the Death Knight, only in her mind he stood nearly 10 feet tall and his eyes blazed with hot red. Fire Blade drew his weapon as the Vampyre drew nearer to Nadia. Fire Blade quickly became puzzled as he looked upon Nadia, for she seemed to be looking beyond the Death Knight, although he was fearful, but beyond him stood another.

It was a young, light haired woman, but what made her significant was the fact that she had broad, elegant wings upon her back. She seemed to want something from Nadia and as she drew near the screams from Nadia became even louder as she seemed to fear this creature more than anything else. She refused to give up what the woman wanted and this seemed to anger the creature. In a flash of light all figures were gone and Fire Blade was back outside in the hallway.

He shook his head slightly then leaned up against the wall as he kept his constant vigil on Nadia until she told him to do otherwise. He thought to himself that it was going to be a very long night.

Death Knight Soth
(8/15/01 6:49:06 pm)
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Re: No tracks to be seen
For long hours, the Death Knight of the Black Rose watched the guard at Nadia's door. He studied him from the pitch black recedes that shielded him from view. And the Sith magic that enveloped the Knight left no detection posable for any who passed by, or by chance, happened to look in the direction of where Soth was. He was simply not there. Even the darkside of Force that Soth used, was bent in such a way, that it caused the even the surroundings of the Keep to appear as normal. Soth knew what was in store for Nadia, but the man at the door who guarded her, did pose a slight problem. Soth had seen his kind before. If the man at the door only knew what he was protecting, and for what, he might have had second thought's before he agreed on doing so. Nevertheless, the Vampyre would make the first strike.

There was no reasoning or words to be spoken. It was far to late for that now. Soth could sense it, feel it, see it in Fire Blades eye's in the bar four nights prior. The proud man had made his mind up then, sealing his own fate. He would now taste the blow of thirty men come down upon him without warning! Soth knew, that now was the time for attack. He learned all he needed to know of the guard from the shadows.

With force speed, Soth struck Fire Blade with his razor taloned glove. His blood sprayed in a fan like mist, covering part of the door were he was standing. The guard took a horrendous slash across the face as he was lifted into the air. His force pike was systematically dislodged from his unwary hands. Blades limp body slid down the smooth corridor were he came to a stop almost fifteen feet from the uncial blow. Blood ran freely in a pool by his head. The strike left Fire Blade dazed and confused. As he quickly gathered his wits about him, he could hear the low hum of a double saber ignited and ready for the onset that was to take place.

A low sinister laugh echoed in the vest hallway. "Now foolish man, let us engage for the last time!"


Lord Fire Blade
Registered User
(8/15/01 8:05:01 pm)
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In near shock Fire Blade slowly reached down and tore off a piece of his long garment then wrapped it around the gaping wound on his face. Time enough later to heal the scares, he thought to himself as he slowly began to rise to his feet and look at the Death Knight. How long the Vampyre had been there he knew not, but it was clear that he was indeed a formidable Force wielder as he did manage to hide himself from Fire Blade.

With sudden unexpected speed the Sith Lord extended his arm and tossed a massive force wall of pressure at the Knight. Soth was immediately sent airborne upon impact and soared backward rapidly until smashing into a massive shelf which was attached to the far wall only by rusted and decaying bolts. It took little effort from Fire Blade to cause the bolts to loosen their grip upon the antique looking shelf and with nothing to support it's weight the heavy object fell to the ground as Soth did, trapping him beneath it.

Lord Fire Blade's eyes now spewed energy as he called his Force Pike to him and sent electrical currents up the length of it. Soth may have caught him off guard the first time, but it would not be so easy to defeat this Royal Guard.

Death Knight Soth
(8/15/01 9:02:39 pm)
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Re: No tracks to be seen
Soth broke through the wood and shelving like it was but ropes of sand. Debris flew in all directions as he tore through it's confines. It would take more then that to keep the Knight at bay. Soth was now aware of the force pike. It's lethal current was visible and it illuminated the hall with it's flickering glow. Soth knew all to well what it's weakness was. And in that instant he called to the power of the Darkside to extinguish it's light! Alter electronics, this force ability rendered the pikes components and circuitry useless. In a simple wisp of smoke and a crackling noise, the once lethal looking pike, now became but a normal weapon. The malfunction of the weapon caught Fire Blade off guard a bit. He fumbled with it's switch to try to reengage the power source. Nothing!...
Soth took full advantage of the split moment that Blade gave him. A green Erie glow spiraled around the Death Knight's talon gloves. Soth waited for the guard to come to him. There was indeed, something he wished to show the man.


