View Full Version : Troubling Thoughts (Council)

Shandri La
May 30th, 2003, 11:10:01 AM
OOC: This happens before the thread 'A Trip Home'

Having been thinking for several days now, on the attack that happened to her, the same night as the one on Garen. It has been a constant thought for her since it happened. She has no recorded proof that they were there, just that they attacked her and blew up her door. She had not mentioned it to her Master yet, because she does not know if this is common or not. But the fact that they tried to kill her, that's worrying her.

She was walking the halls of the Temple, trying to figure things out in her mind on what she should do.

Dressed as per normal in her simple white dress, white shoes, gold belt, gold necklace, and her hair tied back in a partial braid, ended with a gold band. Her small knife is hidden by her braid. In her hand is a white bag, the bag which she carries the treasure in.

Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2003, 11:30:54 AM
Concerned, to a Jedi, is like a beacon. Dasquian followed it and found Shandri, pacing the temple. He could sense what was troubling her – their upcoming mission to her home planet was on her mind, most definitely. He approached, his footsteps ringing in the large open room, and called out to her.

“Good day, Shandri… are you feeling alright/ I sense something is bothering you.”

Shandri La
May 30th, 2003, 11:36:33 AM
She turns and curtseys to Dasquian.

"Yes Lord Dasquian, I'm feeling alright, though something is on my mind. And surprisingly enough, it is not the upcoming mission to my homeworld. It is something that happened a few nights ago, while I was asleep in my room.

I do not know if Aaron has told you this or not yet, but I was attacked by four ppl which tried to kill me. I believe they were after the Treasure which I hide every night."

Shandri lowers her head so that she is looking to the floor.

"I am sorry M'Lord that I did not bring this matter directly to you and I know now that I should have."

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 03:17:59 AM
“This is most unsettling, to say the least. Another member also reported the same happening to them.”

Dasquian frowned. He understood Shandri’s apprehension to tell him, but Aaron should have spoken with him earlier.

“We must speak to the Council about this, Shandri.”

Shandri La
May 31st, 2003, 10:24:20 AM
"Again, I'm sorry M'Lord for failing to bring this matter to you sooner. I had heard that on the same night that I was attacked, that another Padawan was attacked as well. Hearing that, I assumed that it was natural for attacks to happen, but over the days that I have been thinking on it, it has dawned on me that it is not normal for why would the Jedi allow it to happen? I was going to bring this up to you on our next training session, and I figured that right now, I would figure out how I would phrase it."

Shandri keeps her gaze lowered to the floor.

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 10:29:44 AM
“You should have told me earlier, but don’t worry about that now. Is there anything you can tell me about these people or what happened that I could report to the Council – or would you rather tell them in person?”

Shandri La
May 31st, 2003, 10:52:06 AM
"Either way would be fine by me. But it would probably be best if I told the Council because they may have questions for me that they will want answered and you may not know the answer to them."

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 10:55:22 AM
“Very well, then. I think we should go tell them right now, if that’s alright.”

Turning off in the direction of the Council chambers, Dasquian took a few paces, waiting for Shandri to follow.

OOC: Perhaps you could just edit the thread title to be for the Council instead of just me?

Shandri La
Jun 1st, 2003, 08:54:57 AM
Walking a few steps behind Dasquian, she thinks to herself that she's sure spending alot of time infront of the Council.

"That is fine by my Lord Dasquian."

OOC: Gotcha

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:01:43 AM
Soon enough the two had arrived in the Council chambers. Dasquian bowed before those present.

“Council, my apprentice Shandri La has some rather disturbing news for you all to hear.”

Shandri La
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:14:14 AM
Giving a slight curtsy to the Council, she listens to Dasquian talk to the Council. She figures that she shall wait to be asked, instead of just speaking right up this time.

Jun 2nd, 2003, 03:35:05 PM
:: AB nodded towards Dasquian in greeting and out of respect, and then looked at Shandri La. ::

You may speak, Padawan.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:18:38 PM
Navaria folded her fingers together and looked upon Shandri, waiting for her to speak.

Shandri La
Jun 3rd, 2003, 08:19:12 AM
"Several nights ago, I was asleep in my quarters. I woke up to the door of my room being blown open by explosives and I was attacked by four ppl wearing Jedi robes. I was instantly awake and I managed to avoid the first blow that was coming at me. Aaron, Kyle, Ka'el, and Gurney heard the commosion and they came to help.

The fight lasted for a little while with all of us getting injured slightly. After I grabbed the lead thug with the Force so we could keep him for questioning, he said something I did not understand and all the thugs burst into flame and died."

Shandri pulls out a dagger and on the hilt of the dagger, there is a symbol.


She takes the dagger and hands it to Navaria so that she can take a look at it.

"I picked this up after the fight, thinking that it may be of some importance. Or at least the symbol on it anyways.

This knife was being used by the one in charge of the other three. All the more reason why it may be of some importance."

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:07:41 PM
Her face was already long and pensive as she took the bladed weapon. She did not have to study it long at all to know its significance.

"Are you aware that this is the same symbol that Garen had found upon his attackers and the same weapon used?"

Jun 4th, 2003, 03:28:40 PM
:: AB leaned over from her seat to look at the dagger's symbol. Luckily Navaria was seated beside her, so she didn't have to lean too far. ::

:: It was indeed the same symbol as the one Garen had described. She shook her head. ::

What can this mean? Two Padawans being attacked almost at the same time by a group that carries the same symbol.

What is it these two have that these men would want?

Shandri La
Jun 5th, 2003, 03:05:41 PM
Shaking her head, she answers Navaria's question silently. Inside, she just knows what her attackers were after. The Treasure.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 5th, 2003, 07:41:39 PM
"Ah ... I see."

It was said knowingly.

"Well, the item they are looking for is safe. As you know, Shandri. They are questioning the wrong people. We are also looking into how they are getting passed our defenses and sneaking into our home.

Do you know more about them since you know what they are after?"

Shandri La
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:06:57 PM
"Other then the fact that they tried to kill me, not really. I only think I know what they were after when they attacked me. I do not even know how the found out what it is that I have. Those that I know what I have, aren't sure exactly what it is.

I don't like jumping to conclusions here, but obviously those who attacked me, and those who attacked Garen are together since as you say, both of us have come forward and informed you of at least the symbol. A person would naturally assume that they are working for someone and that someone knows what both Garen and myself have and that said person wants what we have."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 7th, 2003, 03:36:11 AM
“Someone might recognize the symbol… having seen it in other places perhaps, or it might be in the Jedi Archives,” Dasquian put in a few words, however doubtful they seemed.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 8th, 2003, 10:04:49 AM
"We have to presume that whoever is behind this already knows what we are going to be planning. We still have not yet ruled out that someone is aiding these attackers from within our walls. Master Rie had moved close to Garen's quarters, I would offer the same protection for you, unless you wanted to move to different quarters nearby."

Shandri La
Jun 8th, 2003, 03:35:40 PM
"I am agreeable to either. Though it would probably be best if I moved to different quarters because the door to my room has yet to be fixed."

Shandri says softly, though she is more then willing to let somebody else decide if she should move, or stay where she is right now. That is what she is used to.