View Full Version : A Day of Acting. (Aaron and his roommates)

Chelsea La
May 30th, 2003, 01:28:56 PM
Chelsea was dressed in a duplicate dress as to what Shandri would be wearing. She had seen the outfit everyday of her life until the age of thirteen when her Mother was killed. Today she's wearing the style of dress she thought she would never wear. She's dressed as the Guardian of the Treasure. Simple white dress, white shoes, gold belt, gold necklace which is exactly like the one Shandri wears, and her hair is pulled back in a partial braid ended with a gold band. Her small knife which is slightly different from Shandri's is tucked up out of sight under the braid.

It had taken her only a short while to find out where the Living Quarters is and to get herself inside. A couple ppl say hi to her, but call her Shandri. Her sister is here somewhere. But today, she's not here looking for her sister. Today, she's here to spend a bit of time with Aaron.

Her hair though doesn't have the slight curl which her sister's does, but she told Aaron the one time that she met him that she is keeping her hair differently then she had before. Whether he still believes her or not, that she will find out later today.

First floor, second hall on the left, sign on door says Simoson.

She stops just outside that door and pauses for a moment. Aaron had after all invited her here, but he had mistaken her for Shandri. No harm in pretending to be her sister.

She knocks lightly on the door, a smile on her face.

Aaron Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 03:38:40 AM
There was a commotion going on behind the door. Something fell onto the floor, someone yelped in pain, and another someone cursed at the top of their voice. Footsteps approached the door, and Aaron pulled it open – he was grinning nervously and looked as though he was about to burst into a fit of laughter.


He looked over his shoulder. Kelt had been cooking something when Aaron had knocked over the pot and spilled half of the water onto his friend. Kelt was still running his hand under the cold tap.

“Come in, come in… we’re just having a bit of a kitchen mishap.”

Chelsea La
May 31st, 2003, 10:12:29 AM
Chelsea winces slightly as she hears the commotion that is going on behind the door and wonders slightly at it. Maybe this isn't the best time to come. But before Chelsea has time to turn and leave, Aaron opens the door.

"Kitchen mishaps are very normal."

Chelsea thinks back to when her and Shandri were learning to cook. What a mess they made in the kitchen and the King ended up having a late dinner that night. Boy was he furious. A slight chuckle escapes from Chelsea as she remembers this, but she quickly surpresses it.

"I hope everybody will be alright."

Chelsea steps into the room and does a quick glance around as she does so.

Aaron Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 10:27:27 AM
“Oh it happens all the time,” Aaron chuckled nervously, hearing Kelt mumbling something about that being right.

The room was surprisingly clean. Dasquian and Aaron were meticulously tidy people, and thus the Padawan kept his and Kelt’s apartment spotless. There was a neat little couch, and an offshoot room with two single beds in it. The main room had a table in it, and the kitchen had a larger table for eating around. All in all, it was pleasant.

“Have a seat,” he added, with a smile.

“Kelt, this is Shandri. She’s training with Das… we’ve become quite good friends.”

Aaron knew that Kelt knew who Shandri was – he’d mentioned her before, before as fond of her as he was.

Chelsea La
May 31st, 2003, 10:55:32 AM
Chelsea takes a seat on the couch, tucking her feet up underneith her.

"Pleasure Lord Kelt."

Chelsea smiles at Aaron, and then to be polite, she smiles at Kelt as well.

"I take it you have the habit of knocking things over while Kelt's cooking?"

Kelt Simoson
May 31st, 2003, 12:29:55 PM
' Miss Shandri...' Kelt nodded in her direction. Kelt had quite a nasty red mark upon his hand where a pot of boiling pasta sauce had splattred all over his hand. ' Heard quite a bit about you Miss Shandri...once, or twice, a minute all month...' Kelt grinned towards Aaron who looked red as a strawberry.

' Please, sit...can i get you a cuppa'?' He asked kindly genturing towards the sitting om.

Aaron Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 03:01:48 PM
“I do tend to be a bit clumsy,” Aaron confessed, turning a shade of pink which became darker as Kelt spoke – though he did laugh along with his friend.

“Some tea would be great, yes thanks.”

Chelsea La
Jun 1st, 2003, 08:39:05 AM
"Tea sounds nice as well Lord Kelt. I hope you haven't heard anything bad about me."

