View Full Version : Rebel Scum (open)

Vynn Frost
May 31st, 2003, 10:34:20 PM
:: Vynn stood over the dead body of a man. He was inside a bar, a crowd of people around him, some smiling silently, some staring in awe at what had just happened, and some people were even clapping. Others had taken their oppurtunity to run before Vynn could see the fear on their face.

His pale skin glistened with sweat in the dingy lights of the bar. His brows furrowed together with the gun still pointed at the body on the ground. The scar along the left side of his face seemed irritated but he ran his other hand through his hair and showed no signs of anything bothering him.

Vynn's black uniform reflected no light, his boots the exact opposite. The blaster in his hand stayed where it was. Vynn knew some people didn't die after being shot but he was very sure this one wouldn't be standing back up with the three still smoking holes in his face.

A few more seconds and then the gun moved like a flash, the pistol back in the holster and Vynn's ice cold stare sparing no one still in the room. His voice was quiet yet still commanding, the kind of voice from an officer.::

This man had Rebel sympathies, those are outlawed here as far as I'm concerned and anyone wanting to argue that can say so now so that the correct solution might be dealt to you...

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 1st, 2003, 08:57:36 PM
Awesome. Truly awesome. I landed with a terrible thunk in some dark alley. I was actually settling for a little bit, found a waitress who didn't mind having her skirt chased.

She was working the late shift, and I had gotten drunk the night before, so I decided to nurse the end of my hangover with a nap.

Slap, right into a smelly alley worlds away.

At least I had my cigarettes this time. Deciding to make the best of things, I lit one, casting a brief orange glow. I sighed, and leaned back into the wall. I let my arms rest on top of my knees while the tar laden stick burned.


Vynn Frost
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:06:22 PM
:: Without another word from the gathered crowd of people, Vynn left. They parted just as silently as he turned and left. He had made sure the bartender contacted the correct authorities to clean the mess up. Frost wouldn't want to leave garbage in a public place, that would be rude.

He stepped outside and wrinkled his nose. This place could use some cleaning up. He turned on my heel and began to walk down the dank alley, heading for the dingy street where he'd hope to get a taxi out of this place and go take a shower.::

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:19:56 PM
Ash built up, and I flicked it away before taking another drag. My eyes had grown accustom to the dark, so I managed to make out Captain Stompy McMarchalot, even in his light-sucking uniform. His black boots glistened like an evil oblisek, and he reeked of self-rightgeous authority.

I stood.

" 'Scuse me. What planet is this?" I asked, and took at hit off my little stick of polluting death, but was careful not to blow it in his face. When someone says you love something to death, they've got to be an alchoholic, druggy, or a smoker. I drew numbers one and three out of the hat of stupid vices, but I wasn't a stupid... whatever I was.

Vynn Frost
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:29:03 PM
:: Vynn turned to see the... thing before him. His eyes adjusted in the dark path to see the demihuman before him. Frost sighed, the scar on the left side of his face suddenly feeling irritated now as he looked on this thing. His voice, still as calm and quiet as it had been inside the bar, still echoed in the narrow alley.::


:: Frost noted the man's stench of smoking and began to ignore it. The moment the word left his lips, Vynn had already tried to ignore the alien. He turned on his heel again and started to walk away, hoping the alien didn't have the nerve to ask anymore questions. Vynn tighted one glove and then the other before stepping into the yellow lit street. Not a taxi in sight... ::

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:30:36 PM
"Thyferra. Thanks." I walked the other way. Though some Republic worlds had awful laws, Imperial worlds sucked. My ears drooped as I thought about it.

It was little wonder I hadn't been on an Imperial world in about a year and a half: the galatic populace must have been realizing they didn't have any of their interest in mind.

"Honor glory rah rah rah!" is all well and good as long as you don't have someone breathing down your neck with a blaster screwing you in the ear.

