View Full Version : An Uncle's Path

Juden Olivier
May 30th, 2003, 12:10:32 PM
I don't like this place. Yeah, I've been here before. Never been a part of what goes on, mind you...no, just a visitor. Or I used to be. My Uncle Jas is--was-- a Jedi. When I was a kid he would send us a message whenever he was back here and mom'd haul me and my sister over to see him. I know this place pretty well, I mean I did a while back. But I haven't been here for almost five years. It's because neither has Uncle Jas.

A few months ago my mother started wearing black. It's some old custom when someone dies. My sister Delilah was the one who found out. Ever since Jas dissapeared she's been hell-bent on finding him. It's funny, but for the first time in my life I wanted to be the oldest...Dele shouldn't have had to be the one to put the pieces together. That's why I'm the one here. Juden the messenger.

The hall's pretty empty right now. I don't feel comfortable here anymore, sort of spooked. I figured that this would just be real easy to do but memories have a way of sneaking up on you quick-like. I took my first steps in here, right in this very building. And Uncle Jas used to let me stay with him, if he wasn't too beat. I think he regretted never having kids. But he sure made up for it with me and Dele.

I figure I'll just leave a note and get out while the goin' is still good.

Dear Jedi,

I wrinkled up my nose. Never had to do this and it just sounds ignorant. But I don't have time to sit and think it through.

I'm writing in regards to a member of your Order, Jas Palam. Our family recently recieved explanation of his unanounced departure. The aforementioned is no longer living. My apologies for not getting word to you sooner.

J. Olivier

I just sort of leave the note out on a bench. Someone's liable to find it. But leaving here is hard for me. This is probably the last place that Jas was ever happy in and I can't seem to get rid of his laugh. It just echoes over and over, so real I wonder if maybe if I turn around he'll be right there, and the five-year-old me can run into his arms.

But he's not. And I'm not five anymore. Sometimes growing up is pretty hard.

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 04:13:56 AM
For a moment Dasquian had silently watched the boy, wondering if he too was here to join. When instead he simply appeared to be leaving a note, the Knight decided to approach him.

“Good day … I’m Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic.’

A glance down at the note, without reading it, and then he looked back up at the boy again.

“Can I help you with something?”

Juden Olivier
Jun 2nd, 2003, 11:44:36 AM
I looked up at the man, not really knowin' what to say. I've never been good with words and I get all tongue-tied when someone starts talkin' to me. Jas told me to take deep breaths and count to three, but it never works. Only piece of advice he gave me that never worked.

"I-I..Uh, no...I mean...What I meant to say was--"

I can go on like this for a while and usually people just get fed up and leave. But this Jedi, Dasquian, seemed pretty patient. I stumbled for a few more minutes, and then it seemed okay 'cause I managed to sound coherent.

"I'm Juden Olivier, I'm--I was or...I am, I dunno--Jas Palam's nephew."

Don't expect that to mean much; it doesn't explain why I'm here. I brush the hair outta my eyes and sigh. This is harder than I'd like it to be.

"My Uncle, he was a Jedi here. He left, dissapeared a few years back. He ain't...Well, he ain't comin' back and I just didn't know if the Jedi knew or not...I mean, we just found out."

I looked around the room and then picked up the note in explanation.

"Didn't look like anyone was about and so I...I left a note."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:30:05 PM
“I see.”

Dasquian took the note when offered and skim read it. He had not heard of this man before, although didn’t doubt that others would have. He nodded slightly, looking back up to Juden.

“Thank you for informing us of this, Juden. Is there anything else I can help you with, or was this all?”