View Full Version : The Other Side Of The Coin: Aaron Belargic

Aaron Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:27:09 AM
Aaron Belargic
Full name: Aaron Bel-Jihar Paelah Bes-Belargic
Age: 26 (not counting the years spent in cryosleep)
Race: Hallaeran
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Affiliation: The Greater Jedi Order
Master: none
Former Master: Yoda
Hair/Eyes: Blonde/Light blue
Height: 6'1"
Primary Weapon: Single bladed green saber
Home: GJO Living Quarters
Home Planet: Hallaera

Prior to his arrival in this time both Aaron and Dasquian were identical in not only their appearance but their personality too, both sharing similar traits. Over time, however, the two have become quite different. While Dasquian is more studious and reverent, Aaron is playful. He considers himself much more rough and ready than Dasquian – seeing himself as a more battle orientated Jedi than his brother. He is an out-going person and enjoys time spent in the Bar and Grill getting to know others, although at times he does feel a certain degree of solitude and privacy is needed, especially for training.

Shia Belargic - Mother [deceased]
Lero Belargic - Father [deceased]
Dasquian Belargic - Twin brother
William Belargic – Half Brother

From the days of the Old Republic, once trained by the great Master Yoda, Aaron Belargic is a Jedi to be reckoned with. Whilst on a mission with other Jedi Knights to spread peace in the galaxy Aaron and his brother were plunged into cryosleep and awoke to find they were hundreds of years into the future. Nothing was as they remembered it and only with great effort did they relocate the Jedi Order – and their lost memories. While his twin managed to escape from the clutches of the Imperial Dikitat Viscera, Aaron was imprisoned – and presumed dead – for months upon end.

Only after the collapse of the Galactic Empire was he freed and able to return to the Jedi Order to resume his training and brush away the rust that had accumulated on his skills. Since returning to Coruscant, Aaron has focused predominantly on developing his telekinetic skills, and most recently has discovered his talent for tracking – something which he hopes to develop upon over time.