View Full Version : Looking for Trouble

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:21:37 PM
OOC: This is an open anything, preferably to a female :)

The night was young, and so was Aaron. He was young and wrestless to be precise, and he never found sleep easy to come by. Instead, he preferred to bide his time wasting away in the midst of the hot, judgement-impaired mass of his peers that was downtown Coruscant night life. Generally, it did quite a bit to make him even more bored considering that he rarely shared anything common with the youth he surrounded himself with. Hew as a businessman, an entreprenuer, and a successful assistant to one of Coruscant's most established businessman--James Nairalix. Not many of his peers could compare their own jobs and experiences to his own.

Especially tonight, however, his purpose was not to spark conversation about his job or politics or even war (which he had a special interest in). No, he only had one thing on his mind: women. He was young and he was wrestless and often times impatient and a little angry. But there was one thing he had remained for too long, he thought.


It had been a little over a year now since he had joined up with James, and he found that his work at times was overwhelming. Now, though, things were begining to tone down, and he found himself growing board in all of his spare time. Most of it was spent with the boys, but though they were loyal, they could only entertain him so much. Tonight he had a purpose, and it was more than a want or a feeling. It was a goal.

He was a man who accomplished his goals.

Scanning the club, he noticed someone. Not often was his attention diverted by another, but in this case, it was. His eyes darted to her own and then flashed away. With what appeared to be a 'not interested' look (he enjoyed games), he flashed his eyes at hers again and turned away to order another drink.

Her move.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:38:35 PM
Alexiel had wandered into the club, looking for a good meal. She had yet to find one. The humans in here were all boring. She leaned against one of the shadowed walls of the room and watched them. Her weapons for the time were stashed in her speeder out front.

Suddenly one of the humans caught her eye. He kept glancing at her. She bright green eyes glanced him over as he looked at her again. He then looked away agian. She rolled her eyes and slowly started to make her way over to him.

'Guess he will have to do for now.'

The thought ran through her mind quickly as she walked over. She leaned agianst the bar, not seeming to pay any attention to him at first. She glanced at him then back to the bar tender.

"Hello. Intresting suit for a club. Come here offten?"

She looks at him and doesnt take her eyes away this time. Her deep green eyes practicly stare into his soul as she watches him. It was hard to tell that she had pale skin in the low light of this club.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:58:00 PM
It took him a moment to respond as she made her way over to his position. Finally turning to face her, with a fresh Jack and Coke in hand, he smiled cordially.

"Maybe." He took a long draw from his drink and nodded to her. "What's your name? Or are you the mysterious type." He smirked, his raising his eyebrows questioningly. "I'm curious." He took another drink, letting his eyes wander again. He pretened as though he had no interest, and kept a closer eyes on his drink than the woman.

He was rather interested.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:23:20 PM
She turned around and faced the dance floor, leaning agianst the counter again. She watches the clubers while the man beside her talks. She was quickly starting to grow bored with him. She looked at him when he was done talking.

"My name is Alexiel. Alexiel Kimono. And they call you...?"

She waited for an answer from the human man.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:31:32 PM
"Aaron Vilnaldi, at your service," he said, a hint of sarcasim in his voice. "I've been called worse, but I tend to answer to Aaron." He winked and took another drink of his Jack and Coke. Sloshing the alchohol around in his mouth, he noticed that Kimono wasn't drinking anything. Interesting--she must've been the only one in the club without a full glass of something in her hand.

"Ah, let social norms shine through as I offer to buy you a drink," he said, a hint of boredom in his voice. He didn't like customs and did his best to avoid them. But, he figured it would be best to offer the lady a drink. So far, tracing his eyes up her leathery-clad body, she was worth at least that much.

"What're you drinking?"

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:42:55 PM
She smiles slightly and glances back out at the dance floor. She breaths the air she does not need and looks back at him. She tried to act as human as posable. Not the easiest thing in the world for a vampyre.

"I do not drink. I dont like the taste of alchohol."

