View Full Version : Okay as much as I agree with Dae on Fiend

Taylor Millard
May 30th, 2003, 03:34:18 PM

This could be handled elsewhere, like PM or IM. I might agree with Dae on what's being said, but I do not agree with the thread...hence why it was closed.

May 30th, 2003, 03:43:04 PM
It was handled over PM. Dae PMed Fiend and he asked her to make the thread so he would have a chance to explain himself to everyone.

Taylor Millard
May 30th, 2003, 03:44:57 PM
:rolleyes...he (Fiend) is a moron isn't he?

I still think this thread can go to Hell in a handbasket very quickly (look at the shot all ready taken at the Shrine).

Fiend explained what he had to explain, I say we leave it at that.

EDIT- explained myself a little more clearly I think.

May 31st, 2003, 12:11:25 AM
Good call.

May 31st, 2003, 02:58:43 AM
Wether anything bad would have come out of it or not is a matter of opinion, but I think it's best to close it. Especially due to the priciple of it, if you let this go you have to next the next go.

Taylor Millard
May 31st, 2003, 03:16:01 AM
btw...one thing I will say...his OOC post explaining his characters only proved he god modes.

May we put him on a very short leash please? I mean VERY short leash.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 06:31:35 AM
Yes what do we do to godmoders???

Taylor Millard
May 31st, 2003, 02:57:56 PM
Something I got from Fiend a bit ago.

Fiend wrote on Today 04:38 PM:
first, to newer business, thanks for closing that thread, for whatever reasons you did, but thanks,

and also, in the open thread I made that includes Fiend, Fiend Wei, and my friend, Wei

I didn't mean any of that ooc, not that I'm saying you took it like that either, but that was just Fiend's way of dealing with it, I was wondering if you wanted to have a spar in that thread by the way while Wei and Fiend Wei talk? It could be fun :D

Now the last part is, imo, pure BS.

But here's what I have planned for a reply:

Well you're welcome. I closed the thread mainly because something like this should be handled via PM or on AIM. However, now that it has been posted...I think you should listen to what Dae has to say. Reminders that we're not going too far in our RPing can only help us be better RPers. In my opinion at least.

As for a spar, while I appreciate the offer, the answer is no. My access will soon be a bit flakey as I plan on moving from one state to another so my online time is going t'be a bit less. Plus I'm trying not to get stretched thin when it comes to RPs.

But I do appreciate the offer.

any suggestions on if I should say anything else?

Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 07:09:27 PM
Do you really appreciate the offer or are you just saying that?

Tell him if he doesn't stop godmoding, and we still get complaints about him from posters (which we DO) that we'll have to hit him with the banhammer. :D

Taylor Millard
May 31st, 2003, 10:09:41 PM
Well I actually do appreciate the offer, I don't want to seem ungrateful. However, one reason I'm hesistant is if he and Wargrave spar and he godmodes...I don't want to seem like it was a trap of some sort.

After all, my opinion of him is well documented to be not very high.

Although, what better to use as evidence than a thread against a mod.