Lord Fire Blade
Registered User
(8/15/01 10:35:54 pm)
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Narrowing his eyes Fire Blade studied the energy that now seemed to be surrounding the Death Knight. Not wishing to find out what Soth had in store for him the Royal Guard began scanning the halls for an advantage. Then he found it. A large marble and iron table on the floor directly above where Soth stood, easily weighing in at 800 pounds. Fire Blade inhaled slowly as if trying to concentrate then with a wave of his arm he tore the object from it's place and sent it crashing down through the ceiling. Soth barely managed to leap forward in time to avoid being crushed but with this short distraction Fire Blade was able to gain the upper hand.

Within the blink of an eye he had engaged force speed and was now standing directly in front of the Vampyre. Gripping his pike he twirled it around then extended his right arm outward and swung it forward with all of his might, using the pommel on the other end of the weapon to strike Soth in the jaw. The blow was so unexpectedly powerful that it sent the Death Knight reeling 180 degrees then to the ground face first, his mouth now bleeding as several of his teeth had become dislodged.

Death Knight Soth
(8/16/01 5:21:55 pm)
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Re: No tracks to be seen
The fight between the two combatant's took on a fast and furious pace. The Death Knight taking the hard blow to the mouth, stung his mind with pain. He would quickly regenerate from the wound to his mouth as all Vampire's do. It was there innate ability they possessed.

Soth quickly turned to see the Royal Guard raise his pike over his head to the exposed back side of the Knight. He was ready to plunge it's sharp tip into the spine of Soth. But before Fire Blade was able to carry through with the down stroke. Soth with speed force, arched himself, holding the weight of his torso forward, violently kicked upwards with his heeled boot. A well placed and well timed blow to the groaning of Blade raised the man a couple of feet off the ground! The Royal Guard screamed in agony as he hit the floor hard on his back. He doubled over in pain, clutching himself as his eye's were closed from the trauma he had just suffered. The Dark Knight moved quickly to the side of Blade, pining him. Soth sliced the guards exposed neck with his razor talon as he still held himself. The heart beat of Fire Blade was so rapid at this point of the fight, that when Soth cut into the artery, blood sprayed on to the Vampire's face. Soth welcomed it, it meant that Blades blood would quicken his own recovery as he would suck it's life essence from the downed man.


Edited by: Death Knight Soth at: 8/23/01 7:46:07 pm

Nadia Raine
Registered User
(8/18/01 10:08:52 am)
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Nadia Raine leaped from her bed in freight and snatched her weapon, quickly wrapping the sheath around her waist as she heard a massive crashing noise coming from outside her room. It sounded almost as if the entire ceiling above her had come tumbling down. Gripping her Amulet she shut her eyes and concentrated. He was here...she could feel him. How he had found them, she knew not how but perhaps this would be her chance to rid herself of the Death Knight forever. She knew that if he and Lord Fire Blade were having a confrontation, the Royal Guard would be the one to gain the upper hand.

Slowly she crept toward the door. With a thought it was blown off it's hinges and sent soaring across the hall. Nadia walked out of the open doorway confidently with her weapon now in hand and turned to face Soth. Gasping, she stumbled backward as she saw the Death Knight hunched over Fire Blade, draining him of his very life. Nadia's Amulet immediately lit up and in a flash of light she sped toward the Death Knight as his back was turned toward her. Coming to a screeching stop she swung her left leg forward and kicked Soth in the back of the skull with all her might. With the kick being enhanced by the Amulet's power Soth was tossed aside and slammed into the wall. He turned around quickly but as he did he was gripped again by the Amulet's power as he had been once before.

It was a familiar sensation as all feeling left his extremities and he was unable to move. Now he sit, nearly helpless as his mind was also now in a slight haze after the blow to the back of the skull. Nadia approached him slowly, then with quick movements she drove her sword into the side of his neck, "I must thank you, Death Knight," she said slowly as she smiled down at him, "for when you gave me a taste of what you were it only made me desire it more!" Nadia flung her long hair back behind her shoulder, exposing the wounds that the Vampyre had inflicted upon her weeks prior, "oh yes, my dear Soth. The blood call is strong indeed."