I don't subscribe to either camp, though: you can't when you don't exist in any database. The camp I do subsribe to is the House Femme. The Force created females, and goodness are they hot.

My mission: find a good shower and liberate one sexually.

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 5th, 2003, 09:46:34 AM
:: Tirsa finished her drink, waiting til the crowd settled down a bit before leaving the bar. She took a breathe of fresh air, and wandered down the street ::

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:07:56 AM
One thing I do like consistently is bars. If you have a little social grace, a lot of patience, and a few credits, a bar is the best place to get information. Usually. The Imps had gotten kinda wise to this, and sometimes put plants there.

Regardless, someone should always be careful what they ask in a bar.

I knew a bar was nearby. After dropping on and off worlds for about a hundred years, I'd developed a sense for them. After all, home is where the alchohol is.

The cigarette squished beneath my boot, and I rounded the corner.

Holy frell! A Nebari! Now, over my years of planet hopping, I've met a lot of different species, but Nebari were in the running for my favorite: an incredible sense for adventure, misdemeanors and alchohol. Well, the free ones.

"Good evenin'." I said with a smile. This one was very cute.

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:42:58 AM
:: Tirsa tilted her head to one side in curiosity. He was an elf ... and he was drad. :D Or maybe it was the raslak in her blood , frelling with her perceptions. It didn't matter, as long as he didn't turn into a gammorean in the morning.

She smiled back, and took a drunk step forward before fainting into his arms ::

"Hiyaaaa ........ ****"

<center><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/Tirsa/tback.gif border=3 bordercolor=#8080FF><tr><td><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/Tirsa/s1caps/dvdcap03b.jpg width=230 alt="Miss Blue"></td><td><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/Tirsa/tright2.gif></td></tr></table>

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:07:13 AM
There was a catch, right?

Sure, I caught her. Let something that yummy looking hit the floor? No sir.

"Hey miss." I was never this lucky. I sort of gave her a shake, but her body was rag-doll loose.

"Eh, frell it." I kissed her, and hoped it would wake her up. Its better when fooling around is a two way deal.

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:23:50 AM
:: Tirsa feels the lips on hers, and tastes them as a purr rises in her throat, then her eyes flutter open again and she tries to focus ::

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:49:45 AM
That kiss could have gotten a kid smashed. But I wasn't a kid.

"Hello sleeping beauty." I scooped up her legs. Blue girl didn't weigh anything. Goodness she was drunk.

" 'Haps you have a castle, m'lady?"

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:04:40 PM
:: she looks around a bit confused ::

"I think it's that way."

:: points in one direction, then swings her head around to look somewhere else ::

"Or is it that way? Aw frell, I forgot where I left it. :lol Who are you?""

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 7th, 2003, 12:22:53 PM
I couldn't help but smile, even though we would need to find out where she had a bed. I hoped. She was giggly, and didn't care. My favorite type.

"Adjerban, Princepessa. And you are quite drunk, miss...? "

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 7th, 2003, 04:46:33 PM
-The hard-edged veteran sat at the corner of the bar, he didn't even blink with the sound of the blaster shot, he had heard their words and saw it coming. Tyrus made a mental note of the Imperial officer whilst nursing his drink, commending him for his action. It was dealings such as these that convinced the soldier to give up his mercenary ways, he now sought Imperial recruitment convinced that his well-honed skills would be put to good use.
Tyrus'es dream job was to be an Imperial solo urban commando, the perfect combination of intellectually stimulating investigation followed by intense urban combat, beautiful.
Now all he could do was hope that the recruiting office saw things the same way, hopefuly they wouldn't decide to stick him in as a foot soldier but he couldn't bare the ridicule of that possibility. No, they had to utilise his skills.