Chelsea keeps smiling, enjoying the company that she is in right now. Though when she notices the red spot on Kelt's hand, she gets up and walks over to him. Without saying a word, she takes Kelt's hand in both of hers and closes her eyes slightly. She uses the Force to quicken the healing of Kelts hand so that it won't blister or be as bothersome. She doesn't heal his hand completely though, just enough so that it's not much of a problem right now.

"You may wish to want to put some cooling cream on that hand of yours. It'll help heal it faster."

Chelsea lets go of Kelt's hand when she opens her eyes and walks back to the couch to sit down again. Ever since being a little girl, both her and Shandri have been able to heal ppl faster. Though it wasn't until recently that she got any sort of control over it though she has never been able to heal things fully. That's more Shandri.

"Well Aaron, I'm sure that eventually you'll stop being so clumsy. But in the mean time, you can use your clumsiness to your advantage."

Aaron Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 08:45:03 AM
Shandri’s display of healing impressed Aaron. It appeared that she and Dasquian had made some progress.

“Use it to my advantage?” he asked, confused, “How would I do that?”

Chelsea La
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:09:12 AM
"Well, for starters, say there was something that you didn't want to do, but you're being pestered to do it. You could just say that you'll either hurt yourself or somebody else, or you would break something because of how clumzy you are.

Everything about you, you can use to your advantage or disadvantage. Even the fact that you have a twin brother. Identical at that. You can pretend that you are him, and find out information that you are not supposed to know. Or you can do something that you aren't supposed to do. Like, say your brother has a g/f, but you wish to spend some time with her, but she's not to thrilled with you. You could just pretend to be him, therefore making her think that you are him instead of yourself."

Chelsea is having a hard time believing that she's actually pulling this off. That she is actually managing to successfully pretend to be her twin sister. It probably helps that ppl that know that Shandri has a twin sister believe her to be dead. But she best not push her luck with this. If even one person realizes that she isn't who she is pretending to be, she'll have a hard time convincing them that she is Shandri's twin sister. But until that time, she's going to enjoy herself.

She is so tempted to ask Aaron about when they first met, what his opinions are about it. But she doesn't dare because he may ask her as well, and then, that would blow her cover.

"It's all in how you act and what you use your distinctivness for. Everything can be an advantage, but it can also be a disadvantage as well. You have to be careful about it though."

Aaron Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:13:54 AM
Aaron felt a pang of anxiety. More than once before he had pretended to be Dasquian, and once it had been with his brothers lover Xazor. She had been none the wiser and treated him as though he was in fact Dasquian, but he’d never done it again – he felt so guilty even though it was so long ago.

“Yes, I suppose that is true,”

He forced a smile to hide his own little guilt, before glancing across to Kelt who seemed to be far too busy with the kitchen to interject into the conversation.

“We twins have fun lives, don’t we,” he chuckled quietly.

(OOC: Don’t mind the change in account. I’ve just gotten this account back from its former owner so will be using this instead of the other Aaron_Belargic account ;))

Chelsea La
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:44:33 AM
"Yes, we twins do have fun lives. That is if the other twin is still alive."

Chelsea adds the last bit of twins still being alive rather quickly.

"I find that the best thing in having a twin is that you always have somebody to talk to. Somebody who will always be their for you when things are looking bad. Somebody who you know will not play a trick on you and make you worry endlessly."

Chelsea shuts up before her own feelings of guilt take control of her. She herself has playe the biggest trick possible on Shandri. She's making her twin think that she's dead. She hasn't even so much as made any sort of contact with her since she left. And when she had found out that Sith had taken over her homeworld, and Shandri was nowhere to be found, she assumed the worst. And now to find out that Shandri is here somewhere, being trained in the ways of the Jedi. Doing what she always wanted to do. That was a big relief for her.

She shakes her head slightly, trying to shake the feeling of guilt out of her so that she doesn't get dragged down into the bottomless spiral again.

"What do you like the best about having a twin?"

Chelsea asks in a cheerful voice after a couple of quiet moments.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:54:51 AM
“The bond myself and Dasquian have. We know each other very well and we have an impeccable mental link with one another. It’s very reassuring, like you say, to know that he is there to help and support me.”

Aaron smiled warmly. Kelt too was good friends with both Aaron and his twin.

