View Full Version : What're the Rules for Outwar links?

Taylor Millard
Jun 1st, 2003, 04:58:04 AM
I know if you post 'em at GJO you're instantly banned...


There's the thread.

I don't remember the rules 'bout posting in OOC 'bout it, but I believe it's frowned upon.

EDIT- I went ahead and closed the thread based on the closure of another thread like it in the General Gaming Forum. If I'm wrong then feel free to reopen it.

Jun 1st, 2003, 01:25:35 PM
IMO, the problem isnt with the linking, it's with the hiding. For example, the Vampire one is FAR more advanced. Now, if I gave people the initial link (IE, not to my Vampires teeth), or gave my link, but making sure people knew (Possibly with the non me-gaining link) then it wouldnt matter. The problem really is the "Oh, this is a cool game, click it!" sort of thing, IMO.

Jun 1st, 2003, 04:37:09 PM
It's just pointless spam either way. We've all seen it, there's no need to link to it any more.