View Full Version : Information Highways (open)
Vynn Frost
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:32:48 PM
:: Vynn Frost entered the bar, his cold eyes taking quick looks around as he takes a seat at an empty table. Frost needed to familiarize himself with this environment before he tried to begin business.
The process of being an informant in more darker corners than usual wasn't easy and becoming established in a new region was worse. Vynn needed to know who liked money and what else they prefered with that meal and who was willing to serve him first.
He smiled at the analogy, remembering that he was hungry. Frost got a droid to bring him food and a cold glass of jawa juice. He ate it slowly, taking the time to memorize the place. This was the place to come hopefully, another one of those gut feelings.::
Jaslin Fett
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:49:00 PM
Jaslin watched the man enter Eldoracks bar. Her piercing eyes capturing every aspect of him. She played idly with the rim of her glass, her feet crossed and propped up on the table before her. Her head reclining back into the shadows cast there.
It was strange how much rabble seemed to find its way to the way station. They often came to kill time. But this one seemed to be looking for something, or someone. She pulled her veil up, hiding the lower half of her face. She in most circumstances went without it in her friend’s establishment, but with the night becoming busy it was best that she remained covered.
Jaslin held her cup up to a passing droid, not speaking. The worker droids knew what she wanted. Jaslin was no stranger to Eldoracks.
She stopped it before it could scuttle off. "Tell Mockadane he has company, if not Mock than tell Eldorack...." Her hand rested lightly on the grip of her blaster pistol. She was never one to take chances, always on alert. Pushing a button on the small wrist com, Jaslin alerted her lover that he was needed. It was a double precaution just in case the droid lost track.....
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:29:53 PM
Walking into the room from the back door to the main office of the Tavern, Eldorack emerged with DOG at his side. The Mercinary glanced around the room, noticing every little aspect as if it were the first time he had visited the place. This was his home, the only home he had ever known. Eldorack, Mockadane, and DOG were the sole residents of the Illusive seech. Noticing Jaslin at a table by herself, her face was cloaked in shadows that hung about. Eldorack decided to walk over and give her a little company.
With DOG not far behind him, Eldorack took a seat next to Jaslin. She was truly beautiful, he had to give her that. But there was something bothering her this night. She was not her usual self. She was worried about something. Eldorack knew that look on her face. She was thinking of something, pondering a thought if you will. She did not look up at him when he sat down, that was the first sign that she was in a deep train of thought. But when DOG had laid down between the two friends and Jaslin made no attempt to even achnoledge that Eldroacks companion was there, the Assasin knew then that something bothered her. Eldorack would figrure out what it was, sooner or later. He always did with Jaslin. As she did him...
"Jaslin, What is the matter. What is it you are pondering?"
Jaslin was brought back to reality when her friend had spoken his words. Shaking her head a bit, she looked at him and finally noticed that he was there. Petting DOG atop the head, the K-9 immidiatly devoured his meat that was brought to him by the barkeep Jarec. Jarec was a trusted employee of the Seech. He knew the do's and dont's of the establishment, and he enforced them well. That is the reason Mockadane and his companion Eldorack had kept him around for so long. After returning back to behind the bar top, Jerec went back into his routine of serving drinks to customers.
Watching DOG eat and drink, Eldorack grabbed a bottle of wine and two wine glasses that were atop a tray carried by a servise droid that was passing by. Placing a glass in front of the beautiful woman, the Slicer poped the lid to the wine canaster. Pouring her a glass, Eldorack filled his goblet the same. Taking a sip, he set the glass of wine atop the table. He looked at Jaslin.
"What is troubling you so this night Jaslin...?"
Vynn Frost
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:40:37 PM
:: I didn't even really look up, but I still noticed the man and his animal. They both took notice obviously. Not many people were allowed to bring animals with them into such a place and that meant exceptions. Exceptions meant he deserved it. And the bartender brought the animal something to eat without the man asking. Both of those were to note.
This was the kind of place that meant you did something or had something to earn that amount of respect, whether through as honest as the work could get around here or out of fear. By the man's appearance he could have gotten through both for all Vynn cared. He finished his meal and a droid came and took the plate away.
Frost kept the drink and sipped it lightly, noting the man walk over and talk to a woman that had earlier stood and alerted a droid of something within the bar. Another thing Vynn kept filed, who can just go and talk to a droid? Notifying it of things within the establishment? And seeing that they were familiar with each other... He didn't smile but the gut instinct kicked in. ::
Jaslin Fett
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:48:25 PM
Jaslin had noted Eldorack and DOG. There presence at her table was of no surprise, but she chose to stay focused on the man eating casually at his table. She also noted that he took in everything much in the same way as she. Letting nothing get by.