Taking a glance at his chrono, Tyrus had decided he had lingered long enough. He rose to his feet and put on his trenchcoat before walking outside to his speeder, his intened destination to be the recruiting office of the Imperial Sovereignty.-

Park Kraken
Jun 7th, 2003, 09:02:17 PM
;; As he finished his drink, a light lomin ale, he, the mercenary known only as Jinzo, paid his bar tab, then strode out of the bar and into the night. He reflected on what had happened earlier tonight. That poor sap had no chance. Why did he have to make a scene like that? Honestly, some people are so dense, espically these rebel types. with a chuckle, he walked down the alley next to the bar.

Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:16:51 AM
:: Vynn looked along the street. One man leaving the bar and approaching a speeder waiting for him and another man exiting who was still in the alley way, coming into the street. The one heading for the speeder looked like he had the same gleam that the new recruits in the academy had. Vynn remembered that gleam all too well in the mirror when he had joined. Special Ops training had been sure to get rid of that.::

Park Kraken
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:45:11 AM
: : As he slinked down the alleyway, just now approaching the street, Jinzo lit his ::(What would you call a cigarette in SW???):: hooka, and stopped as he approached the building corner. He pulled his hat down low over his head, and waited......::

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:47:24 PM
"Tirsa.....mmmmmmmmmm" :mneh

:: Her attention span is lost as she sticks her tongue in his ear. It becomes clear to Adjerban that she really didn't care where he took her ::

Park Kraken
Jun 9th, 2003, 06:28:50 PM
:: As he leaned onto the corner of the building, a man slowly approached. He was wearing a trenchcoat, and had a hat pulled down over his head. He walked straight torwards me, then stopped right in front of me.::
"You have the money" The man asked in a low raspy voice.
"Yes, but not here. Too many people. Meet me the next building over" I whispered.
"X-9, roger" The agent responded.
:: Both men then head off in seperate directions down the alley::

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 11th, 2003, 06:17:52 AM
My knees almost gave out. Ohhhh that felt goooood. I kissed Tirsa's neck.

Which way? I went with her first instinct. That was right most of the time, even if you were smashed.

Tirsa did that thing with her tounge again and I nearly stumbled. We were nearing the spaceport. Even if she couldn't remember where she had a ship, well, there were plenty of dark, empty corners.

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 12:49:14 PM
::As he rounded the corner, Jinzo heard a sound off to his left. He drew his blaster, a DL-11 Blastech model, and trained it on the three figures there. Each had a vibroblade, and looked as if they wanted a fight. Then, they spotted what appeared to be a man holding a woman, and walking torwards the spaceport. The men ran around me, then accelerated to full sprint as they approached the couple. I continued about my buisness::

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:24:41 AM
:: Tirsa tilts her head to one side like an animal as the 3 street punks ...... O_o ....... as the 6 street punks ran towards them. Her hand moves down to Adjeban's hip, and she pulls the heavy blaster from it's holster ::

"Oooooooooooooooo yeaaaaah ... funtime!!! :D

:: Far too drunk to aim straight, she fires wildy at them ::


:: one of the shots blows off the top of a punk's head as the others dive for cover ::

"Grrrrrrrrrieeeeeieeeeieeeeieeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh hhaaahaaa!!!!:lol

Park Kraken
Jun 13th, 2003, 01:27:57 PM
::As he witnesses the firefight, Jinzo pulls out a comlink, and summons the local authorities. He then proceeds into the next alley over, where his man is waiting::
Agent: "You have the dough?"
Jinzo: "Right here, 1 million in credit vouchers"
Agent: "Ah, excellent. And as promised, here is the ship lot number, plus the keys for your new, fully automated ship"
::Jinzo then walks off into the night, headed for the spaceport::

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 13th, 2003, 11:28:28 PM
Now, my ears are as effective as they look, and they're as long as the guy in the next alley was stupid.

"Princepessa Tirsa, I'm going to run to the next alley. Keep the gun pointed at them!"

Not like she weighed a lot. Besides, I've had a lot of praticing running in all sorts of situations. She took potshots at them, giggling all the while. What a girl.

