View Full Version : Are you sure this is Coruscant? (open)

Vynn Frost
Jun 1st, 2003, 06:01:38 PM
:: It had been sometime since Frost had been to Coruscant for certain reasons but last time he had been here... things had been different. Things had been better in his opinion then but I'm guessing this was as bad as it could get.

He bumped past an alien and sneered, pushing it away from Frost and taking a bare moment to check his clothes to see if anything might've rubbed off it. He rubbed his gloves together, not trying to think that he might have been dirtied too badly. Vynn smiled, the scar down his face twisting with the muscles.

He walked further in the bar and took a seat at the counter. Asking the bartender for Jawa Juice and payed the moment he got it. The bartender wasn't human either and Vynn didn't feel much like dealing with it anymore after he got his drink. He looked about the room. So many aliens mingling with humans, it was almost sad but knowing that these humans had lowered themselves to such a level was even worse. But Frost wouldn't let that bother him on his time "off." His ice blue eyes looked over the room, Frost was just looking to talk with someone right now, particularily human.::

Chelsea La
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:19:34 PM
Chelsea was sitting at a table by herself. She was drinking some juice, and thinking back to some of the things that she has done since coming to Coruscant. Most important though is she has found a location where her sister is though she has yet to approach her and talk with her. In fact, everytime she even thinks she sees her, she ducks behind a corner and waits several moments before continuing on.

And now, sitting alone at a table in the back of the bar, dressed in a purple dress, her hair loose, but tucked behind her ears, she sighs slightly, thinking of how she's going to approach her sister. And when.

Vynn Frost
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:44:10 PM
:: Vynn's ice blue eyes turned on a woman as he scanned the bar again. His special ops training kicked in and he began to file it all away. Descriptions and everything, she sighed, purple dress, loose hair, behind ear. Frost smiled, disregarding most of it as he stood and approached her table.::

Something the matter miss? Mind if I take a seat?

Chelsea La
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:05:39 AM
Chelsea waves to an empty seat at the table.

"Go right ahead. I don't bite.

And no, nothing's the matter. I'm just trying to figure something out."

Vynn Frost
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:58:12 AM
:: Vynn smiled. It was good that she didn't bite, his smile grew wider.::

Anything I might be able to help you with?


Well, first, let me not be rude and introduce myself. I'm Vynn Frost.

:: He held his hand across the table to shake hers.::

Chelsea La
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:36:53 PM
Chelsea takes Vynn's hand briefly for a moment before taking a sip of her drink.

"Pleased Lord Vynn. My name's Shandri La."

Chelsea is using her identical twin sisters name since she doesn't know if this person is a Jedi or not or even if they know her sister and is just testing her.

"Don't worry, ppl forget to introduce themselves all the time.

And as for you being able to help, no, there isn't. I just have an internal conflict I need to solve."

Vynn Frost
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:45:20 PM
I understand about internal conflicts. And it's just Vynn, no lord title please. The pleasure is mine Miss Shandri.

:: Vynn smiled, taking a sip of his drink.::

I'm sorry I can't help you though.

:: After saying that, Vynn took a long swallow of his drink to finish it off, looking to the ceiling. Out of his peripheral vision he studies the woman. He had watched her facial features through her speech. Special Ops taught you to discern emotions through minute gestures. Distress, anxiety, and untrust spelled out of this woman's actions. I kept the smile, lost the drink, and got another.::

So... are you a jedi knight of the order? Resident? Visitor? If you don't mind me asking.

Chelsea La
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:48:36 AM
"As you wish Lord Vynn."

Chelsea thinks for a moment. She's pretending to be Shandri. Shandri is being taught by Dasquian. Dasquian is a Jedi.

"I'm training to be a Jedi. And yourself?"

Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:20:37 AM
:: Vynn's brows furrowed in a bit of amusement before he barely shook his head and continued.::

I'm in the military. Nothing big. How is Jedi training, I've heard its very rigorous but worth it in the end.

:: Frost was just trying to have some conversation. The woman seemed on the edge a bit, having to think things over before she answered. If she was training to be a jedi, wouldn't she have better control over her outside appearance of her emotions? Or maybe controlling one's emotions came later.::

Chelsea La
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:32:53 AM
Chelsea frowns slightly to herself, though she keeps a smile on her face. How is Jedi training? That she can not answer since it is her sister in the training, not herself though.

"I've just started my training. I've only had one day of training so far."

Chelsea hopes that her answer will be good enough and that Vynn doesn't know Shandri.

Vynn Frost
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:47:44 PM
Wow, must be great to be accepted into such a group.

:: This woman was striking Vynn's interest just because the seeming ly open fact that everytime he asked a question, she grew more anxious as if he would discover some secret. Vynn, being the Imperial Liason to the General Staff, loved secrets.::

So... who's your master? Anyone famous? One of the council?

Chelsea La
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:11:25 AM
Chelsea this time doesn't hesitate. She would have though if she didn't know the name of her sisters Master, but she does so there is no hesitation this time.

"My Master is Lord Dasquian. He's on the Council."

Chelsea takes a deep breath, calming her mind and as she does this, she focuses her thoughts on where she is and who she is talking to. It is becoming obvious to her that this person doesn't know Shandri so he probably won't be able to tell that she's not Shandri.

Vynn Frost
Jun 10th, 2003, 10:57:30 AM
That's amazing, you must be honored to be trained by such an individual. I would.

:: Vynn smiled, actually he wouldn't. She'd answered that question a lot better than the others and now she was taking a deep breath. Vynn didn't want to go too far into it but he had assumed something was up, but it was just an assumption.::

Do they have a liscense or anything pertaining to the Order, you know, a member ship card or something?

Chelsea La
Jun 10th, 2003, 11:50:40 AM
"I am honoured by being trained by Lord Dasquian."

Chelsea keeps smiling, showing an enthusiasim that she hasn't felt in years. But a license or membership card? Got no idea if they do have those, but logically speaking, while just walking around, it would be easier to have one, but out on a mission, they probably wouldn't. Have to take a risk.

"Not that I know of. I've just joined the Order and I'm still learning all that there is to know about the Jedi."

Chelsea thinks to herself, that Vynn is probably catching on since he seems to be testing her on what she knows.

"So Lord Vynn, if you don't mind me asking, what do you do in the military?"