With that Nadia removed her sword from Soth's bleeding neck then knelt down in front of him.

Edited by: Nadia Raine at: 8/23/01 7:33:24 pm

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(8/24/01 4:45:26 pm)
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As Nadia drew Soth close to herself she suddenly felt her Amulet. The warning was strong and unmistakable. With lightning fast movements she lept to her feet and swung around suddenly, swinging her weapon behind her blindly. With a bright flash the blade was deflected and there stood Morgan defiantly, as always. Her demeanor however was different this time. Her face shown more of concern than anger. Slowly she stepped back, still touching Nadia's blade with her own sword but withdrawing in such a way to make Nadia realize that she was not here to fight.

"Stop this," said Morgan slowly as she looked down at Fire Blade who was still lying on the floor bleeding profusely, "Lord Fire Blade is dying, we cannot allow it." Morgan pierced Nadia with her gaze then lowered her weapon. Nadia did the same and glared at her younger sibling for a moment then let out a gleeful laugh, "you are foolish sister! I warned you of the Death Knight. Now look at the trouble he's caused you."

Morgan did not respond, for she had no valid point to argue. She glanced down at the Death Knight for a moment then looked back at her sister, "release him now," she demanded.

Nadia's eyes became wide with alarm, "Who are YOU to order me?! Even if I could release the Amulet's hold upon him I wouldn't!"

Morgan narrowed her eyes angrily, "take the Amulet off or I will remove it along with your head."

Nadia gripped her Amulet tightly and smiled, "your stupidity will get us all killed. No sister, I will not remove the Amulet and neither will you. You wish to save the Royal Guard do you not? If you worry too much about the Death Knight the Guard will die. You don't have time to save both of them." Morgan sighed slightly and turned away, defeated. Nadia was right. Soth would not die from his injuries, Lord Fire Blade however would. She knelt down beside the Royal Guard, lifting his head and resting it upon her lap as she offered him water to drink.

"Do it," said Nadia quickly as she paced back and forth, "you know that I cannot. Stop wasting time. You know you must."

"Let me think!" Snapped Morgan as she placed her hand over her eyes.

"Oh, don't worry sister. If you drain your own energy to save the Guard I will not harm you," Nadia said as she smiled kindly.

Morgan glared up at her with the look of distrust ever apparent in her eyes. Still, she had no choice. Morgan inhaled deeply and held her breath for just a moment, then shut her eyes. Within in a split second energy emerged from the Amulet then hit Morgan on the upper chest. When the cluster of energy exited Morgan it was much larger than before and quickly found it's way to Fire Blade, who was now on the other side of the room as Morgan had been tossed several yards down the long hallway upon impact of the blast. Morgan coughed as she picked herself up onto her knees and looked back over at Fire Blade. He was healing rapidly. She gave a sigh of relief then began to rise to her feet slowly.

Nadia Raine
Registered User
(8/26/01 11:11:20 am)
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As Morgan began to stand up she was suddenly kicked in the spine and sent tumbling forward onto her stomach. She barely managed to flip onto her back as Nadia's blade gashed her shoulder. Morgan jumped to her feet quickly but as she did she was met with a round house kick and fell back to the floor as blood dripped from her mouth.

"You didn't actually think that I would trust you, did you sister?" Morgan smiled as she wiped the blood from her mouth. Nadia looked down at her almost puzzled but was suddenly struck by a massive antique shield that rest upon the wall as a decorative item. It's weight must have been at least 100 pounds and dislocated Nadia's shoulder upon impact. She fell to the floor with a groan then gripped her Amulet. Within seconds blast of energy shot from the artifact rapidly in Morgan's direction. Morgan quickly threw her arms up over her head defensively and squeezed her eyes shut as she held her breath waiting for impact. Several quick moments of suspense passed then nothing. Morgan slowly lowered her arms and realized that for the second time her Amulet had spared her life as it had shot out the same type of energy beam that Nadia had.

Nadia stood slowly then realized the unexpected truth. Because of the feud between herself and Morgan the Amulet was now at odds with itself.

"Stop this," Nadia called to her sister over the noise of the energy, "the Amulet will kill us both. If we do not merge it now it will never again become one with itself. Something has happened to it. Give me your half."