Chelsea La
Jun 2nd, 2003, 07:38:13 AM
Chelsea nods her head slighlty. Now she has gotten the name of the person that is training her sister. Slowly but surely, she's getting the information on her sister that will help her out in pretending to be her.

"I miss my sister terribly. And ever since the accident, I've wanted to be with her."

Chelsea says this very quietly.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:54:14 AM
Aaron nodded slowly, with great understanding. When he had been separated for a long while from Dasquian he had felt a deep, profound loss.

“Let’s not get bogged down with the past though, right? Best to look to the future and the good things to come!”

Chelsea La
Jun 3rd, 2003, 12:30:01 PM
"The past is behind us, and there is nothing that we can do to change that. But we can control what we do now so that our futures will be full of good things and caring friends."

Chelsea smiles at Aaron.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 3rd, 2003, 08:39:39 PM
Coming back in with the tea Kelt set it down on the table and poured the tea from the tea pot into 3 large mugs, since it was raining outside he thought it best to make feel as warm as possible. A small smile was sent towards Aaron as he knew exsactly what extras Aaron liked in his tea and hen Kelt asked Shandri kindly and he did as she requested.

Sitting down on his own chair which he has reserved as his own when Aaron had moved into the apartment which had been quite a comical situation because Aaron had spilt a pasta lunch all down it. Two clumsey men in the same apartment was just to much!.

' Such as i, i would give my life freely to save those of Dasquian and Aaron here. I would not think a moment on it, it would be a reaction from my heart.' He said placeing down the two cups on frilly tea matts. ' I would also d anything in my power to help the twins...'.

He siped his tea and smiled at them both.

Aaron Belargic
Jun 4th, 2003, 11:23:20 AM
“You’re too kind, Kelt,”

Aaron smiled warmly.

“We have such a closely knit community here at the Order... I think we would all give our lives for one another.”

Chelsea La
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:52:12 PM
Chelsea informs Kelt that she likes her tea plain. No milk or sugar in it. She smiles slightly as she looks from Aaron to Kelt, and then back to Aaron. A community where I would never fit because Shandri is here. I would never intrude on what she wants, and to be a Jedi has been her wish for years.

"I'm sure we all would."

Chelsea would give her life for Shandri. She wouldn't even hesitate because she wants her sister to be happy and safe.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 4th, 2003, 09:53:35 PM
OOC: Been calling you shandri for the last two posts..i am sorry :lol


Kelt smiled warmly to them both before pausing for thought.

' Are you staying for dinner Miss La?...' Course cooking for his best known skill and he made any excuse to get the pots and pans out and guests were just the right excuse.

Chelsea La
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:02:43 AM
OOC: Not a prolem that you've been calling me Shandri. I've been acting as if I am Shandri. Shandri and Chelsea are twin sister, but nobody knows that Chelsea is alive.

"If I'm invited Lord Kelt, then I will gladly stay for supper. Aaron has talked about your cooking and I've been wanting to try it."

Aaron Belargic
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:52:41 AM
Aaron grinned.

“It’ll be good to have you for dinner, Shandri.”

The Padawan’s face suddenly went bright red.

“I mean… to have you here to eat… er… ah… you know what I mean!!”

Chelsea La
Jun 7th, 2003, 11:32:37 AM
Chelsea laughs happily for a moment when Aaron's face went bright red.

"I know what you mean Aaron. You know, you look so cute when your face turns red like that."

Chelsea can't help herself this time when Aaron blushes. She's always liked seeing if she can make ppl blush even more.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 12th, 2003, 04:43:14 AM
Kelt shook his head as he stood to venture into the kitchen to see what he had for dinner. All that lovely-dovey stuff made him go a scarlet red, he had no idea why.

Kelt quickly opened the fridge to see what was around; 2 fish packets of a fish called Harassel, 2 paste pots which were filled with hope made dip, 2 chocolate desert boxes....everything was in twos for him and Aaron...uh oh. Raising his head to his two chattering friends he was at a loss for words...KELT! with no food?! it would ruin his reputation...no he had to do something...people would be gossiping about his lack of food for eons to come...

Whipping out everything he had in the fridge from vegetables to the fish he panicked slightly on what to do....hmm.

Then it hit him...he smiled and then quickly worked on his new idea.

Chelsea La
Jun 17th, 2003, 12:16:29 PM
Chelsea looks at the kitchen, wondering what Kelt is going to be making.