"You know nothing causes me worry Eldorack. But the man at that table seems to be by far more than just a patron." She stated in matter of fact tones. Her hand absently caressing DOG'S ears.
"He has been watching everything, while trying to appear as if he is not. He is good who ever he is my friend." Jaslin said as she took the offered glass of wine. Sipping it under her veil, her eyes crinkling with a small smile that was hidden behind it.
"He bears watching Eldorack. Close watching...."
Jun 3rd, 2003, 12:30:19 AM
The clank of the datapad on the corner of the table, away from the mans veiw, brought his attention away from the pair with the K-9 to a largish looking man holding a ship's security alarm with the wiring all neatly severeda few centimeters from its origin. Placing it in the middle of the table The Big man took a seat near this new-comer. The data-card showed that this persons ship had no cargo or resoarses that were in the trade markets, and therefore was of great interest to the Seeches defences. with a serious look, Mock started the conversation...
"Perhaps you and I should talk. When cirtain people visit this haven without trade on there agenda... They are either in my employ ... or seeking a bounty on Me or My associates. Since My employment rosters are up to date, and we are not on a first name basis... I have already made preparations for the later senario!" The look on Mockadane's face turned quisical at a almost humorus stance.
""I do have one question to ask before this fiasco takes place... Where would you like your body sent?"
A smile crossed Mock's face...
Vynn Frost
Jun 3rd, 2003, 08:45:41 AM
:: Frost kept staring at into his glass as he had been. He took another drinl and still didn't look away. Fiasco? Vynn hoped this was a ruse because a fight was not something he had come here tonight for. Especially over bad information.
Vynn's ship had cargo, and even though this man had cut the security alarm, he had still tripped the system that hid the cargo before he could find it. And by the way this man acted, he might have some relation to the other two but he had made an error somewhere when he tripped my failsafe.
The cargo was a precious enough amount to get business started. It was confiscated glitterstim from another smuggler. Being an Imperial officer gave Vynn a few liberties and confiscated material like that usually just sat in a warehouse somewhere. This man could say what he wanted but Frost knew the value of glitterstim anywhere and it ran high in the black market.
Yet that still wasn't what Vynn was here for. He took another drink of the glass before actually turning my head to look at the large man. He was here to open business in information, not fight. Fighting could lead to worse things, hostile customers... death, Vynn or him, either one probably bad for Frost.::
Well, this is my time off and I wouldn't mind a vacation. Did I win a prize or something? Do I have the 1,000,000th drink bought here? Thats exciting.
:: Vynn's vioce was completely flat, his face hadn't changed at all. He took another sip at his drink before setting it down and sliding it away to the middle of my table.::
Bounty hunting is not my game of choice and neither is your employment roster. Threaten me all you want, knowing that you tripped one of three other security systems when you took the only visible one out. This "fiasco" isn't going to take place either, spare me my drink.
:: Even almost drunk and with a fair stand off Vynn could hit this man with his blaster between the eyes at this distance. But Vynn was betting a lot of this wouldn't be fair if a fight started. This man probably had more than himself in and here and employment meant he ran something big around here. good.
He turned back to looking at his glass, before looking back to the man.::
My name is Frost, you won't find that on my ship either.
:: Vynn had been highly trained on the field and off. Business required a kind of finesse that made him do things the extra lightyear. Everything he owned was probably booby trapped to the point anyone not from Special Ops Intelligence training would find Frost paranoid. He trusted no one. Vynn was loyal to the Grand Admiral and his superior officers, but trust was another thing when it came down to it. And this man wouldn't be the first to trap one.::
Jun 5th, 2003, 04:32:34 PM
Turning his head just enough so that he could see the man in full view, Eldorack looked at Vynn. He was writting something in what had looked like a diary. Eldorack had never seen Jaslin so interested in someone other that his best friend, Mockdane. Sipping at his glass of wine which he had just previously poured for himseld, Eldorack knew that this man that was sitting just across from the Mercinary and the Boundy huhter was no ordinary patron who had made his or her way to the Tavern on a daily basis. No, he was much different. He kept to himslef, as to where everyone else gathered in groups around the pub. The strange man was studying his surroundings Eldorack noted. Vynn watched the droid the whole time the astromech droid of the Tavern took orders and delivered drinks to the patrons scatterd across the bar. Eldorack knew that the man was no force user, so he had to be here on buisness. But what type of buisness Vynn was into, the Assasin did not know.
