View Full Version : Imperial Blood

Vynn Frost
May 30th, 2003, 12:40:18 PM
:: I enter the recruitment facility, smoothing over my suit as I take in my surroundings quietly, noting everything. Having just graduated from the officer's academy, my uniform was still as new looking as it had when I got it, the small line of awards given to me from graduation lined the side of my chest. Nothing in particular of importance but I was deemed to wear it on such an occasion.

I, Vynn Frost, son to an Imperial spy killed by the rebels that caught him would officially join the Imperial Sovereignty today. There was no question to it. I had graduated first in my class, done things others hadn't before. All for one thing, vengeance. Built on it, my entire philosophy of life was filtered through the gathering of information, all to solve the solutions to problems that stood in my way. And my way led to the eventual destruction of the rebels and the restoration of the Imperial Throne, where it had been in my grandfather's age.

I craved knowledge yet didn't require it. I calculated everything into my plans. Rarely did I miss something. I had no friends, I didn't require them. I had been hated by my classmates at the academy for easily understandable reasons. Making the highest possible grades, never losing in an atheletic situation, never getting caught up in their scams and pranks, and yet still looking like I was sick all the time.

My skin was unusually a bluish pale and my eyes tended to be bloodshot more than less of the time, while my ice etched irises stayed violently brilliant. The scar along my face, earned in the only fight I had gotten in was well deserved, I earned it.

Some had made the rumors that I'd killed the real Vynn Frost to get this scar. The Imperial Intelligence had wasted their time to see if I was anything but human. To their confusion, I was still 100 percent human. I was a mystery to them. The actual history of the scar came from my grandfather.

The man who taught me everything I knew. He taught me from childhood complex boardgames, strategies and mental games. He had been some form of an Imperial informant. I later came to discover that he had been a force user, of the darkside, to explain the strange illness that befell him often. He'd tried to teach me even and gotten angry that I couldn't perform the simplest. At the age of 17, he tried to kill me. He tried to use the force on me, to make me unstable, but his mindtricks didn't work and he quickly died after my blaster finished burning three holes in his head. Before he had been shot though, his lightsaber had grazed my face, leaving my last gift from my family. I wouldn't say the force doesn't work on me, I'll just say he taught me how to resist it.

My superiors at the academy had been wary of me, not giving me comments of any sort. My appearance made my success seem doubtful to them but my performance gave them hope. There had even been an issue that I might have force powers and was cheating but my medichlorien count was almost ridiculously low. Low enough in fact for a jedi to consider me a dead man walking.

My ice blue eyes carved their way across the room. My views weren't ridiculous. My ambitions were great, that just meant I would be required to do great things to achieve them. I had made the first steps. My gloved hand lifted to my pale face and felt the scar on my left side. Many a great thing had been done to get here. And I could only expect the magnitude of the greatness required to exponentially grow, I was ready. ::

May 31st, 2003, 06:53:11 PM
Katanor walked through the facility, a Commodore in all his grandeur. His uniform was perfect, his awards aligned exactly, his boots reflected the overhead lights. He was the epitomy of what every officer wanted and could be.

Katanor eyed the new recruits with sarcasm. Many rookies came and thought they would be the greatest thing that the Sovereignty would ever see. They ended up being the captain of the local garbage ships and were never heard from again. He hoped this wouldnt be the case with these recruits.

The Commodore walked to the nearest recruit who was touching his face, a scar that signified a wound both emotionally and physically. He looked straight in the face of the recruit.


Vynn Frost
May 31st, 2003, 08:21:13 PM
:: I quickly came to the position of attention. Responding to a superior officer said nothing of being just as loud, in an automatic response, my voice was cold and normal leveled.::

I am here to become the finest of the Imperial officers as I have been trained to. My purpose is to serve the Imperial Sovereignty with all that I know and more so, Sir.

May 31st, 2003, 09:26:42 PM
"That was an excellent response officer!" Katanor turned to the rest. "I expect you to be calm, cool, collected when faced with an intense situation. This officer here showed me that he has what it takes!"

By now the recruits had lined up in formation to their superior officer. He pointed at the recruit.

"You." he said "Come with me."

(OOC: Vynn, please post in 3rd person-past-tense so not "I see" but "Vynn saw"

Vynn Frost
May 31st, 2003, 09:49:47 PM
ooc: kk, :lol

Sir, Yes Sir.

::Vynn didn't smile, he didn't nod. He followed. He had been given orders, even as simple as that, from a superior officer, any form of command was orders and failure to do so was insubordination. Of course that was just the simplest understanding of it.

Vynn's mind was calculating this. He required more information on the situation to assess what he would be able to achieve now and later. He kept track of everyplace he passed as he followed the officer before him.::

Telan Desaria
Jun 2nd, 2003, 06:19:03 AM
(((OOC))) - Katanor and Vynn, do finish this. Vynn is being trained to act as the new Head of Imperial Intelligence. In the mean time, he will be learning all the skills needed. Katanor is currently ranked Commodore and has - unknown to him - been given command of Task Force Vigilance. (PM me).

Both of you work on this. From what I have been planning, you two will be working closely together. I am mapping out an open rp for you, Vynn. More to come. Carry on.)))))

Jun 2nd, 2003, 06:42:04 PM
Katanor sat in his office,

"You have done quite well. My name is Commodore Katanor Freestar, and I like you. You have the old Imperial in you. Tell me are you ruthless?"

Vynn Frost
Jun 2nd, 2003, 11:33:03 PM
:: Ruthless? Vynn didn't even think have to think on it.::

Sir yes, Sir.

:: Frost stayed at attention, his eyes straight forward but his mind examined everything the Commodore said. Katanor Freestar, a name Vynn would not forget and hopefully one he would remember with good favor. And he liked Vynn? How often did superior officer say that to a new recruit? As for the Old Imperial, Frost knew of nothing other than that.

As for talking, Vynn hadn't said much so far, he wasn't supposed to. He might later in a different place but now it was either an ordered explanation or a yes and no answer.::

Jun 3rd, 2003, 07:17:58 PM
"Excellent, so many people in this galaxy have grown soft. They are afraid of what people will think about them. I am not a politician, I leave that to the ones who give a damn." Katanor said this with complete sincerity. He had never met a politician he liked.

"Where do you see yourself in this new Empire?"

Vynn Frost
Jun 4th, 2003, 07:25:56 AM
I see myself in many places within this Empire, Sir. One place with a blaster held to a rebel's face. Another as a member of the Imperial Intelligence Department. And lastly in an Empire that is no longer new, but is as it was before, the Galactic Empire, Sir.

:: Vynn had no liking for politicians either. They squirmed their way out of fights with words and instead of playing he game, they had someone else do it for them. He had no mercy for someone who couldn't fight their fights.::