"Never!" Shouted Morgan, "To give you control again would mean death for our people. They would cease to exist under your tyrannical rule. Give me your half of the Amulet."

Nadia did not respond for she seemed to be in some type of trance and could no longer be bothered. "So be it then," called Morgan, "better for us both to die then for you to have what you desire." Nadia still offered no response to her younger sister. Suddenly her eyes were open. They had glazed over in pure energy and at once Morgan could see the fate before her. Nadia quickly tore the Amulet from around her neck and held it in her hand while chanting a familiar incantation. Morgan had heard it cast by her grandfather once before. Corrupt as he was he deemed Nadia worthy of learning it, but never Morgan.

Within moments Morgan was frozen in place and an impenetrable crystalline material was forming around her. Slowly she found herself unable to use any of her senses and knew that only Nadia would be able to break the spell. Not even Lord Fire Blade could help her now. Light sabers...energy weapons of any kind could not penetrate the shell.

Death Knight Soth
(8/27/01 7:07:07 pm)
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Re: No tracks to be seen
Nadia stood confidently poised with the ancient relic outstretched in front of her. Her moment of triumph was now close at hand. Waves of energy enshrouded Morgan in colors of scarlet and deep blues. She was a tomb like grip that seemed to crystallize around her. Morgan was helpless!

Death comes to those when it's least expected, allusive, unpredictable. Striking the unwary at any given time. Sudden!

A powerful arm reached around Nadia's neck, pulling her backwards, leaving her prone and off balance. Her air supply was immediately cut off. There was a quick hiss of a saber igniting. And Nadia, in shock, and horror, could see the point of a pale green saber blade protruding out her front side! The Death Knight had ran her through! Had she underestimated his recuperative powers? She was then violently jerked and wrenched as if the strength of thirty men held her in check. The Amulet that she once held fell to the floor as she desperately clutched at the powerful arm that her fast. Nadia's vision blurred. The movement of her desperation to get free, coupled by Soth's grip, began to sever internal organs. Was this her final fate at the hands of the Death Knight? Death from behind, unexpected Death?

The Dark One leaned in close to her ear and whispered.

"Yes,...The sting of Death Nadia! Can you bare it's weight m'lady?" Soth hissed through clenched teeth. The pale green saber then was pulled free from it's host. Nadia began to slump, but was violently whipped around in a 180 degree spin. She now faced the Death Knight of old eye to eye! His terrible eternal eye's blazed a hot red that pierced her like the saber had only moments before. The Knight held Nadia's now slumping body by her throat. Soth's face was filled with a cruel hate and condemnation for her. She gasped the words of mercy for herself to him, but he had none to offer her. She could only stare into the eye's of Death and Despair, hoping it would all soon be over.

Darkness, Ah,...It's sweet kiss. How she called for it to come. To embrace her, rescue her from the pangs of life. Yes, Death was far better a friend now, then life's cruel truthful sting! Nadia called to it, begged for it, to take her away.

A powerful kick to Nadia's stomach folded the woman in half as she was sent hurdling down the smooth polished floor.

Soth fell to one knee. His breath was short and shallow. He looked to Nadia's motionless form that was now crumpled against a far wall of the Keep. Soth then glanced to the Amulet. It slid on it's own accord to Soth's hand. He had to set Morgan free from her icy tomb. But the Death Knight's strength was dwindling. Soth stood up, then half stumbled to where Morgan stood upright. Like a statue frozen in time. The Vampyre Knight reached out to the Darkside, simotaniously calling on the power's of the Amulet. An aura of brilliant color's emitted from it. Swirling and jetting fourth like a fountain in the cool air of the hall. It's colors snaked their way around Morgan and Soth. Seconds past, and the crystal tomb that housed Morgan began to ebbed a reddish hue. Indicating that the power at hand, were doing their work.

The encasement melted like snow. Morgan was free at last from her magical prison. Both Morgan and Soth bodies collapsed to the floor. Morgan feebly raised her head to see her deliver lying on the floor only a couple of feet away. Smoking in the Knight's smoldering hand was the Amulet. Melted into the palm of his hand. The powered armor gauntlet was melted around the Amulet it's self. Soth's forearm was badly charred from the enormous energies he had called forth to set her free. He had paid the price for it's expenditure. Burns to a Vampyre took month's to heal. But Morgan knew what she had to do. If Soth held the Relic for to long, he too would fall under it's powerful call. She had to set him free of it!


Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(9/3/01 8:54:23 am)
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Morgan slowly pulled herself to her knees and scooted toward the Death Knight who was still lying upon the ground, weakened from his ordeal. She knew what was to happen now. The Death Knight had stripped the Amulet from Nadia, it was now within Morgan's grasp. Now the two halves would be joined once again and the Amulet could be returned to it's rightful place. Slowly she took Soth's hand and studied the burn marks which now scared him. Sighing deeply she leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Soth's shoulders and laying her head against his neck.

"You have saved me from myself once again my dear friend," Morgan whispered softly as she slid her right hand up to his face and stroked his cheek gently, "I know not what would have happened this night had you not come here. The Amulet can now be returned to it's rightful place. I am forever in your debt."

With that Morgan lifted her head slowly then kissed the Death Knight once upon the lips, a gesture of friendship, then sat up and removed the Amulet from around her neck. Hesitating slightly she slowly moved her half of the Amulet toward that which was melted into the Death Knight's magical armor. As the two halves neared eachother, energy began to shoot out between them. Gulping slightly Morgan quickly pressed the two halves together. A bright flash could be seen, and then after the light dissipated the Amulet's were once again whole. The burns still shown upon the Death Knight's hand however he was free of the Amulet.

Morgan slowly stood then turned toward the fallen Royal Guard, "Take my sister from here," Morgan said as she extended the Amulet toward him in a threatening manor. Her voice now echoed through the halls almost as if transcendent. "I wish her not to die here, in this way. There is no need for the bloodshed, the Amulet is whole once more. Take her now and heal her. Perhaps the next time that she and I encounter eachother things will be different." With that Morgan wrapped her cloak around her then turned to leave Jade's Castle.

Lord Fire Blade
Registered User
(9/28/01 11:56:38 pm)
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The voice was strong and resounding. It seemed to echo through the walls of the Castle. Morgan spun around immediately, knowing who it was. The Royal Guard, Lord Fire Blade. Would he dare to stop her from leaving? She looked upon his stark appearance gripping her sword almost as a reflex.

"You will not leave with both halves of the Amulet. The debt I owe to your sister has still not been paid. I cannot allow you to take what is rightfully hers, despite the loyalty I feel toward you. She is first born and has first right to anything left behind by your parents. Per Argorian law."

Morgan narrowed her eyes. It was clear to him that she was not going to subscribe to Fire Blade's interpretation of the laws of her people. After all he was not one of them, how could he presume to know which laws would apply to this situation?

"Would you truly allow Nadia to take the Amulet knowing full well what she would do with it?" Morgan asked as she stepped closer to the Royal Guard, "Have you no conscious?" She whispered to him slowly. She thought for a moment then turned around once again to leave. "I don't have time for your silly notions. I saved your life Fire Blade, do not make me regret my decision."

As Morgan began to walk away quickly she was suddenly grabbed by the wrist by Fire Blade and spun around to face him as he placed the blade of his sword to her throat. She knew that this would happen, even without the Amulet's help it was clear that Fire Blade would always be bound to Nadia. But before Morgan could react Fire Blade quickly pinned her arms behind her back and pushed her up against the wall, "Don't make me do this," he whispered, "I don't want to hurt you, but if it's the only way to stop you it's what I'll do."

Edited by: Lord Fire Blade at: 9/29/01 8:23:30 am

Morgan Dreada
Registered User
(10/30/01 10:12:12 pm)
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Morgan struggled momentarily to free herself from the Royal Guard's clutches but realized that her efforts were futile, "your loyalty to my elder sister is misplaced, my friend," she said softly as she looked upon Lord Fire Blade sternly, "it is indeed unfortunate...for this will be our last time together."

Fire Blade seemed thoughtful of Morgan's words, however he did not waiver, he continued to hold Morgan firmly in place, hoping that he would be able to bide himself time enough for Nadia to recover from her wounds. But this was something that Morgan would not allow. As Fire Blade studied the woman her eyes slowly began to glaze over in pure energy. Before Fire Blade could blink he and Nadia were both embedded in the same crystalline substance which imprisoned Morgan only minutes ago.

Without giving it another though Morgan lifted the two figures up with the power of the Amulet and brought them to her ship, to be stored in the cargo bay until they arrive on Argon. Where they would both be tried and convicted for their crimes against her people.