Pouring more wine into his empty glass, the Slicer noticed that Jaslin was running low on wine herself. Jaslin always was the heaviest drinker of the two people at the table. Lifting his hand into the air, Jarec the barkeep knew exactly what his employer wanted for him to do. Grabbing another wine glass from behind the bar, Jarec scrurried over to the table occupied by the two. Eldorack grabbed the Goblet off the tray. He placed it on the opposite side of the table motioning for the man to make his way over to Jaslin's and Eldoracks table.
"Please Join us."
Eldorack said as he filled up the empty glass witht he wine that was in the bottle. Just after filling the goblet full of the alcoholic beverage, Eldorack's cohort in crime walked into the establishment. Rolling his eyes, the mercinary looked over in Jaslins direction.
"Oh god...Here we go."
Laughing after he said his final words to the bounty hunter that was seated next to him, Eldorack waited for Mockadane to either get rid of the man, or to recruit him. Eldorack saw the data pad land atop the table and the words that went with it.
"I have the read outs of your ship."
Is what Mockadane had to say. Standing up, Eldorack walked over to Vynn's table, grabbing both his and the other mans drink as he did so. But before departing from his prior table, Eldorack whispered something into Jaslin's ear.
"Come and sit with us...We need to save this man the embarasment."
Walking over to the table, Eldorack placed the goblet in front of Vynn. Taking a sip of his own, Eldorack looked at Mockadane and noticed the serious look upon his face. Mockadane was not playing around with this man. Mockadane was dead serious.
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:28:06 AM
"Hmmm!" ...
Mockadane let out. This man had a strong resolve and the intimidation factor was out as it seemed. This above all elce Mockadane liked. So many times the big man had used this gamble, and with a couple of exceptions, it had worked.
The icy cold expression gave no hint of worry on this mans face... either he was telling the truth or was exceptionally good at his job. "Your good!"
"Most people wold have tucked tail and ran by now!" A slight grin crossed Mockadane face. "Your ship hasnt been touched, thats a main servo for my security droid and..." picking up the data pad... "This is just a rouse."
"But in all fairness... your ship is in tractor lock, and perhaps you and I can talk about why your here... on friendly terms."
Mockadane watched the approach of Eldorack, slightly!
Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:06:19 AM
:: Vynn still didn't smile, his defences still up as far as he was concerned. But he trusted what the man said for the moment, his eyes looking over the equipment on the table.::
I'm grateful then. I agree, let us talk of business now that we know each other better. I am Frost.
:: Vynn finished with those words and his attention turned to the other man that was approaching the table with drinks in his hand. This being one of the respected individuals Vynn had noted, he assumed he'd made the right choices so far. But he would allow this one to introduce himself, since he had most likely overheard Frost's introduction. Vynn still had no name for the big man either.::
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:03:22 AM
"I am Mockadane... the administraitor of this facility and you are my guest!" Handing the man a key..."This is a room you can stay in at your discression and perhaps I can get you to secure a shipment for me from Bespin... care of Geeda the hutt."
Greeting Eldorack with a nod Mockadane gave the introductions and awaited this mans response.
Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:19:14 AM
The pleasure is mine and once again I'm grateful. If you will give me time to consider the proposal. Bespin... that is within my capabilites but my schedule is strict and I must conform to it. I also have some cargo of my own I'm sure you'd be interested in for business. But let us settle that later. For now I am still travel worn from my trip finding this place and I'd like to still enjoy a drink and this wonderful establishment you have here.
Jun 15th, 2003, 12:54:49 AM
Mockadane motioned for a dinnerplate's from the hostess... and within minutes, four roasted meat sandwitches were placed on the table. As mock stood he pulled a chair out and looked over at Jaslin who occupied an adjacent table.
The Big Man heard Eldorack boast of the delicasy and waited for the Beauty's responce...
Jaslin Fett
Jun 15th, 2003, 01:20:13 AM
Jaslin had quietly listened to the exchange between the men. Not answering Eldorack right away. She wanted to see just what Mock would do to the strange man. Chuckling under her breath she rose from her seat when Mockadane glanced at her. Settling into the seat beside him, she leaned back sipping at the drink before her.
"You know Eldorack.... There is no saving anyone from Mock once he gets a hold of them." Jaslin grimaced slightly at the fragrant sandwich placed before her. She didn’t like to mix the pleasure of drink with food. Defeated the purpose in her opinion.
"You have it Mock..... I don't think I want to ruin the taste of this fine wine you always serve." She said teasingly. Her veil still raised in the new guy’s presence. She would lower it only when she felt comfortable around him.
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