In actuality, if she drank it, it would just come back up. One of the downfalls of being a vampyre was not having a true stomach... or many other internal organs.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:51:25 PM
"To each her own," he replied, finishing the rest of his drink. He quickly turned to order another. "I find alchohol to be a wonderful conversational tool. The more I drink, the more bearable the voices of others become." He gave her another sharp grin and took a drink from his second Jack and Coke of the night.

"But I digress," he replied, moving a tiny bit closer to Alexiel. "I think the real topic at hand is you." He was lossening up a bit with the alchohol, and his cynycism was subsiding. He found it easier to communicate.

"I think the next rung on the ladder to being social is to ask another question. What do you do for a living?" He was interested to hear. She was dressed a bit abnormally, and he found himself wondering what occupation one in such attire held.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 1st, 2003, 11:05:31 PM
"I remove obsicles for those that are willing to pay enough for it."

It was the most casual way for her to say that she was an assasin. She glanced around again then looked at him. For somereason she desided she wouldnt drag him into a dark ally way and kill him just yet.

"Want to dance?"

She motioned out towards the dance floor where the fast paced techno music was playing. It was a bit crouded but there were some places that two people could dance.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 1st, 2003, 11:16:42 PM
An assassin. Interesting. Aaron was all too accustomed to the vague terminology of dark professions to miss the clue. But, being a criminal himself, he could appreciate such work.

"Interesting job. Considering the demand for obstacle removal, people must be dying to employ your work." He smiled broadly as she asked him to dance. "Ah, yes, most certainly. I thought you'd never ask." He took a long swig from his drink and left it on the counter for the tender to take care of.

"Please, lead the way," he smiled, bowing slightly, motioning one hand out near her own, as though he wished to be lead to dance floor. "Ladies first," spoken, of course, with the hint of a mocking tone.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:15:31 PM
"I guess your right."

She spoke a respons to his joke about her job. She slowly started to make her way through the croud of people to a less crouded spot on the floor. She turned and watched him finish his trek across the floor.

"So how well do you dance?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:24:26 PM
"Well," he said, pulling his body closer to hers. Their faces were just inches away from each other as he stared into her eyes. She had amazing eyes, he thought. They were deep and dark, seemingly endless. He'd never seen eyes like those before. Her skin--upon closer inspection--was a bit more pale than he had noticed at first, but it didn't matter. He enjoyed a fair complexion.

Aaron's body began to move to the pulse of the music. He let one arm slip around her--but it did not touch her. He did his best to draw out the process, creating a sort of sexual tension between them. He wanted to prolong the feeling, enjoying the moment until the last possible second before he had to touch her.

"I hope you can keep up," he challenged her, his mouth now milimeters from hers as he danced. He was a good dancer, and he kept his body painfully close to hers.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 4th, 2003, 07:58:01 PM
As he touched her skin, he felt it almost as cold as ice, even in the hot enviroment with so many people in such a close area. He felt her arms come up over his shoulders. She easily seemed to keep up with him and the beat of the music. Her deep green eyes never left his.

The techno music slowly started to speed up. Her eyes smiled at him.

"Can you keep up?"

She easily kept beat with the music. Their faces were still close together, nearly touching. Her eyes were cool and calm. They never left his. They seemed to almost be reading his thoughts.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 5th, 2003, 01:26:43 PM
It was strange how well he had recieved her. Though verbally abrasive, Vilnaldi rarely indulged such eye contact. But it was as though he had little choice. Her eyes were more than mystical, and he found his own glued to them without release. They were amazing, seemingly reading his every move before he made it.

Needless to say, they were a spectacle on the dance floor, in perfect harmony. Aaron was impressed by her moves, and others were too. The crowd had moved outward to make a circle around the two, many stopping to watch them dance. He had never done so well with another woman before, and found his mind arrogantly lingering on that thought. Closer and closer he moved with her body until he could feel the cold of her skin upon him. Strange, how cold she was.

"It seems we have an audience," he stated, somewhat breathless given the dancing and the fact that he was becoming increasingly taken by her. He wanted to taste her lips more than ever now, but held back the urge as it only amplified his passion.

