View Full Version : Don't talk to me, just give me a drink... (open)

Vynn Frost
May 31st, 2003, 08:51:23 PM
:: The bar door slided to the side automatically as I entered. I took a quick look around noting no one else in the bar but the bartender and grimaced. I took a seat silently, running a hand through my hair before letting it fall down my face, running along the scar on the left side, from forehead to chin.

The bartender turned as slow as humanly possible and reached even slower to get a slightly cleaned glass from underneath the counter. The tug at the side of his mouth was no good omen of his intelligence either. He placed it on the counter and with an impeccable slur.::

Whhhhhhhhhatyllya be havin'?

:: I sneered and thrusted the dingy glass back at him. I had a gut feeling, I didn't want to talk to this man but I had the gut instinct to continue.::

Nothing inside that glass, get me a clean glass, Now.

:: The man smiled with a few teeth and reached behind him to a glass on a shelf. He pulled it down and spoke again.::

Weeeeeeeeeelllllp Ociffer, whhhhhhhhhhhatll i' be?

:: My brows furrowed and I clenched my gloved fist beneath the counter.::

Jawa juice, chilled to almost icing over. Now.

:: He smiled again, jawa juice ran high in the outer rim and I probably was his first customer of the day it looked like. He actually moved a bit faster with enthusiasm as he prepared the drink and gave it to me ten minutes later with a slurred thank you. I took the drink and took an oppurtuned swig of it before setting it back down.::

Park Kraken
Jun 6th, 2003, 11:48:27 PM
The old door slowly opened to admit me as I entered the bar. I took my time and slowly saundered into the dimly lit room. The stench of booze hit me like a back-hand to the face. I almost staggered, tired as I was from a long day of training. Approaching the barstools, I noticed a couple of people sitting down and one bartender. As I approached the stools, I could hear the batender talking to the man sitting on the stool. He had a strange slur to his voice, almost non-human. As I approached to within three feet, my foot got stuck on the floor. I sighed in frustration as I yanked my foot out of the mess, and then I collapsed onto the stool. The bartender came over, and offered me a drink in his swaggery old voice. I declined the offer for the moment and settled down comfortably. I take notice of the man sitting next to me. He sure is tense I wonder, Maybe he is expecting trouble, hmmm? Best to be prepared.

Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:13:12 AM
:: Vynn quietly noted the man sitting next to him now out of the corner of his view as he downed more of his glass. Once finished and getting a refill, Frost turned in his seat, interested in who else would brave the filth to take a seat in this bar.::

Nice place isn't it?

Park Kraken
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:19:34 PM
:: As Kraken, tasting the dryness in his throat, deciding that he wanted something to drink after all, calls for the bartender, the man sitting next to him starts to speak.::
Vynn: Nice place isn't it?
Kraken: Yeah, it's a little cozy. Reminds me of that bar on Tatooine, whatever it was called...... Bartender, I'll have whatever it is he had.
:: The bartender reaches under the bar, and pulls out a glass with some kind of powder on the glass.::
Kraken: One without junk, a clean glass, hmmm?
Bartender: Sssuuurrreeee Thiinnnnggggg.
:: As the glass is handed to him, Kraken takes a nice long gulp::

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:41:01 PM
-Tyrus strolls into the room and heads strait for the corner of the bar, tired from a long transit journey he slumps onto a stool. The bartender walks over to him and he orders a drink, something strong. Having faced the first 2 men, the bartender went strait for a clean glass this time.
Tyrus reflects on recent events, mainly pondering the possibilities of his new carreer, he wondered what is was that they'd make him do, he wondered whether or not he'd get the job at all.
Tyrus has noticed the two officers in the room and considers striking up a conversation but he's to concerned he might be disrespectful for doing so.
Having visited many bars with many officers over the years he knew full well that rank didn't matter whilst in there, while in the bar everyone is off duty and so command goes out the window.
However, this was Tyrus'es first time and knowing how long bad first impressions can linger he decided instead to sit back.
Tyrus'es dream position would be to work as a solo urban commando.
The position requiring the perfect balance of investigation and combat, but he knew that this would technicaly fall under intelligence and he knew that gettin in wouldn't be easy without a very good first impresion.
He figured that if they wanted to talk to him then they would go ahead and speak but otherwise he would keep his mouth shut.-

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 01:03:54 PM
::As a second person sits next to him, Kraken gives him a once over. He could tell by the way the man acted that he was a new recruit, because the man exhibited the same behavior that he had a short time ago. Kraken turned on his stool, making a slight creaking noise, and talked to the man now sitting on his right::
"Hi, I am Kraken, of the Imperial Federacy. Who might you be?"

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:30:36 PM
"Tyrus Tajo, cadet first segeant....."
-He extends a hand of introduction.-
"...........Imperial Sovereignty."

Park Kraken
Jun 11th, 2003, 08:10:35 PM
"Imperial Sovereignty eh? It looks like that group has been pretty active, with a flood of new recruits. O course, I'm sure they didn't get the title of the largest Imperial faction through bravado and deciet. I kinda wish that I had joined that group instead of the Federacy. Things seem kind of slow going, with many members, including the group commander, Khendon Sevon, being otherwise occupied. My good buddy Maal Lah has been MIA for a while, and I don't wtf happened to the second in command, Sean Piett."
::Kraken leans in close to Tyrus::
"Rumor has it that the Federacy and Sovereingty are cooperating to build a new superweapon. I can't say I'm suprised, it just seems so Imperial to do such a thing."

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:09:57 AM
"Power to bring order is the first priority to the Empire, after we take full controll, THEN we'll worry about who's sitting in the big chair."

Park Kraken
Jun 13th, 2003, 01:35:32 PM
Yes, indeed. You wanna go on a information raid with me?

Tyrus Tajo
Jun 14th, 2003, 03:50:46 AM
"Sounds like fun, but you'll have to check with by boss...."

-Tyrus throws his words to Vynn.-

"Sir, do we have any operations coming up soon or do we have a little time?"

Park Kraken
Jun 17th, 2003, 05:02:16 PM
"Before we ask for permission, we should draw up plans for such a raid. We need a ship, preferrably fast, with a cloaking device, maybe two if we use starfighters. What systems should we recon/investigate?" Kraken asks.