"Hey buddy, exciting night, no?" The guy looked at me like I was the end of the world. He was right, too. I let Tirsa fall onto her feet, still giggly. Vibroblade suddenly in hand, I flung it into his neck.

"Princepessa, we're rich!" I helped her over to the pouch of credits, which she scooped up with a grin. "Lets find your ship, and celebrate our way out."

Tirsa Krylana
Jun 14th, 2003, 12:02:43 PM
:: Tirsa pulls the blade out of the dead man's neck and smiles at Adjerban ::

"That was drad! :lol Docking bay 69, let's go!" :D

<center><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 background=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/Tirsa/tback.gif border=3 bordercolor=#8080FF><tr><td><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/Tirsa/s1caps/dvdcap15.jpg width=230 alt="Miss Blue"></td><td><img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/sorsha/Tirsa/tright2.gif></td></tr></table>

Adjerban the Interloper
Jul 8th, 2003, 02:29:25 PM
I picked her back up, and ran as fast as I could. If only she would have stopped putting her tounge in my ear... ooooooohhhhhh.

87... 86... and so on. We got to docking bay 69 with little more than a few turned heads.

Her ship, well...

"Hey blue girl, how do you get this thing open?"

Tirsa Krylana
Jul 8th, 2003, 03:43:13 PM
:: Tirsa touches her comm badge and speaks in fluent Rodian. A few microts later the Sith Infiltrator opens and the ramp lowers ::

Adjerban the Interloper
Jul 9th, 2003, 04:45:15 PM
"Oh." I looked at the spaceship aprehensively. Not because I'm afraid of spaceflight, per se, but because I rarely did it. Not for the last thirty years or so. Never really managed to gain enough finacial or identity traction.

Maybe the ship understood Rodian. Or something.

Blue licked my ear again, ohhhh who cares about the ship. The design looked imperial but she sure didn't. She looked delightfully Nebari. I dropped the credits just inside the door, and kissed Tirsa passionately. Good alchohol after a ciggarette was great, but good alchohol on a woman's breath was the best.

Tirsa Krylana
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:15:35 PM
:: Tirsa's eyes widened, partly from the kiss, but more so as she spied the approaching gestappo over Adjerban's shoulder. She breaks the kiss with a gasp ::


Adjerban the Interloper
Aug 1st, 2003, 11:39:07 PM
Now that sounded like a plan. I placed my hand on my belt, and pulled the excess leather free of the loop.

"Sur..." Y'know, Tirsa is drunk and all, but that had the wrong vibe alltogether. I looked over my shoulder.

"OH DREN." I grabbed blue and got out of the doorway.
The sad thing is that I have no idea how to fly a ship. Especially one with this much Imperial funk. I'm a jack of all trades, master of not flying spacecraft and not resisting women.

I stuck my blaster out of the door, and squeezed off several blind shots.
"Blue, does this thing have an autopilot?!?"

Tirsa Krylana
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:55:58 AM
"Better than that, we have Endo!!!" :D

:: Tirsa shouts something in Rodian again and the boarding ramp & doors start to close up for emergency lift off ::

Adjerban the Interloper
Aug 4th, 2003, 02:11:57 PM
Oh. I guess she had a pilot that spoke Rodian.

This three way split bussiness looked a lot less appealing. But... hell, I was alive, I had a female Nebari with me.

Who was I kidding? Life was grand.

"Principessa, where do I sit?" I looked around the ship nervously, clinging to one of the bulkheads.

Tirsa Krylana
Aug 6th, 2003, 11:18:22 AM
:: Tirsa falls backwards into one of the seats as the Chimera takes off ::

"Anywhere you like." :D :lol

Adjerban the Interloper
Aug 7th, 2003, 03:23:10 PM
I let go of the bulkhead and stumbled into the chair. The last time I was on something with a hyperdrive ended badly.

But, I had a Nebari. I put the giggling Tirsa in my lap and kissed her neck.

"Three cheers for your pilot. Lets give him 7%."