"You dance exceptionally well," he spoke again as she smiled. She enjoyed the attention from the others almost as much as he did--and he was hoping that she also enjoyed the attention he was paying her.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 7th, 2003, 04:29:02 PM
"As do you, milord."

Alexiel glanced at the humans around her. It was one of the things she hated the most. People watching her. It's not something most assasins, let alone vampyric assasins injoy was atention. They liked to make things simple and unnoticed.

But the attention that this human gave her was somethng else. Something that she didnt mind as much.

'Perhaps this one will go away with his heart still beating tonight' she thought to herself.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:03:27 AM
"Milord," Aaron repeated, rolling the word over in his mind and tongue. "I like that." He smiled, his hand sliding around her as they continued to dance. Then, against his wishes, the music stopped as the DJs changed over. The two stopped as their bodies were close together, Aaron's hand falling to drape around her waist. He wondered if she could feel his hot breath as he was less than an inch from her mouth. Then, it hit him.

"You don't mind if I head back for another round? I'm a little dry." Truth be told, he wasn't thirsty for anymore alchohol. He wanted something to wet his mouth. If he would be doing any more than just dancing tonight--which he was hoping for--he would need a fresh set of moist lips. Making his way to the bar, he ordered some bottled water. Sloshing it down greedily, he looked back at Alexiel.

"Hey. . ." He smiled. "Do you want to get out of here?"

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 9th, 2003, 07:33:22 AM
She tossed this idea around for a second, glancing at her watch to make sure she still had several hours before sunrise. One more thing edged her towards not leaving was the fact that she had not yet feed tonight. And she would need to eventually. The question was, could she leave him for a moment to go and feed? After a moment she looked at him again, smiled and nodded.

The two slowly made their way towards the door. Once outside, she took a fake breath of freash air. She glanced towards the parking lot where her speeder bike was. She turned and waited for him.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:08:49 PM
Now, out of the public eye, Aaron felt himself wanting to be a little more affectionate. He slid his hand down her arm, slipping it into her own. Hers was freezing, and he couldn't quite understand why. It wasn't terribly chilly out in the night air, but he could tell that maybe she wasn't perfectly comfortable with the temperature.

"I know a park this way," he nosed towards the opposite way from the parking lot. He was wondering if she liked the hand holding. "Or, we can do whatever you want. It's up to you--ladies first, as they say." He smiled a big--slighty buzzed--smile.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 12th, 2003, 03:55:00 PM
She smiled slightly and nodded towards the park. They started to walk towards it. Now in the lights of the city it was easier to see her pale skin. She stayed to the shadows as much as she could but it was harder to do out here than in the club. She was grateful when they finaly made it to the park where there were lights only in a few places.

"So you never actualy told me what you do."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:57:43 PM
"I'm a business man," he said as he noticed how much she seemed to hide herself from him. It was strange--since they had been so close on the dance floor of the club--but maybe she was more shy one-on-one. "I'm an assistant to a well-to-do property owner here on Coruscant. I help him out with managing his many businesses and with client. . .encounters." He thought of his role as James' enforcer and decided it didn't need to be elaborated on.

"Do you. . .do you feel comfortable out here with me? You seem somewhat distant." He spoke more sincerely than he did all night. "Is something wrong?"

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:43:20 PM
She looks up at him. Her eyes reflected the stars and moon back out into space. They had paused in bright moonlight where it was clear how pale her skin was. He knew that there was something more than human about her. Something darker. He could see it in her eyes. But there was more than darkness in her eyes. Something more gentle. She watched him a moment longer then smiled.

"Nothing is wrong. Everything is fine."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 16th, 2003, 01:59:49 PM
Aaron eyed her a bit suspicious. Something just felt strange around her. Something about her was vastly different than he was used to. He couldn't pinpoint precisely what, but in some way, it disturbed him.

"Hmmmm. . .I feel as though you are intentionally keeping something from me." He took a soft tone. "You know, we've had a great start to this evening. I'd hate to ruin it by keeping the truth from one and other so soon." He smiled a bit. "What's on your mind?"

