View Full Version : Sabaac and Bluffing (open)

Vynn Frost
Jun 1st, 2003, 05:46:39 PM
:: Vynn Frost sat back in the chair, playing sabaac with three others. All seemingly human people sat with him, he had been sure to... nicely usher any others away from the table. The black and blue clothes he wore surely gave him away as an Imperial if Vynn's manner did not.

He'd been playing several games of sabaac over and over for about an hour now, his cold eyes never changing and his face never showing an emotion worth noticing. Frost liked this game, not like a board game but still requiring calculations. The game had many randomizing factors but if he called it right, the randomized factors wouldn't matter. He could see... changes in people's complexion over the time it took for the droid to call the hands. Pushing the bluff and calling people when they lied was the most joy he could get out of the game.

Vynn had made some profit tonight, surprisingly. The house would probably have it in the end. But he would be sure to stop before that happened. Frost quickly looked up again, scanning over the casino room again with a lop sided smile. Many things went on in such a place than just gambling with simple credits.::