View Full Version : Because Fiend asked for it (God-Moding)

Dae Jinn
May 30th, 2003, 02:32:50 PM
You wanted a list of how you God-mode, so you can "improve" your rping. Here's a small sample, anyone can feel free to add their own examples.

Dios -- I know you don't play as him as often now; but <a href=http://swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26657>Magic rings? Sunglasses? WTF?</a>

Fiend -- First off, what are Fiend Cells? I've been told they're living cells that allow you to control others. I'd like to hear your explanation, Please. :)

http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29140 -- how can you bind people to you and make their souls commited to your "savage garden'? Wtf is this 'savage garden', I though it was a crappy pop duo.

Valirion Thorn -- Explain his armor. <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28085&highlight=salem>And he's a Lord now?</a>

And Odin Murk -- Cortosis in his scales? Is that even possible?

I had cortoris ore injected into the DNA structure of my scales and lightsabers took a more physical damage than laser against my body. I was well protected against the pitiful defenses of my prey, the hunt would ever have its dangers but I was sure to get rid of many of them.


Here's your chance to "improve" your writing, and explain somethings.

May 30th, 2003, 03:11:09 PM
thanks for the opportunity Dae :D , first of all, you don't have to rp with me at all, those people who have rped with me now haven't said anything against it and if they have we've dealt with it before, all up until you, until now, you've just sat back and called me a god moder, and now you want to come out with all of this? :lol ok whatever, don't rp me with me than, I know there is a group of people who ignore me, why don't you just join them if you seem to have this tremendous problem with me

as for Dios, no magic rings, all little toys given to me by Crono Katon, they're weapons that blow up at my word, what else to that? there are threads to prove it too, :lol sunglasses that have scanners in em, whats wrong with that, this is a sci fi setting, I would think nano computers built inside some sunglasses would be no problem who cares?

Fiend cells, cells that are like parasites and make the host under a semi mutual symbiotic relationship with me, yet at the same time creating a collective type of community between Fiend, representing the "controller" and everyone else the "drones" No one has yet to approach me over this yet, and since I can't explain every scientific anomoly in the SW universe, this one doesn't have to be another other than it has to do with the force also which makes it a totally non understandable subject just because the force makes a lot of things sorta... unexplainable, that should be enough though since you've never actually dealt with the fiend cells and I haven't had any people give me any grief over them, it just makes Fiend, :lol , like a queen ant pretty much with a few extra force add ins, :lol

Savage Garden is nothing but an IC belief of Fiends, that has nothing to do with anything, :lol the savage garden is not anything real, but just a philosophy of Fiend, read his posts about it if you want the full details,

Dae, you seem to be walking into this with half the information, if you have such a problem with it, why don't you go read more of my posts, one way or another, they will all give you what you're asking for, you don't seem to read very muh into the rest once you've found a problem and this annoys me that someone would have such a problem with this that it would effect how you talk to me OOC, if you have such a problem, as said before, ignore it

Valirion Thorn------ ......... as said before, already explained that, been there done that, read up on history please!!!! Lord, who are you to question what the Shrine ranks me as, how long has it been since I've come into an open Roleplaying forum and made one, oh thats right, you're not council, none, once again, of your business

Odin Murk- I admit here, :lol, that is stretching it, changing the enzymes so that they create a material within the armored scale like Cortosis, that isn't permanent and there has been fights where I haven't included that since Odin sheds like other reptiles and those scales are changed frequently, :lol

Once again, it takes obviously an extrodinary person, who won't rp with me anyways, like you Dae to make such a ruckus over this, I mean seriously, its a bit hard to explain all the sci fi stuph when its exactly that, Science Fiction, I've just made inventions here, no super weapons that blow up planets, just inventions :lol and everyone I rp with so far doesn't seem to mind

Dae Jinn
May 30th, 2003, 03:20:23 PM
You've made up inventions that can't exist in SW. You make up things that make no sense.

Yes, that isn't all of the god-moding you have done; I have trouble reading all of your rps, because, frankly, they aren't that believable. I'm causing a "ruckus" to bring this to the attention of mods/admins, so they can read your threads and see for themselves.

You only rp with your own cronies, so I doubt they would call the almighty Fiend on moding :rolleyes. Other people have complained about your ideas, and how they simply can't exist. So, keep laughing, Fiend. And let others who know what moding is have their say. :)

edit -- as for the shrine, they seem to promote everyone onto teir council simply because they like them, not because they deserve it.That's their desicion.

imported_Blade Ice
May 30th, 2003, 03:26:31 PM
That’s not true I don't like your style of RPer ether and I fully agree with dae you need to fix allot of things. I'm sick of your god-moding and hypocritical attitude. Hell I didn't say anything to you because I was sure how other people felt and I'm not the kind of gut who goes out looking for a fight.

To tell you the truth your the reason why I no longer find myself able to play gerbo Lang or Jason dreggs my to vampire characters. After are short fight that I stopped posting do to the fact that I would never be able to hit you while I sat back and let you pound my butt into the ground. I don't think so Val maybe lord but hell even Dalamar gave Gerbo a chance; at least he didn't god mod and make himself invincible. Just because no one public states there sick of what your doing doesn't mean they aren’t complaining.

So fiend I'm siding with day to disprove your point about everyone not caring about the bull you pull. I personal think you should publically apologize to SWfans for having to put up with your crap. I really think you should tone down allot of your characters or at least avoid fighting threads.

Alana Stormcloud
May 30th, 2003, 03:29:01 PM
edit -- as for the shrine, they seem to promote everyone onto teir council simply because they like them, not because they deserve it.That's their desicion.

Dae lets not bring the Shrine into this discussion if you please.... The council was chosen by our own standards just as everyone else chooses there’s. It is not based on a friendship thing. It is based on trust. The Shrine has nothing to do with this so keep your remarks about it to yourself and do not flame us thank you...... As for Val's promotion he earned his rank as Lord by his Master (Alana) due to his rp's and merit in them. It had nothing to do with friendship... It had to do with the fact I felt he had done a lot to get there. I resent the accusation that it is other wise.....

Kelt Simoson
May 30th, 2003, 03:29:21 PM
I have RPed with fiend as Merrick and Troy and to be honest he did alright, no fancy technology or DNA stuff...though frm what ive seen with other RPies he has done a bit of Moding...and to be honest he does go a bit to far.

I reckon you got 15 mins before this thread is closed :)

Taylor Millard
May 30th, 2003, 03:31:40 PM
Less than that. Take this to PM please.

Thread closed.