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 16th, 2003, 06:57:39 PM
Alexiel looked down at the ground a moment then back up at him. He noticed that she had not taken a breath in a few moments. Her dark eyes connected with his as she began to talk again.

"Tell me, Aaron. What race do you think I am?"

He gave her an odd look but she pushed him to answer her.

"Just answer me. What race do you think I am?"

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:21:15 PM
Aaron's eyes narrowed as he felt something come over him. Was he being fooled? Had he been put on by some masquerade? He did not like to be screwed with, and this was borderline screwing with him. He paused and thought about it for a minute. Honestly, he didn't know what to think.

"I. . .I don't know. You look pretty human to me." Although he had noticed her unusually pale skin and gotten a strange feeling from her, he hadn't noticed her lack of breathing. It had not occurred to him yet. Also, considering, he didn't believe in vampires. It was fiction, not fact.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 16th, 2003, 08:55:56 PM
Alexiel lowered her eyes. She sighed, trying to think of a way to tell him this. She had a great night but it was all about to be ruined. It seemed like it always ended up like this. When ever she had a good night, it was always screwed up by the fact that she is a vampyre. She cursed herself in her mind.

"I was human at one time. But now I am just a damned creature."

She looks up at him. She nodded slightly.

"Aaron, I am a vampyre."

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 17th, 2003, 10:30:23 AM
"A what?" Aaron's face turned a contorted confused and scared simultaneously. "A. . .a vampyre? That's. . .that's not. . ." He tried to rationalize it out in his head. The fact that she didn't drink anything had been a bit strange but not any kind of proof. She was unusally cold. Her skin lacked any real substantial color. Come to think of it, he couldn't even see her breath in the cold night.

"Ha, you're kidding right?" He backed away slightly. "You can't be serious." He took a few steps back and away from Alexiel. "This is all a big joke and I'm aparently the butt of it. Well, I think it's funny, but the joke's over." He smiled nervously, finding it harder to lie to himself.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:56:18 PM
Alexiel lowered her head and closed her eyes. She knew that he would react like that. She knew, once again, that everything would be ruined by her curse.

"I am sorry."

She looks up at him and nods a good bye. She starts to walk away to find something to feed on.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 19th, 2003, 10:04:34 AM
"Wait," he called after her. He took a few steps toward her. "You. . .are you serious about this?" He was wondering how far this would go. He didn't know what to think, especially considering that he didn't really believe this fact or understand it.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 20th, 2003, 06:35:59 PM
Alexiel stops and looks back to him. She nods as she turns compleatly towards him. Her eyes were calm as she watched him.

"I would not lie about something like this. I am a vampyre, Aaron. I am sorry that I did not tell you earlyer. I did not relise that it would come this far. I have never come this close to any one."

She watches him, waiting for a reaction. She was ready to leave if he wanted her to. She expected him to change his opinion on her if she told him. Now she had to pay for what she was.

Aaron Vilnaldi
Jun 21st, 2003, 09:22:29 AM
Aaron calmed a bit, but he was still uneasy around her. It felt strange, and he could sense that there was truth in her words. He almost felt bad for her, but his sense of survival and strong sense of self-justification set in.

"Glad I could be your 'toy' for the night," he said sarcasticly. "I think I'll be on my way," and with that, he had turned to leave. He felt a bit used, and he wondered if she knew what she was doing the whole time. He. . .well, he had enjoyed himself. But she was a killer, a monster by all he'd heard. And if it was totally true, he didn't want to stay around much longer.

Alexiel Kimono
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:09:58 AM
Alexiel watched him walk off. Each step he took hurt more and more. Like her heart was being ripped out. She had never felt this feeling before. And she hated it. She hated the pain that it was causing her. For once, she had felt happiness.... but now it was gone. Ripped from her.

Alexiel dropped to her knees and yelled out. She slammed her fist into the cement walk way. She paused a moment then slowly stood up. Her face was emotionless. She turned towards the city and ran off faster than anyone could see. It was time to act like the killer she was created as.

A hole in the cement was left where she had punched it. Blood started to pool around it.